Sarah Huckabee Sanders Has Been Offered Help


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

As if her tall tales and non-answers weren’t enough, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been offered help by another, more experienced, professional liar.

Former Fox News anchor and sexual assaulter of women, Bill O'Reilly told Sanders, “ ‘If you ever need me to stand next to you in those press briefings, I will volunteer to do that. And, if somebody gets out of line, I will tell them exactly what I think of their behavior.' " Yes, in today’s White House press briefings, any reporter attempting to drag some tiny shred of truth out of Sanders is being “disrespectful”.

However, an additional liar to spew the idiot trump’s bullsh!t is certainly a solution conservatives would fully approve.

Bill O'Reilly Offered to Stand Next to Sarah Huckabee Sanders During White House Press Briefings

Punk azz sexually harassed how many women and now he wants to set who straight. Sit the fvck down Billy Bitchazz! don’t have to worry about Bill hitting on her
She doesn't need help, if a left loon is creating a thread to whine about her she's doing fine.

Is there ANYTHING you leftist clods won't bitch, whine and moan about? Every single day something or someone is giving you gas
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She doesn't need help, if a left loon is creating a thread to whine about her she's doing fine.

Is there ANYTHING you leftist clods won't bitch, whine and moan about? Every single day something or someone is giving you gas

Hard to tell all those lies by yourself

As if her tall tales and non-answers weren’t enough, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been offered help by another, more experienced, professional liar.

Former Fox News anchor and sexual assaulter of women, Bill O'Reilly told Sanders, “ ‘If you ever need me to stand next to you in those press briefings, I will volunteer to do that. And, if somebody gets out of line, I will tell them exactly what I think of their behavior.' " Yes, in today’s White House press briefings, any reporter attempting to drag some tiny shred of truth out of Sanders is being “disrespectful”.

However, an additional liar to spew the idiot trump’s bullsh!t is certainly a solution conservatives would fully approve.

Bill O'Reilly Offered to Stand Next to Sarah Huckabee Sanders During White House Press Briefings


....and here I thought it was THIS guy offering help to

She doesn't need help, if a left loon is creating a thread to whine about her she's doing fine.

Is there ANYTHING you leftist clods won't bitch, whine and moan about? Every single day something or someone is giving you gas

Hard to tell all those lies by yourself
These daily press conferences/bullshit sessions are really taking a toll on Ole Huck. She's looking more and more like her old man every day.

As if her tall tales and non-answers weren’t enough, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been offered help by another, more experienced, professional liar.

Former Fox News anchor and sexual assaulter of women, Bill O'Reilly told Sanders, “ ‘If you ever need me to stand next to you in those press briefings, I will volunteer to do that. And, if somebody gets out of line, I will tell them exactly what I think of their behavior.' " Yes, in today’s White House press briefings, any reporter attempting to drag some tiny shred of truth out of Sanders is being “disrespectful”.

However, an additional liar to spew the idiot trump’s bullsh!t is certainly a solution conservatives would fully approve.

Bill O'Reilly Offered to Stand Next to Sarah Huckabee Sanders During White House Press Briefings


As if her tall tales and non-answers weren’t enough, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been offered help by another, more experienced, professional liar.

Former Fox News anchor and sexual assaulter of women, Bill O'Reilly told Sanders, “ ‘If you ever need me to stand next to you in those press briefings, I will volunteer to do that. And, if somebody gets out of line, I will tell them exactly what I think of their behavior.' " Yes, in today’s White House press briefings, any reporter attempting to drag some tiny shred of truth out of Sanders is being “disrespectful”.

However, an additional liar to spew the idiot trump’s bullsh!t is certainly a solution conservatives would fully approve.

Bill O'Reilly Offered to Stand Next to Sarah Huckabee Sanders During White House Press Briefings

. don’t have to worry about Bill hitting on her

She doesn't need help, if a left loon is creating a thread to whine about her she's doing fine.

Is there ANYTHING you leftist clods won't bitch, whine and moan about? Every single day something or someone is giving you gas


As if her tall tales and non-answers weren’t enough, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been offered help by another, more experienced, professional liar.

Former Fox News anchor and sexual assaulter of women, Bill O'Reilly told Sanders, “ ‘If you ever need me to stand next to you in those press briefings, I will volunteer to do that. And, if somebody gets out of line, I will tell them exactly what I think of their behavior.' " Yes, in today’s White House press briefings, any reporter attempting to drag some tiny shred of truth out of Sanders is being “disrespectful”.

However, an additional liar to spew the idiot trump’s bullsh!t is certainly a solution conservatives would fully approve.

Bill O'Reilly Offered to Stand Next to Sarah Huckabee Sanders During White House Press Briefings


You are stranded on an island after a ship goes down with your 6 year old child, or grandchild. You see 3 people in the surf, but you can only save one because the tide is turning, and will push the other 2 out to sea. You know you are stuck there for 6 months to a year.

The 3 people are--------->

1. Thunder Thighs (STormy, AKA Porny)

2. Hillary Clinton

3. Mz Sanders

What a choice, right. You got one that all she can do is screw. You got one, that all she can do is talk about cooking, and everyone else trying to screw her. And you have one that can cook, screw, and help you with your kid, or grandkid.

And that ladies and gents is why the Left will lose, and always loses when we get together and fight. They would choose 1, or 2, just because they have no brains, character, or class. And if ANY of them were smart enough to choose 3, they would complain when rescued that the pecan pie she made while stranded was probably made by Casper the Friendly Ghost, because there is no way she could have made it, even though they ate it all.

You keep your LEFTY women Libby men. You already need safe spaces; before you know it, you are going to need tampons-)
Just curious when did all the political geniuses here discover that the White House Press Secretary lies, spins and avoids answering questions they don’t want to? Is this a recent discovery for you? Did you think the Press Secretary’s under Obama, Bush, Clinton and so on were bastions of truth?

As if her tall tales and non-answers weren’t enough, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been offered help by another, more experienced, professional liar.

Former Fox News anchor and sexual assaulter of women, Bill O'Reilly told Sanders, “ ‘If you ever need me to stand next to you in those press briefings, I will volunteer to do that. And, if somebody gets out of line, I will tell them exactly what I think of their behavior.' " Yes, in today’s White House press briefings, any reporter attempting to drag some tiny shred of truth out of Sanders is being “disrespectful”.

However, an additional liar to spew the idiot trump’s bullsh!t is certainly a solution conservatives would fully approve.

Bill O'Reilly Offered to Stand Next to Sarah Huckabee Sanders During White House Press Briefings


That is funny considering we had 8 years of bs from BO's press aides. Of course the media plays softball when a Dem is in the WH.
since Trump has been busted lying 3000 times in 18 months all his press secretary can do is lie to cover his sorry fat ass.

why even bother holding a press conference ?

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