Save South Sudan from Itself


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
South Sudan faces its most severe crisis yet. Born by referendum in 2011, after a lengthy war with Sudan that killed 2.5 million people, the young country is now in the throes of a political crisis that is devolving into a tribal conflict.

After the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement that ended the North-South war, Salva Kiir, the current president of South Sudan, built a country out of a fragile coalition of tribes and regions. I served as the United States envoy to Sudan from 2006 to 2007, and the Salva Kiir I knew then was committed to democracy, human rights and the rule of law. But now his critics say he has concentrated power in his own hands, using repression instead of persuasion to rule.

Mr. Kiir comes from South Sudan’s largest tribe, the Dinka, while his former vice president, Riek Machar, comes from the second-largest tribe, the Nuer.

These two groups have a history of economic and political rivalry, and of bloody confrontation. In 1991, after a power struggle among the southern rebels, Mr. Machar broke away from John Garang and Mr.
Kiir, the leader and his deputy, respectively, of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (S.P.L.A.) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (S.P.L.M.), and allied his Nuer militia with the North.

It was a marriage of convenience: Mr. Machar supported Southern independence, while Mr. Garang and Mr. Kiir supported autonomy for the South within a united Sudan. Khartoum opposed independence, but it armed Mr. Machar to keep South Sudan in chaos.

The southern forces fought among themselves for a decade, committing terrible atrocities: In the 1991 Bor massacre Mr. Machar’s Nuer forces murdered thousands of Dinka civilians.

The southern forces finally united in 2001, under pressure from the U.S. government. After the peace agreement with Khartoum was signed in January 2005, Mr. Garang became the president of the semi-autonomous, interim government of South Sudan. When he died that July in a helicopter accident, Mr. Kiir quickly succeeded Mr. Garang, and Mr. Machar became his vice president.

They worked together to balance sectarian interests within the South, particularly in the distribution of jobs and government contracts. They also worked together to defuse tensions when communal violence threatened stability.

The South became fully independent on July 9, 2011. But the public’s expectations of a quick peace dividend were disappointed. In 2012, Mr. Kiir accused some of his ministers and army generals of stealing $4 billion.

The government has been using repression to silence its critics. The S.P.L.A. has committed human rights abuses in Jonglei State, in eastern South Sudan, against the Murle, a tribe armed by Khartoum to cause chaos in the region.

In March, Mr. Machar criticized Mr. Kiir’s authoritarian leadership; he also announced that he would challenge Mr. Kiir for the S.P.L.M.’s chairmanship and run for president in 2015.

Mr. Kiir fired Mr. Machar as vice president in July, accelerating the collapse of the fragile government’s tribal balance of power.

Mr. Kiir’s critics in the South argue that he has driven out the reformers in his party and is surrounding himself instead with loyalists from his home area and former acolytes of President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan.

Kiir has made some compromises with Khartoum over sharing oil revenues and the status of the contested border region of Abyei. He might argue this was to stabilize South Sudan’s relationship with Sudan, but others say he has conceded too much.

Although the quarrel between Mr. Kiir and Mr. Machar has no ethnic basis, their political fight is now mutating into a tribal war. Tensions between the Dinka and the Nuer within the presidential guard blew up on Dec. 15, after Mr. Kiir ordered Nuer soldiers to disarm because he questioned their loyalty. They did, but then Dinka soldiers picked up the weapons and some shooting occurred.

Claiming this was a coup attempt, Mr. Kiir ordered the arrest of 11 senior S.P.L.M. members. Dinka soldiers carried out widespread targeted killings of Nuer civilians in Juba. Mr. Machar’s home in the capital was shelled by government artillery; his staff was killed.

Mr. Machar and his soldiers have since escaped to the Nuer homeland in the Upper Nile and Unity states. The United Nations and the media report that Nuer militias aligned with Mr. Machar have committed widespread retaliatory atrocities against Dinka civilians.

Mr. Machar’s troops have also taken control of the oil fields in the Nuer homeland, a formidable tool of leverage since oil accounts for more than 90 percent of Juba’s revenues.

President Bashir of Sudan is said to have proposed to Mr. Kiir sending troops from the North to protect the Southern oil fields. Mr. Kiir refused, wisely, but now Mr. Machar has announced that he intends to negotiate his own oil deal with Khartoum. This will allow Khartoum to play the southern sides against one another.

The United Nations Security Council decided on Tuesday to send more troops to South Sudan to ensure the protection of civilians. But much more needs to be done.

Mr. Kiir must release all political prisoners from the S.P.L.M. He also should put in place an interim government until elections can be held.

Mr. Machar, for his part, must cease all offensive military operations and withdraw his troops from the oil fields. If he refuses, the United Nations should impose sanctions.

Although Mr. Kiir and Mr. Machar say they support reconciliation, they are both trying to make military gains first in order to shore up their negotiating positions. Thus talks must be organized as soon as possible.

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has offered to act as mediator, but Ugandan media report that he has sent his own special forces to protect Juba from Mr. Machar’s approaching forces. He is not neutral, and another broker should be found — perhaps the Ethiopian government.

A decade ago, Mr. Bashir argued that the South should not be granted independence because the Southerners could not govern themselves and would lapse into ethnic conflict. They must not prove him right.

By Andrew S. Natsios, a professor at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M
My friends went to the sudan to feed black people. they said it was fun
I hope to God we don't get sucked into that pesthole. It's their problem to solve - not ours.
Africa needs saving from its self.

They won't admit that education, tech, infrastructure and knowledge is the way to go...
Children brave crocodiles, pythons and Guinea worm to go to school...

FEATURE: South Sudan’s children risk death for school
Tue, Nov 28, 2017 - Martha’s fear grows each morning as her toes touch the cold and muddy water of the swamp in a remote part of South Sudan.
However, she steps confidently into the chest-deep marsh, her clothes drenched and her feet sinking into the slippery mud as she holds her schoolbag above her head to keep it dry. “I know there could be crocodiles, pythons and Guinea worm in here and I’m scared every day,” said the 18-year-old, who is one of thousands who have found safety in Ganyiel, a rebel-held town in the center of the war-torn nation. “Some of the children in my village have died in the swamps,” she said, sitting on a plastic chair outside her classroom in a spare dry dress that she carried with her. Martha has decided that receiving an education is her priority, even though the journey takes four hours a day, a quarter of which is spent wading through the treacherous swamp. With 72 percent of children out of school, South Sudan ranks worst in education among all African nations, according to UNICEF. One of the most common reasons for non-attendance is the long distance students have to walk to school, it says.

The world’s youngest nation gained independence in 2011, but civil war erupted in late 2013 between soldiers of South Sudanese President Salva Kiir, an ethnic Dinka, and his former vice president, Riek Machar, a Nuer. Tens of thousands have been killed and about one-third of the nation’s population of 12 million have fled their homes in Africa’s largest refugee crisis. School enrollment, which was 42 percent at the start of the war, has plummeted. Only 700,000 school-aged children out of 2.5 million attend classes, UNICEF says. “With so many children out of school and with a large portion of those currently enrolled unlikely to go beyond primary school, the country will face a serious shortage of qualified people,” UNICEF education expert Vinobajee Gautam said. Martha only returned to school last month. She and her siblings had been living in one of the UN’s tightly packed camps for displaced people in the capital, Juba. “My mother took me and my seven siblings to Juba many years ago, because she wanted us to have access to education,” the teenager said in perfect English. “When the war broke out, soldiers abducted and killed her. I had to take care of my brothers and sisters and wasn’t able to go to school anymore.”

Martha decided to journey northward for several days by boat to opposition-held Ganyiel in Southern Liech State, so that her father and other relatives who still lived there could help care for her siblings, freeing up her time to study. “I heard that a new school was built in Ganyiel, so I decided that going back home would help our family receive a better education,” she said. Wild animals and waterborne diseases are not the only risks students face on their exhausting journeys to school. “Children from rural areas outside Ganyiel have to live with the fear of being caught in the crossfire of inter-clan fights, revenge killings or even cattle raids,” said Raphael Ndiku of Welthungerhilfe, the German charity that built Martha’s school. With the construction of a new building last year, about 500 new students arrived from remote villages, boosting enrollment by more than half to nearly 1,500, he said. News of the latest school openings spreads fast. At least one in three schools have been attacked by armed forces since the start of the conflict, according to UNICEF. Many are closed, destroyed or occupied by soldiers or displaced people.


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