Sarah Palin - compilation thread

Exactly, but I'll say it again: she lacks national experience. Obama does have that, but he has no executive experience.

Basically, they're equally viable to run the country, but in different ways. However, he's running on the front of his ticket, and his VP is way more experienced and ready to lead than he is.
what executive experience does Biden have?
Some of you people are precisely what is wrong with American politics today. It's hard to say which side is more delusional than the other. Who's the bigger puppet? Neither candidate is as bad or as good as either side projects them to be. You spend so much waiting for the other side to make a mistake, trying to outdo your last one-liner, stockpiling your little golden nuggets of biting political "commentary", that none of you bother to fully understand the issues.

You are electing your country's leader at what stands to be regarded as a significant time in US politics. Please, for the love of god, focus on the big issues. Stop bickering over crumbs you fools.
According to the US social security administration, and disregarding his prior health issues, John McCain has a life expectancy of 11.41 years, with a 16.7% chance of dying before the end of his first term in office, and 40.8% before the end of the second.

So, we have almost even odds of seeing the queen of the caribou as President of the United States?


And both Obama and Biden could crash in Air Force what.
sorry, i think if you opt to have kids....normal or not should spend the majority of your time with them. not working to pay a staff to care for them.. i know its offensive to working mothers but i never understood the concept of working for all this to pay someone else to raise the most important human in your life?

if you are not gonna put your kids before power and all..why have them...everyyone was so critical of elizbeth edwards...when she continued knowing she had cancer...

as for abortion...the majority of americans believe in "limited" abortions rights...if either party were serious about doing something about it...just like a lot of would have been done.

but I stand by my statement....i find that the conservatives seem more concerned about the fetus than the poor child. these are the people with "cant feed them, dont breed them" bumperstickers, eh?

She doesn't the husband helps with the kids. You are getting desperate.
To shore up the religious base and take some of Obama's 'diversity' thunder.

The evangelical leaders are reportedly very happy with this pick. Personally, I can't stomach the thought of a woman taking a job like this when she has a special needs two year old at home. But then I lost my first baby (heart defect) so maybe I have a different perspective on parenthood.

It makes me ill to think she would leave her parenting responsibilities in order to take the VP slot. Either the parenting suffers, or the VP spot does. You can't hire out parenthood, and say that you are a family values person, imo.

:eek: :cuckoo: <vomit>

/end of rant, for now.

Her husband helps take care of the kids.. Odumbo has kids...why can't he stay home with his little angels if it's sooooo important?:cuckoo:
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Have you ever been to Alaska? It is small and backward, cost of living high, nothing there but quite beautiful. Consider too that Bush, a consensus failure was governor of Texas, sure didn't show much!

George W. Bush

Lead the country through the worst attack in America's history.

Liberated 50 million people in two countries.

Lowest unemployment % in history.

More people own a home in America now than at any time.

Despite the left's constant opposition and undermining, Geroge W. Bush will go down as a very good president.

When freedom takes hoild in the middle-east, George W. Bush will be remembered for his role.

John McCain will see it through to the end.

Obama will be a footnote in history. and empty suit...

The lady from Alaska will be the first woman President.
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Come on kids, why would having a retarded kid make a difference? It's not like he's going to care what job his mom has one way or another. Plus, if she's too busy in DC she won't be killing all those poor helpless moose.
Oooo, she ran Alaska, wow!

If we have problems with the caraboo, she'll know just what to do.

Thank you, John McCain!

I LOVE IT! All you people do is bi**ch about change and how there needs to be new people running for offices. Well here comes a woman out of no where that has an outstanding record and what do you do? You make fun of her state, HER EXPERIENCE, and anything else you can think of. I think many of you show just how low and ignorant DEMS are. It is pretty amazing DEMS would bring up experience because of the VP on the REPUB side when the DEMS are throwing out a guy that has little himself as the Prez. Instead of waiting to make a informed decision you all start showing your a** and show how low class you are.
From what I've read about her, Palin is a female version of Duhbya, an apt choice for pandering to the right wing bible thumpers. And judging by the clapping on this board, most of those that pretend they aren't Bush fans are pretty much full of shit.

From what I've read about her, Palin is a female version of Duhbya, an apt choice for pandering to the right wing bible thumpers. And judging by the clapping on this board, most of those that pretend they aren't Bush fans are pretty much full of shit.


Ravi--post up some links. I cant' even fathom what a "female version of Dubyah" is. There are somethings he did that I agree with and some I didn't. No different than any other president I've lived through.
She IS A female version of Bushie!!! it sucks!! We dont need more conservs in the white house!!

She is pro life and pro guns. That is enough to lose right there!!
Search the threads and see how many times Sarah Palin has been discussed on the board. Admit it, many of you guys have never heard of Palin before and are just hating or loving because of the Kool Aid. Check out Maineman's post a year ago and give him his due.
Search the threads and see how many times Sarah Palin has been discussed on the board. Admit it, many of you guys have never heard of Palin before and are just hating or loving because of the Kool Aid. Check out Maineman's post a year ago and give him his due.

Excellent point! I (am ashamed to say) knew nothing about her before yesterday. I'm learning though. She has good points and bad points, just like ANY politician.
Another view of the Palin pick. I agree with the desperate and his willing to do and say whatever necessary to get the NRA, Big Oil and anti abortion vote.

The selection of a running mate is among the most consequential, most defining decisions a presidential nominee can make. John McCain’s pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says a lot about his decison-making — and some of it is downright breathtaking.


We knew McCain is a politician who relishes improvisation, and likes to go with his gut. But it is remarkable that someone who has repeatedly emphasized experience in this campaign named an inexperienced governor he barely knew to be his No. 2. Whatever you think of the pick, here are six things it tells us about McCain:

1. He’s desperate. Let’s stop pretending this race is as close as national polling suggests. The truth is McCain is essentially tied or trailing in every swing state that matters — and too close for comfort in several states like Indiana and Montana the GOP usually wins pretty easily in presidential races. On top of that, voters seem very inclined to elect Democrats in general this election — and very sick of the Bush years.

McCain could easily lose in an electoral landslide. That is the private view of Democrats and Republicans alike.

McCain’s pick shows he is not pretending. Politicians, even “mavericks” like McCain, play it safe when they think they are winning — or see an easy path to winning. They roll the dice only when they know that the risks of conventionality are greater than the risks of boldness.

The Republican brand is a mess. McCain is reasonably concluding that it won’t work to replicate George W. Bush and Karl Rove’s electoral formula, based around national security and a big advantage among Y chromosomes, from 2004.

“She’s a fresh new face in a party that’s dying for one — the antidote to boring white men,” a campaign official said.

Palin, the logic goes, will prompt voters to give him a second look — especially women who have watched Democrats reject Hillary Rodham Clinton for Barack Obama.

The risks of a backlash from choosing someone so unknown and so untested are obvious. In one swift stroke, McCain demolished what had been one of his main arguments against Obama.

“I think we’re going to have to examine our tag line, ‘dangerously inexperienced,’” a top McCain official said wryly.

2. He’s willing to gamble — bigtime. Let’s face it: This is not the pick of a self-confident candidate. It is the political equivalent of a trick play or, as some Democrats called it, a Hail Mary pass in football. McCain talks incessantly about experience, and then goes and selects a woman he hardly knows, who hardly knows foreign policy and who can hardly be seen as instantly ready for the presidency.

He is smart enough to know it could work, at least politically. Many Republicans see this pick as a brilliant stroke because it will be difficult for Democrats to run hard against a woman in the wake of the Hillary Clinton drama. Will this push those disgruntled Hillary voters McCain’s way? Perhaps. But this is hardly aimed at them: It is directed at the huge bloc of independent women — especially those who do not see abortion as a make-or-break issue — who could decide this election.

McCain has a history of taking dares. Palin represents his biggest one yet.

3. He’s worried about the political implications of his age. Like a driver overcorrecting out of a swerve, he chooses someone who is two years younger than the youthful Obama, and 28 years young than he is. (He turned 72 Friday.) The father-daughter comparison was inevitable when they appeared next to each other.

4. He’s not worried about the actuarial implications of the age issue. He thinks he’s in fine fettle, and Palin wouldn’t be performing the only constitutional duty of a vice president, which is standing by in case a president dies or becomes incapacitated. If he was really concerned about an inexperienced person sitting in the Oval Office we would be writing about vice presidential nominee Mitt Romney or Tom Ridge or Condoleezza Rice.

There is no plausible way that McCain could say that he picked Palin, who was only elected governor in 2006 and whose most extended public service was as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (population 8,471), because she was ready to be president on Day One.

Nor can McCain argue that he was looking for someone he could trust as a close adviser. Most people know the staff at the local Starbucks better than McCain knows Palin. They met for the first time last February at a National Governors Association meeting in Washington. Then, they spoke again — by phone — on Sunday while she was at the Alaska state fair and he was at home in Arizona.

McCain has made a mockery out of his campaign's longtime contention that Barack Obama is too dangerously inexperienced to be commander in chief. Now, the Democratic ticket boasts 40 years of national experience (four years for Obama and 36 years for Joseph Biden of Delaware), while the Republican ticket has 26 (McCain’s four yeasr in the House and 22 in the Senate.)

The McCain campaign has made a calculation that most voters don’t really care about the national experience or credentials of a vice president, and that Palin’s ebullient personality and reputation as a refomer who took on cesspool politics in Alasksa matters more.

5. He’s worried about his conservative base. If he had room to maneuver, there were lots of people McCain could have selected who would have represented a break from Washington politics as usual. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman comes to mind (and it certainly came to McCain’s throughout the process). He had no such room. GOP stalwarts were furious over trial balloons about the possibility of choosing a supporter of abortion rights, including the possibility that he would reach out to his friend.

Palin is an ardent opponent of abortion who was previously scheduled to keynote the Republican National Coalition for Life's "Life of the Party" event in the Twin Cities this week.

“She’s really a perfect selection,” said Darla St. Martin, the Co-Director of the National Right to Life Committee. It is no secret McCain wanted to shake things up in this race — and he realized he was limited to a shake-up conservatives could stomach.

6. At the end of the day, McCain is still McCain. People may find him a refreshing maverick, or an erratic egotist. In either event, he marches to his own beat.

6 things the Palin pick says about McCain - Yahoo! News
Search the threads and see how many times Sarah Palin has been discussed on the board. Admit it, many of you guys have never heard of Palin before and are just hating or loving because of the Kool Aid. Check out Maineman's post a year ago and give him his due.

I watched the 06 elections and saw her mentioned as winning Gov. of Alaska against a Dem. She was news along with the female senator from Washington state that won a close race.
I don't think either VP will decide the election but it proves that the maverick is still alive and well.

what maverick?

he picked someone who would appeal to the conservative base of the very party which he himself was an outsider of until 2001 when he started giving rim jobs to Bush.

The problem with McCain is that he has no core support of his own anymore because he's alienated both sides at one point or another.

he used to go against his party for the good of the country and he can no longer make that claim and he knows it. He's fucked coming and going because the Repugs don't trust him for his past actions against them and now the Dems and Indpendents don't trust him for his current actions against them.

there was a time when McCain would've been a sure thing, that time was 2000, Hell I would've voted for him over Kerry that's for sure. but the Rove machine got a hold of him, questioned his fitness to be president, insinuated he had a black baby from an affair and basically smeared his ass all over the country.

Instead of continuing to fight against this hate machine and ethically and morally challenged administration, he embraced them. Knowing full well that he could get on the Republican ticket in 08 since Bush couldn't run again and his brother Jeb wouldn't run and there aren't any other Dole/Bush candiates left. McCain got in bed with them and didn't even get a kiss or a quarter in the morning.

He's not trustworthy, even to his own party so he picked Palin for two reasons. She's a right-wing conservative who loves her guns and loves breeding, she appeals to those who think you should not only have that baby you can't afford or care for but you should get them a hand-gun for their first birthday and take them to the firing range too boot. Second he thinks he can trade one vadge for another and that women are so stupid that we won't pay attention to her politics as much as we will her clothes and shoe choices.
what maverick?

he picked someone who would appeal to the conservative base of the very party which he himself was an outsider of until 2001 when he started giving rim jobs to Bush.

The problem with McCain is that he has no core support of his own anymore because he's alienated both sides at one point or another.

he used to go against his party for the good of the country and he can no longer make that claim and he knows it. He's fucked coming and going because the Repugs don't trust him for his past actions against them and now the Dems and Indpendents don't trust him for his current actions against them.

there was a time when McCain would've been a sure thing, that time was 2000, Hell I would've voted for him over Kerry that's for sure. but the Rove machine got a hold of him, questioned his fitness to be president, insinuated he had a black baby from an affair and basically smeared his ass all over the country.

Instead of continuing to fight against this hate machine and ethically and morally challenged administration, he embraced them. Knowing full well that he could get on the Republican ticket in 08 since Bush couldn't run again and his brother Jeb wouldn't run and there aren't any other Dole/Bush candiates left. McCain got in bed with them and didn't even get a kiss or a quarter in the morning.

He's not trustworthy, even to his own party so he picked Palin for two reasons. She's a right-wing conservative who loves her guns and loves breeding, she appeals to those who think you should not only have that baby you can't afford or care for but you should get them a hand-gun for their first birthday and take them to the firing range too boot. Second he thinks he can trade one vadge for another and that women are so stupid that we won't pay attention to her politics as much as we will her clothes and shoe choices.

Excellent choice here is one reason why...
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission,[17] where she served from 2003 to 2004 until resigning in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest.[18][3] After she resigned, she exposed the state Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time, and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail.[19] Palin filed formal complaints against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both resigned; Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine.[3]
Excellent choice here is one reason why...
Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission,[17] where she served from 2003 to 2004 until resigning in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest.[18][3] After she resigned, she exposed the state Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time, and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail.[19] Palin filed formal complaints against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both resigned; Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine.[3]

We don't need more OIL people in the White House!! Palin wants to drill Alaska and kill wolves and Polar bears!!!! :-(((

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