Sarah Palin - compilation thread

Oh please...

You Repubicans will suckle the teet of "terrorism" till you die.

If you want to talk about the character of the two candidates, then let's do it.

When McCain came back from Vietnam, he cheated repeatedly on his crippled wife, and then divorced her to marry Cindy Hensley. In the 1980's McCain lobbied for Charles Keating, the saving and loan felon who stole billions in pension money, and took numerous jet set vacations at Keating's expense. In the 1990's McCain had an affair with a lobbyist that so scared his staff, that they told her to stay away from him. His campaigns for the Senate were all financed with his wife Cindy's mob money. In 1994 Cindy McCain forged prescriptions in the names of her employees and stole drugs from her own charity. McCain's campaign this year is getting huge amounts of oil company money. His pick for vice president is under an ethics investigation and will probably be indicted on Oct 31st. McCain is 72 years old, has had cancer 5 times and is on 5 different medications. He is so out of it, that his staff will no longer let him talk to the press unscripted.

Barak Obama graduated from Harvard Law School and went back to his community to help people who had lost their jobs when the plants shut down. He met his wife at the law firm where the worked together, and he has never cheated on his wife, and she has never forged prescriptions or stolen drugs. Obama has never lobbied for anyone that stole billions of dollars from pensioners. Obama's campaign is financed by 1.5 million contributors. Obama's pick for vice president has spent 30 years in the U.S. Senate and is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Obama is taking no medications and is available to talk to the press unscripted. His three main priorities for America are getting out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and American energy independence.

There is no question in my mind which one of these men will make a better president.

All the Republican smear tactics in the world cannot change these facts.

Everyone of these, have been debunked in other threads, you just continue to troll around repeating the same lies.

Obama's ties to domestic terrorist has nothing to do with AQ or any other international terrorist organization. Obama has voted to raise taxes on people making $42,000, while traveling the country giving great speeches about providing tax relief for the middle class. Obama proposes a tax plan on domestic oil companies that has a history, under Carter a windfall taxes was passed, which resulted in way less domestic oil production. Obama voted for the "Bush" 2005 Energy Policy Act(while Mccain voted against it), giving huge tax breaks to Big Oil. Obama admitted in 2004 that he wasn't qualified to be president, but now wants your vote. Obama stated that Iran wasn't a threat, then 3 days later called Iran a grave threat. Etc......
Oh please...

You Repubicans will suckle the teet of "terrorism" till you die.

If you want to talk about the character of the two candidates, then let's do it.

When McCain came back from Vietnam, he cheated repeatedly on his crippled wife, and then divorced her to marry Cindy Hensley. In the 1980's McCain lobbied for Charles Keating, the saving and loan felon who stole billions in pension money, and took numerous jet set vacations at Keating's expense. In the 1990's McCain had an affair with a lobbyist that so scared his staff, that they told her to stay away from him. His campaigns for the Senate were all financed with his wife Cindy's mob money. In 1994 Cindy McCain forged prescriptions in the names of her employees and stole drugs from her own charity. McCain's campaign this year is getting huge amounts of oil company money. His pick for vice president is under an ethics investigation and will probably be indicted on Oct 31st. McCain is 72 years old, has had cancer 5 times and is on 5 different medications. He is so out of it, that his staff will no longer let him talk to the press unscripted.

Barak Obama graduated from Harvard Law School and went back to his community to help people who had lost their jobs when the plants shut down. He met his wife at the law firm where the worked together, and he has never cheated on his wife, and she has never forged prescriptions or stolen drugs. Obama has never lobbied for anyone that stole billions of dollars from pensioners. Obama's campaign is financed by 1.5 million contributors. Obama's pick for vice president has spent 30 years in the U.S. Senate and is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Obama is taking no medications and is available to talk to the press unscripted. His three main priorities for America are getting out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and American energy independence.

There is no question in my mind which one of these men will make a better president.

All the Republican smear tactics in the world cannot change these facts.
this is why people think you are a retard or a moron

btw, not all democrats are like YOU, thank God
i know some reasonable democrats
Oh please...

You Repubicans will suckle the teet of "terrorism" till you die.

If you want to talk about the character of the two candidates, then let's do it.

When McCain came back from Vietnam, he cheated repeatedly on his crippled wife, and then divorced her to marry Cindy Hensley. In the 1980's McCain lobbied for Charles Keating, the saving and loan felon who stole billions in pension money, and took numerous jet set vacations at Keating's expense. In the 1990's McCain had an affair with a lobbyist that so scared his staff, that they told her to stay away from him. His campaigns for the Senate were all financed with his wife Cindy's mob money. In 1994 Cindy McCain forged prescriptions in the names of her employees and stole drugs from her own charity. McCain's campaign this year is getting huge amounts of oil company money. His pick for vice president is under an ethics investigation and will probably be indicted on Oct 31st. McCain is 72 years old, has had cancer 5 times and is on 5 different medications. He is so out of it, that his staff will no longer let him talk to the press unscripted.

Barak Obama graduated from Harvard Law School and went back to his community to help people who had lost their jobs when the plants shut down. He met his wife at the law firm where the worked together, and he has never cheated on his wife, and she has never forged prescriptions or stolen drugs. Obama has never lobbied for anyone that stole billions of dollars from pensioners. Obama's campaign is financed by 1.5 million contributors. Obama's pick for vice president has spent 30 years in the U.S. Senate and is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Obama is taking no medications and is available to talk to the press unscripted. His three main priorities for America are getting out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and American energy independence.

There is no question in my mind which one of these men will make a better president.

All the Republican smear tactics in the world cannot change these facts.

Character ---now a liberal wants to talk about character ?
Y'all need to make up you minds. You didn't give a shit about BJ Clintons lies or behavior but NOW you think character might be important. I thought character was all Christian hogwash. !
Advice to McCain campaign:

Vett. Your. Candidate.

Sara Palin was a member of a fringe Alaskan group that wanted to seceede from the United States.

Political Punch
From your link:
...Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP... says it's not accurate to describe the party as secessionist -- they just want a vote, she says, adding that the members of the AIP hold different opinions on what Alaska should be. ...

...the McCain campaign provided ABC News with all the voter registration information that exists. Rogers says that Palin didn’t attend the AIP convention in 1994, "but she visited them when they had their convention in Wasilla in 2000 as a courtesy since she was mayor."
Ditto you on Obama before he campaigned. :lol:
Obama did give a keynote address at the 2004 dem convetion, before he ran for national office
so, some political junkies(most of us on this forum) likely knew of him from that :D
And Newt Gingrich voiced his opinion that Palin should be McCain's Veep 6 months ago. :eusa_hand:
being a political junkie, i KNEW that :D

btw, i am VERY happy Palin is the VP
the only person that would have made me happier would have been JC Watts
i just didnt think McCain would pick her, i figured he would take Pawlenty or Romney
neither would have done much to make me vote for him
i was actually contemplating voting for the constitution party as a protest vote since Maine is likely to go to the dems anyway
but, this changes EVERYTHING
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And Sean Hannity was harping on her months ago, too.

Someone please tell Ravi, who thinks the only reason McCain chose her was because her daughter's preggers.
being a political junkie, i KNEW that :D

btw, i am VERY happy Palin is the VP
the only person that would have made me happier would have been JC Watts
i just didnt think McCain would pick her, i figured he would take Pawlenty or Romney
neither would have done much to make me vote for him
i was actually contemplating voting for the constitution party as a protest vote since Maine is likely to go to the dems anyway
but, this changes EVERYTHING

Watts would have generated a similar level of enthusiasm, however, blacks are deeply in the tank for Obama, so that ticket may have turned out to be a loser. This one, however, will be a winner, since there are a lot of disgruntled women out there who wanted Hillary to be the Dem Nom, for one reason alone, that she has a uterus. :lol:
Watts would have generated a similar level of enthusiasm, however, blacks are deeply in the tank for Obama, so that ticket may have turned out to be a loser. This one, however, will be a winner, since there are a lot of disgruntled women out there who wanted Hillary to be the Dem Nom, for one reason alone, that she has a uterus. :lol:
but few of those "disguntled women" will vote for McCain because of her
she draws more conservatives
there may be a few moderate to conservative women that supported Hillary, but none of the far left will change
Watts would have generated a similar level of enthusiasm, however, blacks are deeply in the tank for Obama, so that ticket may have turned out to be a loser. This one, however, will be a winner, since there are a lot of disgruntled women out there who wanted Hillary to be the Dem Nom, for one reason alone, that she has a uterus. :lol:

:eusa_wall: I can't believe I'm hearing this again (i.e. women wanted Hillary just because she's a woman and now that Hillary didn't get the Nom they'll vote for McCain because of Palin). BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Keep believing that if it makes you sleep better at night.
Watts would have generated a similar level of enthusiasm, however, blacks are deeply in the tank for Obama, so that ticket may have turned out to be a loser. This one, however, will be a winner, since there are a lot of disgruntled women out there who wanted Hillary to be the Dem Nom, for one reason alone, that she has a uterus. :lol:

You don't understand women.

Are you single, and dateless?
:eusa_wall: I can't believe I'm hearing this again (i.e. women wanted Hillary just because she's a woman and now that Hillary didn't get the Nom they'll vote for McCain because of Palin). BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Keep believing that if it makes you sleep better at night.

There is an element of truth in what he's saying. There ARE blacks who will vote for blacks simply because they are black, and there are women who will vote for women simply because they are women.

Just like there people with functioning minds who will vote for McCain simply because he isn't Obama.
Gunny, I hate to admit that there is an element of truth to what he's saying, but I don't think the numbers are as large as most men on this message board might think.

And I'm going to say what everyone is thinking but won't . . . I think there are A LOT of non-African American Democrats that won't for Barack Obama simply because of his race. I think there are some Republican men, although there numbers are probably small, who won't for McCain because he has a woman (even if she is hot) on the ticket and with his health and age she just might one day be the President if they win. It's a sad commentary on our society that in the year 2008 we have such narrow-minded citizens.

But, we're only human, so I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from people that what we see right now.
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There is an element of truth in what he's saying. There ARE blacks who will vote for blacks simply because they are black, and there are women who will vote for women simply because they are women.

Just like there people with functioning minds who will vote for McCain simply because he isn't Obama.

or those of us who will vote for the alternative, instead of Bush part 3.:eusa_whistle:

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