Sarah Palin Facebook: Are You Capable Of Decency, Rahm Emanuel?

Oh and Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner needs to go immediately as well. A man who couldn't file his own taxes correctly with Turbo Tax should definitely not be running our Nation's Economy. He should have gotten the boot a long time ago.
The answer is obviously No. The man is a despicable cretin. This President should do the right thing and fire the man.

I thought you guys liked foul mouthed politicians.

Cheney, "Go fuck yourself" to Patrick Leahy on the Senate floor.

There's Adam Clymer -- major league asshole -- from the New York Times," Bush said. "Yeah, big time," returned Cheney.
The answer is obviously No. The man is a despicable cretin. This President should do the right thing and fire the man.

I thought you guys liked foul mouthed politicians.

Cheney, "Go fuck yourself" to Patrick Leahy on the Senate floor.

There's Adam Clymer -- major league asshole -- from the New York Times," Bush said. "Yeah, big time," returned Cheney.

Did Libo call for McCain's resignation after he suggested through a "joke" that women ENJOY being raped?
Listen to her now, or listen to her later,, but someday you will listen. She's kinda like Fox News.. she don't mean nutting to nobody but she's talked about more than anybody,, except glen beck.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

and that jackazz rham should be canned immediately. but obama he don't have the morals it takes to do it, he swims in corruption with the rest of the swine from chicago.
Her Energy Policy is very good for America. We need to weed ourselves off of foreign oil and drill domestically here on land in the states. Doing that will create massive amounts of jobs in the drilling sector.

We use the most and we only have 3% of the world's oil. It's not going to work.

How much oil do the top oil producers produce a day?
Amount of oil produced per day:

Saudi Arabia* - 8.1 million barrels per day;
*Including share of production from the Neutral Zone
Former Soviet Union - 6.9 million barrels per day;
United States - 6.5 million barrels per day;
I.R. Iran - 3.6 million barrels per day;
China - 3.2 million barrels per day.
(from OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin: 1996).

Which countries use the most oil and gas?
The top oil user is the USA (17 million barrels per day) and top gas user is the former Soviet Union (23,000 billion cubic feet per year)

Oil&gas and environment facts
Gollum Emanuel needs to go right now! This President needs to start doing the right thing. Booting this creep would be a good start. I guess we'll see though.
Yes i have called for the resignations or firings of many in this administration. I feel that i am justified in demanding these resignations and firings though. My list of those who should be fired or resign are: 1)Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano,2)CIA Director Leon Panetta,3)Attorney General Eric Holder,4)FBI Director Robert Mueller,5)Secretary of Defense Robert Gates,6)WH Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel,and all of his Unconstitutionally appointed Czars. There are probably more but this list is just off the top of my head at the moment. Time to clean house Mr. President.
Hey buddy, did you see Glenn Beck yesterday?

It appears the new budget contains monies from cap & trade.

I'm not bullshittin'!

What does that tell ya'?
Did Libo call for McCain's resignation after he suggested through a "joke" that women ENJOY being raped?
Yes i have called for the resignations or firings of many in this administration. I feel that i am justified in demanding these resignations and firings though. My list of those who should be fired or resign are: 1)Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano,2)CIA Director Leon Panetta,3)Attorney General Eric Holder,4)FBI Director Robert Mueller,5)Secretary of Defense Robert Gates,6)WH Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel,and all of his Unconstitutionally appointed Czars. There are probably more but this list is just off the top of my head at the moment. Time to clean house Mr. President.

Come on can do better than that

You are forgetting Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, his wife Michelle and that curly haired mutt
Yea they're trying to slip in their B.S. "Cap & Trade" stuff. They know the People do not support this so they're trying to weasel it in. Just like ordering NASA to end their Moon Program so they can spend more Tax Dollars on "studying" their Global Warming scam. As if the World's Governments are not spending enough on their fantasy already. The People just don't support these policies but this President still refuses to listen to the People. His ego is out of control at this point. Pretty sad stuff.
Well of course Pelosi & Reid need to go as well but they're not part of this President's administration. But yea i'm demanding that they go too.
I think she did the right thing in calling for his firing. Obama should listen to her because she has the right ideas for America with her common sense conservatism. Emanuel should be ashamed for using the word 'Retarded'. Again when she speakes the media goes into overdrive and she is not even a politician anymore.

Sarah Palin: Are You Capable of Decency, Rahm Emanuel? | Facebook

Sarah Palin Calls on Obama to Fire Rahm Emanuel for Offensive Comment - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The newly-released mind-boggling, record-smashing $3,400,000,000,000 federal budget invites plenty of opportunity to debate the merits of incurring more and more debt that will drown the next generation of Americans. Never has it been possible to spend your way out of debt. So... let the debate begin.

Included in the debate process will be opportunities for our president to deliberate internally the wisdom of this debt explosion, along with other economic, military and social issues facing our country. Our president will discuss these important issues with Democrat leaders and those within his inner circle. I would ask the president to show decency in this process by eliminating one member of that inner circle, Mr. Rahm Emanuel, and not allow Rahm’s continued indecent tactics to cloud efforts. Yes, Rahm is known for his caustic, crude references about those with whom he disagrees, but his recent tirade against participants in a strategy session was such a strong slap in many American faces that our president is doing himself a disservice by seeming to condone Rahm’s recent sick and offensive tactic.

The Obama Administration’s Chief of Staff scolded participants, calling them, “F---ing retarded,” according to several participants, as reported in the Wall Street Journal.

Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the “N-word” or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking.

A patriot in North Andover, Massachusetts, notified me of Rahm’s “retarded” slam. I join this gentleman, who is the father of a beautiful child born with Down Syndrome, in asking why the Special Olympics, National Down Syndrome Society and other groups condemning Rahm’s degrading scolding have been completely ignored by the White House. No comment from his boss, the president?

As my friend in North Andover says, “This isn’t about politics; it’s about decency. I am not speaking as a political figure but as a parent and as an everyday American wanting my child to grow up in a country free from mindless prejudice and discrimination, free from gratuitous insults of people who are ostensibly smart enough to know better... Have you no sense of decency, sir?”

Mr. President, you can do better, and our country deserves better.

- Sarah Palin

LOL....Palin? The right ideas?? How would anyone know? Has anyone heard any of her 'ideas' for the country? If so, can you let the rest of us in on them? I keep up with her Facebook page just in case I've been wrong about her all of this time. I've yet to see anything that would cause me to change my opinion that she's an idiot.
And not one word from you about what RE said.

Man, you are the epitomy of a bootlicking lil' Obamabot!

Well, considering how you all are always railing against PC, I didn't thinkg you'd want me gto go there. As for RE's comment.........if he did say it, he definitely wasn't talking about retarded children. Seems to me like you guys are only against PC when it covers something that you said. So, which is it? If you're going to be PC, I can go there. But not if you only want to be PC about what Dems say.
Rahm Apologizes for Privately Calling Liberal Activists "Retarded"
February 02, 2010 12:32 PM

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White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel apologized to the head of the Special Olympics today after the Wall Street Journal reported the fiery Chicagoan privately called a group of liberal activists "f---ing retarded."

Last August, Emanuel "showed up at a weekly strategy session featuring liberal groups and White House aides," the Journal's Peter Wallsten reported. "Some attendees said they were planning to air ads attacking conservative Democrats who were balking at Mr. Obama's health-care overhaul. 'F—ing retarded,' Mr. Emanuel scolded the group, according to several participants. He warned them not to alienate lawmakers whose votes would be needed on health care and other top legislative items."

A White House official confirms that Emanuel made the remark and reports that Emanuel called Tim Shriver last week when the Journal story first appeared to apologize to the disabled community and the apology was accepted.

"The White House remains committed to addressing the concerns and needs of Americans living with disabilities and recognizes that derogatory remarks demean us all," the official said. The apology was first reported by Politico's Ben Smith.

Shriver heads the Special Olympics, which has launched a campaign urging people to stop using the term "retarded" as an insult, "Spread the word to end the word."

read it all here..
Rahm Apologizes for Privately Calling Liberal Activists "Retarded" - Political Punch
LOL....Palin? The right ideas?? How would anyone know? Has anyone heard any of her 'ideas' for the country? If so, can you let the rest of us in on them? I keep up with her Facebook page just in case I've been wrong about her all of this time. I've yet to see anything that would cause me to change my opinion that she's an idiot.
And not one word from you about what RE said.

Man, you are the epitomy of a bootlicking lil' Obamabot!

Well, considering how you all are always railing against PC, I didn't thinkg you'd want me gto go there. As for RE's comment.........if he did say it, he definitely wasn't talking about retarded children. Seems to me like you guys are only against PC when it covers something that you said. So, which is it? If you're going to be PC, I can go there. But not if you only want to be PC about what Dems say.

Dems are the ones that started PC and therefore are the ones that need held accountable. Don't matter what others do, they must lead by example.
Liberals are actually defending Gollum Emanuel? Yikes! Come on Liberals,i thought you were better than that.
What a coincidence. I just got an email from someone who used to date Rahm Emmanuel but dumped him because a mutual friend's Jewish mom told her he would never marry a shiksa. She was wrong though. :lol:
What's with this administration?

We have a president bashing those who participate in the special olympics, and then we have this from R.E.

It's like they are a bunch of immature lil' frat boys.

Fucking pathetic, to say the least!
And not one word from you about what RE said.

Man, you are the epitomy of a bootlicking lil' Obamabot!

Well, considering how you all are always railing against PC, I didn't thinkg you'd want me gto go there. As for RE's comment.........if he did say it, he definitely wasn't talking about retarded children. Seems to me like you guys are only against PC when it covers something that you said. So, which is it? If you're going to be PC, I can go there. But not if you only want to be PC about what Dems say.

Dems are the ones that started PC and therefore are the ones that need held accountable. Don't matter what others do, they must lead by example.

Where is your proof that Dems started PC?

Current usage
Widespread use of the term "politically correct" and its derivatives began when it was adopted as a pejorative term by the political right in the 1990s, in the context of the Culture Wars. Writing in the New York Times in 1990,[13] Richard Bernstein noted "The term "politically correct," with its suggestion of Stalinist orthodoxy, is spoken more with irony and disapproval than with reverence. But across the country the term p.c., as it is commonly abbreviated, is being heard more and more in debates over what should be taught at the universities." Bernstein referred to a meeting of the Western Humanities Conference in Berkeley, California, on " 'Political Correctness' and Cultural Studies", which examined "what effect the pressure to conform to currently fashionable ideas is having on scholarship". Bernstein also referred to "p.c.p" for "politically correct people", a term which did not take root in popular discussion.
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Well, considering how you all are always railing against PC, I didn't thinkg you'd want me gto go there. As for RE's comment.........if he did say it, he definitely wasn't talking about retarded children. Seems to me like you guys are only against PC when it covers something that you said. So, which is it? If you're going to be PC, I can go there. But not if you only want to be PC about what Dems say.

Dems are the ones that started PC and therefore are the ones that need held accountable. Don't matter what others do, they must lead by example.

Actually, there was no such term as PC until the republicans created it. If you will check your history, you'll discover that that is exactly the case, no matter how much you applaud yourself.

I'm not applauding myself and do not care who created the term so you can stop applauding yourself. The Dems are the enforcers of it so should maintain accountability to it. It is a tool both sides use against eachother now beause it became an easy tool but the dems should man up and follow as they have been the ones to push it and benefit from it.
Well, considering how you all are always railing against PC, I didn't thinkg you'd want me gto go there. As for RE's comment.........if he did say it, he definitely wasn't talking about retarded children. Seems to me like you guys are only against PC when it covers something that you said. So, which is it? If you're going to be PC, I can go there. But not if you only want to be PC about what Dems say.

Dems are the ones that started PC and therefore are the ones that need held accountable. Don't matter what others do, they must lead by example.

Where is your proof that Dems started PC?

Current usage
Widespread use of the term "politically correct" and its derivatives began when it was adopted as a pejorative term by the political right in the 1990s, in the context of the Culture Wars. Writing in the New York Times in 1990,[13] Richard Bernstein noted "The term "politically correct," with its suggestion of Stalinist orthodoxy, is spoken more with irony and disapproval than with reverence. But across the country the term p.c., as it is commonly abbreviated, is being heard more and more in debates over what should be taught at the universities." Bernstein referred to a meeting of the Western Humanities Conference in Berkeley, California, on " 'Political Correctness' and Cultural Studies", which examined "what effect the pressure to conform to currently fashionable ideas is having on scholarship". Bernstein also referred to "p.c.p" for "politically correct people", a term which did not take root in popular discussion.

Editing .... lame. It appears it was used to describe what appeared to be scary behavior or whatever. Don't mean the Dems are not behind the ideology.

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