Sarah Palin - compilation thread

Every 4 years (Around Election Time) I really like to watch the news. The news coverage of the different candidates is very fun to watch. I notice this election year that The Republican candidates are re using the same speeches every day. I can see where in the year 1855 you could tour the country and give the same speech in every town. But in today's media age. I can't see where telling us the exact same things like (How Sara Palin's Kids miss the Governor’s chef, Or How She put the State Jet on E-Bay or the bridge to nowhere bit) all of these bits seam to be repeated word for word in speeches across America every day now. I am sure that the People who are actually attending those events have already heard it all too. John McCain is repeating the same speeches over and over again too but I didn't make any references because I just saw Palin on TV so her speech is just what is currently on my mind. This is a modern age .. a fast news age, you need to be fresh every day or the American people will become bored. Just My Opinion
Democrats, on the other hand, make up a refreshing new speech at every venue, right? :D
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Why don't you go back and dive your way out of this debate, you have made it clear that you wont stick to one thing. If you were half as good at diving as you are at debate, perhaps you wouldn't be drowning in your own rhetoric. pun intended.
um, still waiting for you to actually post something that is debatable
you post a list that is a clear copy & Paste from some nutty leftist site and expect someone to debate that drivel?
Democrats, on the other hand, make up a refreshing new speech at every venue, right? :D

Well No, not totally, but, I would say when I watch those candidates I see at least 50% something different or something in response. I am not picking sides here, I am just saying that I am becoming bored with the exact same word for word speeches. I think both sides need to keep in mind that every word they have said has been heard by 99.9% of us. This is a Very "Old News is No News" world we live in. again .. just my opinion.
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Well No, not totally, but, I would say when I watch those candidates I see at least 50% something different or something in response. I am not picking sides here, I am just saying that I am becoming bored with the exact same word for word speeches. I think both sides need to keep in mind that every word they have said has been heard by 99.9% of us. This is a Very "Old News is No News" world we live in. again .. just my opinion.
I'm calling bullshit. You're an Obamite. Fess up.
Well No, not totally, but, I would say when I watch those candidates I see at least 50% something different or something in response. I am not picking sides here, I am just saying that I am becoming bored with the exact same word for word speeches. I think both sides need to keep in mind that every word they have said has been heard by 99.9% of us. This is a Very "Old News is No News" world we live in. again .. just my opinion.
you mean things like "hope" "change" and "yes we can"?
keep hope alive

well, i thought that whole diatribe was sarcasm, but, i'm not so sure now
but it sure was all factually incorrect

you make a mistake(and a HUGE one) and you call HER numbnuts?

you didnt back it with facts, you backed it with some moronic list of lies

then you dont know how the rep system works
but you'll learn

um, still waiting for you to actually post something that is debatable
you post a list that is a clear copy & Paste from some nutty leftist site and expect someone to debate that drivel?

you mean things like "hope" "change" and "yes we can"?

Your last seven posts. Does this look like it could even fill a page in MLA format? Evidence once again, that you lack not only the skills to post anything beyond two liner offensive remarks, but that you drown in your own hypocrisy.
Your last seven posts. Does this look like it could even fill a page in MLA format? Evidence once again, that you lack not only the skills to post anything beyond two liner offensive remarks, but that you drown in your own hypocrisy.
asshole, i'm not even TRYING to address your utter stupidity
cant you even see that yet?
asshole, i'm not even TRYING to address your utter stupidity
cant you even see that yet?

Oh thats good. I will add that to the other seven predictable token responses from a confused person with too much salt water in their brain. Thanks.
to a White House near you.


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