Sarah Palin Facebook: Are You Capable Of Decency, Rahm Emanuel?

Dems are the ones that started PC and therefore are the ones that need held accountable. Don't matter what others do, they must lead by example.

Actually, there was no such term as PC until the republicans created it. If you will check your history, you'll discover that that is exactly the case, no matter how much you applaud yourself.

I'm not applauding myself and do not care who created the term so you can stop applauding yourself. The Dems are the enforcers of it so should maintain accountability to it. It is a tool both sides use against eachother now beause it became an easy tool but the dems should man up and follow as they have been the ones to push it and benefit from it.

Make up your mind. In one post you say Dems created it. I proved that wrong. Then you say it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter, then why did you say Dems created it? It seems to me you were blowing smoke out of your butt and doing what conservatives do best. Make up stuff to support whatever position you're trying to take at the moment. You guys should study more. You wouldn't have to back peddle so much.
Actually, there was no such term as PC until the republicans created it. If you will check your history, you'll discover that that is exactly the case, no matter how much you applaud yourself.

I'm not applauding myself and do not care who created the term so you can stop applauding yourself. The Dems are the enforcers of it so should maintain accountability to it. It is a tool both sides use against eachother now beause it became an easy tool but the dems should man up and follow as they have been the ones to push it and benefit from it.

Make up your mind. In one post you say Dems created it. I proved that wrong. Then you say it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter, then why did you say Dems created it? It seems to me you were blowing smoke out of your butt and doing what conservatives do best. Make up stuff to support whatever position you're trying to take at the moment. You guys should study more. You wouldn't have to back peddle so much.

I'm not making anything up, the dems used scare tactics to call people racists in unfair fashion which was given a description by repubs. How does that take it out of the Dems lap?
Gollum Emanuel needs to go right now! This President needs to start doing the right thing. Booting this creep would be a good start. I guess we'll see though.

You know, I just love that you Republicans think you can tell everyone when they need to leave. Your party is still the minority party you understand..
Gollum Emanuel needs to go right now! This President needs to start doing the right thing. Booting this creep would be a good start. I guess we'll see though.

You know, I just love that you Republicans think you can tell everyone when they need to leave. Your party is still the minority party you understand..

You find humor in Americans exercising their right to free speech?
Gollum Emanuel needs to go right now! This President needs to start doing the right thing. Booting this creep would be a good start. I guess we'll see though.

You know, I just love that you Republicans think you can tell everyone when they need to leave. Your party is still the minority party you understand..

You know, I just love that you, Sarah G think that you can criticize people who speak their minds even though they are of the minority party.
Dems are the ones that started PC and therefore are the ones that need held accountable. Don't matter what others do, they must lead by example.

Where is your proof that Dems started PC?

Current usage
Widespread use of the term "politically correct" and its derivatives began when it was adopted as a pejorative term by the political right in the 1990s, in the context of the Culture Wars. Writing in the New York Times in 1990,[13] Richard Bernstein noted "The term "politically correct," with its suggestion of Stalinist orthodoxy, is spoken more with irony and disapproval than with reverence. But across the country the term p.c., as it is commonly abbreviated, is being heard more and more in debates over what should be taught at the universities." Bernstein referred to a meeting of the Western Humanities Conference in Berkeley, California, on " 'Political Correctness' and Cultural Studies", which examined "what effect the pressure to conform to currently fashionable ideas is having on scholarship". Bernstein also referred to "p.c.p" for "politically correct people", a term which did not take root in popular discussion.

Editing .... lame. It appears it was used to describe what appeared to be scary behavior or whatever. Don't mean the Dems are not behind the ideology.

Lame editing??? Dude, there was no editing. I simply posted the modern history of the term. However, if you want th early history, here you are (since you're too lazy to find out for yourself).

Early usages
[edit] In the USA
The earliest citation is not politically correct, found in the U.S. Supreme Court decision Chisholm v. Georgia (1793), denoting that the statement under judgment is literally incorrect, as understood in the eighteenth-century US: “The states, rather than the People, for whose sakes the States exist, are frequently the objects which attract and arrest our principal attention. . . . Sentiments and expressions of this inaccurate kind prevail in our common, even in our convivial, language. Is a toast asked? [To] ‘The United States’, instead of [to] the ‘People of the United States’, is the toast given. This is not politically correct.” [4]

[edit] In the UK
During the First World War, British Ministry of Information official Arnold Bennett used the expression politically correct in vetting language for “appropriateness”.[5]

[edit] In Marxism–Leninism
In Marxist–Leninist and Trotskyist vocabulary, correct was the common term denoting the “appropriate party line” and the ideologic/ “correct line”.[6] Likewise in the People's Republic of China, as part of Mao’s declarations on the correct handling of “non-antagonistic contradictions”.[1][7][8][9] MIT professor of literature Ruth Perry traces the term from Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book (1964).[citation needed]

[edit] In left-wing rhetoric
In the 1960s, the radical Left adopted the term, initially seriously, then ironically, in self-criticism of dogmatic attitudes. By 1970, New Left proponents had adopted the term political correctness.[1] In the essay The Black Woman, Toni Cade Bambara says: “. . . a man cannot be politically correct and a [male] chauvinist too”. The New Left later re-appropriated the term political correctness as satirical self-criticism; per Debra Shultz: “Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the New Left, feminists, and progressives . . . used their term politically correct ironically, as a guard against their own orthodoxy in social change efforts”.[1][2][10] Hence, it is a popular English usage in the underground comic book Merton of the Movement, by Bobby London, while ideologically sound, an alternative term, followed a like lexical path, appearing in Bart Dickon’s satirical comic strips.[1][11] Moreover, Ellen Willis says: “ . . . in the early ’80s, when feminists used the term political correctness, it was used to refer sarcastically to the anti-pornography movement’s efforts to define a ‘feminist sexuality’ ”.[12]
This thread is retarded.


It is and so is Sarah Palin. She drags that poor baby around as a testament to what a great mother she is when really she's nothing but an opportunist using the children as props.
Where is your proof that Dems started PC?

Editing .... lame. It appears it was used to describe what appeared to be scary behavior or whatever. Don't mean the Dems are not behind the ideology.

Lame editing??? Dude, there was no editing. I simply posted the modern history of the term. However, if you want th early history, here you are (since you're too lazy to find out for yourself).

Early usages
[edit] In the USA
The earliest citation is not politically correct, found in the U.S. Supreme Court decision Chisholm v. Georgia (1793), denoting that the statement under judgment is literally incorrect, as understood in the eighteenth-century US: “The states, rather than the People, for whose sakes the States exist, are frequently the objects which attract and arrest our principal attention. . . . Sentiments and expressions of this inaccurate kind prevail in our common, even in our convivial, language. Is a toast asked? [To] ‘The United States’, instead of [to] the ‘People of the United States’, is the toast given. This is not politically correct.” [4]

[edit] In the UK
During the First World War, British Ministry of Information official Arnold Bennett used the expression politically correct in vetting language for “appropriateness”.[5]

[edit] In Marxism–Leninism
In Marxist–Leninist and Trotskyist vocabulary, correct was the common term denoting the “appropriate party line” and the ideologic/ “correct line”.[6] Likewise in the People's Republic of China, as part of Mao’s declarations on the correct handling of “non-antagonistic contradictions”.[1][7][8][9] MIT professor of literature Ruth Perry traces the term from Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book (1964).[citation needed]

[edit] In left-wing rhetoric
In the 1960s, the radical Left adopted the term, initially seriously, then ironically, in self-criticism of dogmatic attitudes. By 1970, New Left proponents had adopted the term political correctness.[1] In the essay The Black Woman, Toni Cade Bambara says: “. . . a man cannot be politically correct and a [male] chauvinist too”. The New Left later re-appropriated the term political correctness as satirical self-criticism; per Debra Shultz: “Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the New Left, feminists, and progressives . . . used their term politically correct ironically, as a guard against their own orthodoxy in social change efforts”.[1][2][10] Hence, it is a popular English usage in the underground comic book Merton of the Movement, by Bobby London, while ideologically sound, an alternative term, followed a like lexical path, appearing in Bart Dickon’s satirical comic strips.[1][11] Moreover, Ellen Willis says: “ . . . in the early ’80s, when feminists used the term political correctness, it was used to refer sarcastically to the anti-pornography movement’s efforts to define a ‘feminist sexuality’ ”.[12]

You're in a dream world if you don't believe it's been the Dems pushing PC in recent decades. Wherever the fucking term was derived, the sensitive Dems need to hold themselves accountable before they ever throw another stone.
This thread is retarded.


It is and so is Sarah Palin. She drags that poor baby around as a testament to what a great mother she is when really she's nothing but an opportunist using the children as props.

Can't say I've seen the baby since the election. That being said, she'd be attacked from the left as a bad Mom, if she left the child with a nanny. Admit it, there really isn't anything she could say or do (other than agree with everything you think) that she wouldn't be attacked about?

This thread is retarded.


It is and so is Sarah Palin. She drags that poor baby around as a testament to what a great mother she is when really she's nothing but an opportunist using the children as props.

Can't say I've seen the baby since the election. That being said, she'd be attacked from the left as a bad Mom, if she left the child with a nanny. Admit it, there really isn't anything she could say or do (other than agree with everything you think) that she wouldn't be attacked about?


That baby was a newborn when she started bringing him to her stump speeches. Those screaming people probably scared that kid so bad. She is self absorbed and she does use her children as props.

She says all of this stuff on facebook yet... What is she, 12?

Btw, the baby was with her on her book tour. Not a very stable life for him, huh?
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It is and so is Sarah Palin. She drags that poor baby around as a testament to what a great mother she is when really she's nothing but an opportunist using the children as props.

Can't say I've seen the baby since the election. That being said, she'd be attacked from the left as a bad Mom, if she left the child with a nanny. Admit it, there really isn't anything she could say or do (other than agree with everything you think) that she wouldn't be attacked about?


That baby was a newborn when she started bringing him to her stump speeches. Those screaming people probably scared that kid so bad. She is self absorbed and she does use her children as props.

She says all of this stuff on facebook yet... What is she, 12?

Btw, the baby was with her on her book tour. Not a very stable life for him, huh?

So, show us PROOF that the lil' guy ever looked scared. He looked pretty peaceful and content to me.

What are you, fucking 12?

Do you think before you speak?

Christ, liberals are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:
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I don't have that much of a problem with this one. I have more of a problem with him saying that freedom of speech is overrated, which of course was barely reported........
Can't say I've seen the baby since the election. That being said, she'd be attacked from the left as a bad Mom, if she left the child with a nanny. Admit it, there really isn't anything she could say or do (other than agree with everything you think) that she wouldn't be attacked about?


That baby was a newborn when she started bringing him to her stump speeches. Those screaming people probably scared that kid so bad. She is self absorbed and she does use her children as props.

She says all of this stuff on facebook yet... What is she, 12?

Btw, the baby was with her on her book tour. Not a very stable life for him, huh?

So, show us PROOF that the lil' guy ever looked scared. He looked pretty peaceful and content to me.

What are you, fucking 12?

Do you think before you speak?

Christ, liberals are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:

Show you? It only takes a little common sense.. Wait, we're attempting to talk common sense to a Neocon?

Pfffttt. :lol:
It is and so is Sarah Palin. She drags that poor baby around as a testament to what a great mother she is when really she's nothing but an opportunist using the children as props.

Can't say I've seen the baby since the election. That being said, she'd be attacked from the left as a bad Mom, if she left the child with a nanny. Admit it, there really isn't anything she could say or do (other than agree with everything you think) that she wouldn't be attacked about?


That baby was a newborn when she started bringing him to her stump speeches. Those screaming people probably scared that kid so bad. She is self absorbed and she does use her children as props.

She says all of this stuff on facebook yet... What is she, 12?

Btw, the baby was with her on her book tour. Not a very stable life for him, huh?

Yeah, how awful of her, to keep her child with her. The baby is retarded, it's not like it will get more retarded from being with his mother on the road. (well, some may disagree with that).


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