Saturdays Royal Wedding.Anyone Really So Excited That They Can't Contain Themselves?

what a great day to be an American!

we NEVER sing God Save the Queen under any circumstances!!
just so fabulous.....I've been watching since yesterday. US time.....I took off a half day of work to watch the pre-wedding festivities
:abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024: :CryingCow: Is the leftist media going to cover this as if it was just as exciting as a superbowl or a game 7 of the world serious? Is 75% of All Americans just so full of excitement and anticipation of this wedding that they have to go to the bathroom about once an hour?
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Actually this was brought up on Fox last night. Even the host who brought up this wedding agreed that all of the "Fake Hype" over this wedding was pretty fake.
Well at least Joy Blowhard will be so excited that this will be all she will talking about on The View come Monday.
So anyway,,,how excited are we over this wedding? are we all gonna stay home and cancell our usual Saturday Plans?
:haha: :flirtysmile4: :cul2:
If it was open bar and I got an invatation I mgiht be excited, but neither happened so who gives a shit!
She was a beautiful bride, and he was princely scrumptious as one of my grand nieces said.
Grotesque that some folks here felt the ugly pair was something to behold. The USA was founded by folks who rejected royal weddings and all they stand for! Very unAmerica to worship inbred folks whose history was so damaging to the White man! Although colonizing uncivilized countries was indeed a great thing for human history, if they had not let savages revolt all the time.
I’ve clearly been watching the royal wedding all day. My highlight: My boyfriend, who didn’t seem interested at all, woke me up at 7:30 am shouting “She’s coming down the aisle!”
"Canadian government will donate $50,000 to a charity that focuses on youth sport in honour of Prince Harry's wedding"
I’ve clearly been watching the royal wedding all day. My highlight: My boyfriend, who didn’t seem interested at all, woke me up at 7:30 am shouting “She’s coming down the aisle!”
who actually wakes up at 730 on a Saturday feeling fresh?

he walks around drinking red bull all the time. that's how he stays so giddy & hyper!
I am so excited that I'm cooking burgers on the grill like I do every Saturday..
i will be so excited that I will forget to feed my pet giraffe and ostrich
They can 69 the day away.
joe biden will be so excited that he will be visiting the local "Womens Hospitals" to offer his hands of comfort to those in need
I thought he was going to the children’s hospital.
Best damned wedding ever.......can't wait for the fried chicken and greens sit down dinner with her Royal High...the queen herself!!

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