Savage Islamic Attack on St. Mark Cathedral Allowed by Egyptian Forces


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama's "Arab Spring"...

April 10, 2013 By Raymond Ibrahim

Egypt’s Coptic Christians frequently accuse State Security and police of overlooking Muslim attacks on Christians and their places of worship, especially monasteries and churches. The Western mainstream media often ignores these accusations, or mentions them in passing as “unsubstantiated reports.” Last weekend’s assault on the St. Mark Cathedral — unprecedented in significance — was no different, except for the fact that there are many pictures demonstrating State complicity.

To recap: After last Sunday’s St. Mark Cathedral funeral service for Egypt’s most recent Christian victims of jihad — including one man set aflame — gangs of Muslims attacked the Christian mourners, resulting in the deaths of two more Copts, including one shot through the heart. Hundreds of Christians retreated back into the cathedral — both to get out of harm’s way, and to protect their holiest site. They were trapped there all night, enduring projectile and firebomb attacks. State Security also opened fire on the cathedral, including through tear-gas.


Muslim”youth” climb to the roof of a building adjacent to St. Mark Cathedral to attack it. To the left, a man winds to hurl a projectile at it. And in the white circle to the right, high-ranking Egyptian officials and security stand by watching (easily recognizable by their hats and helmets


A masked man, with a rifle, sits inside an Egyptian armored vehicle — bought with U.S. taxpayer money — and fires at the cathedral.


A better close up. This image shows a masked sniper with rifle in hand preparing to open fire at the cathedral — confident that security forces will not intervene.


Same man opens fire.

In Pictures: Savage Islamic Attack on St. Mark Cathedral Allowed by Egyptian Forces | FrontPage Magazine
If I were Christian in Egypt I would have started packing my bags as soon as Mubarak stepped down.
If I were Christian in Egypt I would have started packing my bags as soon as Mubarak stepped down.

That is the catch 22, do you let the Jihadist win? That is what happened to the Christian majority in Lebanon!

Dude Christians are so outnumbered in Egypt its not even funny, do they even have a fighting chance? if you even tried to fight back against this mob that overtook the Cathedral you would be butchered like a hog. Me personally, Egypt is a shit hole, I would have packed my shit and left long ago.
they should leave. An interesting factoid----the christian population
of Egypt has a higher literacy rate than does the muslim population.
The way to fight egyptian muslim oppression is for them to LEAVE
Lebanon used to be a nice place
If I were Christian in Egypt I would have started packing my bags as soon as Mubarak stepped down.

That is the catch 22, do you let the Jihadist win? That is what happened to the Christian majority in Lebanon!

Dude Christians are so outnumbered in Egypt its not even funny, do they even have a fighting chance? if you even tried to fight back against this mob that overtook the Cathedral you would be butchered like a hog. Me personally, Egypt is a shit hole, I would have packed my shit and left long ago.

There's 12 million Christians in Egypt, they should all leave? Why doesn't Obama stand with these people as he sends money to the muslim brotherhood?
That is the catch 22, do you let the Jihadist win? That is what happened to the Christian majority in Lebanon!

Dude Christians are so outnumbered in Egypt its not even funny, do they even have a fighting chance? if you even tried to fight back against this mob that overtook the Cathedral you would be butchered like a hog. Me personally, Egypt is a shit hole, I would have packed my shit and left long ago.

There's 12 million Christians in Egypt, they should all leave? Why doesn't Obama stand with these people as he sends money to the muslim brotherhood?

Well I personally would leave, nobody is standing with these people and even if Obama did say something it would do absolutely nothing on the ground for these people. Obama is hated and despised in Egypt just like Bush was.
Dude Christians are so outnumbered in Egypt its not even funny, do they even have a fighting chance? if you even tried to fight back against this mob that overtook the Cathedral you would be butchered like a hog. Me personally, Egypt is a shit hole, I would have packed my shit and left long ago.

There's 12 million Christians in Egypt, they should all leave? Why doesn't Obama stand with these people as he sends money to the muslim brotherhood?

Well I personally would leave, nobody is standing with these people and even if Obama did say something it would do absolutely nothing on the ground for these people. Obama is hated and despised in Egypt just like Bush was.

Really? I don't think so. Obama is a useful tool for the muslim brotherhood. what does Obama stand for anyway?
There's 12 million Christians in Egypt, they should all leave? Why doesn't Obama stand with these people as he sends money to the muslim brotherhood?

Well I personally would leave, nobody is standing with these people and even if Obama did say something it would do absolutely nothing on the ground for these people. Obama is hated and despised in Egypt just like Bush was.

Really? I don't think so. Obama is a useful tool for the muslim brotherhood. what does Obama stand for anyway?

The MB may like Obama but the average Egyptian on the street wouldn't piss on Obama if he were on fire.
Obama is burned in effigy on the streets of Egypt just like Bush was, I'm telling you Obama is not popular on the Arab street.


Well I personally would leave, nobody is standing with these people and even if Obama did say something it would do absolutely nothing on the ground for these people. Obama is hated and despised in Egypt just like Bush was.

Really? I don't think so. Obama is a useful tool for the muslim brotherhood. what does Obama stand for anyway?

The MB may like Obama but the average Egyptian on the street wouldn't piss on Obama if he were on fire.

Ok so Obama is powerless to help the Christians right? That's bullshit.. We give Egypt 2 billion a year. the Egyptian military could protect these people if they chose to.
Really? I don't think so. Obama is a useful tool for the muslim brotherhood. what does Obama stand for anyway?

The MB may like Obama but the average Egyptian on the street wouldn't piss on Obama if he were on fire.

Ok so Obama is powerless to help the Christians right? That's bullshit.. We give Egypt 2 billion a year. the Egyptian military could protect these people if they chose to.

So if Obama tells the Egyptians to stop bothering the Christians that will work? that right there is bullshit.
The MB may like Obama but the average Egyptian on the street wouldn't piss on Obama if he were on fire.

Ok so Obama is powerless to help the Christians right? That's bullshit.. We give Egypt 2 billion a year. the Egyptian military could protect these people if they chose to.

So if Obama tells the Egyptians to stop bothering the Christians that will work? that right there is bullshit.

No Obama tells Morsi if he wants American aid this shit must stop...Hows that?


masked man, with a rifle, sits inside an Egyptian armored vehicle — bought with U.S. taxpayer money — and fires at the cathedral.
Ok so Obama is powerless to help the Christians right? That's bullshit.. We give Egypt 2 billion a year. the Egyptian military could protect these people if they chose to.

So if Obama tells the Egyptians to stop bothering the Christians that will work? that right there is bullshit.

No Obama tells Morsi if he wants American aid this shit must stop...Hows that?


masked man, with a rifle, sits inside an Egyptian armored vehicle — bought with U.S. taxpayer money — and fires at the cathedral.

I am fine with that, although I think the Egyptians would want more money and it all comes down to the people on the ground. We could tell the Egyptian Government to lay off Christians but will the average Egyptian on the ground listen?
So if Obama tells the Egyptians to stop bothering the Christians that will work? that right there is bullshit.

No Obama tells Morsi if he wants American aid this shit must stop...Hows that?


masked man, with a rifle, sits inside an Egyptian armored vehicle — bought with U.S. taxpayer money — and fires at the cathedral.

I am fine with that, although I think the Egyptians would want more money and it all comes down to the people on the ground. We could tell the Egyptian Government to lay off Christians but will the average Egyptian on the ground listen?

The islamists are the problem not the average Egyptian. Mubarak protected the Christians pretty well for the most part.
No Obama tells Morsi if he wants American aid this shit must stop...Hows that?


masked man, with a rifle, sits inside an Egyptian armored vehicle — bought with U.S. taxpayer money — and fires at the cathedral.

I am fine with that, although I think the Egyptians would want more money and it all comes down to the people on the ground. We could tell the Egyptian Government to lay off Christians but will the average Egyptian on the ground listen?

The islamists are the problem not the average Egyptian. Mubarak protected the Christians pretty well for the most part.

The average Egyptians aren't doing much to help their Christian brothers, which is a problem. I agree Mubarak definently didn't allow this type of thing, and thats what missing, Egypts new leadership doesn't care and its open season on Christians in Egypt just like in Iraq and Pakistan. These guys didn't wake up the other day and just decide to do this, they have felt like this for years and now they have the chance to act on it. I knew this kind of thing would happen once Mubarak left and unfortunately I was right, if Iraq or Pakistan are any examples this is going to get worse. Iraq is almost empty of Christians right now.
: (( This is truly sad.

I don't understand why more Christians aren't upset about these kinds of attacks???? I am NOT trying to 'blame the victims' here, just disconcerted to realize that this kind of atrocity against a House of GOD seems to be going without notice by so many Church communities around the world.

And I note the figure of '12 million Coptic Christians in Egypt' - and I think '14 million Jews in the world' - and I wonder if the apparent lack of notice is because the overall Christian community is so large, that some Christians cannot feel the same sharp empathy? Ore they weighing their words very carefully before they make a public response?

The incident in the article below is entirely different - ONE man involved, acting alone - and yet I can assure you it will leave Jews all over the world feeling nervous.

Jewish scrolls burned in potential hate crime -

I'm entirely open to the thought that those Jews all over the world who feel nervous after reading it, are all too easily disconcerted and overly-sensitive.

I'm NOT trying to pass judgment on either reaction: I'm sort of wondering how anyone decides what is the appropriate level of concern in such instances.
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Imagine the slaughter that would occur if these Christians burned down a Mosque in retaliation? I'm not saying they should mind you, but imagine the blood bath that would occur.
Egypt has some serious shit problems if it can't maintain a rule of law for ALL it's people - Morsi's on the block if he can't crack down on this.

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