Sarah Brady has died

...Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...
Husband and wife both go through a single pre-licensing (or pre-renewal) background check, and register the gun as joint property. want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....
You can't sell that gun unless it's registered to you, and you can't buy that gun unless you already hold a license.

...With me so far...

...Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.... Just like they do already...with the current background check system....
And now that there's a paper-trail of who owned and possessed the gun last, before it came into the possession of the criminal, both the criminal and the re-seller (the guy who bought it from you on eBay) are both crucified.

...And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special....
Nope. We now know who to hold accountable for providing the gun to the felon. Others will remember that crucifixion and refrain from selling to a felon.

...and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't...
Nahhhhh... the number of people willing to sell guns to felons has just fallen through the floor.

...We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use...
Do you understand that (1) Gun Grabbers want this as a first step but that (2) much of the rest of American will settle for that as a Final Step, and back you up, afterwards?

Probably not, considering that you equate Gun Registration and Licensing with Gun-Grabbing, when, in truth, these are vastly different things, at least to the non-paranoid.

...So....we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment...
Nobody is proposing that you do.

Unless The People decide that Registration and Licensing are in the best interests of society, and should they then codify that as law, and should the law withstand challenges.

If all those things come to pass, you will comply with the Nation's laws.. registering your guns and obtaining a license.


Do you understand that (1) Gun Grabbers want this as a first step but that (2) much of the rest of American will settle for that as a Final Step, and back you up, afterwards?

I am not going to trust Americans with no idea of the issues behind Universal Background Checks who answer a poll question that they support Universal Background Checks...that these same Americans are just going to stop with registration after the anti-gun nuts come back a few years from now and say " just makes sense to know who owns these guns..right?"....and then when they have the will they will just push through whatever ban they can get at the time....while people ignorant of these laws allow them to do it......
"I'd rather be a free man in my grave,
Than living like a puppet of a slave."

66, late in the fourth quarter, and way more than half past don't give a fuck.
...Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...
Husband and wife both go through a single pre-licensing (or pre-renewal) background check, and register the gun as joint property. want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....
You can't sell that gun unless it's registered to you, and you can't buy that gun unless you already hold a license.

...With me so far...

...Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.... Just like they do already...with the current background check system....
And now that there's a paper-trail of who owned and possessed the gun last, before it came into the possession of the criminal, both the criminal and the re-seller (the guy who bought it from you on eBay) are both crucified.

...And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special....
Nope. We now know who to hold accountable for providing the gun to the felon. Others will remember that crucifixion and refrain from selling to a felon.

...and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't...
Nahhhhh... the number of people willing to sell guns to felons has just fallen through the floor.

...We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use...
Do you understand that (1) Gun Grabbers want this as a first step but that (2) much of the rest of American will settle for that as a Final Step, and back you up, afterwards?

Probably not, considering that you equate Gun Registration and Licensing with Gun-Grabbing, when, in truth, these are vastly different things, at least to the non-paranoid.

...So....we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment...
Nobody is proposing that you do.

Unless The People decide that Registration and Licensing are in the best interests of society, and should they then codify that as law, and should the law withstand challenges.

If all those things come to pass, you will comply with the Nation's laws.. registering your guns and obtaining a license.

I will never comply with such bullshit.
...Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...
Husband and wife both go through a single pre-licensing (or pre-renewal) background check, and register the gun as joint property. want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....
You can't sell that gun unless it's registered to you, and you can't buy that gun unless you already hold a license.

...With me so far...

...Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.... Just like they do already...with the current background check system....
And now that there's a paper-trail of who owned and possessed the gun last, before it came into the possession of the criminal, both the criminal and the re-seller (the guy who bought it from you on eBay) are both crucified.

...And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special....
Nope. We now know who to hold accountable for providing the gun to the felon. Others will remember that crucifixion and refrain from selling to a felon.

...and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't...
Nahhhhh... the number of people willing to sell guns to felons has just fallen through the floor.

...We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use...
Do you understand that (1) Gun Grabbers want this as a first step but that (2) much of the rest of American will settle for that as a Final Step, and back you up, afterwards?

Probably not, considering that you equate Gun Registration and Licensing with Gun-Grabbing, when, in truth, these are vastly different things, at least to the non-paranoid.

...So....we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment...
Nobody is proposing that you do.

Unless The People decide that Registration and Licensing are in the best interests of society, and should they then codify that as law, and should the law withstand challenges.

If all those things come to pass, you will comply with the Nation's laws.. registering your guns and obtaining a license.

I will never comply with such bullshit. I will respond as a lefty....

Because you won't comply with a totally useless it is your fault that they have to come, kick in your door and either shoot you or throw you into is all your made them do it......
...Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...
Husband and wife both go through a single pre-licensing (or pre-renewal) background check, and register the gun as joint property. want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....
You can't sell that gun unless it's registered to you, and you can't buy that gun unless you already hold a license.

...With me so far...

...Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.... Just like they do already...with the current background check system....
And now that there's a paper-trail of who owned and possessed the gun last, before it came into the possession of the criminal, both the criminal and the re-seller (the guy who bought it from you on eBay) are both crucified.

...And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special....
Nope. We now know who to hold accountable for providing the gun to the felon. Others will remember that crucifixion and refrain from selling to a felon.

...and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't...
Nahhhhh... the number of people willing to sell guns to felons has just fallen through the floor.

...We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use...
Do you understand that (1) Gun Grabbers want this as a first step but that (2) much of the rest of American will settle for that as a Final Step, and back you up, afterwards?

Probably not, considering that you equate Gun Registration and Licensing with Gun-Grabbing, when, in truth, these are vastly different things, at least to the non-paranoid.

...So....we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment...
Nobody is proposing that you do.

Unless The People decide that Registration and Licensing are in the best interests of society, and should they then codify that as law, and should the law withstand challenges.

If all those things come to pass, you will comply with the Nation's laws.. registering your guns and obtaining a license.

I will never comply with such bullshit. I will respond as a lefty....

Because you won't comply with a totally useless it is your fault that they have to come, kick in your door and either shoot you or throw you into is all your made them do it......

OK, how many are they willing to lose for every gun owner they put down?

That would be the question, should push come to shove.

And what if I choose to give them a few hunting guns, and keep the military grade stuff.

I could turn in all but the serious stuff, and they would never know the difference, because there is no paperwork on the AR, M1-A, 1911's, or any of the ammunition.

All the lefty tought talk aside, it ain't happening.
these threads are great especially because they show how the lefty anti gunners like ' Kondor ' really think as they put their thinking into words online . Its a record of sorts .
Can the government keep records of fellows and crazies who should not be able to buy guns? Of Course they can

Will the NRA do everything in their power to keep those records from being used? Of course they will

No...we already have is called a felony conviction....get caught as a felon in possession of a gun or use one for another crime...and you get muss, no fuss, no bothering lawful gun owners......

OK private gun owner

How do you know the guy buying your AR-15 with cash doesn't have a felony conviction?

You can ask him to go through a background check at the local guns store before you give him the gun. If he refuses, you don't sell him the gun.

and you know can do that right now....with no new laws, or registration or licensing........all on your little lonesome.....

Not can......must

Sell a gun to a criminal, go to jail

Then watch gun owners demand licenses

Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...... want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....

With me so far....

Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.....

Just like they do already...with the current background check system.....

And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special........

and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't........

We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use......

So......we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment......

Seems so hard to do doesn't it?

Your wife has a license for a gun.....doesn't matter if you loan her one does it?
Say your wife doesn't have a drivers license and you loan her your are still in big trouble

Selling your gun?
I have to see your license and I will transfer the title to you and I am off the hook for what happens to the gun
Other guy sells the gun to a felon? We have the gun registered in his name not yours

Its not hard.....Many, MANY countries have systems just like this and they have a gun homicide level of one quarter of ours
...Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...
Husband and wife both go through a single pre-licensing (or pre-renewal) background check, and register the gun as joint property. want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....
You can't sell that gun unless it's registered to you, and you can't buy that gun unless you already hold a license.

...With me so far...

...Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.... Just like they do already...with the current background check system....
And now that there's a paper-trail of who owned and possessed the gun last, before it came into the possession of the criminal, both the criminal and the re-seller (the guy who bought it from you on eBay) are both crucified.

...And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special....
Nope. We now know who to hold accountable for providing the gun to the felon. Others will remember that crucifixion and refrain from selling to a felon.

...and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't...
Nahhhhh... the number of people willing to sell guns to felons has just fallen through the floor.

...We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use...
Do you understand that (1) Gun Grabbers want this as a first step but that (2) much of the rest of American will settle for that as a Final Step, and back you up, afterwards?

Probably not, considering that you equate Gun Registration and Licensing with Gun-Grabbing, when, in truth, these are vastly different things, at least to the non-paranoid.

...So....we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment...
Nobody is proposing that you do.

Unless The People decide that Registration and Licensing are in the best interests of society, and should they then codify that as law, and should the law withstand challenges.

If all those things come to pass, you will comply with the Nation's laws.. registering your guns and obtaining a license.

I will never comply with such bullshit.

No problem

You get caught carrying an unlicensed weapon and you go to jail
Works either way
Can the government keep records of fellows and crazies who should not be able to buy guns? Of Course they can

Will the NRA do everything in their power to keep those records from being used? Of course they will

No...we already have is called a felony conviction....get caught as a felon in possession of a gun or use one for another crime...and you get muss, no fuss, no bothering lawful gun owners......

OK private gun owner

How do you know the guy buying your AR-15 with cash doesn't have a felony conviction?

You can ask him to go through a background check at the local guns store before you give him the gun. If he refuses, you don't sell him the gun.

and you know can do that right now....with no new laws, or registration or licensing........all on your little lonesome.....

Not can......must

Sell a gun to a criminal, go to jail

Then watch gun owners demand licenses

It is already against the law to knowingly sell a gun to a felon....and that isn't what you want is don't want the want the lawful gun owner arrested and thrown in jail because you don't like can't control criminals.....because you already know you can't keep them from ignoring your gun laws....but you can put an honest, law abiding citizen who may not be aware of all the byzantine laws on the sale of guns in jail.....and that is what you are really after.........isn't want to trip up and send as many normal people as possible so you can scare people out of buying guns in the first place.....

Very true
And how do we prove what you "knew"? Seemed like a nice guy

If he is required to carry a license, you have a way of knowing whether he should be buying or not
...I will never comply with such bullshit.
What you say now, and what you will do once Registration and Licensing Laws are enacted and tested, are two different things. go girl...let that inner fascist out....

I have not stooped to insulting you, during the course of this exchange.

I can only assume that you fired the first shot, because you are so bitterly opposed to Registration and LIcensing, and so angry-at and bitterly opposed to those who advocate for such an approach, that you let your emotions get the better of you, and end-up resorting to juvenile emotional outbursts and cat-calling, as part of your so--called counterpointing.

Unfortunate, but not entirely unanticipated.

Moving on...

Neither firearms registration nor owner-operator licensing nor centralized database tracking to establish chains-of-custody serve to infringe on our Right to Bear Arms.

State-level laws of this nature have successfully passed muster in both State and Federal courts time and again, and already exist, and are not likely to be overturned.

that said, the next step is Federal Standards for all aspects of gun ownership which States would comply with, and a centralized national database for the tracking of such matters, with its data being fed to it the the States themselves - directly, for those States lacking database of their own, or as database-to-database exchanges for States that have one.

Are there doubts associated with such an approach? Absolutely. Are there devilish details to be worked out? Absolutely. Will it cost money? Absolutely.

But is represents the way forward, in both preserving the Right to Bear Arms and in attempting to gain better control of firearms possession and usage, in an age of increasing violence and terrorism and as our population heads towards the 400,000,000 mark (with a half-billion another 50 years down the road) and as our economy waffles over time.

Adapt or die - metaphorically speaking... adapt or be left behind, and out in the cold, outside the sympathies and support of a vast majority of your fellow citizens.

If it is right and sensible that We the People should take such an approach, We will, and laws and regulations and tracking and enforcement mechanisms will be brought to life.

If it is not right and sensible that We should do so, or if an actual and heretofore un-acknowledged Constitutional barrier exists to doing so, then We will not do such a thing.

But if it is the former - if the Will of the People does end-up manifesting in such a way, in alignment with Constitutional principles, you will obey The Law.


All your bravado and ridicule on the subject notwithstanding.

The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact - it is a living, breathing charter document for governance and the articulation of Individual Rights and State and Federal power and limits.

It is the core of the American Social Contract.

Firearms registration and owner licensing and related standards and tracking and enforcement mechanisms are merely a modern-day safety precaution required for the public safety while simultaneously preserving our traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms.

The People will decide whether the time has come to begin taking such safety precautions, and we will all abide by the collective decision.

We will abide by such a collective decision, just as we all abide by a thousand-and-one other collective decisions that have been taken over time, beginning with Independence and Constitutional Governance.

Believe it.

You can argue like hell against the creation of such precautions but if you lose the argument and the decision is made to proceed, you'll obey The Law, just like the rest of us.

Especially if you're on-the-hook for a huge fine and long mandatory prison sentence, otherwise.

You'll comply, one way or another.

Her husband took the bullet that was meant to kill your hero, Ronnie (Blessed Be His Name) Ray-Gun.

Just like Gabby Giffords, they both lost the lives they had worked for, planned for, hoped for - just because of a gun loon.

So, I guess In shouldn't be surprised that asshole RW Pootin loving traitors wouldn't know who they are, or care.

Only social oddballs are OCD about whistling past graveyards.

3/4 of America thinks guns are the shit!!! I could post up a Gallup poll upon request s0n!!!

Give you credit for being a fringe k00k and coming in here with your opinion though...........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:
these threads are great especially because they show how the lefty anti gunners like ' Kondor ' really think as they put their thinking into words online . Its a record of sorts .

I am a staunch defender of our traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms.

And I will pick up a rifle and stand alongside you at the barricades, should the Government ever attempt to take them en masse.

I merely advocate for sane and sensible registration and licensing and related nationwide standards and enforcement mechanisms in an age of increasing violence and terrorism and population and economic pressures, as a necessity in moving forward into the future more safely and more accountably, while preserving our traditional and sacred Rights.

Your inability (or unwillingness) to realize or acknowledge that Reality and Truism is your cross to bear, not mine.

I'll defend to the death, your (and my) traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms.

But I'll advocate for registration and licensing et al as a sensible and safer war forward into the future.

All your protestations and ridicule to the contrary notwithstanding.
No...we already have is called a felony conviction....get caught as a felon in possession of a gun or use one for another crime...and you get muss, no fuss, no bothering lawful gun owners......

OK private gun owner

How do you know the guy buying your AR-15 with cash doesn't have a felony conviction?

You can ask him to go through a background check at the local guns store before you give him the gun. If he refuses, you don't sell him the gun.

and you know can do that right now....with no new laws, or registration or licensing........all on your little lonesome.....

Not can......must

Sell a gun to a criminal, go to jail

Then watch gun owners demand licenses

Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...... want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....

With me so far....

Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.....

Just like they do already...with the current background check system.....

And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special........

and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't........

We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use......

So......we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment......

Seems so hard to do doesn't it?

Your wife has a license for a gun.....doesn't matter if you loan her one does it?
Say your wife doesn't have a drivers license and you loan her your are still in big trouble

Selling your gun?
I have to see your license and I will transfer the title to you and I am off the hook for what happens to the gun
Other guy sells the gun to a felon? We have the gun registered in his name not yours

Its not hard.....Many, MANY countries have systems just like this and they have a gun homicide level of one quarter of ours

Your wife has a license for a gun.....doesn't matter if you loan her one does it?

Yes, it does........just because she has a permit you still have to do a mandatory background check everytime you move a gun from one person to another under universal background checks........everytime......

I have to see your license and I will transfer the title to you and I am off the hook for what happens to the gun
Other guy sells the gun to a felon? We have the gun registered in his name not yours

The whole fucking point to licenses for guns from you anti gunners is that by making everyone do a background check, and making everyone register their to stop felons from getting post shows that the felon still got the fucking gun.............and the guy who sold or gave the gun to the felon.....who passed your stupid universal background check , and registered the gun or guns...simply reports the guns lost or stolen......defeating the entire fucking purpose of your universal background check and gun registration scheme...

The criminal still got the gun.....................

showing that from the moment it is put in place it is pointless and useless and completely, absolutely unnecessary........

Unless you want to jam up the law abiding gun owner who isn't on top of all of your stupid laws....then it will work like a charm........

You don't need background checks, you don't need registration it doesn't keep felons or mass shooters from getting the gun....

It does put normal, law abiding people at risk if they are not familiar with the gun laws....say a widow who wants to unload her dead husbands gun collection and sells a gun to a freind......and doesn't realize she needs a universal background assholes now get to put her in jail........while the actual felons still get their guns regardless of your background check schemes.........

Universal background checks are not I have repeatedly said......if someone uses a gun to commit a crime....arrest them and put them in background check necessary, no registration necessary.....

If a felon uses a gun in a crime, or is simply in possession of a gun.....they can be arrested and put in background check is necessary and no registration is necessary....

You guys don't care about gun crime....if you did that would be your focus.....what you are completely and utterly concerned about is the average person who wants a gun....for whatever reason.....that is the guy all these laws go after, not the felons....not the mass want to punish that guy and you want to scare other people by putting so many laws in place it is just not safe to even think about buying and owning a legal gun...since the average person has so much more to lose, and has every incentive to obey your stupid fucking laws......

We know how you nuts think, we know what you nuts want and we know the tactics you nuts will use.....

We will not surrender one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment......and we will no longer surrender increments of our freedom to your stupid universal background check lie, no gun registration lie........
No...we already have is called a felony conviction....get caught as a felon in possession of a gun or use one for another crime...and you get muss, no fuss, no bothering lawful gun owners......

OK private gun owner

How do you know the guy buying your AR-15 with cash doesn't have a felony conviction?

You can ask him to go through a background check at the local guns store before you give him the gun. If he refuses, you don't sell him the gun.

and you know can do that right now....with no new laws, or registration or licensing........all on your little lonesome.....

Not can......must

Sell a gun to a criminal, go to jail

Then watch gun owners demand licenses

Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...... want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....

With me so far....

Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.....

Just like they do already...with the current background check system.....

And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special........

and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't........

We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use......

So......we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment......

Seems so hard to do doesn't it?

Your wife has a license for a gun.....doesn't matter if you loan her one does it?
Say your wife doesn't have a drivers license and you loan her your are still in big trouble

Selling your gun?
I have to see your license and I will transfer the title to you and I am off the hook for what happens to the gun
Other guy sells the gun to a felon? We have the gun registered in his name not yours

Its not hard.....Many, MANY countries have systems just like this and they have a gun homicide level of one quarter of ours

Its not hard.....Many, MANY countries have systems just like this and they have a gun homicide level of one quarter of ours

They would have a gun murder rate one quarter of ours without this system because before they had their systems they already had less violence...just like Britain...they had less gun murders than us before they confiscated their guns..........and now they have 2 times the violence that we the rape capitol of the world.....Iceland is awash in guns and they have a lower murder rate than us..... is culture, not guns that are our problem....our inner city gangs do the shootings and murders...not John Q. Public.......and yet all of your laws are aimed at the law abiding could care less about actual gun murders being stopped........

And Canada tried registering just long guns.........and gave up.....the system didn't work and it cost too much and used to much man power....for only 15 million long guns, not including hand guns......and they gave it up....

We have over 320 million guns in 90 million homes, with over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense.........and only 8-9,000 gun murders.........there is no way this government can register guns or do backgroundchecks on every gun sale.........the only ones who will suffer are the good guys....the bad guys will still get their guns....

these threads are great especially because they show how the lefty anti gunners like ' Kondor ' really think as they put their thinking into words online . Its a record of sorts .

I am a staunch defender of our traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms.

And I will pick up a rifle and stand alongside you at the barricades, should the Government ever attempt to take them en masse.

I merely advocate for sane and sensible registration and licensing and related nationwide standards and enforcement mechanisms in an age of increasing violence and terrorism and population and economic pressures, as a necessity in moving forward into the future more safely and more accountably, while preserving our traditional and sacred Rights.

Your inability (or unwillingness) to realize or acknowledge that Reality and Truism is your cross to bear, not mine.

I'll defend to the death, your (and my) traditional and sacred Right to Bear Arms.

But I'll advocate for registration and licensing et al as a sensible and safer war forward into the future.

All your protestations and ridicule to the contrary notwithstanding.
"But I'll advocate for registration and licensing et al as a sensible and safer WAR forward into the future."

You know what Freud said about such "slips".
OK private gun owner

How do you know the guy buying your AR-15 with cash doesn't have a felony conviction?

You can ask him to go through a background check at the local guns store before you give him the gun. If he refuses, you don't sell him the gun.

and you know can do that right now....with no new laws, or registration or licensing........all on your little lonesome.....

Not can......must

Sell a gun to a criminal, go to jail

Then watch gun owners demand licenses

Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...... want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....

With me so far....

Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.....

Just like they do already...with the current background check system.....

And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special........

and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't........

We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use......

So......we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment......

Seems so hard to do doesn't it?

Your wife has a license for a gun.....doesn't matter if you loan her one does it?
Say your wife doesn't have a drivers license and you loan her your are still in big trouble

Selling your gun?
I have to see your license and I will transfer the title to you and I am off the hook for what happens to the gun
Other guy sells the gun to a felon? We have the gun registered in his name not yours

Its not hard.....Many, MANY countries have systems just like this and they have a gun homicide level of one quarter of ours

Your wife has a license for a gun.....doesn't matter if you loan her one does it?

Yes, it does........just because she has a permit you still have to do a mandatory background check everytime you move a gun from one person to another under universal background checks........everytime......

I have to see your license and I will transfer the title to you and I am off the hook for what happens to the gun
Other guy sells the gun to a felon? We have the gun registered in his name not yours

The whole fucking point to licenses for guns from you anti gunners is that by making everyone do a background check, and making everyone register their to stop felons from getting post shows that the felon still got the fucking gun.............and the guy who sold or gave the gun to the felon.....who passed your stupid universal background check , and registered the gun or guns...simply reports the guns lost or stolen......defeating the entire fucking purpose of your universal background check and gun registration scheme...

The criminal still got the gun.....................

showing that from the moment it is put in place it is pointless and useless and completely, absolutely unnecessary........

Unless you want to jam up the law abiding gun owner who isn't on top of all of your stupid laws....then it will work like a charm........

You don't need background checks, you don't need registration it doesn't keep felons or mass shooters from getting the gun....

It does put normal, law abiding people at risk if they are not familiar with the gun laws....say a widow who wants to unload her dead husbands gun collection and sells a gun to a freind......and doesn't realize she needs a universal background assholes now get to put her in jail........while the actual felons still get their guns regardless of your background check schemes.........

Universal background checks are not I have repeatedly said......if someone uses a gun to commit a crime....arrest them and put them in background check necessary, no registration necessary.....

If a felon uses a gun in a crime, or is simply in possession of a gun.....they can be arrested and put in background check is necessary and no registration is necessary....

You guys don't care about gun crime....if you did that would be your focus.....what you are completely and utterly concerned about is the average person who wants a gun....for whatever reason.....that is the guy all these laws go after, not the felons....not the mass want to punish that guy and you want to scare other people by putting so many laws in place it is just not safe to even think about buying and owning a legal gun...since the average person has so much more to lose, and has every incentive to obey your stupid fucking laws......

We know how you nuts think, we know what you nuts want and we know the tactics you nuts will use.....

We will not surrender one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment......and we will no longer surrender increments of our freedom to your stupid universal background check lie, no gun registration lie........

If you posess a license, there is no need for you to do a background check with every transaction. The license is your background check

It would make your life easier wouldn't it?
You can ask him to go through a background check at the local guns store before you give him the gun. If he refuses, you don't sell him the gun.

and you know can do that right now....with no new laws, or registration or licensing........all on your little lonesome.....

Not can......must

Sell a gun to a criminal, go to jail

Then watch gun owners demand licenses

Okay....say you anti-gun nuts get your way and every time you lend your wife your gun you have to go get a background check....even though she has a concealed carry permit...... want to sell a gun and you put it on contact a buyer and they say they want to buy the gun and now you MUST, get them to go through a background check....

With me so far....

Now...they go and pass the background check with you.....and once they have the gun they sell it to the actual felon who asked them to buy the gun in the first place.....

Just like they do already...with the current background check system.....

And your super duper, extra fancy Universal Background Check has just been defeated the way it was defeated before it was super duper extra special........

and now that criminals are still getting illegal guns with this new universal background anti-gunners will come back and just makes sense that we need to register all guns because it is obvious there is a loophole where people with who can pass background checks buy guns for those who can't........

We know how you anti-gun nuts think, we know what you anti-gun nuts want and we know the tactics you anti-gun nuts use......

So......we aren't going to give you one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment......

Seems so hard to do doesn't it?

Your wife has a license for a gun.....doesn't matter if you loan her one does it?
Say your wife doesn't have a drivers license and you loan her your are still in big trouble

Selling your gun?
I have to see your license and I will transfer the title to you and I am off the hook for what happens to the gun
Other guy sells the gun to a felon? We have the gun registered in his name not yours

Its not hard.....Many, MANY countries have systems just like this and they have a gun homicide level of one quarter of ours

Your wife has a license for a gun.....doesn't matter if you loan her one does it?

Yes, it does........just because she has a permit you still have to do a mandatory background check everytime you move a gun from one person to another under universal background checks........everytime......

I have to see your license and I will transfer the title to you and I am off the hook for what happens to the gun
Other guy sells the gun to a felon? We have the gun registered in his name not yours

The whole fucking point to licenses for guns from you anti gunners is that by making everyone do a background check, and making everyone register their to stop felons from getting post shows that the felon still got the fucking gun.............and the guy who sold or gave the gun to the felon.....who passed your stupid universal background check , and registered the gun or guns...simply reports the guns lost or stolen......defeating the entire fucking purpose of your universal background check and gun registration scheme...

The criminal still got the gun.....................

showing that from the moment it is put in place it is pointless and useless and completely, absolutely unnecessary........

Unless you want to jam up the law abiding gun owner who isn't on top of all of your stupid laws....then it will work like a charm........

You don't need background checks, you don't need registration it doesn't keep felons or mass shooters from getting the gun....

It does put normal, law abiding people at risk if they are not familiar with the gun laws....say a widow who wants to unload her dead husbands gun collection and sells a gun to a freind......and doesn't realize she needs a universal background assholes now get to put her in jail........while the actual felons still get their guns regardless of your background check schemes.........

Universal background checks are not I have repeatedly said......if someone uses a gun to commit a crime....arrest them and put them in background check necessary, no registration necessary.....

If a felon uses a gun in a crime, or is simply in possession of a gun.....they can be arrested and put in background check is necessary and no registration is necessary....

You guys don't care about gun crime....if you did that would be your focus.....what you are completely and utterly concerned about is the average person who wants a gun....for whatever reason.....that is the guy all these laws go after, not the felons....not the mass want to punish that guy and you want to scare other people by putting so many laws in place it is just not safe to even think about buying and owning a legal gun...since the average person has so much more to lose, and has every incentive to obey your stupid fucking laws......

We know how you nuts think, we know what you nuts want and we know the tactics you nuts will use.....

We will not surrender one more gun, bullet or piece of equipment......and we will no longer surrender increments of our freedom to your stupid universal background check lie, no gun registration lie........

If you posess a license, there is no need for you to do a background check with every transaction. The license is your background check

It would make your life easier wouldn't it?

No it is not.....that is not true.....I have a concealed carry permit and an Illinois Firearm identification card...the State Police checked me out to get that card....every time I buyu a gun....they check me out..........every a licensed dealer......the gun nuts want that for all transactions, all passing of arms to another if I have a gun and my wife has a permit....we need a background check for her to borrow my gun......dittos my friend if he wants to borrow my gun and go to the range even if he has a permit to carry and a Foid...........

You just don't get it........universal background checks don't stop criminals, and only affect lawful gun owners...........

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