Sarah Palin blames son's arrest on PTSD, President Obama

Yep.....the political fable of the 20th century:

If President Eisenhower had said in the mid-1960s that he, while president, "took the initiative in creating the Interstate Highway System," he would not have been the subject of dozens and dozens of editorials lampooning him for claiming he "invented" the concept of highways or implying that he personally went out and dug ditches across the country to help build the roadway. Everyone would have understood that Ike meant he was a driving force behind the legislation that created the highway system, and this was the very same concept Al Gore was expressing about himself with his Internet statement.

Actually Comrade, it would be more like if President CARTER said in the mid-70's that he took the initiative to create the interstate highway system.

Blowhard Al was taking credit for technology that had been around for a couple of decades.

Yeah I know, he's a party member so you are required to lie for him, still..

Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

"Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way. The "Al Gore said he 'invented' the Internet" put-downs were misleading, out-of-context distortions of something he said during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "Late Edition" program on 9 March 1999. When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part):
During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system."

Although Vice-President Gore's phrasing might have been a bit clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he "invented" the Internet in the sense of having designed or implemented it, but rather that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet.

I was working 40 hours a week and sometimes Saturdays while we were converting all our remote systems from ARPANET to TCP/IP. We used a full blown RCA Spectra 70 computer system to coordinate communications from about 60 classified processing centers in the mainland U S and Hawaii.....there were some strategic air command (SAC) centers which processed flight information for the big bombers which at that time had flights in the air, on their way to a target 24/7. That's what the SAC was all about.

Now....go ahead and start arguing with Snopes because I'm through with your prejudiced Right Wing Republican ass!!!
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PTSD forces him to beat women but he has enough control to walk around the rest of the family with an AR15?

When there's a big shooting the conservatives deflect gun control talk wh "it's mental health issue". Well if he's mentally unstable and violent , should he be carrying ?

It comes down to personal responsibility

Why is someone with PTSD running around your house carrying an AR15?
It's his 2nd Amendment right. It's not a crime to carry with PTSD.
The second amendment does not apply to the Palin household only the government

If his PTSD is so bad.....why is he armed?
Cite the law where its a crime to own a gun with a person with PTSD in the home. And yes, we as Americans have the right to bear arms. That goes for Track andthe Palins.
NRA makes sure there is no law

The Palins have a right to set any gun rules in their own home. My question is that if his PTSD is so out of control that he beats women

Why is he running around armed in your home?
The police report said he was armed during theconfrontation

He can't beat up women without a gun at his side?

Ah, lying again?

Well, you are consistent.

The report says that his wife feared he might shoot himself. You lied that he threatened her, which you know never happened. Hey, he is an enemy of the party, so you must smear him as the loyal demagogue - sociopath that you are.
It was a girlfriend not his wife. She called 911 while hiding under a bed and was found to be bruised
Track was found to be drunk and belligerent and had an AR15 in his possession
Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

Snopes has zero credibility.

Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet,

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.
Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

Snopes has zero credibility.

Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet,

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.

If you said you created a wireless network in your home, could we rightfully mock you for claiming you invented the wireless home network.
Just to eliminate all uncertainty....

You liberals....

Do you hate ALL American veterans?

Or only those whose family ties suggest they are not members of your Democrat Party?

Those liberals hate veterans so much they wanted to prevent them being sent into a quagmire.

The republicans loved them so much they sent them into the quagmire but republicans dont like the results of their actions so they blame it on liberals.
Just to eliminate all uncertainty....

You liberals....

Do you hate ALL American veterans?

Or only those whose family ties suggest they are not members of your Democrat Party?

Janet Napalitano of the Obama DHS declared that returning vets are terrorists. I'd say that the democrats absolutely hate vets.

Do you douche your brain on a regular basis? She never said that.
Just to eliminate all uncertainty....

You liberals....

Do you hate ALL American veterans?

Or only those whose family ties suggest they are not members of your Democrat Party?

Those liberals hate veterans so much they wanted to prevent them being sent into a quagmire.

The republicans loved them so much they sent them into the quagmire but republicans dont like the results of their actions so they blame it on liberals.

These RWnuts wanted a war with Iran over the sailors the other day. Of course none of them would be fighting and dying.
young soldiers very well may FEEL as if their country doesn't respect them, so maybe numbskulls like sarah palin should stop going around the country grandstanding on that message and feeding into that LIE any day now...
Just to eliminate all uncertainty....

You liberals....

Do you hate ALL American veterans?

Or only those whose family ties suggest they are not members of your Democrat Party?
I would ask what makes you think we hate American veterans. Many of us ARE American veterans. And this is a fact despite many a RWr here bashing our service to this country.
Those liberals hate veterans so much they wanted to prevent them being sent into a quagmire.

The republicans loved them so much they sent them into the quagmire but republicans dont like the results of their actions so they blame it on liberals.

Your tantrum does not constitute an answer though it strongly suggests you only hate veterans whose family ties suggest they not be of Your Democrat Party.

Thank you for participating. When you log off this site please leave your browser on to receive your link to the Participation Trophy Claim website.
NRA makes sure there is no law

The Palins have a right to set any gun rules in their own home. My question is that if his PTSD is so out of control that he beats women

Why is he running around armed in your home?

So, the only reason you and your party haven't ended the bill of rights is because of that damned NRA?

Say, you lied that he threatened his wife, doesn't that mean you are a lying demagogue and nothing you post can be believed?

Well, i guess we already know that....
Let's's what Snopes, the official "lie detector" of the Internet says about it:

Snopes has zero credibility.

Despite the derisive references that continue even today, former Vice-President Al Gore never claimed that he "invented" the Internet,

Lie #1 by Snopes

". During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.

Al Gore claimed responsibility for creation of the Internet-Truth!

Creating? I know you monkeys love to lie that this doesn't mean he was creating it because he didn't say "invent."

Let's check this, okay google, synonym for "create?"

Oh shit, "invent?"

I found great synonyms for "create" on the new!

Dumb little lying monkeys at Snopes caught lying again..

{According to the encyclopedia Britannica, the Internet dates back to at least 1973 and in an article that broke the Gore story, Declan McCullagh of Wired News says the Net goes back as far as 1967 when Al gore was 19 years old. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started experimenting with ways to allow networked computers to link and communicate. It was called The Internetting project and the ultimate system became known as The Internet. In a related article on March 11, 1999 in Wired News, McCullagh says Gore has introduced bills about software for teachers and a “federal research center for educational computing to support an “information systems highway.”}

Gore lies, you are a partisan hack who only cares about your party, so you lie to cover for him.

Again, when I was in college, I had the privilege of firing up a 300 baud modem and setting up a telnet connection to the Stanford servers from the Cal Poly computer lab, across this amazing network called "the internet" that DARPA had created. (ye, DARPA, not Al Jazeera Gore)

You fuckwads are such a joke with your stupid lies.
No, Don Quixote. It is YOU who has no credibility.
Those liberals hate veterans so much they wanted to prevent them being sent into a quagmire.

The republicans loved them so much they sent them into the quagmire but republicans dont like the results of their actions so they blame it on liberals.

Your tantrum does not constitute an answer though it strongly suggests you only hate veterans whose family ties suggest they not be of Your Democrat Party.

There isnt an answer because there isnt a question. But it doesnt change the fact that the people who wanted to keep them home are somehow guilty of hating them for not offering the chance to get murdered

Thank you for participating. When you log off this site please leave your browser on to receive your link to the Participation Trophy Claim website.

You tried to be funny to deflect...thats so cute :itsok:
NRA makes sure there is no law

The Palins have a right to set any gun rules in their own home. My question is that if his PTSD is so out of control that he beats women

Why is he running around armed in your home?

So, the only reason you and your party haven't ended the bill of rights is because of that damned NRA?

Say, you lied that he threatened his wife, doesn't that mean you are a lying demagogue and nothing you post can be believed?

Well, i guess we already know that....
Tilting at those imaginary "everyone who I disagree politically with is a comrade in the communist party" windmills again.
NRA makes sure there is no law

The Palins have a right to set any gun rules in their own home. My question is that if his PTSD is so out of control that he beats women

Why is he running around armed
in your home?

excellent question...

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