Sarah Palin - compilation thread

I was willing to give her background a look before I made any judgement on McCain's pick.

The more I learn, the more I think she is just politics as usual.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Gov. Sarah Palin was for the so-called infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" before she was against it, a change of position the GOP vice presidential running mate conveniently ignored Saturday when she bragged about telling Congress "thanks but no thanks" to the pork barrel project...

And now the "family values," "teach abstinence," advocate announces that her 17 yo unwed daughter is pregnant?

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin said Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant...

Plus she's under a legislative investigation which is costing her taxpayers a $100,000.00?

FOX News - By Bill O'Reilly
Gov. Palin is not without problems. She's currently under investigation for allegedly trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the Alaskan state police and dismissing Alaska's public safety commissioner after he would not do that. That investigation is ongoing...

I have a feeling this is a huge mistake by McCain. I think I may agree with Jack Cafferty from CNN on this one.
You are going to have to watch your emotional sense of Sarah Palin. People like her, conservatives, are just following rules in their consideration for others. They are rules as in a competition or sporting event, rules that must be obeyed and that derive from fear of judgment from authority, not from any real empathy for the pain and suffering of others. For all conservatives have had their natural emotions wiped from their psyches and replaced by fear of punishment for disobeying rules, fear and guilt inculcated as “conscience” by fear of punishment at a young age. Rather than caring about people as I know you do, Barack, out of genuine empathy, they care about how they are seen and judged in the way that they treat people. Much will be made about McCain and Palin’s attitudes toward people during Hurricane Gustav. There are limits as to how much you can thwart the perception of the electorate towards her and McCain’s sympathy for victims of the storm, for visible statements of concern and supporting deeds speak for themselves are hard to contradict in people’s minds whatever their motive. Reality is the unrehearsed response by conservatives to what happened during Hurricane Katrina. Counterbalance their kind act political theatre during this storm when all eyes are upon them as best you can within the limits of political reality. But you must not, yourself, not even for a moment, become emotionally connected toward Palin as a fellow caring individual in any way, for that misplaced identification of her with yourself would be emotionally fatal to the proper attitude you must have towards her no more than a player on the Bush, Rove, Limbaugh conservative gang that seeks four more years of power, four more years that will destroy us all. She is no more than the sheep’s clothing of the wolf, never more in your mind than an enemy of the people that must be defeated in her efforts to get McCain into the White House.

Indeed, when you campaign against McCain and Palin, you better bring along your fairy godmother from the roughest part of Harlem. Because this is not the Harvard Debate Club. This is not Confirmation class. This is the boxing ring. And to win, best you be a Mohammed Ali, not a naïve American dreamer who confuses the slogans on TV with reality. You should have had a fist fighter as your first pick as wise advisor, not your dear family oriented wife, because this is a fight for your life, and for her life and for all our lives. You tell McCain: I don’t buy your glorious prisoner of war shit any more than I believe you didn’t have the questions ahead of time at that stupid religious forum I should have had the brains not to get sucked into. You tell McCain that a mathematician who knows what sneaky liars all the Republicans are told you that the probability that slimy John McCain honorably didn’t peek at the questions when he had the opportunity to is exceedingly low.

To read more go to
... But you must not, yourself, not even for a moment, become emotionally connected toward Palin as a fellow caring individual in any way, for that misplaced identification of her with yourself would be emotionally fatal to the proper attitude you must have towards her ...

She seems like a nice person, outdoorsy mom, and conservative, but a person with almost no experience a heartbeat away from the presidency? Experience does not matter all of a sudden?

:iagree: She does seem like a tough cookie, down to earth and real. It's a shame she has herself in a bit of a pickle.
I was willing to give her background a look before I made any judgement on McCain's pick.

. . . And now the "family values," "teach abstinence," advocate announces that her 17 yo unwed daughter is pregnant?

That's where I question her judgment. Teaching teenage kids to practice abstinence . . . yeah, that'll work. I'm sure glad I taught my kids a method that actually works!!!!!
Advice to McCain campaign:

Vett. Your. Candidate.

Sara Palin was a member of a fringe Alaskan group that wanted to seceede from the United States.

a quote from the founder of the Alaskan Independence party:

"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." - Joe Vogler

Political Punch
Advice to McCain campaign:

Vett. Your. Candidate.

Sara Palin was a member of a fringe Alaskan group that wanted to seceede from the United States.

Political Punch

:cuckoo:Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.

"We are a state's rights party," says Clark, a self-employed goldminer. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

She says it's not accurate to describe the party as secessionist -- they just want a vote, she says, adding that the members of the AIP hold different opinions on what Alaska should be. :cuckoo:

You are desperate aren't you....:cuckoo:
:cuckoo:Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.

"We are a state's rights party," says Clark, a self-employed goldminer. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

She says it's not accurate to describe the party as secessionist -- they just want a vote, she says, adding that the members of the AIP hold different opinions on what Alaska should be. :cuckoo:

You are desperate aren't you....:cuckoo:

1) The leadership of the AIP is saying Palin was a member. Someone's lying, if Palin is denying it.

2) You didn't give Obama the benefit of the doubt that he could hold different views from his Minister. So, I will assume you will apply the exact same standard to Sara Pallin. She may have been a member of a political party, who's leader said he "didn't have any damn use for America"
1) The leadership of the AIP is saying Palin was a member. Someone's lying, if Palin is denying it.

2) You didn't give Obama the benefit of the doubt that he could hold different views from his Minister. So, I will assume you will apply the exact same standard to Sara Pallin. She may have been a member of a political party, who's leader said he "didn't have any damn use for America"
1. Not all blogs are true. Even if we take the blog to be completely true, it states that members have different views on Alaska's seceding.
2.Since Obama wrote in his book some of the contraversial statements Wright had made, no I don't give him the benefit of the doubt. If you would like I can provide links....
1. Not all blogs are true. Even if we take the blog to be completely true, it states that members have different views on Alaska's seceding.
2.Since Obama wrote in his book some of the contraversial statements Wright had made, no I don't give him the benefit of the doubt. If you would like I can provide links....

Who cares?

It's a smear campaign that has nothing to do with the issues facing America.
Who cares?

It's a smear campaign that has nothing to do with the issues facing America.

I agree the smear campaign against Palin is completely irrelevant;
1.Palin's daughter has nothing to do with the issues
2.Palin pissing off Alaskan elected officials for her position on corruption has nothing to do with the issues.
3. While launching one's candidacy at the home of a self admitted terrorist's house speaks to one's public character.
I'm just glad Old Man McCain didn't put Christine Todd Whitman, Joe Lieberman, or Colin Powell on the ticket.

He would win with that ticket.

I'm pretty relieved that he put an inexperienced, far rightwing extremist theocrat on the ticket. I'm cool with that.
I'm just glad Old Man McCain didn't put Christine Todd Whitman, Joe Lieberman, or Colin Powell on the ticket.

He would win with that ticket.

I'm pretty relieved that he put an inexperienced, far rightwing extremist theocrat on the ticket. I'm cool with that.

More desperation....when all of your lies are debunked you turn to lying labels..your a genius and hardly anybody can see through you.:badgrin:
I'm just glad Old Man McCain didn't put Christine Todd Whitman, Joe Lieberman, or Colin Powell on the ticket.

He would win with that ticket.

I'm pretty relieved that he put an inexperienced, far rightwing extremist theocrat on the ticket. I'm cool with that.
what a moron

those people wouldnt have given McCain the win
Palin WILL
I agree the smear campaign against Palin is completely irrelevant;
1.Palin's daughter has nothing to do with the issues
2.Palin pissing off Alaskan elected officials for her position on corruption has nothing to do with the issues.
3. While launching one's candidacy at the home of a self admitted terrorist's house speaks to one's public character.

Oh please...

You Repubicans will suckle the teet of "terrorism" till you die.

If you want to talk about the character of the two candidates, then let's do it.

When McCain came back from Vietnam, he cheated repeatedly on his crippled wife, and then divorced her to marry Cindy Hensley. In the 1980's McCain lobbied for Charles Keating, the saving and loan felon who stole billions in pension money, and took numerous jet set vacations at Keating's expense. In the 1990's McCain had an affair with a lobbyist that so scared his staff, that they told her to stay away from him. His campaigns for the Senate were all financed with his wife Cindy's mob money. In 1994 Cindy McCain forged prescriptions in the names of her employees and stole drugs from her own charity. McCain's campaign this year is getting huge amounts of oil company money. His pick for vice president is under an ethics investigation and will probably be indicted on Oct 31st. McCain is 72 years old, has had cancer 5 times and is on 5 different medications. He is so out of it, that his staff will no longer let him talk to the press unscripted.

Barak Obama graduated from Harvard Law School and went back to his community to help people who had lost their jobs when the plants shut down. He met his wife at the law firm where the worked together, and he has never cheated on his wife, and she has never forged prescriptions or stolen drugs. Obama has never lobbied for anyone that stole billions of dollars from pensioners. Obama's campaign is financed by 1.5 million contributors. Obama's pick for vice president has spent 30 years in the U.S. Senate and is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Obama is taking no medications and is available to talk to the press unscripted. His three main priorities for America are getting out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and American energy independence.

There is no question in my mind which one of these men will make a better president.

All the Republican smear tactics in the world cannot change these facts.

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