Saudis ban Jewish Reporter on Obama trip

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a disturbing story about Saudi Arabia refusing to allow a Jewish reporter from attending the upcoming trip with other reporters joining President Obama. This is blatant ant-semitism.

Saudi Arabia Bars Jerusalem Post Reporter From Covering Obama's Trip There

The Saudi government is refusing to allow the Jerusalem Post’s Washington bureau chief to cover President Barack Obama's trip to the Arab kingdom.

In a move that the White House Correspondents Association called "outrageous," Michael Wilner is purportedly the only member of the Washington press corps who has been denied a visa for the trip.

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The Post reported that the Saudis ignored "firmly worded requests" to grant the application, which were made by U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice and presidential assistant Tony Blinken to Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir.

The newspaper added: “Rice and Blinken separately expressed extreme displeasure at the delay and the prospect of a denial.’’

The White House said it has complained about the denial.

"We are deeply disappointed that this credible journalist was denied a visa,” said Bernadette Meehan, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council. “We will continue to register our serious concerns about this unfortunate decision."

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters traveling with Obama en route to Belgium on Tuesday, however, that the Saudi Arabian trip would not be reconsidered.

I'm sure the Belgian nazi elitists were delighted at the insult. They are known for their anti-semitism. The elite Belgian Business School of Solvay honored Hitler during their school graduation ceremonies a few years ago. One of the Solvay sons gave a speech and told the Jewish Students in attendance, "You Jews Lust for Solvay Gold"! The Jewish communities and parents of students of Belgium complained but the nazi Jew hater - Solvay - refused to apologise.
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And of course only a weak "president" would go to a country which bars an established American journalist.

But then that's what we have.....

True, HG. The Saudis are also the first ones to complain about their own citizens suspected of crimes in America. Consider the story of the Saudi Zayid who hired a young man for a contract murder of a business owner. The murderer confessed and identified Zayid as the one who had hired him. Money trail confirmed this confession. Many other facts to case supported the young black man was telling the truth about what happened. The judge refused a 2 million dollar bail because he knew the evidence from prosecution was strong and he'd flee the country. They held onto him. Then President Obama flew to the town and two days later all charges were dropped, the claim was there was no case - and so little Zayid was released and sent back to Saudi Arabia. Who forced our govt to release Zayid? The Saudis. This same scenario was played out again and again during Bush administration. What do the Saudis have over our government? Over our state department? That is the question. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with this although it appears to be the policy. No matter who is in office.
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Story of Zayid...

Charges dropped against Saudi national in death of Warrensburg bar owner - KansasCity.comBreaking News
Charges dropped against Saudi national in death of Warrensburg bar owner
By DONALD BRADLEY The Kansas City Star
Updated: 2013-08-03T00:32:43Z
August 2
The Kansas City Star
Prosecutors on Friday dropped all charges against a Saudi national accused of hiring someone to kill a Warrensburg, Mo., bar owner.

Ziyad Abid had been held in jail since last September for the shooting death of William Blaine Whitworth even though the required $2 million had been posted for his bond. The judge in the case didn’t like the source of the money: the Saudi government.
Twice, Circuit Judge Michael Wagner denied Abid’s release on grounds he could be a flight risk or deported by the federal government before trial.
Abid, 24, who had studied aviation at the University of Central Missouri before his arrest, faced a first-degree murder charge. Whitworth, 25, was shot to death Sept. 1, 2012, in the driveway of his home in Warrensburg.
Four days after the killing, authorities arrested Reginald Singletary Jr., a former bouncer at one of the two bars Whitworth operated in the college town. Singletary, a graduate of Winnetonka High School who later played football at Missouri Valley College, told authorities that Abid paid him to kill Whitworth.

Read more here:
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Did anyone mention Singletary passed a lie detector test? So a young black football players life is destroyed because he got involved with a Saudi national who enticed him into a murder for hire. Meanwhile little Ziyad is back at home with mommy and daddy in Saudi Arabia. Absolutely awful.
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So the upshot here is the Saudis can murder our American citizens with impunity and we are not permitted to bring a Jewish reporter over to Saudi Arabia with the President of the United States. Got it.
This is nothing new the Saudis are very open with their racism and anti semitism.

It's nothing new for Belgium either. Ask anyone who was in attendance of Solvay School of Business graduation ceremony in Belgium. The theme was honoring Hitler. Jewish students in attendance were aghast at Solvay's nerve. He then announced, Jews lust for Solvay Gold! When confronted about it he refused to apologise. So much for the Jewish banker conspiracy. These people are not Jews. They are nazi elitists who created secret societies under names such as Bilderberg ( head of Bilderberg Etienne Davignon is a Solvay by birth ) in order to confuse people into believing it was founded by the Jews. IT WASN'T.
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Visa needed, visa denied - happens many times all over the world.
Case closed.

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