Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group' (and Hezbollah, too?)


Cafeteria Centrist
Jul 29, 2009
Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group'

BBC World News - 7 March 2014 Last updated at 12:48 ET


The Nusra Front wants to create a strict Islamic state in Syria

Saudi Arabia has formally designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation.

An interior ministry statement also described two jihadist groups fighting with the Syrian rebels - the Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - as terrorist groups.

The statement gave Saudis fighting in Syria 15 days to return.

A royal decree issued last month said any citizen found guilty of fighting in conflicts abroad faced a jail sentence.

Hundreds of Saudis are believed to be fighting in Syria, and correspondents say Riyadh fears they could pose a security risk when they return home.


Last month, King Abdullah decreed jail terms of up to 20 years for anyone belonging to "terrorist groups" or fighting abroad. The new law also promised tough sanctions for anyone backing the incriminated organisations.

However, rights group Amnesty International has criticised the legislation, saying it could be used to suppress peaceful political dissent.

Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia joined the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in withdrawing its ambassadors from Qatar, which it sees as an important supporter of the Brotherhood.


BBC News - Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group'


It appears as though the Saudis are finally awakening - and that, pretty darned late in the game - to the idea that these organizations are unhealthy - for the World, for the Region, and for their Kingdom - although it would appear that it was only when it finally sank-in, that they posed a threat to the Kingdom at-large, that they finally began to act.

They get a prop or two for finally reaching that sensible conclusion, but they've got a lot of demerits to offset, given their earlier intransigence and blinkered approach and their obvious self-focused motives and their tardiness to the Big Boy table, in dealing with such miscreants.

Better late than never, I suppose, but talk about taking years to come to their senses. Well, at least they're kinda-sorta on the same page with much of the rest of The World now, in this context.

With the Mothership of Islam (Saudi Arabia) taking this tack, is this likely to trigger similar assessments by other Islamic countries that have not yet arrived at this same conclusion?

What implications do such things have for the Muslim Brotherhood, for al-Qaeda, for Hezbollah, and others of their kind?

What other cans of worms does this open or close?
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Saudi: Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group

By Mustapha Ajbaili | Al Arabiya News - Dubai - Friday, 7 March 2014


Saudi Arabia criminalizes taking membership in, supporting and sympathizing with terrorist groups. (Al Arabiya)

Saudi Arabia on Friday blacklisted the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, along with three other Middle East-based Islamist groups, Al Arabiya News Channel reported, citing a royal decree.

The Saudi terrorism list also includes the kingdom’s branch of the Shiite movement Hezbollah and Syria-based militant groups the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra Front.

Hundreds of Saudi fighters are believed to have joined ISIS and al-Nusra in Syria.


Abdel Latif al-Sheikh, head of the Saudi religious police, said the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, ISIS and al-Nusra Front were blacklisted in Saudi Arabia because “they were ruled from outside to serve political purposes.”

“They are groups that fight moderate Muslims and are causing troubles around the world. This is what we consider against Islamic principles and has given a negative impression about Muslims in the West,” Sheikh said.


Shura Council member Zuhair al-Harethi, meanwhile, described the bans as a sign of the kingdom’s resolve “to fight terrorism.”

“Saudi Arabia will not allow any attempts to disrupt the country’s stability,” he said.

Hartehy said some clerics had issued fatwas that encourage Saudi youth to be involved in conflict areas.

“Such fatwas have ruined the reputation of Islam and have affected Saudi Arabia’s image in front of the international community,” he said.

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Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group'

BBC World News - 7 March 2014 Last updated at 12:48 ET


The Nusra Front wants to create a strict Islamic state in Syria

Saudi Arabia has formally designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation.

An interior ministry statement also described two jihadist groups fighting with the Syrian rebels - the Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - as terrorist groups.

The statement gave Saudis fighting in Syria 15 days to return.

A royal decree issued last month said any citizen found guilty of fighting in conflicts abroad faced a jail sentence.

Hundreds of Saudis are believed to be fighting in Syria, and correspondents say Riyadh fears they could pose a security risk when they return home.


Last month, King Abdullah decreed jail terms of up to 20 years for anyone belonging to "terrorist groups" or fighting abroad. The new law also promised tough sanctions for anyone backing the incriminated organisations.

However, rights group Amnesty International has criticised the legislation, saying it could be used to suppress peaceful political dissent.

Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia joined the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in withdrawing its ambassadors from Qatar, which it sees as an important supporter of the Brotherhood.


BBC News - Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group'


It appears as though the Saudis are finally awakening - and that, pretty darned late in the game - that these organizations are unhealthy - for the World, for the Region, and for their Kingdom - although it would appear that it was only when it sank-in, that they posed a threat to the Kingdom at-large, that they finally began to act. They get a prop or two for finally reaching that sensible conclusion, but they've got a lot of demerits to offset, given their earlier intransigence and blinkered approach and their obvious self-focused motives and their tardiness to the Big Boy table, in dealing with such miscreants.

Better late than never, I suppose, but talk about taking years to come to their senses. Well, at least they're kinda-sorta on the same page with much of the rest of The World now, in this context.

With the Mothership of Islam (Saudi Arabia) taking this tack, is this likely to trigger similar assessments by other Islamic countries that have not yet arrived at this same conclusion?

What implications do such things have for the Muslim Brotherhood, for al-Qaeda, for Hezbollah, and others of their kind?

What other cans of worms does this open or close?

Well so much for tinnys "demographics" being the deciding factor with Israel, now it seems the arab league is seeing the light of day. Goodbye Palestine hello peace.
Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group'

BBC World News - 7 March 2014 Last updated at 12:48 ET


The Nusra Front wants to create a strict Islamic state in Syria

Saudi Arabia has formally designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation.

An interior ministry statement also described two jihadist groups fighting with the Syrian rebels - the Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - as terrorist groups.

The statement gave Saudis fighting in Syria 15 days to return.

A royal decree issued last month said any citizen found guilty of fighting in conflicts abroad faced a jail sentence.

Hundreds of Saudis are believed to be fighting in Syria, and correspondents say Riyadh fears they could pose a security risk when they return home.


Last month, King Abdullah decreed jail terms of up to 20 years for anyone belonging to "terrorist groups" or fighting abroad. The new law also promised tough sanctions for anyone backing the incriminated organisations.

However, rights group Amnesty International has criticised the legislation, saying it could be used to suppress peaceful political dissent.

Earlier this week, Saudi Arabia joined the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in withdrawing its ambassadors from Qatar, which it sees as an important supporter of the Brotherhood.


BBC News - Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group'


It appears as though the Saudis are finally awakening - and that, pretty darned late in the game - that these organizations are unhealthy - for the World, for the Region, and for their Kingdom - although it would appear that it was only when it sank-in, that they posed a threat to the Kingdom at-large, that they finally began to act. They get a prop or two for finally reaching that sensible conclusion, but they've got a lot of demerits to offset, given their earlier intransigence and blinkered approach and their obvious self-focused motives and their tardiness to the Big Boy table, in dealing with such miscreants.

Better late than never, I suppose, but talk about taking years to come to their senses. Well, at least they're kinda-sorta on the same page with much of the rest of The World now, in this context.

With the Mothership of Islam (Saudi Arabia) taking this tack, is this likely to trigger similar assessments by other Islamic countries that have not yet arrived at this same conclusion?

What implications do such things have for the Muslim Brotherhood, for al-Qaeda, for Hezbollah, and others of their kind?

What other cans of worms does this open or close?

Well so much for tinnys "demographics" being the deciding factor with Israel, now it seems the arab league is seeing the light of day. Goodbye Palestine hello peace.

If only.............the peace part
Wheres Tinmore to claim that Israel paid the. To do this?? Or that the U.S is paying them to list Hamas as a terrorist group?
So wonderful to see how the Palestinian terrorist groups are bonding Israel & Saudi Arabia together.

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