Sarah Palin - compilation thread

no, i don't think she does....not with her going against the corrupt ones there, in Alaska...i think the mcC campaign is counting on her not being one of their corrupt combat some repub corruption trials that will be hitting the public right before the election in november....

no one makes these decisions in a vacuume...especially republicans....

they chose her for her strong ethics, (cuz they will need someone strong in this area when Stephen's corruption trial comes up before the election), because obama did not pick hillary, and because they needed a TRUMP CARD on obama being the FIRST black man as pres the first female as vp, is a FIRST in America and neutralizes the first black man stuff..., it becomes a FIRST for both sides of the aisle....and who knows what else they walked through for the decision...mccain only met her once, so it was probably made by a team....

they think this crud through, especially if Rove is really being used behind the scenes...he's a political genius.....though unethical imo....but a genius none the less.....


She is corrupt as well the pot calling the kettle black.

What would be really funny is when Obama is elected and the first supreme court justice resigns if he names Hillary to fill the spot. Now there would be Justice.
She is corrupt as well the pot calling the kettle black.

What would be really funny is if Obama is elected and the first supreme court justice resigns if he names Hillary to fill the spot. Now there would be Justice.

Where's the corruption?

McCain's VP Pick Palin Facing Ethics Investigation - Washington Post Investigations

McCain's VP Pick Palin Facing Ethics Investigation
For most of her tenure as governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin has enjoyed widespread popularity and a reputation as a maverick who refused to stand by fellow Alaska Republicans facing their own ethics scandals.

But the 44-year-old Palin, who was selected as Sen. John McCain's running mate today, is now the focus of her own state ethics investigation as part of the so-called "Troopergate" scandal, a bizarre controversy involving the firing of a state police chief and his reluctance to fire an Alaska state trooper, Palin's former brother-in-law who has been involved in a bitter custody fight with her younger sister.

She is under investigation as we type

I can see it now. Mccain tells palin what to do and she says not unless chaney says she has to. They will use her as a pr rep. glorified scott mcclellen. She won't be at any of the real meetings.

she'll do some illegal shit to gain acceptance into the good old boys group.

she'll hook up with bush, and that pisses off chaney and mccain. still they watch.
I can see it now. Mccain tells palin what to do and she says not unless chaney says she has to. They will use her as a pr rep. glorified scott mcclellen. She won't be at any of the real meetings.

she'll do some illegal shit to gain acceptance into the good old boys group.

she'll hook up with bush, and that pisses off chaney and mccain. still they watch.

whew--deeper and deeper. You liberals really know what women like !! Keep digging--please !!!:dig:

That's not corruption. I've already posted a dozen times what happened in that case, and how she did nothing illegal.

Mike Wooten should have been fired. He was not. Commissioner Monegan was not doing his job, and he was fired. I think Mike Wooten had something to do with Monegan's dismissal, but it was only one of many things. Either way, Wooten is a bad cop, and he should not be policing the state of Alaska. Monegan was not performing to standard, and thus he was fired.
I can see it now. Mccain tells palin what to do and she says not unless chaney says she has to. They will use her as a pr rep. glorified scott mcclellen. She won't be at any of the real meetings.

she'll do some illegal shit to gain acceptance into the good old boys group.

she'll hook up with bush, and that pisses off chaney and mccain. still they watch.
sheeesh, can you post anything that shows you have SOME semblance of sanity?
For anyone who wants any semblance of an outsider I think this is about as far out as any party will allow one to be.

I don't think either VP will decide the election but it proves that the maverick is still alive and well.

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