Saturdays Royal Wedding.Anyone Really So Excited That They Can't Contain Themselves?

Crazy, Lyin' Al is one of the most racist "community organizors" in history. His joy in this is that allegedly the female the inbred dude married was not White. He says he wants British women to hate their Whiteness and want to be a mullatto or octullato or whatever it is called when a White is 1/8 Black.

This ridiculous spectacle seems like a Deep State presentation. Recall the theories that Diana was killed for dating a Muzzy. So this is testing the waters for the public in America as to how many deluded leftover Obama-type worshippers there are, brainwashed Whites who feel better as slaves to Blacks.
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I didn’t read the article, but I’m sure Rev Al will have a change of heart about that. He needs a reason to exist after all!
In the Obama era, Al Sharpton was a agent provocateur. In the Trump era, Sharpton is a >>

Show where I am an age bigot, please. :) I called Grampa Murked U as "Gramps." If you think that's age discrimination, you are a goofball.
You've been doing this all along for months (if not years). What else is new ? Ho hum. And what do you think "dementia" (your word not mine) is ? A childhood disease ?
Are you worried about dementia? Thank you for admitting your were wrong in calling me a bigot.
when he was six, Harry went to Austria to ski.

he was under strict instructions not to overtake his instructor. harry did two runs and on the third, he put his poles under his arms and went down the hill. he bombed down the slope then ran out of snow and skied across 40 metres of mud and into a bush. he had to be dug out and was lucky he didn't get hurt.

classic harry!
"a b-list actress marries a man who will never be king in an unimportant country" - Supercilious Bill Maher
No country in the world is more important to America than England. The same can be said of dozens of other countries.

Another liberal displays another misperception of reality.

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