Sarah Palin - compilation thread

I'd say in an ordinary every day household, children benefit supremely from having one parent in the household at all times.

But as far as it being the MOTHER, I think a man is just as valid a choice, and the stability it affords is equally valuable.

Her husband is going to come in from the oil fields and be with the kids. I see this blowing up into a big issue, I can't wait to see what he's like! I hope he's a big, good looking blue collar roughneck.
SHE HAS A HUSBAND, Cali! They will work as a team, as husbands and wives do, and the kids are going to be fine.

I support the concept of stay at home moms. I think anyone who makes that choice is making the right choice. But I also believe some women have to work, either because they have to for survival of their own families, or because THEY HAVE A CALLING.

Jesus surrounded himself with women, and not just because they were mothers. They were his sponsors, his confidantes and the first people he appeared to after his resurrection. Moses' sister was a prominent influence in his life. The Bible is full of references to women who sacrificed for their countries and their people.

I guess what I'm saying is that yes it's a valid and good choice to be a stay at home mother. But it is by no means the only option that a woman SHOULD consider if she has children, and feels she has something to offer, provided she feels she can balance the act at home.

Of course. My issues were that the media were touting her motherhood as a reason to think well of her, and it was specifically worded with catch phrases to appeal to the far right. The image doesn't mesh with "leader of the free world." I got a little ticked off thinking about that little baby losing his mom to the white house and all the scandal and headaches and whatnot there.
I'd say in an ordinary every day household, children benefit supremely from having one parent in the household at all times.

But as far as it being the MOTHER, I think a man is just as valid a choice, and the stability it affords is equally valuable.

Her husband is going to come in from the oil fields and be with the kids. I see this blowing up into a big issue, I can't wait to see what he's like! I hope he's a big, good looking blue collar roughneck.

you sexist sow !! :lol:
I hope he's a big, good looking blue collar roughneck.


Here he is swearing her into office.
I got a little ticked off thinking about that little baby losing his mom to the white house and all the scandal and headaches and whatnot there.

So, you're worried the White House will ruin her character?

But, you don't care if it ruins Obama's messiahness?
does this mean you will be voting for that ticket?
No. But as I stated before, I'd be content with a McCain Presidency. But if Palin ever became President it'd be weird, because she's distractingly hot.....I've never jerked off to a State of the Union address before.
you sexist sow !! :lol:

Oh, that's me.
I am so sick of looking at slick-for-tv politicians and their spouses.

She's a lifelong member of the NRA and hunts in her spare time. The libs are going to have a collective fit of apoplexy. I expect them to drop like flies.
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Exactly...McCain choosing her has little to nothing to do with winning Clinton voters...and we would all be wise to pick up on that and start looking at these other reasons.

Ahhh... but remember she is pro-life BUT has also stated to support the abortion if the mother is in medical danger/extreme risk.... this is something that IS appealing to many women.. .the right to choose with this reasoning behind it, but also protecting the sanctity of innocent life of the unborn in other circumstances (I.E. using abortion for birth control)...

I do not think this was primarily done to pick up Clinton supporters... but I do believe it will pick up some.... I think this had some strategy behind it, but mainly because she is the new fresh face of conservatism, with the maverick streak
To RetGuy:

No, I think the media shouldn't promote an image of her motherhood as a reason to elect her a heartbeat away from the presidency.

The media's reporting of her accomplishments is much more appropriate.

And frankly, as politically incorrect as this admittedly is, I think that EITHER the vice-pres job OR her parenthood will almost certainly suffer, It's my opinion that one or the other will. You may skewer me for that if you so desire, but that's my personal opinion.

I absolutely support her decision to advance her career! And I am a little (more than a little) excited that this election will make history.

Notwithstanding, the fact that she has small children at home should not be a selling point to put her in the white house.
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McCain wants the Hillar voters by chooseing Palin.....

The only problem is that she is on the opposite end of all the issues!!!

Hillary voters will see this as soon as they see her stance on issues.

Pro Life and Pro Guns......geesh........and we might be replacing three supreme court justices in the next presidency term......this is huge!!!

I admit I am mesmorized by her beauty and the way she speaks.......but she is a conservative republican!! AND she wants to drill in Alaska!

I love hillary and now I will really vote for Obama.....but it will be fun looking at Palin for a couple months lmao

What more could a person ask for? Bring her on!
Ahhh... but remember she is pro-life BUT has also stated to support the abortion if the mother is in medical danger/extreme risk.... this is something that IS appealing to many women.. .the right to choose with this reasoning behind it, but also protecting the sanctity of innocent life of the unborn in other circumstances (I.E. using abortion for birth control)...

Exactly, she has my sentiments on abortions. I also read that she is in favor of abortions in the event of rape or incest, and, as you pointed out, if the life of the mother is at risk.

She doesn't agree with it, BUT, she won't vote against it.

I like her. :thup:
Yes, I love this argument, be so kind as to convince the Obama ticket to use it. Once again a marriage has 2 PARENTS. Last I checked the partner of a Vice President does not normally work while they are in office.

You are basically saying that women should stay home and raise children and do not belong out of the house if they have children. Do you make that argument about men too?

Which is it? Men are incompetent to parent? Women with children should be stay at home moms? Or both?

Please see my previous response. Please don't continue asking the same question, and I already told you that I don't talk to the DNC.
Of course. My issues were that the media were touting her motherhood as a reason to think well of her, and it was specifically worded with catch phrases to appeal to the far right. The image doesn't mesh with "leader of the free world." I got a little ticked off thinking about that little baby losing his mom to the white house and all the scandal and headaches and whatnot there.

The baby's not going to lose his mama any more than my kids lose me when I'm working. She'll travel a little more. His dad will stay home with him, or they'll just take them along.

I found her choice of words when she confirmed the baby had Down's....she said initially they were sad, but upon reflecting upon it, they just see it as a different sort of blessing (those are my words, paraphrasing hers) and she admonished people not to feel sorry for them because they were thrilled with him...

I found it interesting because my brother and his wife were concerned that their child, born last Christmas, was going to have Down's. There were some indications that she might...and my brother's wife chose not to have amnio to confirm it or settle their fears for fear that the amnio itself would put the child at risk. At first of course the family was concerned, and sad...but then the more I thought of it the more I thought, you know, there could be so much joy in having a Down's child....a child who is basically a child forever. One of the saddest things of parenthood is having your children grow and then realize one day...well, my parenting days are over. It's done and now they're on their own and my ability to shelter them is now limited or non-existent...and they don't need me the same way anymore.

Anyway, I imagine with such a big family and Daddy, her being VP is going to be terribly exciting and positive for all of them.

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