Sarah Palin blames son's arrest on PTSD, President Obama

Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

Snopes has zero credibility.

Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet,

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.

If you said you created a wireless network in your home, could we rightfully mock you for claiming you invented the wireless home network.


Snopes got caught lying. What they are is a democrat site which takes on right wing emails. Some of the emails they take on are false, some are absurd and laughable,

BUT, Snopes will flat out lie for the party, they exist to promote the party, not dispel urban legends.

FactCheck isn't much better.
Just to eliminate all uncertainty....

You liberals....

Do you hate ALL American veterans?

Or only those whose family ties suggest they are not members of your Democrat Party?

Janet Napalitano of the Obama DHS declared that returning vets are terrorists. I'd say that the democrats absolutely hate vets.

Do you douche your brain on a regular basis? She never said that.

Lying again, huh?

Well, you are a demagogue - sociopath, so it's expected.

Here, from a party controlled source;

{To characterize men and women returning home after defending our country as potential terrorists is offensive and unacceptable," Boehner said.

David Rehbein, commander of The American Legion, a congressionally chartered veterans group that claims 2.6 million members, wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano expressing concern with the assessment, which made its way into the mainstream press after conservative bloggers got wind of the analysis.

One such blogger, Michelle Malkin, called the report, "one of the most embarrassingly shoddy pieces of propaganda I'd ever read out of DHS."

Rehbein called the assessment incomplete and said it lacked statistical evidence. He said the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by military veteran Timothy McVeigh was one instance of a veteran becoming a domestic terrorist.}

DHS' Domestic Terror Warning Angers GOP
Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

Snopes has zero credibility.

Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet,

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.
No, Don Quixote. It is YOU who has no credibility.

Derp derp derp derp?

Damn shortbus, did you come up with that all by yourself, or copy it from a hate site?
Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

Snopes has zero credibility.

Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet,

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.

If you said you created a wireless network in your home, could we rightfully mock you for claiming you invented the wireless home network.


Snopes got caught lying. What they are is a democrat site which takes on right wing emails. Some of the emails they take on are false, some are absurd and laughable,

BUT, Snopes will flat out lie for the party, they exist to promote the party, not dispel urban legends.

FactCheck isn't much better.

You didn't answer my question, coward.
Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

Snopes has zero credibility.

Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet,

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.

If you said you created a wireless network in your home, could we rightfully mock you for claiming you invented the wireless home network.


Snopes got caught lying. What they are is a democrat site which takes on right wing emails. Some of the emails they take on are false, some are absurd and laughable,

BUT, Snopes will flat out lie for the party, they exist to promote the party, not dispel urban legends.

FactCheck isn't much better.

You didn't answer my question, coward.

No, I haven't stopped beating my wife.

Just to eliminate all uncertainty....

You liberals....

Do you hate ALL American veterans?

Or only those whose family ties suggest they are not members of your Democrat Party?

Janet Napalitano of the Obama DHS declared that returning vets are terrorists. I'd say that the democrats absolutely hate vets.

Do you douche your brain on a regular basis? She never said that.

Lying again, huh?

Well, you are a demagogue - sociopath, so it's expected.

Here, from a party controlled source;

{To characterize men and women returning home after defending our country as potential terrorists is offensive and unacceptable," Boehner said.

David Rehbein, commander of The American Legion, a congressionally chartered veterans group that claims 2.6 million members, wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano expressing concern with the assessment, which made its way into the mainstream press after conservative bloggers got wind of the analysis.

One such blogger, Michelle Malkin, called the report, "one of the most embarrassingly shoddy pieces of propaganda I'd ever read out of DHS."

Rehbein called the assessment incomplete and said it lacked statistical evidence. He said the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by military veteran Timothy McVeigh was one instance of a veteran becoming a domestic terrorist.}

DHS' Domestic Terror Warning Angers GOP

So now you've backtracked from her calling them terrorists to calling them potential terrorists.

Goddam you're a funny little man.
Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

Snopes has zero credibility.

Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet,

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.

If you said you created a wireless network in your home, could we rightfully mock you for claiming you invented the wireless home network.


Snopes got caught lying. What they are is a democrat site which takes on right wing emails. Some of the emails they take on are false, some are absurd and laughable,

BUT, Snopes will flat out lie for the party, they exist to promote the party, not dispel urban legends.

FactCheck isn't much better.

You didn't answer my question, coward.

No, I haven't stopped beating my wife.


So you concede that 'invent' and 'create' need not be considered precisely identical synonyms.

Good for you.
Just to eliminate all uncertainty....

You liberals....

Do you hate ALL American veterans?

Or only those whose family ties suggest they are not members of your Democrat Party?

You're confused(what else is new.)

We hate Republicans and if one happens to be a veteran.....So What!
"What my own son is going through, what he is going through coming back, I can relate to other families who feel ramifications of PTSD and some of the woundedness that our soldiers do return with," she told the audience at a rally for Donald Trump in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

"And it makes me realize, more than ever, it is now or never for the sake of America's finest that we have that commander in chief who will respect them and honor them."

Palin called his arrest "the elephant in the room" and said of her son and other war veterans, "they come back a bit different, they come back hardened, they come back wondering if there is that respect for what it is that their fellow soldiers and airmen, and every other member of the military, has given to the country."

Sarah Palin cites Track Palin's PTSD at Donald Trump rally -

^ sarah palin is a pandering fool... naturally, the angry simpletons swallow her LIE wholesale.
"What my own son is going through, what he is going through coming back, I can relate to other families who feel ramifications of PTSD and some of the woundedness that our soldiers do return with," she told the audience at a rally for Donald Trump in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

"And it makes me realize, more than ever, it is now or never for the sake of America's finest that we have that commander in chief who will respect them and honor them."

Palin called his arrest "the elephant in the room" and said of her son and other war veterans, "they come back a bit different, they come back hardened, they come back wondering if there is that respect for what it is that their fellow soldiers and airmen, and every other member of the military, has given to the country."

Sarah Palin cites Track Palin's PTSD at Donald Trump rally -

^ sarah palin is a pandering fool... naturally, the angry simpletons swallow her LIE wholesale.

The movie "Game Change" pegged that bitch exactly and precisely! I thought McCain was smarter than to let that happen.
Last edited:
Barack Obama graduated magna cum laude from the Harvard Law School. George W. Bush was rejected from the University of Texas because he didn't qualify academically. Not to worry....he went to Yale(his family's college) and jumped right in.
We don't know anything about Obama's college years except what he has told us, and he is a liar. You are so gullible.

You want gullible with a G? This nation falling for the Bush tales(a documented 935) that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the United States:

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
What does that have to do with your false statement about Obama's college years. Him being a scholar has been proven bullshit. He was a drugie in his own words.

Yeah Yeah and Kenya is located in the Hawaiian Islands....when are you idiots going to just admit that Obama graduated from the Harvard Law School magna cum laude and Bush with a C average from Yale couldn't even get into the University of Texas so he attended his family's personal college.....Yale. One thing I've learned.....the Republicans have no shame. If they thought it would gain anything for the party they would swear that they saw a left handed woman throw her right tit over her left shoulder and squirt buttermilk up her ass.

Obama himself, someone that claims to be from Hawaii, thought it was in Asia. His words, not mine.

I'll admit it when I see the actual transcripts of the grades he claims he has.

You wish......if a count had been recorded each time that goddamned ignoramous George W. Bush came out with some kind of stupid utterance they could add a volume to a standard set of encyclopedias. At least Obama is good at ending wars and not starting them. 4500 young American men and women died 10,000 miles from home because George W. Bush had a vendetta to pull off on Saddam Hussein. A little something to show you what ending two wars can do for spending:

So now you've backtracked from her calling them terrorists to calling them potential terrorists.

Goddam you're a funny little man.

Don't try to weasel Comrade. You wailed that your filthy party did no such thing, once proven you try to parse modifiers.

This scumbag deemed our vets to be threat to America, she is a shameful pile of shit - typical democrat and the model of the Obama administration.
Snopes has zero credibility.

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.

If you said you created a wireless network in your home, could we rightfully mock you for claiming you invented the wireless home network.


Snopes got caught lying. What they are is a democrat site which takes on right wing emails. Some of the emails they take on are false, some are absurd and laughable,

BUT, Snopes will flat out lie for the party, they exist to promote the party, not dispel urban legends.

FactCheck isn't much better.

You didn't answer my question, coward.

No, I haven't stopped beating my wife.


So you concede that 'invent' and 'create' need not be considered precisely identical synonyms.

Good for you.

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.
". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

You can lie for the party, you will lie for the party, but Al Jazeera Gore will remain a pathetic blowhard. (and Snopes will remain a partisan site with zero credibility.)
So now you've backtracked from her calling them terrorists to calling them potential terrorists.

Goddam you're a funny little man.

Don't try to weasel Comrade. You wailed that your filthy party did no such thing, once proven you try to parse modifiers.

This scumbag deemed our vets to be threat to America, she is a shameful pile of shit - typical democrat and the model of the Obama administration.

You said this:

"Janet Napalitano of the Obama DHS declared that returning vets are terrorists".

Now quote it. Or shut up.
"What my own son is going through, what he is going through coming back, I can relate to other families who feel ramifications of PTSD and some of the woundedness that our soldiers do return with," she told the audience at a rally for Donald Trump in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

"And it makes me realize, more than ever, it is now or never for the sake of America's finest that we have that commander in chief who will respect them and honor them."

Palin called his arrest "the elephant in the room" and said of her son and other war veterans, "they come back a bit different, they come back hardened, they come back wondering if there is that respect for what it is that their fellow soldiers and airmen, and every other member of the military, has given to the country."

Sarah Palin cites Track Palin's PTSD at Donald Trump rally -

^ sarah palin is a pandering fool... naturally, the angry simpletons swallow her LIE wholesale.

Then don't vote for her, shit fer brains.

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