Sarah Palin Praises Donald Trump

Sarah Palin Praises Donald Trump, Of Course

And the hits just keep on coming.

Sarah Palin deciding she needed to open her mouth and allow noise to come out is the perfect denouement to the little greek comic-tragety that was Donald Trump announcing he's running for POTUS.

"Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements," Palin said. "This, in contrast with the pro-big government party's practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate."

Palin has praised Trump before, saying the two both share "love for this country, [and] a desire to see our economy put back on the right track" in 2011. That same year, Trump told Fox News Palin would "love" for him to run for president.

They love their country, they just can't stand half of the people.

Sorry, can't have it both ways, chuckles.

You can actually attack this person all you want but deep,down we know that you crave a dictatorship. Did you know communist praise obama
There we go!! With moonbats already going apeshit about Trump, what better way to start a flurry of spittle than mentioning Sarah Palin!!


LOL They need someone, something....ANYTHING to hate on
We know you show your love for Hillary every damn day...
Sarah Palin Praises Donald Trump, Of Course

And the hits just keep on coming.

Sarah Palin deciding she needed to open her mouth and allow noise to come out is the perfect denouement to the little greek comic-tragety that was Donald Trump announcing he's running for POTUS.

"Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements," Palin said. "This, in contrast with the pro-big government party's practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate."

Palin has praised Trump before, saying the two both share "love for this country, [and] a desire to see our economy put back on the right track" in 2011. That same year, Trump told Fox News Palin would "love" for him to run for president.

They love their country, they just can't stand half of the people.

Sorry, can't have it both ways, chuckles.

You can actually attack this person all you want but deep,down we know that you crave a dictatorship. Did you know communist praise obama
Yes, you can hear Pootin praising Oblama every day...
Sarah Palin Praises Donald Trump, Of Course

And the hits just keep on coming.

Sarah Palin deciding she needed to open her mouth and allow noise to come out is the perfect denouement to the little greek comic-tragety that was Donald Trump announcing he's running for POTUS.

"Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements," Palin said. "This, in contrast with the pro-big government party's practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate."

Palin has praised Trump before, saying the two both share "love for this country, [and] a desire to see our economy put back on the right track" in 2011. That same year, Trump told Fox News Palin would "love" for him to run for president.

They love their country, they just can't stand half of the people.

Sorry, can't have it both ways, chuckles.

You can actually attack this person all you want but deep,down we know that you crave a dictatorship. Did you know communist praise obama
Yes, you can hear Pootin praising Oblama every day...

Yes you can as Obama proves he is not a leader..

Why do you still worship at your Obama shrine? For free money? For free POT? for free Prostitution?
Sarah Palin Praises Donald Trump, Of Course

And the hits just keep on coming.

Sarah Palin deciding she needed to open her mouth and allow noise to come out is the perfect denouement to the little greek comic-tragety that was Donald Trump announcing he's running for POTUS.

"Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements," Palin said. "This, in contrast with the pro-big government party's practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate."

Palin has praised Trump before, saying the two both share "love for this country, [and] a desire to see our economy put back on the right track" in 2011. That same year, Trump told Fox News Palin would "love" for him to run for president.

They love their country, they just can't stand half of the people.

Sorry, can't have it both ways, chuckles.

You can actually attack this person all you want but deep,down we know that you crave a dictatorship. Did you know communist praise obama
Yes, you can hear Pootin praising Oblama every day...

Yes you can as Obama proves he is not a leader..

Why do you still worship at your Obama shrine? For free money? For free POT? for free Prostitution?
No,, none of those reasons,,, just to see you make a fool of yourself...
Sarah Palin Praises Donald Trump, Of Course

And the hits just keep on coming.

Sarah Palin deciding she needed to open her mouth and allow noise to come out is the perfect denouement to the little greek comic-tragety that was Donald Trump announcing he's running for POTUS.

"Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements," Palin said. "This, in contrast with the pro-big government party's practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate."

Palin has praised Trump before, saying the two both share "love for this country, [and] a desire to see our economy put back on the right track" in 2011. That same year, Trump told Fox News Palin would "love" for him to run for president.

They love their country, they just can't stand half of the people.

Sorry, can't have it both ways, chuckles.

You can actually attack this person all you want but deep,down we know that you crave a dictatorship. Did you know communist praise obama
Yes, you can hear Pootin praising Oblama every day...

Yes you can as Obama proves he is not a leader..

Why do you still worship at your Obama shrine? For free money? For free POT? for free Prostitution?
No,, none of those reasons,,, just to see you make a fool of yourself...

Well another lie posted by a far left drone, worshipping their Obama shrine!

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