Sarah Palin - compilation thread

It's not men vs women, gays vs straight, christians vs non christians, guns vs no guns, abortion vs choice, etc.

It's rich vs. middle class. She's for the rich.

I'm glad they not only picked a rookie, but they picked one from a red state that we didn't stand a chance in hell of winning.

We're going to kill this ticket.

Why does everyone think of themselves as middle class? There are many people making less than 30,000 a year that think of themselves as middle class. This is not the middle income in America today. With all the opportunities in this country is it not foolish to place any one in a financial class. Psycological classes would make more sense. Confident class......Ambitious class.......Depressed class is the reality.
wow, can you point me to the video clips of people saying "yep I'm voting for Obama cuz he's black"?

I'm a white woman and I've been an Obama supporter since the very beginning.

there is the assumption by McCain that women who would've voted for Hillary will not vote for him because of Palin. That caters to the lowest common denominator of our electoral process and while there might be people who in fact will cast a ballot based on that critiera I don't think they account for enough to swing the vote one way or another.

Actually there have been many that claim they want a black president. Michael Moore for one has said he wants a Black President. There have been many blacks that claim they want Obama because he is black. If you have not heard any of these statements then you have blocked them out and closed your mind.
I was watching MSNBC announce the vice president choice of McCain when one of the many liberal newsmen said he was puzzled by McCain's choice. He said "she doesn't have much more experience than Obama". We all know he did not want to say that. Those Freudian slips speak volumes.
I was watching MSNBC announce the vice president choice of McCain when one of the many liberal newsmen said he was puzzled by McCain's choice. He said "she doesn't have much more experience than Obama". We all know he did not want to say that. Those Freudian slips speak volumes.

They hate whne the truth slips out like that ! :lol:
Sarah Palin is just another right wing extremist.

Her position against abortion even in cases of inscest or rape is way outside the main stream. Her advocacy for creationism being taught in public schools brands her as an 'evolution denier' and places her in the ranks of the extreme right wing religious zealots.

Old Man McCain's hopes of attracting female voters with his pick of Palin exposes him as a panderer as Palin is clearly not ready to be President and it is nothing more than an insult to Hillary voters as the only thing Palin has in common with Hillary is a uterus.

Palin may shore up McCain's standing with his right wing extremist base but if McCain needed to shore up his base he has done it by ceeding the middle ground and shows his pick to be an act of desperation.
Sarah Palin is just another right wing extremist.

Her position against abortion even in cases of inscest or rape is way outside the main stream. Her advocacy for creationism being taught in public schools brands her as an 'evolution denier' and places her in the ranks of the extreme right wing religious zealots.

Old Man McCain's hopes of attracting female voters with his pick of Palin exposes him as a panderer as Palin is clearly not ready to be President and it is nothing more than an insult to Hillary voters as the only thing Palin has in common with Hillary is a uterus.

Palin may shore up McCain's standing with his right wing extremist base but if McCain needed to shore up his base he has done it by ceeding the middle ground and shows his pick to be an act of desperation.

oh put your silly brush down--she's nothing of the sort
Wow, another wasted topic that could have been posted in the Sarah Palin compilation thread.

Thanks for wasting space.

If there is room for your verbal diarrhea, there is room for an obvious statement of fact.
I was watching MSNBC announce the vice president choice of McCain when one of the many liberal newsmen said he was puzzled by McCain's choice. He said "she doesn't have much more experience than Obama". We all know he did not want to say that. Those Freudian slips speak volumes.
oh man
i wonder if anyone put that on youtube
You and forty other people--how about explaining how he views are EXTREME or RADICAL ?

A very low percentage of Americans support a total ban on abortions with no exceptions for rape, inscest or the life of the mother. Sarah Palin falls within this small percentage of Americans, thus she is in the extreme minority on this issue.

A very low percentage of Americans deny evolution and want Religious Creationism taught in public schools. Sarah Palin falls within this small percentage, thus she is in the extreme minority on this issue.

The same can be said of her views on global warming, again she is in the extreme minority.

When one supports the views of an extreme minority one can be said to be an extemist.
Sarah Palin is just another right wing extremist.

Her position against abortion even in cases of inscest or rape is way outside the main stream.

i think you're right that her view is "out of the mainstream", though i disagree that her view is "extreme".

why extreme? just because it is in the minority? i think we need to distinguish between personal philosophy and activism to enact laws. has governor palin ever publicly acted on this issue?

Her advocacy for creationism being taught in public schools brands her as an 'evolution denier' and places her in the ranks of the extreme right wing religious zealots.

advocacy of creationism??? she answered a reporter's question that she thinks schools should be open to teaching all diverse subjects...and she never stated that creationism should be taught as a science...
A very low percentage of Americans support a total ban on abortions with no exceptions for rape, inscest or the life of the mother. Sarah Palin falls within this small percentage of Americans, thus she is in the extreme minority on this issue.

A very low percentage of Americans deny evolution and want Religious Creationism taught in public schools. Sarah Palin falls within this small percentage, thus she is in the extreme minority on this issue.

The same can be said of her views on global warming, again she is in the extreme minority.

When one supports the views of an extreme minority one can be said to be an extemist.

ahhh so if you are in a minority you are an extremist ?
That's going to go over big in the debates !:lol:

plus--you lied--she isn't an evolution denier
Her experience is just as valid as Obama's. She's run an entire state for three years. He's run nothing.

An entire state which consists of fewer people than live in the San Fenando Valley in northern Los Angeles county.

She has lived her entire life in Alaska, what does she know of the rest of the country?

All she has shown is an ability to get elected in a state notorious for it's GOP corruption.
A very low percentage of Americans support a total ban on abortions with no exceptions for rape, inscest or the life of the mother. Sarah Palin falls within this small percentage of Americans, thus she is in the extreme minority on this issue.

A very low percentage of Americans deny evolution and want Religious Creationism taught in public schools. Sarah Palin falls within this small percentage, thus she is in the extreme minority on this issue.

The same can be said of her views on global warming, again she is in the extreme minority.

When one supports the views of an extreme minority one can be said to be an extemist.

WTF? She believes abortion should be outlawed, and that women who are the vicitm's of rapists, should be forced to carry the rapist's embryo to term??? Fuck that....

Sarah Palin on faith, life and creation

In November of 2006, the Anchorage Daily News described Palin's positions on social issues in a story wrapping up the governor's race:

"A significant part of Palin's base of support lies among social and Christian conservatives. Her positions on social issues emerged slowly during the campaign: on abortion (should be banned for anything other than saving the life of the mother), stem cell research (opposed), physician-assisted suicide (opposed), creationism (should be discussed in schools), state health benefits for same-sex partners (opposed, and supports a constitutional amendment to bar them)."

And in October of 2006, the Anchorage Daily News reported that Palin said the following about creationism at a debate:

"Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information....Healthy debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides.

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