Sarah Palin Calls Black Lives Matter Protesters ‘Thugs’ And ‘Rioters’

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Sarah for Vice President.
She likes being a king maker...and she's good at it as Paul RINO is finding out....

Interesting. What kings has she made...?
This is a good pick of hers, Darry Glenn in Colorado...

Funny. He looks a lot like her ole flame Glen Rice...
Looks like he's going to win too....

Defeating Paul RINO will be the best....he's losing badly...

Well, I guess we should all pay attention to what Sarah says. She obviously knows stuff...

Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin once again took aim at Black Lives Matters protesters Sunday, calling them “thugs” and demanding the media “quit claiming that these rioters are people.”

In an interview on radio show “Breitbart News Sunday,” the former Alaska governor argued that the Black Lives Matter movement is in part responsible for the actions of a lone sniper (who was not affiliated with the peaceful movement) who fatally shot five police officers in Dallas last week.

“They’re not protesters,” she said. “These are thugs. They’re rioters. And yeah, I’m calling out the media, saying quit claiming that these rioters are people. They’re stomping on our flag, figuratively and literally, shouting death to cops, celebrating violence.”

Her use of “thug” isn’t without racial connotations. Many argue that it’s merely thesocially acceptable version of the N-word, and some members of the media have vowed not to use it.

Palin also blamed the media for “perpetuating a message that really evil people are thriving on right now as they try to intimidate and ... warp malleable minds that would believe one race matters more than another.” The movement is “the antithesis of Martin Luther King Jr’s message, it’s the antithesis of our constitution, our bill of rights, our charters of liberty that say all men are created equal,” she argued.

Of course, she thinks it’s all President Barack Obama’s fault.

“It is part of that fundamental transformation of America that Barack Obama had promised to do to America,” she said.

You can listen to the full radio interview here.

Sarah Palin Calls Black Lives Matter Protesters ‘Thugs’ And ‘Rioters’

Shame on Sarah. Does she expect black people to remain silent while they're being unfairly murdered?

You can be fairly murdered ?

Oh, Sarah, please say it ain't so. Rice nailed her in her prime. Now, cellulite is taking over...

Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin once again took aim at Black Lives Matters protesters Sunday, calling them “thugs” and demanding the media “quit claiming that these rioters are people.”

In an interview on radio show “Breitbart News Sunday,” the former Alaska governor argued that the Black Lives Matter movement is in part responsible for the actions of a lone sniper (who was not affiliated with the peaceful movement) who fatally shot five police officers in Dallas last week.

“They’re not protesters,” she said. “These are thugs. They’re rioters. And yeah, I’m calling out the media, saying quit claiming that these rioters are people. They’re stomping on our flag, figuratively and literally, shouting death to cops, celebrating violence.”

Her use of “thug” isn’t without racial connotations. Many argue that it’s merely thesocially acceptable version of the N-word, and some members of the media have vowed not to use it.

Palin also blamed the media for “perpetuating a message that really evil people are thriving on right now as they try to intimidate and ... warp malleable minds that would believe one race matters more than another.” The movement is “the antithesis of Martin Luther King Jr’s message, it’s the antithesis of our constitution, our bill of rights, our charters of liberty that say all men are created equal,” she argued.

Of course, she thinks it’s all President Barack Obama’s fault.

“It is part of that fundamental transformation of America that Barack Obama had promised to do to America,” she said.

You can listen to the full radio interview here.

Sarah Palin Calls Black Lives Matter Protesters ‘Thugs’ And ‘Rioters’

Shame on Sarah. Does she expect black people to remain silent while they're being unfairly murdered?

OMG now thug is racist, jesus, there will be no words left after you retards get through.
And he did cause it dumbfuck, but injecting himself in these matters. I don't remember other presidents getting involved in these and certainly not commenting until all the facts were in.

Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin once again took aim at Black Lives Matters protesters Sunday, calling them “thugs” and demanding the media “quit claiming that these rioters are people.”

In an interview on radio show “Breitbart News Sunday,” the former Alaska governor argued that the Black Lives Matter movement is in part responsible for the actions of a lone sniper (who was not affiliated with the peaceful movement) who fatally shot five police officers in Dallas last week.

“They’re not protesters,” she said. “These are thugs. They’re rioters. And yeah, I’m calling out the media, saying quit claiming that these rioters are people. They’re stomping on our flag, figuratively and literally, shouting death to cops, celebrating violence.”

Her use of “thug” isn’t without racial connotations. Many argue that it’s merely thesocially acceptable version of the N-word, and some members of the media have vowed not to use it.

Palin also blamed the media for “perpetuating a message that really evil people are thriving on right now as they try to intimidate and ... warp malleable minds that would believe one race matters more than another.” The movement is “the antithesis of Martin Luther King Jr’s message, it’s the antithesis of our constitution, our bill of rights, our charters of liberty that say all men are created equal,” she argued.

Of course, she thinks it’s all President Barack Obama’s fault.

“It is part of that fundamental transformation of America that Barack Obama had promised to do to America,” she said.

You can listen to the full radio interview here.

Sarah Palin Calls Black Lives Matter Protesters ‘Thugs’ And ‘Rioters’

Shame on Sarah. Does she expect black people to remain silent while they're being unfairly murdered?

OMG now thug is racist, jesus, there will be no words left after you retards get through.
And he did cause it dumbfuck, but injecting himself in these matters. I don't remember other presidents getting involved in these and certainly not commenting until all the facts were in.

Don't worry I'm sure Obama "acted stupidly" when he decided to dive right in to other people's business without getting the facts straight. Right Lakhota?
Good for Ms. Palin! Black Lives Fecal Matter ARE subhuman thugs and rioters, you drunken, never-had-a-written-language race of scalping-fetish featherheads. If you had any intelligence at all you would know that basketball-Americans hate EVERYONE who isn't black because they have such an inferiority complex about being the stupidest race on this planet.
Stephanie Rawlings Blake referred to those responsible for the riots in Baltimore as thugs. Do you want to try and call her racist for using that term as well? Can we not speak candidly about those, for example, who choose to burn businesses and destroy property, or would we rather make excuses to justify their behavior?

Calling them thugs is being polite. What she should call them is what they are--lowlifes.

I could never imagine myself protesting anything. After working five days a week, eight or more hours a day, year in and year out, the last thing I have time or energy for is protesting something.

The only people that have time for this nonsense are non-working lowlifes who's only goal is to start trouble. After all, what is Black Lies Matters message? Cops leave black criminals alone?

Sarah is a lot smarter than most have given her credit for in the past. There are few Americans in our country today that haven't surrendered to political correctness and tell the truth about things whether people like it or not.
LOL! And you have a problem with calling Black Lives Matter protesters "thugs and rioters"?! Uh, why?

Do you know that BLM "protesters" have chanted slogans wishing death on cops? What would you call that?

Do you know how many times BLM "protesters" have been involved in violent confrontations?

Etc., etc., etc. Any clue?
She's right. No different than the black panthers. A racially motivated group of thugs bent on dividing a once peaceful nation. This is Obama's America.

Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin once again took aim at Black Lives Matters protesters Sunday, calling them “thugs” and demanding the media “quit claiming that these rioters are people.”

In an interview on radio show “Breitbart News Sunday,” the former Alaska governor argued that the Black Lives Matter movement is in part responsible for the actions of a lone sniper (who was not affiliated with the peaceful movement) who fatally shot five police officers in Dallas last week.

“They’re not protesters,” she said. “These are thugs. They’re rioters. And yeah, I’m calling out the media, saying quit claiming that these rioters are people. They’re stomping on our flag, figuratively and literally, shouting death to cops, celebrating violence.”

Her use of “thug” isn’t without racial connotations. Many argue that it’s merely thesocially acceptable version of the N-word, and some members of the media have vowed not to use it.

Palin also blamed the media for “perpetuating a message that really evil people are thriving on right now as they try to intimidate and ... warp malleable minds that would believe one race matters more than another.” The movement is “the antithesis of Martin Luther King Jr’s message, it’s the antithesis of our constitution, our bill of rights, our charters of liberty that say all men are created equal,” she argued.

Of course, she thinks it’s all President Barack Obama’s fault.

“It is part of that fundamental transformation of America that Barack Obama had promised to do to America,” she said.

You can listen to the full radio interview here.

Sarah Palin Calls Black Lives Matter Protesters ‘Thugs’ And ‘Rioters’

Shame on Sarah. Does she expect black people to remain silent while they're being unfairly murdered?

OMG now thug is racist, jesus, there will be no words left after you retards get through.
And he did cause it dumbfuck, but injecting himself in these matters. I don't remember other presidents getting involved in these and certainly not commenting until all the facts were in.

Anything that is used to describe some facet of black behavior ends up being called "racist."

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