Satan in christian doctrine


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Another nail in the coffin that christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism

Although this well-known Christian doctrine has much in common with the pagan Zoroastrian Persian dualism from which it spawned, it is completely alien to the teachings of the Jewish Scriptures. In fact, this Christian notion that Satan, in an act of outright defiance, ceased to function as God had intended him to, suggests that God created something imperfect or defective.

For the Jewish faith, Satan’s purpose in seducing man away from God poses no problem because Satan is only an agent of God. As a servant of the Almighty, Satan faithfully carries out the divine will of his Creator as he does in all his tasks.

Satan is one of the many angels mentioned in the Bible. It is worth noting that the Hebrew word for angel is malach, meaning “messenger.” The same is true for the English word angel, derived from the Greek word angelos, which also means “messenger.”

Throughout the Bible, an angel is a messenger of God who carries out the divine will of the Almighty. There is not one example in the Jewish Scriptures where any angel, Satan included, ever opposes God’s will.

Who Is Satan Outreach Judaism
How does this impact your faith journey? Does it challenge you to strengthen it? Or is there really no good reason for your post?
How does this impact your faith journey? Does it challenge you to strengthen it?

it is that we control and can repent without having a intermediary

In essence, the classic process of repentance is:

realizing the error and regretting it
ask forgiveness who you have hurt and make amends
accepting upon yourself to try not to do it again
trying not to do it again.
How does this impact your faith journey? Does it challenge you to strengthen it?

it is that we control and can repent without having a intermediary

In essence, the classic process of repentance is:

realizing the error and regretting it
ask forgiveness who you have hurt and make amends
accepting upon yourself to try not to do it again;
trying not to do it again.
We do not need an intermediary between us and the Christ, who is the ultimate intermediary between man and God. Does that challenge your faith walk?
your faith walk


Faith walk??

That a christian concept and chistanease

Judaism tends to focus more on the way in which you practice and live in the world than it does on analyzing the nature of God. In fact, biblical monotheism is usually called "ethical monotheism" because of the very strong linkage of right acts to the belief in one God. While some religious traditions consider belief alone to be adequate, Judaism isn't one of them; to Jews, belief is most significant in light of the actions motivated by that belief.

What is unique, perhaps, to Judaism is the notion of arguing with God. For example, in the Bible, Abraham argued with God for the sake of the righteous citizens in Sodom and Gomorrah. He didn't just say, "Whatever you say, God" — he bargained! It's like the whole stage was set for a particular kind of exchange with the Divine. Jews are even called the "Children of Israel" because of the Biblical story of Jacob who wrestled with an angel and got his name changed to Israel, which means "one who wrestles with God."

While the idea of a complete surrender to faith, a surrender to God, is harmonious with many Christian and Muslim faiths, it's much less comfortable for most Jews, who are traditionally taught to question in order to learn more deeply. Judaism tends to encourage individuals to explore their own personal relationship with God. For those people who are comfortable with the idea of surrender, God-wrestling is not an easy concept.

Judaism doesn't care what you say you believe, but rather what you do
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Guno is a militant atheist at odds with our Constitution.

Keep that in mind when considering his commentary as a critic of Christians and Christianity.
Guno is a militant atheist at odds with our Constitution.

Keep that in mind when considering his commentary as a critic of Christians and Christianity.

really? you stupid ignorant goy
Traditional Judaism firmly believes that death is not the end of human existence. However, because Judaism is primarily focused on life here and now rather than on the afterlife,
your faith walk


Faith walk??

That a christian concept and chistanease

Judaism tends to focus more on the way in which you practice and live in the world than it does on analyzing the nature of God. In fact, biblical monotheism is usually called "ethical monotheism" because of the very strong linkage of right acts to the belief in one God. While some religious traditions consider belief alone to be adequate, Judaism isn't one of them; to Jews, belief is most significant in light of the actions motivated by that belief.

What is unique, perhaps, to Judaism is the notion of arguing with God. For example, in the Bible, Abraham argued with God for the sake of the righteous citizens in Sodom and Gomorrah. He didn't just say, "Whatever you say, God" — he bargained! It's like the whole stage was set for a particular kind of exchange with the Divine. Jews are even called the "Children of Israel" because of the Biblical story of Jacob who wrestled with an angel and got his name changed to Israel, which means "one who wrestles with God."

While the idea of a complete surrender to faith, a surrender to God, is harmonious with many Christian and Muslim faiths, it's much less comfortable for most Jews, who are traditionally taught to question in order to learn more deeply. Judaism tends to encourage individuals to explore their own personal relationship with God. For those people who are comfortable with the idea of surrender, God-wrestling is not an easy concept.

Judaism doesn't care what you say you believe, but rather what you do

Then it must of been God that made you so sinful, and please tell me when in the Hebrew Bible that you believed in monotheism? One thing is for sure in the Hebrew bible, you never learned a lesson, and yet to this day your (Israel) is still not.
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Guno is a militant atheist at odds with our Constitution.

Keep that in mind when considering his commentary as a critic of Christians and Christianity.

You are really not a very bright person jake
your faith walk


Faith walk??

That a christian concept and chistanease

Judaism tends to focus more on the way in which you practice and live in the world than it does on analyzing the nature of God. In fact, biblical monotheism is usually called "ethical monotheism" because of the very strong linkage of right acts to the belief in one God. While some religious traditions consider belief alone to be adequate, Judaism isn't one of them; to Jews, belief is most significant in light of the actions motivated by that belief.

What is unique, perhaps, to Judaism is the notion of arguing with God. For example, in the Bible, Abraham argued with God for the sake of the righteous citizens in Sodom and Gomorrah. He didn't just say, "Whatever you say, God" — he bargained! It's like the whole stage was set for a particular kind of exchange with the Divine. Jews are even called the "Children of Israel" because of the Biblical story of Jacob who wrestled with an angel and got his name changed to Israel, which means "one who wrestles with God."

While the idea of a complete surrender to faith, a surrender to God, is harmonious with many Christian and Muslim faiths, it's much less comfortable for most Jews, who are traditionally taught to question in order to learn more deeply. Judaism tends to encourage individuals to explore their own personal relationship with God. For those people who are comfortable with the idea of surrender, God-wrestling is not an easy concept.

Judaism doesn't care what you say you believe, but rather what you do
Interesting. So your obsession with Christianity is caused by your grounding in Judaism? How did that come about?
The same way you explained that they took a word like messenger and turned it into a new mythical species,
they did the same when they broke the first rule and warning not to anthropromorphize these words like Satan which meant adversary.
So they deified a term, just as they make new figures in the bible by taking a definition or role and anthropromorphising that too.
Prime example Metatron=mediator.
Melchizedek=messenger/king of righteousness
They create new figures for the same persona we use many terms to describe the same role.
This is why I posted in French on Sunday, it's to make a point, they can't read Hebrew (no-one expects them to, but they should ask a Hebrew scholar or expert before they dive into these things and pretend to know the Hebrew Bible). They can't read English (tenses and instruction and comprehension, & retention is terrible as well as not veing very observant of what they read=wifty.)
So I thought I'd try French to make a point.
Guno is a militant atheist at odds with our Constitution.

Keep that in mind when considering his commentary as a critic of Christians and Christianity.

I think he is in training for conversion to Christianity , just can't decide if he will be a RC or an Evangelical.
He seems to be in turmoil over his decision. :) Jesus hears you knocking Guno.
your faith walk


Faith walk??

That a christian concept and chistanease

Judaism tends to focus more on the way in which you practice and live in the world than it does on analyzing the nature of God. In fact, biblical monotheism is usually called "ethical monotheism" because of the very strong linkage of right acts to the belief in one God. While some religious traditions consider belief alone to be adequate, Judaism isn't one of them; to Jews, belief is most significant in light of the actions motivated by that belief.

What is unique, perhaps, to Judaism is the notion of arguing with God. For example, in the Bible, Abraham argued with God for the sake of the righteous citizens in Sodom and Gomorrah. He didn't just say, "Whatever you say, God" — he bargained! It's like the whole stage was set for a particular kind of exchange with the Divine. Jews are even called the "Children of Israel" because of the Biblical story of Jacob who wrestled with an angel and got his name changed to Israel, which means "one who wrestles with God."

While the idea of a complete surrender to faith, a surrender to God, is harmonious with many Christian and Muslim faiths, it's much less comfortable for most Jews, who are traditionally taught to question in order to learn more deeply. Judaism tends to encourage individuals to explore their own personal relationship with God. For those people who are comfortable with the idea of surrender, God-wrestling is not an easy concept.

Judaism doesn't care what you say you believe, but rather what you do

Christianity is about turning from sin and to God; to discern the will of God and follow it. Early Christians called this The Way. It focuses on the way we live our lives.

Keep in mind only some Christian denominations--not all--tend to turn great truths into misleading slogans, such as "Faith Alone."

Wrestling with God is a good way to describe getting to know God. Some Christians may feel the struggle to understand the Mystery of God is equally as viable. God, throughout the ages, has revealed Himself to us, and there is much for us to learn and to understand. It is a great deal more than simply faith, but this probably cannot be seen by those who delve so deeply into their own beliefs, there is little time left over to truly understand the beliefs of others. Christians should take more time to understand the Jewish faith, but perhaps our greater task is to take time to first understand the conflicting doctrines in Christianity.
Meriweather quoted:" Christianity is about turning from sin and to God;
to discern the will of God and follow it."

Wow, not even close.
Christianity breaks all the commands and has no clue what the will of God is.
They've yet to comprehend what the source and power of life is, because they are to busy lifting an idol high as a representation of a giant eglomaniac they created to justify their lawlessness and affiliation pride manifested as his image they can speak through and makes excuses through.
Many Christians consider satan to be a fallen angel. I view the matter in another manner. Front Gen. 3 v 1, I view satan as a serpent. A God made beast of the field. A beast more cunning than any other beast of the field. The fallen angels are bound. Satan is not yet bound.
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Well I, for one, found it quite interesting. Something I really haven't heard much about before.

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