Saving America’s Future from the Blob


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
This should be a must read for students of our foreign policy.

'Never believe what bipartisan foreign policy establishment hacks say about China and Russia. They don’t believe what they say, either. The Blob (as Obama aide Ben Rhodes called it) learned through generations of strategic blunders that if everyone closes ranks and sticks to the same story, its members will survive a strategic disaster of any magnitude with their careers intact. The same principle explains why not a single American banker went to jail after the subprime collapse of 2008, the biggest fraud in all financial history. The Blob’s logic is simple: If you go after one of us, then you have to go after all of us, and who will be left to put things back together?'

That article is all based on fiction and contains many glaring errors.

Nowhere does it mention that it is the USA that built China's economy by transferring technology to China.
Nowhere does it mention that it is the USA's factories that were literally dismantled and reassembled in China, making the Chinese economy.

The article erroneously claims Washington is limiting China's access to technology? Washington, for decades, has transferred technology and entire industries to China.

Nowhere does the article mention Marxism, human rights violations, prisoner/slave camps.

Pure bullshit.

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