Satanic temple of Los Angeles holds largest event ever

What theDoctorisIn is that experimenting with Satanism is as dangerous as experimenting with heroin, once you go down that road, it is very difficult to turn back and save yourself.
You are exactly as big of a fool as I thought if you actually believe that "Satanists" actually "worship" Satan.

"Satanists" are universally atheists. As in, they don't believe in Satan - therefore they don't "worship" him, either.
Translation: "Satanists" are liars and assholes.

Thanks for the clarification. While I agree people like Blackrook do not act like Christians, this is not an excuse for others to lie, cheat or demean their fellow human beings.

Assholes, sure. But they're not "lying" or "cheating" anyone.
theDoctorisin, Satan is a real entity and if you think you can "pretend" to worship him then you are a complete moron. But I already knew that.

Blackrook, Satan is fictional, and if you think you can blame all of your personal problems on him then you are a complete moron who can't take responsibility for yourself.

But I already knew that.

Strictly your unfounded and w/o proof opinion

What is my "unfounded" opinion?

The fact that Satan doesn't exist, or that Blackrook lacks the ability to take responsibility for himself?

There you go's not a "fact" Satan doesn't exist. You cannot prove or disprove his existence.

THAT is a fact for you

I'll admit that it's my opinion, sure. But it's not "unfounded".

  1. having no foundation or basis in fact.
Why do they call themselves satanists?

To get a rise out of people like Blackrook.
Because he's a Christian?

That, and the fact that he's genuinely afraid of "satanism". Not all Christians are.

But yes, it's mostly an anti-Christian thing.
Anti Christian as opposed to anti religion?

Well, it's anti-religion in general.

But it's also almost entirely a western thing, and Christianity is the most visible representation of religion in the west.
It's one thing to not believe in God and be anti-religion, but it's a much bigger step to dabble in Satanism.

theDoctorisIn, you are in grave danger because you fraternize with Satanists and have bought into their lies that this is some sort of "trolling" of Christians to worship Satan.

I have done my duty and warned you, and that is all I can do.

If you choose to ignore my warning, then there is nothing further I can do.

One day when you are in hell and I am in heaven, I will tell my friends and family in heaven, "There is theDoctorisIn, burning in unquenchable flames, I DID WARN HIM."

But it will be too late for you.
To get a rise out of people like Blackrook.
Because he's a Christian?

That, and the fact that he's genuinely afraid of "satanism". Not all Christians are.

But yes, it's mostly an anti-Christian thing.
Anti Christian as opposed to anti religion?

Well, it's anti-religion in general.

But it's also almost entirely a western thing, and Christianity is the most visible representation of religion in the west.
It's one thing to not believe in God and be anti-religion, but it's a much bigger step to dabble in Satanism.

theDoctorisIn, you are in grave danger because you fraternize with Satanists and have bought into their lies that this is some sort of "trolling" of Christians to worship Satan.

I have done my duty and warned you, and that is all I can do.

If you choose to ignore my warning, then there is nothing further I can do.

One day when you are in hell and I am in heaven, I will tell my friends and family in heaven, "There is theDoctorisIn, burning in unquenchable flames, I DID WARN HIM."

But it will be too late for you.
To get a rise out of people like Blackrook.
Because he's a Christian?

That, and the fact that he's genuinely afraid of "satanism". Not all Christians are.

But yes, it's mostly an anti-Christian thing.
Anti Christian as opposed to anti religion?

Well, it's anti-religion in general.

But it's also almost entirely a western thing, and Christianity is the most visible representation of religion in the west.
It's one thing to not believe in God and be anti-religion, but it's a much bigger step to dabble in Satanism.

theDoctorisIn, you are in grave danger because you fraternize with Satanists and have bought into their lies that this is some sort of "trolling" of Christians to worship Satan.

I have done my duty and warned you, and that is all I can do.

If you choose to ignore my warning, then there is nothing further I can do.

One day when you are in hell and I am in heaven, I will tell my friends and family in heaven, "There is theDoctorisIn, burning in unquenchable flames, I DID WARN HIM."

But it will be too late for you.


I bet you can't wait for that particular fantasy of yours to play out - but I hate to break it to you, heaven doesn't exist either.

One day, when you are on your death bed, you'll realize that you wasted your life with hatred and bitterness for nothing at all.
guno thinks going to hell is funny. Well, I'm sure he will end up there, because he is a very hateful person. Unless he repents, of course.
guno thinks going to hell is funny. Well, I'm sure he will end up there, because he is a very hateful person. Unless he repents, of course.


I think that he thinks watching hateful fucks on messageboards threaten other posters with hell is what's funny.
Because he's a Christian?

That, and the fact that he's genuinely afraid of "satanism". Not all Christians are.

But yes, it's mostly an anti-Christian thing.
Anti Christian as opposed to anti religion?

Well, it's anti-religion in general.

But it's also almost entirely a western thing, and Christianity is the most visible representation of religion in the west.
It's one thing to not believe in God and be anti-religion, but it's a much bigger step to dabble in Satanism.

theDoctorisIn, you are in grave danger because you fraternize with Satanists and have bought into their lies that this is some sort of "trolling" of Christians to worship Satan.

I have done my duty and warned you, and that is all I can do.

If you choose to ignore my warning, then there is nothing further I can do.

One day when you are in hell and I am in heaven, I will tell my friends and family in heaven, "There is theDoctorisIn, burning in unquenchable flames, I DID WARN HIM."

But it will be too late for you.


I bet you can't wait for that particular fantasy of yours to play out - but I hate to break it to you, heaven doesn't exist either.

One day, when you are on your death bed, you'll realize that you wasted your life with hatred and bitterness for nothing at all.
I don't hate anyone. In fact, I love everyone, even my enemies.

See what I am trying to do for you, I'm trying to save you from eternal damnation, even though you are a very, very, very stupid man who thinks it's some sort of joke on Christians to dabble with Satan worship.

How can any act be more loving than trying save you from an eternity of torment?

I love you theDoctorisIn, and that's the God honest truth. I want to lead you out of the darkness you are in and show you the light.

Unfortunately, you are too much of a fool to listen to me. But I will keep trying.
guno thinks going to hell is funny. Well, I'm sure he will end up there, because he is a very hateful person. Unless he repents, of course.


I think that he thinks watching hateful fucks on messageboards threaten other posters with hell is what's funny.
I'm not being hateful, quite the opposite. I am telling you the God honest truth that if you dabble in Satanism, you WILL go to hell. Unless you repent.

What I'm doing is an act of love.
guno thinks going to hell is funny. Well, I'm sure he will end up there, because he is a very hateful person. Unless he repents, of course.


I think that he thinks watching hateful fucks on messageboards threaten other posters with hell is what's funny.
I'm not being hateful, quite the opposite. I am telling you the God honest truth that if you dabble in Satanism, you WILL go to hell. Unless you repent.

What I'm doing is an act of love.


You don't even believe that yourself, so why the fuck would anyone else?

You're one of the most hateful people I've ever seen post on this board.
guno thinks going to hell is funny. Well, I'm sure he will end up there, because he is a very hateful person. Unless he repents, of course.

PPL who act as they do deserve hell forever living in darkness fk uhmm.
That, and the fact that he's genuinely afraid of "satanism". Not all Christians are.

But yes, it's mostly an anti-Christian thing.
Anti Christian as opposed to anti religion?

Well, it's anti-religion in general.

But it's also almost entirely a western thing, and Christianity is the most visible representation of religion in the west.
It's one thing to not believe in God and be anti-religion, but it's a much bigger step to dabble in Satanism.

theDoctorisIn, you are in grave danger because you fraternize with Satanists and have bought into their lies that this is some sort of "trolling" of Christians to worship Satan.

I have done my duty and warned you, and that is all I can do.

If you choose to ignore my warning, then there is nothing further I can do.

One day when you are in hell and I am in heaven, I will tell my friends and family in heaven, "There is theDoctorisIn, burning in unquenchable flames, I DID WARN HIM."

But it will be too late for you.


I bet you can't wait for that particular fantasy of yours to play out - but I hate to break it to you, heaven doesn't exist either.

One day, when you are on your death bed, you'll realize that you wasted your life with hatred and bitterness for nothing at all.
I don't hate anyone. In fact, I love everyone, even my enemies.

See what I am trying to do for you, I'm trying to save you from eternal damnation, even though you are a very, very, very stupid man who thinks it's some sort of joke on Christians to dabble with Satan worship.

How can any act be more loving than trying save you from an eternity of torment?

I love you theDoctorisIn, and that's the God honest truth. I want to lead you out of the darkness you are in and show you the light.

Unfortunately, you are too much of a fool to listen to me. But I will keep trying.


You can't even see how transparent you are, can you?

Do you honestly even believe what you're saying? Are you that deluded?
guno thinks going to hell is funny. Well, I'm sure he will end up there, because he is a very hateful person. Unless he repents, of course.


I think that he thinks watching hateful fucks on messageboards threaten other posters with hell is what's funny.
I'm not being hateful, quite the opposite. I am telling you the God honest truth that if you dabble in Satanism, you WILL go to hell. Unless you repent.

What I'm doing is an act of love.


You don't even believe that yourself, so why the fuck would anyone else?

You're one of the most hateful people I've ever seen post on this board.
Really, in what way have I been hateful?

I'm doing what so many Catholic priests no longer do, being honest with people.

They soft peddle the truth, and don't warn people of the peril they are in when they use birth control and miss Mass and don't go to Confession.

I am telling you the truth, and therefore I love you more than anyone else you will ever meet.

theDoctorisIn, I am not wishing you to go to hell, I am wishing you not to go there. But the only way I can do that is to WARN you that if you do not drastically change your life, hell is where you will go.

You need to throw yourself down on your knees, beg God for mercy, and promise him you will start a new life, putting your life in his hands.

I did this in 1994, after leading a life of recklessly disobeying God and ignoring his Commandments.

I need to do it again, because right now I have strayed from him.

But you also need to do it, and you are far further down the road of darkness than I am.

You have started to actually believe that worshipping Satan is some sort of joke on Christians, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Worshipping Satan is a road to living a life of unspeakable evil and if you go down that road, you will not only destroy yourself, but you will destroy many innocents along the way.

It is not only for your sake that I am warning you, but the sake of your family and friends.
guno thinks going to hell is funny. Well, I'm sure he will end up there, because he is a very hateful person. Unless he repents, of course.


I think that he thinks watching hateful fucks on messageboards threaten other posters with hell is what's funny.
I'm not being hateful, quite the opposite. I am telling you the God honest truth that if you dabble in Satanism, you WILL go to hell. Unless you repent.

What I'm doing is an act of love.


You don't even believe that yourself, so why the fuck would anyone else?

You're one of the most hateful people I've ever seen post on this board.
Really, in what way have I been hateful?

I'm doing what so many Catholic priests no longer do, being honest with people.

They soft peddle the truth, and don't warn people of the peril they are in when they use birth control and miss Mass and don't go to Confession.

I am telling you the truth, and therefore I love you more than anyone else you will ever meet.

theDoctorisIn, I am not wishing you to go to hell, I am wishing you not to go there. But the only way I can do that is to WARN you that if you do not drastically change your life, hell is where you will go.

You need to throw yourself down on your knees, beg God for mercy, and promise him you will start a new life, putting your life in his hands.

I did this in 1994, after leading a life of recklessly disobeying God and ignoring his Commandments.

I need to do it again, because right now I have strayed from him.

But you also need to do it, and you are far further down the road of darkness than I am.

You have started to actually believe that worshipping Satan is some sort of joke on Christians, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Worshipping Satan is a road to living a life of unspeakable evil and if you go down that road, you will not only destroy yourself, but you will destroy many innocents along the way.

It is not only for your sake that I am warning you, but the sake of your family and friends.

You are hateful in nearly every post you make on this board - whether it's hate towards Jews, liberals, blacks or whoever you've decided at the moment is responsible for the failures in your life.

It's all here, in the posts you've made. Denying it is pointless.
People have actually been spiritually taken over when f............g with wiji boards. They've become posses or some shit like that.
They say when you open the doors to the other side you become vulnerable to well evil spirits.

People have actually been spiritually taken over when f............g with wiji boards. They've become posses or some shit like that.
They say when you open the doors to the other side you become vulnerable to well evil spirits.

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"Ouija" is a board game owned by the company that makes Barbie dolls.

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