Sarah Palin blames son's arrest on PTSD, President Obama

Obama himself, someone that claims to be from Hawaii, thought it was in Asia. His words, not mine.

I'll admit it when I see the actual transcripts of the grades he claims he has.

You wish......if a count had been recorded each time that goddamned ignoramous George W. Bush came out with some kind of stupid utterance they could add a volume to a standard set of encyclopedias. At least Obama is good at ending wars and not starting them. 4500 young American men and women died 10,000 miles from home because George W. Bush had a vendetta to pull off on Saddam Hussein. A little something to show you what ending two wars can do for spending:


You mean like 57 states, Hawaii in Asia, and Savannah GA being on the gulf coast?
THAT's what this thread was missing!

Your side claims he's so smart. Why is he such a fuck up on so many things?

He's smart enough to where the only thing you can dredge up is where he mistakenly said 57 instead of 47.

He also thinks Hawaii, a state he claims to be from, is in Asia and that Savannah Ga. is on the gulf coast. For someone who is supposed to be as smart as he is, he sure does miss the simple things.

Bush makes a statement and you call him stupid. Obama makes a statement and you call it a mistake. Typical double standard by those who will do anything to cover for their leader. Did you go to sucking his dick now because you're tired of kissing his ass?
no, i'm not attacking anyone.


Thanks Herr Goebbels, biggest laugh I had all day.

i'm putting facts out about a domestic abuser.
if you had integrity you'd stop defending him.

You're a demagogue, what you offer is slander and libel.

Oh, and who did I defend?
if you think I've said something that wasn't true I'd be happy to address it.

what statement specifically do you claim is libelous?
how so? i don't go around getting paid to tell kids not to have sex before marriage while pumping out bastards by multiple men.
i don't have any children out of wedlock.

where's my hypocrisy?

You are a partisan hack for a party that has spent the last 60 years promoting free and easy sex, out of wedlock birth, and has waged savage war to end the institution of marriage.

Yeah, for you to attack others for sex is just a bit beyond the pale.
not attacking over sex. pointing out the hypocrisy
how so? i don't go around getting paid to tell kids not to have sex before marriage while pumping out bastards by multiple men.
i don't have any children out of wedlock.

where's my hypocrisy?

You are a partisan hack for a party that has spent the last 60 years promoting free and easy sex, out of wedlock birth, and has waged savage war to end the institution of marriage.

Yeah, for you to attack others for sex is just a bit beyond the pale.
not attacking over sex. pointing out the hypocrisy

Exactly. If you're paid to hold a certain view, you should live up to that view as long as you are in that position. When I was in the Navy, I smoked cigarettes, and when they made me Physical Readiness Training coordinator, I was told that if I was going to keep the job, I had to quit smoking because it didn't look good for me to be pushing physical fitness to the troops, but not taking it seriously (by smoking) myself. I quit and kept the job.

again, do you not understand hypocrisy when it's laid out for you like this?

Should the children of enemies of the party be fitted with chastity belts, monitored by the party of "free love?"

Do you not grasp that your hypocrisy is 10,000 fold what you accuse Palin of?

One thing I've observed....Democrats like to fuck more than Republicans. least when everybody isn't hiding what they do.

I remember reading about Larry Craig in the Minn airport restroom:


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You can't make this stuff up

VIDEO: Sarah Palin Blames Track's Arrest On President Obama And Untreated PTSD
Track Palin served a tour of duty in Iraq, and was in the Army from 2008-2010, after which he was honorably discharged. There is no evidence that he saw combat during that time so I have to wonder what exactly it was that caused that PTSD?
It's expected, but still disgusting to see her exploit a very real veterans' issue to take her son's violent, drunken behavior to new heights.
According to the police report, Track's girlfriend was hiding under the bed because she was afraid of him and his guns. So you tell me. Who's more likely to have PTSD as a result of combat? Track or his girlfriend?
That's not even a hard call to make. When Sarah Palin starts worrying about all the drunk idiots out there with guns threatening women, maybe she'll be credible. Maybe. Otherwise, it's just more Snow Snookie BS to rev up the crowds

2 yrs MINUS boot camp and any other training.
Yeah Yeah and Kenya is located in the Hawaiian Islands....when are you idiots going to just admit that Obama graduated from the Harvard Law School magna cum laude and Bush with a C average from Yale couldn't even get into the University of Texas so he attended his family's personal college.....Yale. One thing I've learned.....the Republicans have no shame. If they thought it would gain anything for the party they would swear that they saw a left handed woman throw her right tit over her left shoulder and squirt buttermilk up her ass.

Obama himself, someone that claims to be from Hawaii, thought it was in Asia. His words, not mine.

I'll admit it when I see the actual transcripts of the grades he claims he has.

You wish......if a count had been recorded each time that goddamned ignoramous George W. Bush came out with some kind of stupid utterance they could add a volume to a standard set of encyclopedias. At least Obama is good at ending wars and not starting them. 4500 young American men and women died 10,000 miles from home because George W. Bush had a vendetta to pull off on Saddam Hussein. A little something to show you what ending two wars can do for spending:


You mean like 57 states, Hawaii in Asia, and Savannah GA being on the gulf coast?

Your side calls Bush stupid. You say Obama is so smart yet he doesn't shit about geography even of where he claims to have been born. If he's so smart, why is he such a fuck up on so many things?

He has ended two goddamned Bush totally and verifiably unnecessary. Republicans isn't happy unless they've got two or three countries on their "Attack Next" list!
if you think I've said something that wasn't true I'd be happy to address it.

what statement specifically do you claim is libelous?

I'm not sure you've ever posted anything that was true.

You are a demagogue, you post lies, half-truths, innuendo, etc.

Dude, what are you yapping about?
you cant name anything specifically you disagree with, but somehow I'm a liar.

let's state some facts, and you tell me which you disagree with.

track palin hit his girlfriend and tried to prevent her from reporting it to the police
track palin has a child with his ex-wife that was conceived out of wedlock.
track palin and his wife divorced after less than two years
sarah palin conceived track out of wedlock.
bristol palin has two illegitimate children by two different men despite having been a paid spokeswoman for an abstinence advocacy group.

now, is there anything in that you disagree with?
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How Much Money Did Bristol Palin Earn From Abstinence Speeches? Sarah Palin’s Daughter Is Pregnant Again.

gnant, Again
gnant, Again
gnant, Again
In 2011, when she was 20, Palin made $262,000 as an abstinence ambassador for The Candie’s Foundation, the Associated Press reported, citing tax documents. A total amount earned over the years has not been revealed.

The party of lying hypocrites.
Who was the right wing lying commentator that made comments about President Obama's daughters and the music they listened too. And the terrible parents the Obama's are and look at the pile of shit parenting sarah palin and her husband are.
What a fucking joke the teabagging asses are.

You Communists are prudes that would have Queen Victoria telling you to lighten up.

When you throw conservative family values (that conservatives won't shut up about) under the bus,

is that all of them at once, like in a big bag, or one at a time?
What is the absolute worse hypocrisy is that the stupid Libtards blame criminal gun crimes on the NRA.
How disingenuous can one be, a total hypocrite. You spouse off about family values and then when you get caught in your webs of deceit you change your thinking and try to blame others for their way of life.
Phony through and through, But what could anyone expect from the teabaggers.

How Much Money Did Bristol Palin Earn From Abstinence Speeches? Sarah Palin’s Daughter Is Pregnant Again.

gnant, Again
gnant, Again
gnant, Again
In 2011, when she was 20, Palin made $262,000 as an abstinence ambassador for The Candie’s Foundation, the Associated Press reported, citing tax documents. A total amount earned over the years has not been revealed.

The party of lying hypocrites.
Who was the right wing lying commentator that made comments about President Obama's daughters and the music they listened too. And the terrible parents the Obama's are and look at the pile of shit parenting sarah palin and her husband are.
What a fucking joke the teabagging asses are.

You Communists are prudes that would have Queen Victoria telling you to lighten up.
before he went into the military he was given a choice of jail or joining the military by a judge
What would you have done if given that option?

I would have gotten my lawyer to file an ethics complaint against the judge because it's illegal to do that now.

The Army doesn't need the Justice Department's problems, which is why they stopped doing that some time ago. That's the guy who usually ends up fragging the officers.
Yeah Yeah and Kenya is located in the Hawaiian Islands....when are you idiots going to just admit that Obama graduated from the Harvard Law School magna cum laude and Bush with a C average from Yale couldn't even get into the University of Texas so he attended his family's personal college.....Yale. One thing I've learned.....the Republicans have no shame. If they thought it would gain anything for the party they would swear that they saw a left handed woman throw her right tit over her left shoulder and squirt buttermilk up her ass.

Obama himself, someone that claims to be from Hawaii, thought it was in Asia. His words, not mine.

I'll admit it when I see the actual transcripts of the grades he claims he has.

You wish......if a count had been recorded each time that goddamned ignoramous George W. Bush came out with some kind of stupid utterance they could add a volume to a standard set of encyclopedias. At least Obama is good at ending wars and not starting them. 4500 young American men and women died 10,000 miles from home because George W. Bush had a vendetta to pull off on Saddam Hussein. A little something to show you what ending two wars can do for spending:


You mean like 57 states, Hawaii in Asia, and Savannah GA being on the gulf coast?

Your side calls Bush stupid. You say Obama is so smart yet he doesn't shit about geography even of where he claims to have been born. If he's so smart, why is he such a fuck up on so many things?

You should STFU! Any party which supported that wannabe cowboy who purposefully got 4500 young Americans killed because he unnecessarily invaded a sovereign nation which had not harmed the U S is a loser. At least own that shit! 935 lies is a hard thing to try to find an excuse for.
Obama himself, someone that claims to be from Hawaii, thought it was in Asia. His words, not mine.

I'll admit it when I see the actual transcripts of the grades he claims he has.

You wish......if a count had been recorded each time that goddamned ignoramous George W. Bush came out with some kind of stupid utterance they could add a volume to a standard set of encyclopedias. At least Obama is good at ending wars and not starting them. 4500 young American men and women died 10,000 miles from home because George W. Bush had a vendetta to pull off on Saddam Hussein. A little something to show you what ending two wars can do for spending:


You mean like 57 states, Hawaii in Asia, and Savannah GA being on the gulf coast?

Your side calls Bush stupid. You say Obama is so smart yet he doesn't shit about geography even of where he claims to have been born. If he's so smart, why is he such a fuck up on so many things?

You should STFU! Any party which supported that wannabe cowboy who purposefully got 4500 young Americans killed because he unnecessarily invaded a sovereign country which had not harmed the U S is a loser. At least own that shit! 935 lies is a hard thing to try to find an excuse for.

I will when your old ass is able to enforce the demand. When should I expect you to try?

How many of those happened AFTER your BOY was in office. By Liberal standards he owns it.

Pucker up. Shit must tastes good to you.
You wish......if a count had been recorded each time that goddamned ignoramous George W. Bush came out with some kind of stupid utterance they could add a volume to a standard set of encyclopedias. At least Obama is good at ending wars and not starting them. 4500 young American men and women died 10,000 miles from home because George W. Bush had a vendetta to pull off on Saddam Hussein. A little something to show you what ending two wars can do for spending:


You mean like 57 states, Hawaii in Asia, and Savannah GA being on the gulf coast?

Your side calls Bush stupid. You say Obama is so smart yet he doesn't shit about geography even of where he claims to have been born. If he's so smart, why is he such a fuck up on so many things?

You should STFU! Any party which supported that wannabe cowboy who purposefully got 4500 young Americans killed because he unnecessarily invaded a sovereign country which had not harmed the U S is a loser. At least own that shit! 935 lies is a hard thing to try to find an excuse for.

I will when your old ass is able to enforce the demand. When should I expect you to try?

How many of those happened AFTER your BOY was in office. By Liberal standards he owns it.

Pucker up. Shit must tastes good to you.

Meet me in front of the Harriman, TN post office Sunday morning morning at 10:00 AM.......if you're half smart you'll show up with something in your hand besides your dick!


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You mean like 57 states, Hawaii in Asia, and Savannah GA being on the gulf coast?

Your side calls Bush stupid. You say Obama is so smart yet he doesn't shit about geography even of where he claims to have been born. If he's so smart, why is he such a fuck up on so many things?

You should STFU! Any party which supported that wannabe cowboy who purposefully got 4500 young Americans killed because he unnecessarily invaded a sovereign country which had not harmed the U S is a loser. At least own that shit! 935 lies is a hard thing to try to find an excuse for.

I will when your old ass is able to enforce the demand. When should I expect you to try?

How many of those happened AFTER your BOY was in office. By Liberal standards he owns it.

Pucker up. Shit must tastes good to you.

Meet me in front of the Harriman, TN post office Sunday morning morning at 10:00 AM.......if you're half smart you'll show up armed!
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You mean like 57 states, Hawaii in Asia, and Savannah GA being on the gulf coast?

Your side calls Bush stupid. You say Obama is so smart yet he doesn't shit about geography even of where he claims to have been born. If he's so smart, why is he such a fuck up on so many things?

You should STFU! Any party which supported that wannabe cowboy who purposefully got 4500 young Americans killed because he unnecessarily invaded a sovereign country which had not harmed the U S is a loser. At least own that shit! 935 lies is a hard thing to try to find an excuse for.

I will when your old ass is able to enforce the demand. When should I expect you to try?

How many of those happened AFTER your BOY was in office. By Liberal standards he owns it.

Pucker up. Shit must tastes good to you.

Meet me in front of the Harriman, TN post office Sunday morning morning at 10:00 AM.......if you're half smart you'll show up with something in your hand besides your dick!



I see you edited your post to take out the gun threat. Didn't think you were man enough to meet as a man.

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