Sarah Palin - compilation thread

While I appreciate how well you have spelled out your problems with Palin (and understand, I am not thrilled about the choice)...I think you are making the dangerous mistake of underestimating your opponent if you think that McCain chose Palin simply to pull Hillary voters away from Obama.

This doesn't make sense for a number of reasons...reasons that McCain and his people had to have known before they made their choice. To name a few:

1) Palin is a nobody politically-speaking. To assume that women who supported such a well-known person as Hillary are simply going to turn over and vote McCain because he nominated someone with breasts is stupid. Republicans may think Democrats are dumb, but not that dumb.

2) Palin, as far as I know, is ardently Pro-Life. Many female Democrats consider a woman's right to choose to be a non-debatable, deal-breaking issue. If a candidate is not pro-choice, they will not vote for them. In a sense, this choice by McCain may have actually COST him Hillary cross-over votes...instead of won them.

3) Palin, being inexperienced and unknown, comes across as a pandering choice. I have already spoken to two of my liberal friends who stated that McCain only chose her so that he could have a woman on his ticket - one thought it was because he was trying to combat the desire to vote for "the first" of something, either the first black president, or the first woman vp. The other thought it was to win women who wanted to vote for Hillary. Either way, many women feel that this choice was actually insulting because they feel it implies that McCain feels they will vote for him simply because he has a woman on his ticket. Not necessarily the way to win an election.

And say what you will about McCain...up to now, he hasn't been outright stupid in any of his one has to ask...

If he didn't choose Palin to win Hillary voters (which I really don't think he did for the reasons I've illustrated above)...

Why did he choose her?

He is throwing a bone to the right wing here. It shows McCain's weakness that he still needs to solidify his base this late in the election.

That said, it still might be a good move if he does that AND she doesn't hurt him with Independents and Dems not sure about Obama.

I think she will be the darling of Conservatives and Democrats will hate her but I'm not so sure how the fence sitters will see her. I guess there is the hope the Democrats will look real bad going after her too hard, the picking on a women thing could come into play. This is a real gamble, which can go either way, IMO
So moms who work long hours in jobs they believe are important don't have family values? I'd be careful with that train of isn't going to sit too well with NOW and other feminists who have for years campaigned on the notion that a woman should be able to do exactly the same jobs men do without being mocked, ridiculed, demeaned or looked down on for it.
no no no

let them shout that from the roof tops

He is throwing a bone to the right wing here. It shows McCain's weakness that he still needs to solidify his base this late in the election.

That said, it still might be a good move if he does that AND she doesn't hurt him with Independents and Dems not sure about Obama.

I think she will be the darling of Conservatives and Democrats will hate her but I'm not so sure how the fence sitters will see her. I guess there is the hope the Democrats will look real bad going after her too hard, the picking on a women thing could come into play. This is a real gamble, which can go either way, IMO

McCain doesn't need help with Independents. He draws those on his own. What he needs is someone to invigorate the conservatives to go and vote for him on election day. Palin does that, many times over. Plus, she does have a certain appeal to Independents - women, people concerned about energy, people concerned about corruption, and people concerned about the war. She complements McCain very well.
How is any of that going to help her with the major global threats we face, i.e. terrorism??

And as a mother, I can't even imagine serving in the White house with a special needs two year old and four additional small children! What sort of family values is that?? I understand working while raising kids, I do it myself (though not til they were off to school and then only during school hours), but the VP spot ... ??! Her children won't ever see her!

Yes, I love this argument, be so kind as to convince the Obama ticket to use it. Once again a marriage has 2 PARENTS. Last I checked the partner of a Vice President does not normally work while they are in office.

You are basically saying that women should stay home and raise children and do not belong out of the house if they have children. Do you make that argument about men too?

Which is it? Men are incompetent to parent? Women with children should be stay at home moms? Or both?
So moms who work long hours in jobs they believe are important don't have family values? I'd be careful with that train of isn't going to sit too well with NOW and other feminists who have for years campaigned on the notion that a woman should be able to do exactly the same jobs men do without being mocked, ridiculed, demeaned or looked down on for it.

She should be able to do the same job. I absolutely agree. She may be eminently qualified. It sounds like she has done good things.

I have blown off my steam, which was actually directed at the characterization of her as "family values" in several articles, not her personal choice of career which is fine by me. I failed to direct my criticism to the papers, rather than Palin. I was really ticked off, because I know that being with my kids as much as I can benefits them. It doesn'tm ean it is like that for other people, on the other hand some people (of both sexes) seem to want to get away from their kids more than just be active in their upbringing. Speaking of which I should go play with my kids now, 'bye.
She should find her place like we all (men and women) do. If her place is as a mother and a role model for family values, as is being touted in several articles, she should be a mother, not a heartbeat away from leader of the free world!

Still, I support her right to do as she wishes. I really do. I am an independent woman myself, kept my maiden name, and so on. BUT! If she wants to be second in line to run the free world, and I guess she'll hire a nanny then, and whatnot, I say more power to the woman! You go girl! I am on that like white on rice!! But DON'T label it "family values." It is progressive, plain and simple.

I have not been so mad at McCain as I am today. Why the hell would he make this pick, for God's sake.

OK, I am really done ranting about this now. You may return to your regularly scheduled programming.

BUT again if a man has a family and does the exact same thing you have no problem with "family values" right? PLEASE convince the democrats to use your reasoning.
My anger was predominantly at the media for characterizing her as family values when she is more of a career woman. Of course, you can be both, but it isn't the typical path in the republican areas I have lived in.

I don't have much input into the democratic arguments, sorry about that.
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McCain doesn't need help with Independents. He draws those on his own. What he needs is someone to invigorate the conservatives to go and vote for him on election day. Palin does that, many times over. Plus, she does have a certain appeal to Independents - women, people concerned about energy, people concerned about corruption, and people concerned about the war. She complements McCain very well.

You might be right about her invigorating the right. I'll be interested to see how this plays out over the next few days
She should find her place like we all do. If her place is as a mother and a role model for family values, as is being touted in several articles, she should be a mother, not a heartbeat away from leader of the free world!

Still, I support her right to do as she wishes. I really do. I am an independent woman myself, kept my maiden name, and so on. BUT! If she wants to run the free world, and hire a nanny, and whatnot, more power to the woman! You go girl! I am on that like white on rice. But DON'T label it "family values." It is progressive, plain and simple.

I have not been so mad at McCain as I am today. Why the hell would he make this pick, for God's sake.

OK, I am really done ranting about this now. You may return to your regularly scheduled programming.

SHE HAS A HUSBAND, Cali! They will work as a team, as husbands and wives do, and the kids are going to be fine.

I support the concept of stay at home moms. I think anyone who makes that choice is making the right choice. But I also believe some women have to work, either because they have to for survival of their own families, or because THEY HAVE A CALLING.

Jesus surrounded himself with women, and not just because they were mothers. They were his sponsors, his confidantes and the first people he appeared to after his resurrection. Moses' sister was a prominent influence in his life. The Bible is full of references to women who sacrificed for their countries and their people.

I guess what I'm saying is that yes it's a valid and good choice to be a stay at home mother. But it is by no means the only option that a woman SHOULD consider if she has children, and feels she has something to offer, provided she feels she can balance the act at home.

I've got a good feeling about Sarah Palin.
Her being a mom to that little baby and being the VP? That's just strange to think about. Will she breats feed in cabinet meetings?

Not that she can't be a mommy and a president at the same time
I just can't wait to see Palin vs. Clinton in 2012. Depending on how the next four years go, I'll have a tough time choosing.
BUT again if a man has a family and does the exact same thing you have no problem with "family values" right?

Sorry, trying to get off the computer here, really -

Of course for either gender there does not need to be a conflict. So no, not right.
And her sacrifice may be that in order to champion family values and the rights of children, she cannot devote as much of her time to her own family as she might want to.

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