Sarah Palin - compilation thread

You can't be serious, Alaska in total doesn't measure up to a mid size city I was there.

Sarah Palin on the Issues

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Addendum to above:

A vote for John McCain is a vote against Polar Bears too.

Let's think about this rationaly (i know you might have a hard time):

Palin has 6 years executive experience in government.

Obama has 0 years executive experience in anything.

The fact that Alaska is small is irrelevant. A little experience is still going to be more experience than zero experience.
Experience can no longer be mentioned in this election by the republicans.

Or the Democrats. You think Biden's going to go after Palin on experience after he himself said that Obama wasn't ready and McCain was? Please!

Also, it gives the McCain campaign a foot in the door to "change," which is what Obama preaches. Palin's a pretty squeaky clean candidate.
Let's think about this rationaly (i know you might have a hard time):

Palin has 6 years executive experience in government.

Obama has 0 years executive experience in anything.

The fact that Alaska is small is irrelevant. A little experience is still going to be more experience than zero experience.

So what. Bush was governor of Texas. "Executive experience" obviously means jackshit.
Let's think about this rationaly (i know you might have a hard time):

Palin has 6 years executive experience in government.

Obama has 0 years executive experience in anything.

The fact that Alaska is small is irrelevant. A little experience is still going to be more experience than zero experience.

She was mayor of a city of 9000 people. She is Gov. of a state of 670000 if that. And this is what? There are more people in LA, NY, Chi, Det, and ATL neighborhoods than in the city she ran. There are more employees in some large companies than that. There are suburbs of the afore mentioned cities than there are in the state of Alaska.
For her sister, she had this guy followed and then ran to his boss with claims of bad doing. To get him fired, and we are to believe this was in the best interest of the son? He would then be a an unemployed bad father. That helps! :cuckoo:

We don't need scum bags like this running the government.
Actually, i am certain the republicans vetted this with her and she convinced them with facts that she didn't do what she is being acused of....or investigated for...

you have to think, this could also be a SET UP from the oil cartel, for her going up against them...stuff like that really happens you know!

I have nothing at stake with this pick of Palin....just saying that i personally think, they were well aware of the brother in law investigation was just a google for me to find it when i got her name this morning as the new vp...and they must have CERTAINLY vetted would think?

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Actually, i am certain the republicans vetted this with her and she convinced them with facts that she didn't do what she is being acused of....or investigated for...

you have to think, this could also be a SET UP from the oil cartel, for her going up against them...stuff like that really happens you know!

I have nothing at stake with this pick of Palin....just saying that i personally think, they were well aware of the brother in law investigation was just a google for me to find it when i got her name this morning as the new vp...and they must have CERTAINLY vetted would think?


She fits in with the rest of the crowd.
She's hot, she's had five white babies, and she wields firearms with aplomb.

Shit, dude, I might be voting for McCain!

I hear she's an avid hunter as well. If she ever does make it to the White House, let's hope she's a better shot than Cheney.
Actually, i am certain the republicans vetted this with her and she convinced them with facts that she didn't do what she is being acused of....or investigated for...

you have to think, this could also be a SET UP from the oil cartel, for her going up against them...crus like that really happens you know!

I have nothing at stake with this pick of Palin....just saying that i personally think, they were well aware of the brother in law investigation was just a google for me to find it when i got her name this morning as the new vp...and they must have CERTAINLY vetted would think?


No, I think they fucked up, just like the Dems did with Eagleton and Nixon did with Agnew.

What does it say about McCain's judgement that he picked a inexperienced VP who is under investigation for influence peddling?
What does it say about McCain's judgement that he picked a inexperienced VP who is under investigation for influence peddling?

What does it say about Democrats that they picked an inexperienced President who is believed to be a racist for spending 20 year in a racist church and who has ties to a known terrorist?
Actually, i am certain the republicans vetted this with her and she convinced them with facts that she didn't do what she is being acused of....or investigated for...

you have to think, this could also be a SET UP from the oil cartel, for her going up against them...stuff like that really happens you know!

I have nothing at stake with this pick of Palin....just saying that i personally think, they were well aware of the brother in law investigation was just a google for me to find it when i got her name this morning as the new vp...and they must have CERTAINLY vetted would think?


Oh theres no question she got the guy fired. Their just going to paint the guy as a scumbag. Right now they say he tasered his son, drank in his cop car and illegally shot a moose.

see guys? see why you don't tell your wives everything about you. You smoke weed you can lose custody of your kids.

Anyways, she didn't break the law, so its just a question of abuse of power. she'll fill chaneys role perfectly.

Should have picked Romney. She's gonna get chewed up.
Oh theres no question she got the guy fired. Their just going to paint the guy as a scumbag. Right now they say he tasered his son, drank in his cop car and illegally shot a moose.

see guys? see why you don't tell your wives everything about you. You smoke weed you can lose custody of your kids.

Anyways, she didn't break the law, so its just a question of abuse of power. she'll fill chaneys role perfectly.

Should have picked Romney. She's gonna get chewed up.
and the dem slime machine at full blast
Oh theres no question she got the guy fired. Their just going to paint the guy as a scumbag. Right now they say he tasered his son, drank in his cop car and illegally shot a moose.

see guys? see why you don't tell your wives everything about you. You smoke weed you can lose custody of your kids.

Anyways, she didn't break the law, so its just a question of abuse of power. she'll fill chaneys role perfectly.

Actually, the guy still has his job. She fired the commissioner of the police force. By "right now they say" you mean "the police" say, because that's who reported all his illegal actions to the press.

Abuse of power? She didn't fire her former brother-in-law. She asked the commissioner to rid of bad cops, and clearly Mike Wooten was a bad cop.

However, that's not why she fired commissioner Monegan. She said he was not doing enough to fill empty trooper positions and to battle alcohol abuse.

Should have picked Romney. She's gonna get chewed up.

Gonna get chewed up, for what? Inexperience? She'll counter with Biden's statement that Obama is not ready and McCain is. Abuse of her power? She's a whistleblower; she ratted out bad seeds in her own party.

Seriously, the Democrats have nothing of substance against this woman, or, what they do have also applies to them.
She fits in with the rest of the crowd.

no, i don't think she does....not with her going against the corrupt ones there, in Alaska...i think the mcC campaign is counting on her not being one of their corrupt combat some repub corruption trials that will be hitting the public right before the election in november....

no one makes these decisions in a vacuume...especially republicans....

they chose her for her strong ethics, (cuz they will need someone strong in this area when Stephen's corruption trial comes up before the election), because obama did not pick hillary, and because they needed a TRUMP CARD on obama being the FIRST black man as pres the first female as vp, is a FIRST in America and neutralizes the first black man stuff..., it becomes a FIRST for both sides of the aisle....and who knows what else they walked through for the decision...mccain only met her once, so it was probably made by a team....

they think this crud through, especially if Rove is really being used behind the scenes...he's a political genius.....though unethical imo....but a genius none the less.....

She's under investigation by her own legislature.

Democrats AND Republicans voted 12-0 to launch an investigation. The investigation is understandable, but there's no substance to it. Mike Wooten SHOULD have been fired, and he was not. Commissioner Monegan was not performing his job adequately, and he was fired, for reasons not pertaining to Mike Wooten. Even if the reasons DID pertain to Mike Wooten, Palin had every right to fire the man.

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