Sarah Palin - compilation thread

While I appreciate how well you have spelled out your problems with Palin (and understand, I am not thrilled about the choice)...I think you are making the dangerous mistake of underestimating your opponent if you think that McCain chose Palin simply to pull Hillary voters away from Obama.

This doesn't make sense for a number of reasons...reasons that McCain and his people had to have known before they made their choice. To name a few:

1) Palin is a nobody politically-speaking. To assume that women who supported such a well-known person as Hillary are simply going to turn over and vote McCain because he nominated someone with breasts is stupid. Republicans may think Democrats are dumb, but not that dumb.

2) Palin, as far as I know, is ardently Pro-Life. Many female Democrats consider a woman's right to choose to be a non-debatable, deal-breaking issue. If a candidate is not pro-choice, they will not vote for them. In a sense, this choice by McCain may have actually COST him Hillary cross-over votes...instead of won them.

3) Palin, being inexperienced and unknown, comes across as a pandering choice. I have already spoken to two of my liberal friends who stated that McCain only chose her so that he could have a woman on his ticket - one thought it was because he was trying to combat the desire to vote for "the first" of something, either the first black president, or the first woman vp. The other thought it was to win women who wanted to vote for Hillary. Either way, many women feel that this choice was actually insulting because they feel it implies that McCain feels they will vote for him simply because he has a woman on his ticket. Not necessarily the way to win an election.

And say what you will about McCain...up to now, he hasn't been outright stupid in any of his one has to ask...

If he didn't choose Palin to win Hillary voters (which I really don't think he did for the reasons I've illustrated above)...

Why did he choose her?

Has anybody bothered to look to see where Alaska is located? Have you forgotten how central that area is to the issue of energy, oil, and industry?

It shares the border with Canada, and Russia is just a few miles away. Palin is extraordinarily more experienced in actuality than Hillary OR Obama...whose only claims to fame are that Hillary is the wife of a past president, and a junior senator; and Obama is even less qualified, as he is only a junior senator.

This woman speaks to the issues and has been shown to act on them. If you think a SENATOR is more of a qualification to the presidency than a governor, you are sadly ignorant of the job description of senators and governors.

She won by a landslide over an incumbent governor in Alaska, she has come up with and successfully put into place finance reform, and has experience dealing with international issues, as governor of Alaska.

I can't believe that of all the things to attack her on, the libs are attacking her as a "token" (you guys really are the bigots, that's pretty obvious) and "lack of experience" which are the two things she certainly isn't. Attack her on the issues, for Pete's sakes. Look at what she's done and criticize that...but when you pretend she hasn't had any "experience" you just make yourselves look foolish; particularly given the fact that your presidential nominee actually has zero "experience" and has no achievements whatsoever under his belt.
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Oh, I can't wait for someone to make a comment like that on a national stage. Women will flock to the polls to vote this woman in if someone make such a careless, ignorant remark.

Amen brother---the fur will fly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:meow:
Has anybody bothered to look to see where Alaska is located? Have you forgotten how central that area is to the issue of energy, oil, and industry?

It shares the border with Canada, and Russia is just a few miles away. Palin is extraordinarily more experienced in actuality than Hillary OR Obama...whose only claims to fame are that Hillary is the wife of a past president, and a junior senator; and Obama is even less qualified, as he is only a junior senator.

This woman speaks to the issues and has been shown to act on them. If you think a SENATOR is more of a qualification to the presidency than a governor, you are sadly ignorant of the job description of senators and governors.

She won by a landslide over an incumbent governor in Alaska, she has come up with and successfully put into place finance reform, and has experience dealing with international issues, as governor of Alaska.

I can't believe that of all the things to attack her on, the libs are attacking her as a "token" (you guys really are the bigots, that's pretty obvious) and "lack of experience" which are the two things she certainly isn't. Attack her on the issues, for Pete's sakes. Look at what she's done and criticize that...but when you pretend she hasn't had any "experience" you just make yourselves look foolish; particularly given the fact that your presidential nominee actually has zero "experience" and has no achievements whatsoever under his belt.

Energy---she know her energy !!!!!
FATHERS CAN RAISE CHILDREN TOO. Go ahead and try to claim they can't and see what kind of backlash you get. You don't even know who they guy is yet !

Ya I thought of that and I sure hope he is a stay at home dad. It doesn't make much difference though, a family of five, a family-values family of SEVEN that is, should not have one of the parents in the white house 16 hours a day (or whatever the job description is). It's a hell of a job, by any account.
The question is, which is better - to take the VP spot and leave your five children including the down's baby (I thought he was 2 but must have been wrong there) to the sitter for 16 hours/day, or to say to McCain, thanks but no thanks my family needs me and I am busy enough running alaska thankyouverymuch.

God. If she sells as family values, I will be sick.

Again, she represents blue collar America. She represents working-class women. She's exactly what McCain needed. Someone young, fresh, with new ideas, and very little dirt in her past.
McCain is after more than just the Hillary voters here, folks. He also gains ground with blue-collar workers in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, which will prove to be crucial in the election.

He also silences Biden during the debates, something that a lot of people were worried about during the VP selection process. Biden would have a lot of ammo on Romney, Lieberman, Pawlenty, and Ridge. With Palin, he has very little.
Women can work and be good parents at the same time. Even parents of special needs children. We all must weigh the positives with the negatives...and as an advocate for children and their rights, I've no doubt she believes that she is better able to serve children...her own and a political figure rather than as a stay at home mother.
Ya I thought of that and I sure hope he is a stay at home dad. It doesn't make much difference though, a family of five, a family-values family of SEVEN that is, should not have one of the parents in the white house 16 hours a day (or whatever the job description is). It's a hell of a job, by any account.

Republicans are hoping you shout that from the rooftops !
(1) I'm sorry about your first child.

(2) I think attacking Gov. Palin's special needs child is inappropriate.

How on earth did I attack her child???

otherwise thank you, that's kind of you. Her birthday is coming up and she would be thirteen.
Republicans are hoping you shout that from the rooftops !

Ya lost me there. I don't see how she can claim to be family values but then the far right confuses me on a regular basis. Not that you are far right, I have no idea.
Exactly...McCain choosing her has little to nothing to do with winning Clinton voters...and we would all be wise to pick up on that and start looking at these other reasons.

Exactly. Picking up hillary voters is just icing on the cake. The real reason McCain picked her was because he NEEDED to pick someone that would energize and excite the conservative base, and Palin does that in spades.
Again, she represents blue collar America. She represents working-class women. She's exactly what McCain needed. Someone young, fresh, with new ideas, and very little dirt in her past.

Did you mean she needs a young, fresh, hopefully good nanny?
I can't believe that of all the things to attack her on, the libs are attacking her as a "token" (you guys really are the bigots, that's pretty obvious) and "lack of experience" which are the two things she certainly isn't.

Personally I haven't attacked her on her lack of experience or called her a token. But I am not a liberal.I am dismayed that she would consider taking this job.

I mean, we all need a little time away from the kids now and then but this is ridiculous.
Let's talk qualifications:

She eliminated taxes as mayor in her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska.
She was chairwoman of Alaska's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, which regulates oil and gas resources.
As the governor of Alaska, she was commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard and noted that her oldest son, Track, is a U.S. soldier scheduled to deploy soon to Iraq.

What does Obama have on his resume?

Oh yeah, he threw his pastor under the bus after attending his church for 20 years and referencing him in his books....after saying he didn't know the man held the views he did.

And he chummed with Ayers in order to gain political leverage, then dismissed Ayers' admitted terrorist activities as inconsequenctial.

Wow, Obama has her beat all over the place for "experience".
Exactly. Picking up hillary voters is just icing on the cake. The real reason McCain picked her was because he NEEDED to pick someone that would energize and excite the conservative base, and Palin does that in spades.

Exactly. The announcement of Palin far overshadowed the announcement of Biden, AND it ended all the talk about Obama's "omgorgasmic" speech last night that was nothing more than all his rhetoric from the past year rolled into one giant snoozefest.

Palin has brought new life into the McCain camp, in less than one day! There seems to be very few skeletons in her closet, so Biden has no bait for the debates. What's he going to attack - her inexperience? He's already said that OBAMA is not experienced and that MCCAIN is. She'll throw that right back in his face.

Frankly, I was shocked this morning, and I was very skeptical. After doing some reading and learning about Palin, I think they've made absolutely the right choice. She'll excite the far right, she'll entice the women, and let's face it, she can appeal to the youth. She's a fresh face in politics, obviously very young, and she's a very articulate speaker (even without a teleprompter).

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