Saudis open air space to Israel….thank you President Trump

He threatened them.. that he would cut off weapons sales.
I don't believe you but even if I did so fucking what?....
What does that have to do with gas prices today and an embarrassment of a president in biden?.....
President Trump will likely go down in history as one of our most consequential Presidents……his work to bring peace to the Middle East is continuing to bear fruit.

The Saudis and the Israelis are making the important steps, but Trump and his son in law did great work in helping them see past their differences.

No other American President have done as much to bring peace forward in the Middle East….and what he did is bringing real change for the better.

Your own article appears to state that Biden brokered that deal. Along with the transference of Egyptian islands to SA.

Did you not read your own, linked article?
So you are giving Trump credit for something that happened on Biden's watch?

Well, understandable, you don't want to talk about the shitshow of things that happened when Trump was president.

You're right, we should be talking about the BIGGER shitshow that Is Joe Biden!
The Saudi leadership is nothing like the Shah of Iran.

No, quite honestly, it's worse.

The Shah at least tried to bring progressive reforms to Iran.

The only thing that keeps the House of Saud from being overthrown is that they are pacifying their people with oil money. When that runs out, they are toast.
No, quite honestly, it's worse.

The Shah at least tried to bring progressive reforms to Iran.

The only thing that keeps the House of Saud from being overthrown is that they are pacifying their people with oil money. When that runs out, they are toast.
There are a good percentage of people throughout the world who want to live well without interference. That is not the reality. With Iran and the Shah disposed of for over 40 years they should be at least politically settled a bit more. The consensus that if they get nukes and will bomb Israel is something we are subjected to constantly.
No, quite honestly, it's worse.

The Shah at least tried to bring progressive reforms to Iran.

The only thing that keeps the House of Saud from being overthrown is that they are pacifying their people with oil money. When that runs out, they are toast.

86% of oil revenue goes to healthcare, education, clean water, business development... In 2014 they had a half million new manufacturing jobs in of the oil fields.
You don't know anything about Saudi Arabia or Iran. Saudi developed under the American model (not the US government).. Iran developed under the British model.
Biden gave Trump credit for the Abraham Accords and said he would take it further and he did...

Both deserve credit.....
KSA wasn't part of the Abraham Accords...

Also, given most of these Monarchies are about one revolution from being overthrown, why are we linking ourselves to them.

It's like we haven't learned a fucking thing after the Shah of Iran

Those were the groundwork, the smaller gulf States had to go first to give the Saudis some cover.

Should we rather link to Iran?

There are two sides in the area, Iran and pretty much everyone else except Hezbollah.
Naturally they do, as they tend to be more highly educated than the average American.

I suppose you could hope that Jewish babies drink water with high lead levels, or something.
What they hoped was that Trump kissing Bibi's ass would win over some American jew. Same thing Bush thought would happen when he became buddies with Joe Lieberman.
Most American Jews vote Dem. Hopefully they'll wake up.....maybe they won't.
So they're wrong? I'm wrong? Blacks are wrong? We should be voting with white racists like you? Sheep who only vote Republican because it's the "white" party? Why would a Jew or Black vote with people like you?
So they're wrong? I'm wrong? Blacks are wrong? We should be voting with white racists like you? Sheep who only vote Republican because it's the "white" party? Why would a Jew or Black vote with people like you?

So they're wrong? I'm wrong? Blacks are wrong?


We should be voting with white racists like you?

No, you should be voting for white racists, like Biden.

Sheep who only vote Republican because it's the "white" party?

I vote for black Republicans if they're qualified. And Asian Republicans. And Hispanic Republicans.

Why would a Jew or Black vote with people like you?

Because the Dems are awful!

It was funny to see Biden fist bumping pariahs, wasn't it?

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