Snopes now verifies Ashley Biden's "showers with dad" story as being "True"

There’s another propaganda lie… made a journal to help deal with PTSD. It’s nothing close to a chronicle of what kind of man her father was. You just can’t help yourself can you?!
Hunter called his father a pedo. In the laptop. You just can't help your bias can you?
Don’t pretend to care about her abuse. She has stated publicly that people like you lying about what she wrote is causing the abuse in her life.
It's a good thing that her abuse has come out. Good for America. Bad for you and your biased point of view.
I don’t need to spin. I can just use the facts and what’s literally been said. Your narrative is the spin job built on assumptions and lies
But yet that's what you do. You are a spin machine, lying and slithering about as you stump for a pedophile. What a shame. You sick fuck
Stumping for a father showering with his young daughter is sick. You should get your head checked out. Maybe you should make an appointment today.
I’m stumping for the truth when faced with the lie after lie you’ve been telling about a situation you know nothing about. You know that Joe showered with his daughter but she could have been a baby or toddler. You don’t know. You e already been caught lying by saying she was 10 and admitted to that lie.

What’s next? Was he molesting her when he changed her diaper and wiped her ass?
I’m stumping for the truth when faced with the lie after lie you’ve been telling about a situation you know nothing about. You know that Joe showered with his daughter but she could have been a baby or toddler. You don’t know. You e already been caught lying by saying she was 10 and admitted to that lie.

What’s next? Was he molesting her when he changed her diaper and wiped her ass?
You are the liar here, I don't know was he?
Regardless of what Joe has actually done...the fact remains that he has the "pedophile" accusations to contend with. Most powerful men, from Bill Clinton to Donald Trump to JFK, have had to deal with the rumors surrounding their elicit affairs with women. But....Joe is, to my knowledge, the only president that has had to endure suspicions of pedophilia. If any of us had a neighbor and happened to stumble on Ashley's diary....AND knew that that neighbor's own son referred to him as "Pedo Pete"... we would be obligated to call the "authorities", for our own peace of mind. Yet Joe simply does not get it...After all the ugly accusations and creepy videos...Joe walks up to a baby in her mother's arms and starts nibbling on the terrified infant. Good grief.
Regardless of what Joe has actually done...the fact remains that he has the "pedophile" accusations to contend with. Most powerful men, from Bill Clinton to Donald Trump to JFK, have had to deal with the rumors surrounding their elicit affairs with women. But....Joe is, to my knowledge, the only president that has had to endure suspicions of pedophilia. If any of us had a neighbor and happened to stumble on Ashley's diary....AND knew that Joe's own son referred to him as "Pedo Pete"... we would be obligated to call the "authorities" for our own peace of mind. Yet Joe simply does not get it...After all the ugly accusations and creepy videos...Joe walks up to a baby in her mother's arms and starts nibbling on the terrified infant. Good grief.

There is definitely something there
None of us will ever know what horrific things happened in the Biden family. But, I for one, would be horrified if it was ever even hinted at that I was a pedophile. I certainly would not then march up to a baby and start biting at them, in front of the cameras for the world to see. No... Joe is a creep! Simple as that.

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