Sarah Palin Attacks Obama Over Debt Crisis: "This President Can't Be Trusted"


May 29, 2010
She did it on Hannity last night and she is right. Obama can't be trusted and it's time to reload. He has lied to the American people. He has not fulfilled his role as a leader. In essence, he has fulfilled his role as a divider. Palin uses common sense that many people lack when understanding this usurper in office whos mother did porn. You see, America is suffering the effects of a un-Constitutional ineligible president. Obama is a divider as much as his divided allegiances he was born with. A 100% natural born citizen is born with only one allegiance and that allegiance is to the United States and its citizens only. As we all know, Obama was born with two allegiances, one to the U.S. and one to the British Crown due to his father passing his British Nationality to him at his birth even if he was allegedly born in Hawaii. Sarah Palin is a understandable woman and probably realizes this and what Obama is doing is terrible to this country. Palin reminded the American public last night that this is happening because Obama lacks executive leadership which is something Palin has. Obama doesn't know how to respond to this pressure he is having to endure so what does he do? He cowardly walks out of talks with the other leadership in trying to remedy this crisis he has gotten us into due to once again, lack of executive experiece. Palin, who has executive experience, delt with tough issues in Alaska with multi billions of dollars at stake and excelled in that arena. Ladies and Gentlemen, what this country is lacking is executive experience and a true 100% natural born citizen born to 'TWO' U.S. Citizens with sole allegiance to this country and its people who has 100% American pride and patriotism and who knows how to lead and take charge. That person is Sarah Palin.


Sarah Palin: I don’t trust this President | The Right Scoop

Sarah Palin last night in her own words:

'I don’t trust this President… He doesn’t know how to make those cuts. He’s never had to do this before. He’s always just been one to spend other people’s money even if that money is just borrowed money or printed out of thin air. He’s never had to exercise real executive authority like that.'

Palin argued that much of the debt problem was due to the direction that President Obama had taken the country, away from “a strong foundation of reward for work ethic and development of natural resources.” Now that the mess had been made, however, Palin argued that compromising too much on conservative principles would be dangerous. “We cannot default, but we cannot afford to retreat– we have to reload,” she told Hannity, then going after the McConnell plan. “That plan of McConnell’s makes no sense because it cedes power to Obama,” she argued. To Palin, giving President Obama more power is particularly dangerous because “we cannot trust him to further manipulate our economy.”

Instead, Palin proposed that Congress allow “President Obama to understand some free market, time-tested principles that worked,” rather that “just hand him with white flags” the tools necessary to put the budget together. “We can’t just wave a white flag and surrender,” she concluded, because “our President has failed in this arena.”
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Someone said that Obama SR wrote in a thesis that the government has the right to take all the money everyone earns as long as the government provides for the people in return.

Obama Jr - despite not knowing his father - does seem to want to bring those dreams to fruition.

I agree with Sarah - Obama is trying to change us from a work for your own reward society to one where you can live off another person’s work
She did it on Hannity last night and she is right. Obama can't be trusted and it's time to reload. He has lied to the American people. He has not fulfilled his role as a leader. In essence, he has fulfilled his role as a divider. Palin uses common sense that many people lack when understanding this usurper in office whos mother did porn. You see, America is suffering the effects of a un-Constitutional ineligible president. Obama is a divider as much as his divided allegiances he was born with. A 100% natural born citizen is born with only one allegiance and that allegiance is to the United States and its citizens only. As we all know, Obama was born with two allegiances, one to the U.S. and one to the British Crown due to his father passing his British Nationality to him at his birth even if he was allegedly born in Hawaii. Sarah Palin is a understandable woman and probably realizes this and what Obama is doing is terrible to this country. Palin reminded the American public last night that this is happening because Obama lacks executive leadership which is something Palin has. Obama doesn't know how to respond to this pressure he is having to endure so what does he do? He cowardly walks out of talks with the other leadership in trying to remedy this crisis he has gotten us into due to once again, lack of executive experiece. Palin, who has executive experience, delt with tough issues in Alaska with multi billions of dollars at stake and excelled in that arena. Ladies and Gentlemen, what this country is lacking is executive experience and a true 100% natural born citizen born to 'TWO' U.S. Citizens with sole allegiance to this country and its people who has 100% American pride and patriotism and who knows how to lead and take charge. That person is Sarah Palin.


Sarah Palin: I don’t trust this President | The Right Scoop

Sarah Palin last night in her own words:

'I don’t trust this President… He doesn’t know how to make those cuts. He’s never had to do this before. He’s always just been one to spend other people’s money even if that money is just borrowed money or printed out of thin air. He’s never had to exercise real executive authority like that.'

Palin argued that much of the debt problem was due to the direction that President Obama had taken the country, away from “a strong foundation of reward for work ethic and development of natural resources.” Now that the mess had been made, however, Palin argued that compromising too much on conservative principles would be dangerous. “We cannot default, but we cannot afford to retreat– we have to reload,” she told Hannity, then going after the McConnell plan. “That plan of McConnell’s makes no sense because it cedes power to Obama,” she argued. To Palin, giving President Obama more power is particularly dangerous because “we cannot trust him to further manipulate our economy.”

Instead, Palin proposed that Congress allow “President Obama to understand some free market, time-tested principles that worked,” rather that “just hand him with white flags” the tools necessary to put the budget together. “We can’t just wave a white flag and surrender,” she concluded, because “our President has failed in this arena.”

The double wammy, a birther AND a Palin supporter.

Obama now says 80% of Americans support a tax hike. Unbelievable him thinking that. Palin is right. This president can't be trusted.
Obama now says 80% of Americans support a tax hike. Unbelievable him thinking that. Palin is right. This president can't be trusted.

As others pointed out in another thread, they support a tax hike on someone else, not themselves....
Pailin is just an agitator...with this she can charge more per speech and keep the retards on the right guessing if she'll check yes or no on the note that read "Wanna go steady?"

Shes a political cock tease whos idea of a trick question is "What do you read?"
She did it on Hannity last night and she is right. Obama can't be trusted and it's time to reload. He has lied to the American people. He has not fulfilled his role as a leader. In essence, he has fulfilled his role as a divider. Palin uses common sense that many people lack when understanding this usurper in office whos mother did porn. You see, America is suffering the effects of a un-Constitutional ineligible president. Obama is a divider as much as his divided allegiances he was born with. A 100% natural born citizen is born with only one allegiance and that allegiance is to the United States and its citizens only. As we all know, Obama was born with two allegiances, one to the U.S. and one to the British Crown due to his father passing his British Nationality to him at his birth even if he was allegedly born in Hawaii. Sarah Palin is a understandable woman and probably realizes this and what Obama is doing is terrible to this country. Palin reminded the American public last night that this is happening because Obama lacks executive leadership which is something Palin has. Obama doesn't know how to respond to this pressure he is having to endure so what does he do? He cowardly walks out of talks with the other leadership in trying to remedy this crisis he has gotten us into due to once again, lack of executive experiece. Palin, who has executive experience, delt with tough issues in Alaska

Is quitting dealing with tough issues????
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She did it on Hannity last night and she is right. Obama can't be trusted and it's time to reload. He has lied to the American people. He has not fulfilled his role as a leader. In essence, he has fulfilled his role as a divider. Palin uses common sense that many people lack when understanding this usurper in office whos mother did porn. You see, America is suffering the effects of a un-Constitutional ineligible president. Obama is a divider as much as his divided allegiances he was born with. A 100% natural born citizen is born with only one allegiance and that allegiance is to the United States and its citizens only. As we all know, Obama was born with two allegiances, one to the U.S. and one to the British Crown due to his father passing his British Nationality to him at his birth even if he was allegedly born in Hawaii. Sarah Palin is a understandable woman and probably realizes this and what Obama is doing is terrible to this country. Palin reminded the American public last night that this is happening because Obama lacks executive leadership which is something Palin has. Obama doesn't know how to respond to this pressure he is having to endure so what does he do? He cowardly walks out of talks with the other leadership in trying to remedy this crisis he has gotten us into due to once again, lack of executive experiece. Palin, who has executive experience, delt with tough issues in Alaska

Is quitting dealing with tough issues????
No, she did the right thing and brought the tough issues to the lower 48 to deal with. Once that happened the lawsuits, all frivilous, stopped. She was going broke dealing with them since Alaska was the only state in the union that had a system that wouldn't financially support governors in situations like she delt with. They now passed a law that does.
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Only brain-dead liberals can still trust a guy with probably faked long-form birth certificates.
True, but our guy can name at least one newspaper and knows Paul Revere didn't warn the British.

Historians have come out and said Palin was correct on the Revere story.


Sure they did Sparky

Yep, the sure did.

Historians Say Sarah Palin Was Right About Paul Revere

Sarah Palin insists her claim that Paul Revere "warned the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms" was actually not a flub, and it turns out some historians are backing her up on this one—reluctantly, notes the Boston Herald. In a 1798 letter wherein Revere describes his famous ride, he recalls being captured by British officers and warning them "there would be five hundred Americans there in a short time for I had alarmed the Country all the way up."

A history professor acknowledges that Revere warned the British of the Americans' mobilization, and adds that Palin was right about church bells ringing and warning shots being fired, too

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