Sarah Palin - compilation thread

Lololololol......Obama's mayorship......

I meant leadership numnuts, you know something a senator of the 13th district (chicago) would do. It does not matter though, because clearly you are making a left turn away from the fact that Palin has governed less people than my right nut.
I meant leadership numnuts, you know something a senator of the 13th district (chicago) would do. It does not matter though, because clearly you are making a left turn away from the fact that Palin has governed less people than my right nut.
you make a mistake(and a HUGE one) and you call HER numbnuts?
you make a mistake(and a HUGE one) and you call HER numbnuts?

Well when your typing really fast and you are human like I am, sometimes you make mistakes without notice. That was a typing mistake not a departure from common sense much as you seem to have mastered. By the way, I could care less if you negative rep me, Its stupid. I have been against that system since day one and yet people STILL give me rep power despite my attempts to abolish the system. In-fact I have over a hundred less posts and yet more rep power than you. That should tell you two things. One, your wasting your time repping me, two.....I must be doing something right, that you are not doing.

Lastly, again you dodged the debate here. The debate is not my ability to avoid mistakes as you have made it to be, the debate is Sarah Palin. What I have learned with years of education and dealing with people like you is, you latch on to something that makes you feel confident, even if it is a one way train OUT of the conversation. Man up, learn to stick to the debate. In the real world, you would not last one second with those meaningless tactics and pathetic repping excuse.

Let me help you, I stated that Palin is a liar, and backed that with facts. Now your turn.
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A typo! :eusa_liar: Is this one too?

Face it man, your mind is clouded with hate!

A Typo is a mis-spelling glock, a typing mistake is a complete sentence mistake which I conceded hours ago. What is your point?

Second. My mind is not clouded with hate, as I said before I was going to vote for Mccain, before Palin joined the ticket.

Third, you too should know how I do things around here. Your Rep power is three times my rep power yet, you posted six times as many reply's. That tells you what? That you along with DiveCon are obviously going about debate in a way that garners much less respect than I would garner. Think about that for a minute, do the math....If I had over 4,000 posts like you do, I would be sitting on 30 rep power by now (twice your rep power) Not that I care about rep power but the people of this board have clearly indicated that I am TWICE as likely to get it right than you are. Care to respond with a different calculation?
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A Typo is a mis-spelling glock, a typing mistake is a complete sentence mistake which I conceded hours ago. What is your point?

Second. My mind is not clouded with hate, as I said before I was going to vote for Mccain, before Palin joined the ticket.
Whatever. It wasn't a "typing mistake" either, but a complete misunderstanding of facts.
Dear Friends,

Evangelicals have been denying evolution with the greatest vigor especially since the turn of the 21st Century and the arrival of George Bush on the scene. Now, so tightly intertwined with the Republican Party as to be indistinguishable from them as evidenced by the hoopla and shouting and talking in tongues up in Minnesota, they are denying all truth to a degree that should be alarming to any thinking person. Join with us in considering a new ideology that is neither conservative nor liberal but is based on the straight scientific truth of evolution put together with mathematical precision and clarity. Now is the time when America must make its stand against these lunatic, double talking, control mad, war mongering fascists who want to enslave the country and conquer the world for God, up to and including waging nuclear war to satisfy His Divine will in their suicidally juvenile and unhappiness driven desire to all die and go to Heaven, and take us with them. Are you on the hit list to be activated the minute the election is over and McCain has won?

Dr. Peter V. and Mrs. Ruth Calabria
Read more and help us organize at
"Calculations"? Another "typing error", perhaps? :cuckoo:

Did you even read my post? Yes, calculations. The simple mathematical fact that If I had posted over 4,000 reply's (like you did), I would be "sitting on 30 rep power". (Twice your rep power). Do the math, you posted 6 times as many posts as I, yet only boast 3 times as much rep power. Which as I said before, the people of this board have made it clear that they believe I am TWICE as likely to get it right than you are.
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Did you even read my post? Yes, calculations. The simple mathematical fact that If I had posted over 4,000 reply's (like you did), I would be "sitting on 30 rep power". (Twice your rep power). Do the math, you posted 6 times as many posts as I, yet only boast 3 times as much rep power. Which as I said before, the people of this board have made it clear that they believe I am TWICE as likely to get it right than you are.
Actually my rep count was one of the highest here before I pissed of Darin (by proving him wrong) and he zeroed me out. Darin's since been shit-canned or is simply too embarrassed to post anymore. Ask Gunny for details. :eusa_hand:
Every 4 years (Around Election Time) I really like to watch the news. The news coverage of the different candidates is very fun to watch. I notice this election year that The Republican candidates are re using the same speeches every day. I can see where in the year 1855 you could tour the country and give the same speech in every town. But in today's media age. I can't see where telling us the exact same things like (How Sara Palin's Kids miss the Governor’s chef, Or How She put the State Jet on E-Bay or the bridge to nowhere bit) all of these bits seam to be repeated word for word in speeches across America every day now. I am sure that the People who are actually attending those events have already heard it all too. John McCain is repeating the same speeches over and over again too but I didn't make any references because I just saw Palin on TV so her speech is just what is currently on my mind. This is a modern age .. a fast news age, you need to be fresh every day or the American people will become bored. Just My Opinion
Well when your typing really fast and you are human like I am, sometimes you make mistakes without notice. That was a typing mistake not a departure from common sense much as you seem to have mastered. By the way, I could care less if you negative rep me, Its stupid. I have been against that system since day one and yet people STILL give me rep power despite my attempts to abolish the system. In-fact I have over a hundred less posts and yet more rep power than you. That should tell you two things. One, your wasting your time repping me, two.....I must be doing something right, that you are not doing.

Lastly, again you dodged the debate here. The debate is not my ability to avoid mistakes as you have made it to be, the debate is Sarah Palin. What I have learned with years of education and dealing with people like you is, you latch on to something that makes you feel confident, even if it is a one way train OUT of the conversation. Man up, learn to stick to the debate. In the real world, you would not last one second with those meaningless tactics and pathetic repping excuse.

Let me help you, I stated that Palin is a liar, and backed that with facts. Now your turn.
you didnt back it with facts, you backed it with some moronic list of lies
I meant leadership numnuts, you know something a senator of the 13th district (chicago) would do. It does not matter though, because clearly you are making a left turn away from the fact that Palin has governed less people than my right nut.

You mean your right nut presiding over a land fill in Jersey these days?



In a day of laughs, that was one of the better ones. Made even better by your reaction.
Did you even read my post? Yes, calculations. The simple mathematical fact that If I had posted over 4,000 reply's (like you did), I would be "sitting on 30 rep power". (Twice your rep power). Do the math, you posted 6 times as many posts as I, yet only boast 3 times as much rep power. Which as I said before, the people of this board have made it clear that they believe I am TWICE as likely to get it right than you are.
then you dont know how the rep system works
but you'll learn
you didnt back it with facts, you backed it with some moronic list of lies

Why don't you go back and dive your way out of this debate, you have made it clear that you wont stick to one thing. If you were half as good at diving as you are at debate, perhaps you wouldn't be drowning in your own rhetoric. pun intended.
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