Sarah Palin Say's It's Not To Late To Consider Presidential Run


Dec 10, 2011
I think she has been strategizing and lying low for a reason. She did say back in September that we would see a most unconventional presidential election that no one has ever seen. Today I heard Rush Limbaugh talk of her possibly entering the race and now Drudge Report is reporting it and also, there is a huge reconsider grassroots campaign that is going on for her to get in that the media hasn't reported. Newt is falling inn the polls all of the sudden and Mitt can't get over 23% no matter what. He just can't connect with the voters and not one candidate has excited the base as a true frontrunner. Palin does have a huge following and she does have that appeal to excite and motivate the base. That is a fact. The midterm elections were a attestment for that. At 9pm central tonight, she will appear on Eric Bollings show on Fox Business network to answer 'The Question' possibly. If Palin is to reconsider, the person who is the catalyst to make her do it would be Ron Paul. In a sense, a Paul victory in Iowa and New Hampshire or a Huntsman victory in New Hampshire would effectively start the race over again. Then the first state Governor Palin would be able to participate in would be the Colorado caucuses. The first primary she could participate in would be the Arizona primary.

[ame=]Newt Gingrich - smackdown on MSNBC for Sarah Palin - YouTube[/ame]

Palin says not too late to consider presidential run - Yahoo! News

Rush Limbaugh advocates Palin entering the race from today:
Rush Limbaugh - Palin Is Only Five Letters That Would Be Easy To Write In, P.A.L.I.N - YouTube
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I just saw a plug for Alaska 2 even though Alaska 1 failed for lack of viewers.

Poor $arah. She's just needing to be in the spotlight and I'm sure there are plenty of pubs/bags who will give her what she wants without her having to actually DO much to get it.
I just saw a plug for Alaska 2 even though Alaska 1 failed for lack of viewers.

Poor $arah. She's just needing to be in the spotlight and I'm sure there are plenty of pubs/bags who will give her what she wants without her having to actually DO much to get it.

I don't think that is entirely true. She only contracted for just 8 episodes. The show never was cancelled. It finished it's run.
I think she might look at an independent run if Romney gets the nomination.

Not sure if I would vote for her, I think she's kind of dopey. But if the other alternatives are Romney and Obama, it might not be a bad bet.
She would prolly win the nomination to be honest, she would jump in at 30+ % of the vote, but I doubt she would beat Obama.
I just saw a plug for Alaska 2 even though Alaska 1 failed for lack of viewers.

Poor $arah. She's just needing to be in the spotlight and I'm sure there are plenty of pubs/bags who will give her what she wants without her having to actually DO much to get it.

I don't think that is entirely true. She only contracted for just 8 episodes. The show never was cancelled. It finished it's run.

The show she pitched for her husband finds no buyers. None. She got hit with a 400k ethics this?

Her facebook pages have her winning the presidency basically.

Please, someone let us konw where we can contribute to her pac! I cant wait. (She really has some crazies on her facebook page. They actually will contribute to her AGAIN. They learned nothing from Pre september.)
Let's say she jumped in. Would she be able to participate in the Iowa caucus? Im not super familiar with how caucuses work so I dont know if there is a deadline to when someone has to be signed up for it or whether the people can just support whomever they want regardless of whether they have been campaigning long.
She's on the Business Network right now. I am watching and they are giving her hard presidential candidate questions and she is doing extreme well with her answers on the Iranian and North Korea situation. She is really tearing into Obama right now on energy and the Keystone Pipeline. This Eric Bolling reporter is doing a fine job at hitting all the major issues with her. Ok he just popped the question, she is going to run. She didn't say no.
How many times does she need to say no before you listen to her?
There are still some scenarios that she could get the nomination. Remember, for the first couple of months the delegates can only be apportioned according to the percentage of the votes they receive. There are no winner take all. In an crowded field like it is now the winner will only get 25% of the delegates or so. Now if she decided to enter, uncommitted may get a boost, with the uncommitted delegates going her way.

Also the convention could, because of the setup, be an open convention this year and after the first ballot any person nominated could be the nominee. We will just have to wait and see.

I think Iowa will give a surprise winner and it will be a women, not Palin though.
There are still some scenarios that she could get the nomination. Remember, for the first couple of months the delegates can only be apportioned according to the percentage of the votes they receive. There are no winner take all. In an crowded field like it is now the winner will only get 25% of the delegates or so. Now if she decided to enter, uncommitted may get a boost, with the uncommitted delegates going her way.

Also the convention could, because of the setup, be an open convention this year and after the first ballot any person nominated could be the nominee. We will just have to wait and see.

I think Iowa will give a surprise winner and it will be a women, not Palin though.

Yeah, I also think Bachmann will do much better in Iowa than the media is expecting.
The show she pitched for her husband finds no buyers. None. She got hit with a 400k ethics this?

Her facebook pages have her winning the presidency basically.

Please, someone let us konw where we can contribute to her pac! I cant wait. (She really has some crazies on her facebook page. They actually will contribute to her AGAIN. They learned nothing from Pre september.)

Just to clarify, the $400k 'ethics' violation was $386k and it was a return of monies donated, not a fine on her.

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