Sarah Palin - compilation thread

We don't need more OIL people in the White House!! Palin wants to drill Alaska and kill wolves and Polar bears!!!! :-(((

She was on the Ethics Commission, how does that equate to being an oil person? Drilling in Alaska kills wolves and polar bears, really how so?
Search the threads and see how many times Sarah Palin has been discussed on the board. Admit it, many of you guys have never heard of Palin before and are just hating or loving because of the Kool Aid. Check out Maineman's post a year ago and give him his due.

She has been on the scene for awhile, due to her energy experience. I have heard her talk about this many times,especially on Glen Beck's show (Among others). CNN even had a TV crew follow her to Alaska where she talked to them about conservation and drilling a while back (which they re ran this weekend BTW). Just because you have never heard of her doesn't mean no one else has.
I understand she had some medical training? Perhaps that's why McCain picked her.

Good plan lets see how many baby boomers the DNC can piss of with this kind of talk...go ahead keep drilling that one home and we will see how that works out for them in NOV. :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
David Mark, Fred Barbash Sat Aug 30, 12:24 PM ET

John McCain was aiming to make history with his pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and historians say he succeeded.

Presidential scholars say she appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era.

So unconventional was McCain’s choice that it left students of the presidency literally “stunned,” in the words of Joel Goldstein, a St. Louis University law professor and scholar of the vice presidency. “Being governor of a small state for less than two years is not consistent with the normal criteria for determining who’s of presidential caliber,” said Goldstein.

“I think she is the most inexperienced person on a major party ticket in modern history,” said presidential historian Matthew Dallek.

That includes Spiro T. Agnew, Richard Nixon’s first vice president, who was governor of a medium-sized state, Maryland, for two years, and before that, executive of suburban Baltimore County, the expansive jurisdiction that borders and exceeds in population the city of Baltimore.

It also includes George H.W. Bush’s vice president, Indiana Sen. Dan Quayle, who had served in the House and Senate for 12 years before taking office. And it also includes New York Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, who served three terms in the House before Walter Mondale chose her in 1984 as the first woman candidate on a major party ticket.

“It would be one thing if she had only been governor for a year and a half, but prior to that she had not had major experience in public life,” said Dallek of Palin. “The fact that he would have to go to somebody who is clearly unqualified to be president makes Obama look like an elder statesman.”

And Alaska is a much smaller state than Illinois, the political base of Barack Obama, whom Republicans have repeatedly criticized for being inexperienced, having served nearly four years in the U.S. Senate after eight in the Illinois state Senate.

“Not to belittle Alaska, but it’s different than the basket of issues you deal with in big, dynamic states.” Dallek said.

Palin has no experience in national office. Before becoming governor in December 2006, she served as a council member and mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, which had a population of slightly more than 5,000 during her time in office.

In choosing Palin as his running mate, McCain has reached back to a time when few actually seriously contended that the vice president should be demonstrably prepared to assume the presidency from day one.

If elected vice president, Palin would appear to have the least amount of experience in federal office or as a governor since John W. Kern, Democrat William Jennings Bryan’s 1908 running mate, who had served for four years in the Indiana state Senate and then four more as city solicitor of Indianapolis. The Democratic ticket lost to Republican standard bearer William Howard Taft and running mate James S. Sherman by an Electoral College spread of 321-162.

More conventionally in modern times, running mates could boast decades of experience in Washington, from ballot box winners like Dick Cheney, Al Gore, the elder Bush and Mondale to also-rans such as Jack Kemp, Lloyd Bentsen and Joseph I. Lieberman.

These super-credentialed candidates were sometimes chosen, like Joe Biden, to shore up the resumes of candidates with little or no time in Washington, such as Jimmy Carter (Mondale) Bill Clinton (Gore) and Michael Dukakis (Bentsen.)

Palin, on the other hand, is a total “wild card,” said Stanford historian David Kennedy.

“If she had been around for two terms as governor — or been a senator — it would have been an incredible choice,” said historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. “Who else could he have found who appealed to the conservative base … and as someone who was a reformer?”

That’s not to say Palin will be a dud on the campaign trail.

But out-of-the-box picks in recent years have not usually worked out too well for the top of the ticket. Consider independent candidate Ross Perot’s 1992 running mate, former Navy Adm. James Stockdale, who famously asked at the vice presidential debate with Gore and Quayle, “Who am I, why am I here?”

“He took the wind out of Perot’s sails, and Perot could have done even better” than the 19 percent he garnered, Dallek said.

A bad running mate pick can even put a successful presidential ticket in question. The 1988 Bush-Quayle victory over Dukakis and Bentsen came in spite of Quayle’s frequent campaign trail gaffes and questions about his military service in the Vietnam era and other controversies. Bush handlers largely relegated Quayle to small town audiences that would attract little media attention.

“Quayle — it threw off the momentum for some weeks,” said Goodwin. “One has to hope for McCain’s sake that [Palin] has been fully vetted.”

“The first thing that hits me,” said Stephen Hess of the Brookings Institution," is that it suggests that John McCain is a gambler. This is a high roller decision.”

“The next thing you have to ask yourself: Is it worrisome to have a gambler in the Oval Office? That’s an important question," he said, “perhaps more important than anything else today.”:eusa_whistle:
they arent
thats the point
Jebus, why the neg rep? Are thoughts subject to neg reps?

I was thinking, just from interacting with my relatives that are baby boomers, and them have been taking care of their aging parents....they might love their parents but that doesn't mean they think they can run a country.
I think it is a perfectly valid observation, considering Ronnie Regan seemed somewhat off his feed in his second term.

soooo...McCain's choice of VP becomes more important than Obama's.
Jebus, why the neg rep? Are thoughts subject to neg reps?

I was thinking, just from interacting with my relatives that are baby boomers, and them have been taking care of their aging parents....they might love their parents but that doesn't mean they think they can run a country.
I think it is a perfectly valid observation, considering Ronnie Regan seemed somewhat off his feed in his second term.

soooo...McCain's choice of VP becomes more important than Obama's.

Didn't you know this board is
She was on the Ethics Commission, how does that equate to being an oil person? Drilling in Alaska kills wolves and polar bears, really how so?

She wants to drill Alaska. Her husband works for BP. She wants to open Alaska up to help America.

I like the alternative fuel method better!! Leave Alaska to nature.

How does it kill Polar bears? well they will run them off their land. She even said the should be taken off the endangered species list. She wants the federal government to open those lands!!!

Very scary.......she is pretty and sweet to listen to.....but in the end another Bush oil person!!

but yeah she does seem like she could relate to the average person with all those kids......but in the end she is a republican........
She wants to drill Alaska. Her husband works for BP. She wants to open Alaska up to help America.

I like the alternative fuel method better!! Leave Alaska to nature.

How does it kill Polar bears? well they will run them off their land. She even said the should be taken off the endangered species list. She wants the federal government to open those lands!!!

Very scary.......she is pretty and sweet to listen to.....but in the end another Bush oil person!!

but yeah she does seem like she could relate to the average person with all those kids......but in the end she is a republican........

I can appreciate someone who is at least honest enough that they are voting against someone because of the party they belong to. Beats the hell out of all those who hate her because she didnt listen to her Ob/Gyn.
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She is the perfect choice for who the Dems called too old, she is the perfect Conservative as well. McCain made the best choice he could have and if he is not elected, the American people are out of touch with the real realities of today's real America. I am not generalizing, I am speaking some facts.
Right wing conservatives hate Clinton. What did you expect?

Which points out again: they didn't ask Palin to be VP to fill in for Clinton. They have a different agenda for her.

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