Sarah Palin - compilation thread

oh man
i wonder if anyone put that on youtube

So you are comorfable with Sarah Palin stepping in for Grampie McBush on day one?

You would have to say that barring an assination attempt on Obama the chances are far greater that McCain is much more likely than Obama to not seve out his term.

Palin that great potential national leader that almost no one has ever heard of was elected by 113,000 votes. Wow what a well of support!
So you are comorfable with Sarah Palin stepping in for Grampie McBush on day one?

You would have to say that barring an assination attempt on Obama the chances are far greater that McCain is much more likely than Obama to not seve out his term.

Palin that great potential national leader that almost no one has ever heard of was elected by 113,000 votes. Wow what a well of support!

PS Thats's a total of 113,000 votes not a margin of 113,000 votes.
So you are comorfable with Sarah Palin stepping in for Grampie McBush on day one?

You would have to say that barring an assination attempt on Obama the chances are far greater that McCain is much more likely than Obama to not seve out his term.

Palin that great potential national leader that almost no one has ever heard of was elected by 113,000 votes. Wow what a well of support!

Gotta start rebuilding somewhere----Do really expect to any change to come from electing all the same damn people over and over ?
WTF? She believes abortion should be outlawed, and that women who are the vicitm's of rapists, should be forced to carry the rapist's embryo to term??? Fuck that....

i looked into this and found that she vetoed the bill to deny gay couples' state benefits because she knew it was unconstitional. her personal belief was secondary to the important distinction.

i'd like to see some proof that her political agenda is to outlaw abortion or to deny gay rights...
WTF? She believes abortion should be outlawed, and that women who are the vicitm's of rapists, should be forced to carry the rapist's embryo to term??? Fuck that....

Ever hear of a morning after pill? Most women who are raped are encourage to use it. Palin feels the same way.

The gray area for me is those women who don't come forward about the rape out of fear or embarrassment and then end up pregnant.
THOSE WHO KNOW HER BEST.... There's never been a politician from Alaska on the national stage before, so I kind of expected Alaskans and the Alaskan media to have a decidedly positive attitude about Sarah Palin joining the Republican ticket. It's not exactly turning out that way.

* The Daily News-Miner in Fairbanks: " She has never publicly demonstrated the kind of interest, much less expertise, in federal issues and foreign affairs that should mark a candidate for the second-highest office in the land.... Most people would acknowledge that, regardless of her charm and good intentions, Palin is not ready for the top job. McCain seems to have put his political interests ahead of the nation's when he created the possibility that she might fill it."

* State Senate President Lyda Green, a Republican from Palin's hometown of Wasilla: "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?"

* Dermot Cole, a longtime columnist for Alaska's second largest newspaper, The Daily News-Miner, called McCain's choice of Palin "reckless" and questioned her credentials.

* Mike Doogan, a former columnist now serving as a Democrat in the state legislature: "John McCain looked all over the United States to find the single Republican who is qualified to be, as the saying goes, a heartbeat away from the presidency, and he came up with Sarah Palin. Really? ... [L]et's be honest here. Her resume is as thin as the meat in a vending machine sandwich.... The long and short of it is this: We're not sure she's a competent governor of Alaska. And yet McCain, who is no spring chicken, has decided she's the best choice to replace him as president if he should win and then fall afoul of the Grim Reaper. Sarah Palin? Really?"

* The Anchorage Daily News' Gregg Erickson: "[Palin] tends to oversimplify complex issues, has had difficulty delegating authority, and clearly has some difficulty distinguishing the line between her public responsibilities and private wishes.... It is clear that she has not paid much attention to the nitty-gritty unglamorous work of government, of gaining consensus, and making difficult compromises. She seems to be of the view that politics should be all rather simple. That often appeals to the wider public, but frustrates those who see themselves as laboring in the less glamorous parts of the vineyard."

The Washington Monthly
Oh no, you mean people don't like her? Who would have thunk it?

But hey, I'm proud of you. You didn't post a new, wasted topic.
ahhh so if you are in a minority you are an extremist ?
That's going to go over big in the debates !:lol:

plus--you lied--she isn't an evolution denier

Webster defines exteme as being the farthest point from center as in Palin's views on abortion, evolution and global warming. So yes, being in the extreme minority on these issues makes one an extremist.

As for whether I lied, I said her extreme position on teaching Religious Creationism places her within the ranks of evolution deniers. Since no one objects to Religious Creationism being taught in a comparative religious studies class, it is clear she was advocating it being taught along side biolgical science. Clear because she is a self avowed Evangelical Christian.
i looked into this and found that she vetoed the bill to deny gay couples' state benefits because she knew it was unconstitional. her personal belief was secondary to the important distinction.

i'd like to see some proof that her political agenda is to outlaw abortion or to deny gay rights...

LOL--your in the wrong place if you want proof around here :lol:

This is the "sling BS" section , maam .
i looked into this and found that she vetoed the bill to deny gay couples' state benefits because she knew it was unconstitional. her personal belief was secondary to the important distinction.

i'd like to see some proof that her political agenda is to outlaw abortion or to deny gay rights...

She supported a bill banning benefits for same sex partners. So, regardless of the spin, she's against it.

You asked for proof that she's an extremist.

She supports banning abortion in all cases, except to save the life of the mother; she's open to teaching creationism in public school science classes; she denies human's have any impact on climate; she opposes stem cell research.

Those are way, way out of the mainstream positions.
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Ever hear of a morning after pill? Most women who are raped are encourage to use it. Palin feels the same way.

The gray area for me is those women who don't come forward about the rape out of fear or embarrassment and then end up pregnant.

You must either be very young, or very very naive.

I think the morning after pill only works in the first 48 hours.

How's that going to help a fourteen year old girl who is repeatedly sexually abused and raped by an abusive step father? You think he's going to drive her to the emergency room out of the kindness of his heart?
She supported a bill banning benefits for same sex partners. So, regardless of the spin, she's against it.

there is no spin, in fact she vetoed that bill.

She supports banning abortion in all cases, except to save the life of the mother;

i'd like to see whether or not that is just her personal philosophy or if she has an extreme agenda to overturn roe v. wade. i doubt it. :doubt: that would obviously matter to a lot people, but i think it's important that we make a distinction.

in fact, her record shows that she puts the constitutional protection of individual rights before her own personal beliefs!

she's open to teaching creationism in public school science classes;

who said anything about science class? :eusa_whistle: speaking of spin...
You must either be very young, or very very naive.

I think the morning after pill only works in the first 48 hours.

How's that going to help a fourteen year old girl who is repeatedly sexually abused and raped by an abusive step father? You think he's going to drive her to the emergency room out of the kindness of his heart?

Yes. Pregnancy is the result of only force or misadventure.
You must either be very young, or very very naive.

I think the morning after pill only works in the first 48 hours.

How's that going to help a fourteen year old girl who is repeatedly sexually abused and raped by an abusive step father? You think he's going to drive her to the emergency room out of the kindness of his heart?

Wow, someone didn't read my post. And, I never said I didn't agree with abortion in the case of rape and incest, I was only showing you Palin's view.

ANd, morning after pills are licensed for up to 72 hours after intercourse.
Her experience is just as valid as Obama's. She's run an entire state for three years. He's run nothing.

Obama is running a political campaign in which he has to say the right words in order to get elected before he puts the stealth agenda of the Democratic party. He needs every bit of that $400 million to be elected since he can't run based of examples (roadmap, blueprint). What i don't get is that he's suppose to be the first black president. Yet, his mother is pure white. I'm half filipino and caucasian. I don't consider myself one race. Yet if i put Asian on an application, because of affirmative action, i can get hired based on ethnicity rather than qualifications. What's wrong with saying first half Black, half white President?
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Daily Kos: Palin disses the Office of V.P. [video]

I love it--she is a real person and no pushover.

The drill-down on Sarah Palin
John McCain's running mate supports drilling but she has also tangled with Big Oil.
By Telis Demos, writer-reporter
Last Updated: August 30, 2008: 3:18 PM EDT

(Fortune) -- Within hours of Senator John McCain picking Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, the talking heads of CNBC had coined a new term: "Palinomics." In a nutshell, the doctrine stands for expanding the search for domestic oil and gas as a solution to the energy crisis.

But while Palin might be a proponent of more drilling in Alaska, she's hardly a patsy of the oil industry. One theme at the Democratic convention was Republicans' cozy relationship with Big Oil. As Al Gore put it Thursday night, the industry has been "drilling [the GOP] for everything it's worth." But whatever you think of such a statement, it would be hard to say that about Sarah Palin.

Palin reached the Alaska statehouse in 2006 after trouncing incumbent governor Frank Murkowski, patriarch of one of Alaska's powerful political families, in the Republican primary. The former high-school basketball star, beauty queen, commercial fisherman, and mayor of Wasilla (population 8,471) ran on one big issue: Exploiting her state's billions of dollars worth of natural gas on Alaska's terms, not on the oil companies' terms...(cont...)

Sarah Palin backs drilling but has tangled with Big Oil. - Aug. 29, 2008
Her experience is just as valid as Obama's. She's run an entire state for three years. He's run nothing.


she's a religious freak and a woman.... those were the only "qualifications" the ridiculous rabid right were interested in.

total desperation move.

but good that you've come out of the closet as a thumper...

btw, you might want to reconsider saying anyone else on this board has "downs syndrome". the flame section is there for a purpose.


The drill-down on Sarah Palin
John McCain's running mate supports drilling but she has also tangled with Big Oil.
By Telis Demos, writer-reporter
Last Updated: August 30, 2008: 3:18 PM EDT

(Fortune) -- Within hours of Senator John McCain picking Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, the talking heads of CNBC had coined a new term: "Palinomics." In a nutshell, the doctrine stands for expanding the search for domestic oil and gas as a solution to the energy crisis.

But while Palin might be a proponent of more drilling in Alaska, she's hardly a patsy of the oil industry. One theme at the Democratic convention was Republicans' cozy relationship with Big Oil. As Al Gore put it Thursday night, the industry has been "drilling [the GOP] for everything it's worth." But whatever you think of such a statement, it would be hard to say that about Sarah Palin.

Palin reached the Alaska statehouse in 2006 after trouncing incumbent governor Frank Murkowski, patriarch of one of Alaska's powerful political families, in the Republican primary. The former high-school basketball star, beauty queen, commercial fisherman, and mayor of Wasilla (population 8,471) ran on one big issue: Exploiting her state's billions of dollars worth of natural gas on Alaska's terms, not on the oil companies' terms...(cont...)

Sarah Palin backs drilling but has tangled with Big Oil. - Aug. 29, 2008

Palin relied on earmark system she now opposes
The governor's past practice on earmarks stands in contrast to the views of her running mate, a researcher at a watchdog group says.
By Tom Hamburger, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 1, 2008

ANCHORAGE -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin presents herself as an ally of presidential candidate John McCain when it comes to curbing wasteful government spending.

On Friday, when McCain introduced her as his running mate, she said she "championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending," the legislative technique used to slip projects into appropriations bills without rigorous congressional review... (cont...)
Palin relied on earmark system she now opposes - Los Angeles Times
McCain is on record as saying he wanted a running mate with whom he had a strong personal relationship -- and who was ready to be president.

McCain only met Palin once, six months ago. Unlike every other major party VP nominee in recent memory, Palin did not meet McCain for a final interview before her selection.

Sarah Palin's seat of power, as of 20 months ago:

Wasilla, Alaska City Hall, population 7,000

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