Sarah Palin Attacks Obama Over Debt Crisis: "This President Can't Be Trusted"

Historians have come out and said Palin was correct on the Revere story.


Sure they did Sparky

Yep, the sure did.

Historians Say Sarah Palin Was Right About Paul Revere

Sarah Palin insists her claim that Paul Revere "warned the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms" was actually not a flub, and it turns out some historians are backing her up on this one—reluctantly, notes the Boston Herald. In a 1798 letter wherein Revere describes his famous ride, he recalls being captured by British officers and warning them "there would be five hundred Americans there in a short time for I had alarmed the Country all the way up."

A history professor acknowledges that Revere warned the British of the Americans' mobilization, and adds that Palin was right about church bells ringing and warning shots being fired, too

The Paul Revere House's research director notes that Revere was probably bluffing when he talked to the Brits, but concedes that his words could be taken as a warning. "But," he adds, "I don't know if that's really what Mrs. Palin was referring to."

You forgot that part but I guess to be fair you should have included that part. But it does sound better when you omit facts.

what she said was that Paul "warned the British that they wouldnt be taking our guns by ringing those bells"

I guess when he was captured by the british he pulled out some bells and went ting-a-ling in their faces, right? right?
The lady does seem to have been given a gift to state the obvious. Perhaps a good thing as so many seem to fail to recognize what they bought. Or, maybe better, what bought them!
The lady does seem to have been given a gift to state the obvious!

I agree Henry. Sarah Palin doesn't let political correctness get in the way of what's on her mind. We need more people like her in office who is honest and trustworthy who isn't afraid to take on corruption and the president.
The lady does seem to have been given a gift to state the obvious!

I agree Henry. Sarah Palin doesn't let political correctness get in the way of what's on her mind. We need more people like her in office who is honest and trustworthy who isn't afraid to take on corruption and the president.

You dont "take on corruption" by sitting on the sidelines. She isnt in office. And this hero worship talk of her being "honest and trustworthy" is assinine. Havent you learned anything...Dont trust any politician. Worst still...Shes not even a politician...she quit
Yeah, next thing you know he might quit in mid-term..or...wait. That is what she did, right?
Yeah, next thing you know he might quit in mid-term..or...wait. That is what she did, right?
Yea and Andrew Jackson quit during his senate term and ran for president 3 years later. Palin stepping down won't hurt her at all as she proved it during the mid terms.
The lady does seem to have been given a gift to state the obvious!

I agree Henry. Sarah Palin doesn't let political correctness get in the way of what's on her mind. We need more people like her in office who is honest and trustworthy who isn't afraid to take on corruption and the president.

You dont "take on corruption" by sitting on the sidelines. She isnt in office. And this hero worship talk of her being "honest and trustworthy" is assinine. Havent you learned anything...Dont trust any politician. Worst still...Shes not even a politician...she quit

Nope, they haven't learned a thing, still sending $$, still sniffin' her panties. Dolts.
but our guy can name at least one newspaper and knows Paul Revere didn't warn the British.

Not to mention Supreme Court decisions he disagrees with.

No shit! Yeah, you ask him that and he'll probably go on for a couple hours at least!

But hey, that's the price we pay for having our guy be a former Constitutional Professor.
The picture of her tells me she's an intellectual and well-read on this subject.

Without using a Prompter, she knows how many states are in the USA and not be wrong even when rounded to the nearest 10

Frank, you made Sarah posted this in another thread about her, but not this one.

She is sad. :(

That was at the first showing at midnight 12:01 am. Duh. Who
s up that late anyway on a work night? The theater owner goofed by running the Palin movie at midnight when everyone was focused on the Potter flick and the Palin fans were going to see The Undefeated in normal hours.

Sarah Palin documentary sells out Grapevine, Texas

Sarah Palin documentary sells out Grapevine, Texas | Reuters

LOS ANGELES (TheWrap) - It may not be "Harry Potter," but another film featuring a bespectacled protagonist is racking up strong pre-sales before its national roll-out this weekend.
Heard some speculation today about a possible Obama campaign TV advertisement for 2012. I have my doubts but maybe somebody here might set them to rest:

(cartoon of ditzy woman)
(announcer voice:)

A vote for Sarah Palin risks putting your country in the hands of an person who might lead us into wars and a deep depression.

(photo of President Obama golfing with AF-1 doing a low pass in the background)
(announcer voice:)

Or vote four more years for President Obama and remove all doubt.
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I have said before, probably not here, though: Palin needs to take 3 years off and get a law degree with a few courses in science. She misses the mark on about everything she tackles and it isn't because she is stupid. It is because she is ignorant. She has the ability, but she just doesn't have the substance. Her degree in journalism just isn't cutting it. She needs real power if she wants to get elected to office. There is a qualitative difference in Palin and Michelle Obama who does have the JD. And MO is just the first lady. Probably a very stifled one at that. Power brokers should understand power and Palin just doesn't understand power.

Maybe she appeals to a certain group, but she still could if she had a clue. I think the one comment that she made that got me was how much money we have spent to study fruit flies. 'FRUIT FLIES!!!!; FRUIT FLIES!!!!!' quothe Palin. Yes, we study fruit flies as the foundation of all our genetic research. They only live 72 hours, so there are many many generations to be studied in a very short time. Not something that can be easily done with other living things.
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