Saturdays Royal Wedding.Anyone Really So Excited That They Can't Contain Themselves?

More than 15 minutes is too long for a wedding. 5 minutes is enough.
A wedding is a funeral with cake.
so were there any male streakers running around the after wedding party?
No, the Queen doesn't like that her vision is so far gone she can't see them, so they stopped doing it.
i thought for sure richard simmons was going to come out of nowhere naked and run along that street as the new bride was waving to millions
joe biden will be so excited that he will be visiting the local "Womens Hospitals" to offer his hands of comfort to those in need
I thought he was going to the children’s hospital.
i think he got banned from them
Not so much banned as told to never come back.
if i was a cute 12 year old girl in one of those hospitals, and Joe Biden and his wandering fingers decided to stop by for a quick visit,,it would turn out like Linda Blair VS Biden
First old Joe would need a splint for the fingers I just broke..
within 10 minutes, Biden would be genderless with a new third eye installed somewhere on his head
More than 15 minutes is too long for a wedding. 5 minutes is enough.
A wedding is a funeral with cake.
so were there any male streakers running around the after wedding party?
No, the Queen doesn't like that her vision is so far gone she can't see them, so they stopped doing it.
i thought for sure richard simmons was going to come out of nowhere naked and run along that street as the new bride was waving to millions
Richard had to retire his blown out gapping ass..
More than 15 minutes is too long for a wedding. 5 minutes is enough.
A wedding is a funeral with cake.
so were there any male streakers running around the after wedding party?
No, the Queen doesn't like that her vision is so far gone she can't see them, so they stopped doing it.
i thought for sure richard simmons was going to come out of nowhere naked and run along that street as the new bride was waving to millions
Richard had to retire his blown out gapping ass..
i wonder if Bruce Jenner was there half naked.
A wedding is a funeral with cake.
so were there any male streakers running around the after wedding party?
No, the Queen doesn't like that her vision is so far gone she can't see them, so they stopped doing it.
i thought for sure richard simmons was going to come out of nowhere naked and run along that street as the new bride was waving to millions
Richard had to retire his blown out gapping ass..
i wonder if Bruce Jenner was there half naked.
No, he's cheating with Kayne..Doing incest and taboo porn.
More than 15 minutes is too long for a wedding. 5 minutes is enough.
A wedding is a funeral with cake.
so were there any male streakers running around the after wedding party?
No, the Queen doesn't like that her vision is so far gone she can't see them, so they stopped doing it.
i thought for sure richard simmons was going to come out of nowhere naked and run along that street as the new bride was waving to millions
Richard had to retire his blown out gapping ass..
can you imagine Biden sending a message to the new couple of how he is looking forward to holding their first royal baby? can u imagine their response?
If that comforts you, Flash, go for it.

He is happy, she is a beautiful bride, the audience look bewildered at black evangelical preaching, and a good time was had by all.

Lighten up Sport. It was a joke.

If you can't make fun of a fucking Prince and a Black divorcee who can you make fun of?
If that comforts you, Flash, go for it.

He is happy, she is a beautiful bride, the audience look bewildered at black evangelical preaching, and a good time was had by all.
Lighten up Sport. It was a joke. If you can't make fun of a fucking Prince and a Black divorcee who can you make fun of?
Nah, "just kidding' is the bolt hole for a bully. Words have meanings.

"This Royal Wedding is the ultimate expression that love endures. Unity wins. Such an important symbol in these times" - Sweet Jack Posobiec
:abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024: :CryingCow: Is the leftist media going to cover this as if it was just as exciting as a superbowl or a game 7 of the world serious? Is 75% of All Americans just so full of excitement and anticipation of this wedding that they have to go to the bathroom about once an hour?
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Actually this was brought up on Fox last night. Even the host who brought up this wedding agreed that all of the "Fake Hype" over this wedding was pretty fake.
Well at least Joy Blowhard will be so excited that this will be all she will talking about on The View come Monday.
So anyway,,,how excited are we over this wedding? are we all gonna stay home and cancell our usual Saturday Plans?
:haha: :flirtysmile4: :cul2:

Looks like 1.5 billion over the world did.
You into the cars?
Not knees news? The anti immigrant host just revealed her German grandad couldn't speak English all his life?
Knees news, the more you watch the more ignorant you get.
I guess you read the research?

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