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Saving Children From Homosexual Predators: Emperor Trump to Reverse LGBT Adoption Rights Reforms

  1. 1.
    evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
    synonyms: evidence, verification, corroboration, authentication, confirmation, certification, documentation, validation, attestation, substantiation
    "proof of ownership"

The link you provided is not facts or evidence, if you think there is relevance to the discussion, you should quote and add your thoughts. We are not playing cards with google, providing a link does not mean or show you proved the point you are making.

So go ahead, make a point, from your link, it is super lazy simply to post a link and then rant and rave, paraphrasing what I said, poorly.

If that the only way you can "win", you are a loser.

The link I provided gave you the proof you demanded. You're deflecting from it because it destroys your bigoted argument.
I did not demand proof or evidence, I simply told you to post your study you claimed made a point, you gave a link, you did not quote, you did not make a comment, and one stupid link is not evidence and is hardly making any sort of point. Are you really that dumb, that you think you can post a link, and that is it.

You have not commented one bit on your link.

First and foremost, and I will quote and link using your link, tomorrow or the next day, but for now, lets just say this, your study says, or the people who made the study admit that the study is very limited because it only "studied", 3 year old children.

Now you have made a claim that kids are fine, as in teenagers, not toddlers, that kids are fine, and to make that statement, or to establish that as fact, instead of actually talking to adults that were forced into homosexual lifestyles, your study talked to the teachers of 3 year old toddlers?

Your entire claim that kids grow up fine when forced against there will into homosexual lifestyles is based upon what the teachers of 3 year old children think?

But hey, I will quote the study, the part called conclusion, and I will link your study.

I have gave you my commentary on your study, something you have not had the time to, seeings how you were busy insulting, flaming, and trolling. So I will continue to do what you do not, I will quote and link your lousy study, and show how the authors of the study have admitted it is flawed because it does not study grown up kids, just three year olds!

Did you read the study, you made the claim that kids grow up fine in homosexual lifestyles and as evidence you offered a study not of grown up children?

again, you should of commented on your own link, quoted and commented, I see why you did not, because you were too stupid to read what you posted, or if you did read it, you were too stupid to comprehend that the study was about toddlers, not grown up kids, you know, kids, as in teenagers, who claim the study confirmed as fine.

I gave you plenty of chances to actually read the study, so I would not have to make you look like a fool, intellectually, but you never get it, you can not support your stupid ass ideas that roll around in your empty head with studies you obviously never read.
That is two of you idiots, two of your posts I have destroyed, anyone I have forgot, I did not forget, your posts are even worst then these two losers.

You people have zero brains when it comes to offering a reasonable discussion of what you believe.

You have to go to google, you do not have the intellect to make a point using your brain, it is really telling how stupid you are when all you have to think with is an internet search engine.
  1. 1.
    evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
    synonyms: evidence, verification, corroboration, authentication, confirmation, certification, documentation, validation, attestation, substantiation
    "proof of ownership"

The link you provided is not facts or evidence, if you think there is relevance to the discussion, you should quote and add your thoughts. We are not playing cards with google, providing a link does not mean or show you proved the point you are making.

So go ahead, make a point, from your link, it is super lazy simply to post a link and then rant and rave, paraphrasing what I said, poorly.

If that the only way you can "win", you are a loser.

The link I provided gave you the proof you demanded. You're deflecting from it because it destroys your bigoted argument.
I did not demand proof or evidence, I simply told you to post your study you claimed made a point, you gave a link, you did not quote, you did not make a comment, and one stupid link is not evidence and is hardly making any sort of point. Are you really that dumb, that you think you can post a link, and that is it.

You have not commented one bit on your link.

First and foremost, and I will quote and link using your link, tomorrow or the next day, but for now, lets just say this, your study says, or the people who made the study admit that the study is very limited because it only "studied", 3 year old children.

Now you have made a claim that kids are fine, as in teenagers, not toddlers, that kids are fine, and to make that statement, or to establish that as fact, instead of actually talking to adults that were forced into homosexual lifestyles, your study talked to the teachers of 3 year old toddlers?

Your entire claim that kids grow up fine when forced against there will into homosexual lifestyles is based upon what the teachers of 3 year old children think?

But hey, I will quote the study, the part called conclusion, and I will link your study.

I have gave you my commentary on your study, something you have not had the time to, seeings how you were busy insulting, flaming, and trolling. So I will continue to do what you do not, I will quote and link your lousy study, and show how the authors of the study have admitted it is flawed because it does not study grown up kids, just three year olds!

Did you read the study, you made the claim that kids grow up fine in homosexual lifestyles and as evidence you offered a study not of grown up children?

again, you should of commented on your own link, quoted and commented, I see why you did not, because you were too stupid to read what you posted, or if you did read it, you were too stupid to comprehend that the study was about toddlers, not grown up kids, you know, kids, as in teenagers, who claim the study confirmed as fine.

I gave you plenty of chances to actually read the study, so I would not have to make you look like a fool, intellectually, but you never get it, you can not support your stupid ass ideas that roll around in your empty head with studies you obviously never read.

Our kids are fine, bigot. Kids of divorce need your "concern" a lot more.
That is two of you idiots, two of your posts I have destroyed, anyone I have forgot, I did not forget, your posts are even worst then these two losers.

You people have zero brains when it comes to offering a reasonable discussion of what you believe.

You have to go to google, you do not have the intellect to make a point using your brain, it is really telling how stupid you are when all you have to think with is an internet search engine.
Dear Sir, Please allow me to point something out to you. While you are on a relentless and senseless rant about how we have failed to provide any evidence that kids do well with same sex parents...YOU have not even made the slightest attempt at providing any evidence that they DO NOT do well, and are disturbed by having gay parents. Nothing that is except the bizarre images of men with beards in miniskirts that you pull out of the dark recesses of your diseased mind. You realize that, right? Holy shit!! NO??
Dear Sir, Please allow me to point something out to you. While you are on a relentless and senseless rant about how we have failed to provide any evidence that kids do well with same sex parents...YOU have not even made the slightest attempt at providing any evidence that they DO NOT do well, and are disturbed by having gay parents. Nothing that is except the bizarre images of men with beards in miniskirts that you pull out of the dark recesses of your diseased mind. You realize that, right? Holy shit!! NO??
This is such a tough issue. On one hand, there are plenty of children out there that need a good home and there are homosexuals which could provide that. On the other hand, it really is unfair to the children. They are growing up in a very abnormal situation (yes - I know - just like children in divorced homes grow up in an abnormal situation). However, two same sex parents is even more awkward for children. And they are not getting the proper balance. No man can ever really provide the same experience of a mother no matter how feminine they are, and no woman can ever really provide the same experience of a father no matter how masculine they are.

But here is the one thing we should all agree on: whether heterosexual or homosexual - protecting children from abusive situations (whether it be sexual, or physical, or mental, etc.) should be the #1 priority.
You are a dangerous liar . It's this type of rhetoric that has gotten gay men killed. And if you actually believe your own bullshit, you have to be either crazy or stupid.
If rhetoric leads to murder, you should be arrested for your hate and rhetoric.
The fact that you nothing more than that to say in response to two lengthy posts that debunk all of the myths about gay people and pedophilia is just more evidence that you are mentally or intellectually challenged in some way.

And yes, rhetoric can lead to violence. It is the first step on what I call the continuum of intolerance. The Nazi's understand that well. First you cast aspersions and sow fear about a particular group with lies and myths about them. Then you proceed to dehumanize them and emphasis the differences between them and the rest of society. Trump understand that too. Soon it seems normal to marginalize them and deprive them of rights. After that, it becomes open season on them by the government and anyone else who wants to do them harm. Get that little man?
Last edited:
Gays brought this on themselves.

They could have chosen to be grateful for what they were offered....... Civil Contract with ALL the benefits and responsibilities of marriage BUT without it being called a 'marriage'

They fucked up.

Had they opted for the Civil Union, nobody would be bothering with them right now. Nobody would be all that upset. I shouldn't say 'nobody' -- I mean very few or nobody of consequence.

But Gays didn't do that. They got up in our faces.

This whole thing wasn't about 'Equal Rights', it was about getting up in our faces and saying "FUCK YOU!" to the entire heterosexual population of the World.

Uh.... Guys?

Not a smart move. And you're gonna pay for it.


And you deserve it for your arrogance
I like your alternative facts.......gays tried to get civil unions and it was the christer right who shot that idea down........Ok, so we went for legal marriage. We would have accepted civil unions....but it was your facist christers who said no. Too late now.
Both of you are dead wrong. States have had legal homosexual marriage for decades now. Vermont was doing it in the early/mid 90's. And that's the way it should have remained. It was a decision for the people of each state.

The federal government simply has zero authority over the issue of marriage. What's even worse is that the representative of the people - Congress - the only body empowered to make legislation at the federal level wasn't even involved. Instead, 9 unelected officials illegally created law from the bench.
Dear Sir, Please allow me to point something out to you. While you are on a relentless and senseless rant about how we have failed to provide any evidence that kids do well with same sex parents...YOU have not even made the slightest attempt at providing any evidence that they DO NOT do well, and are disturbed by having gay parents. Nothing that is except the bizarre images of men with beards in miniskirts that you pull out of the dark recesses of your diseased mind. You realize that, right? Holy shit!! NO??
This is such a tough issue. On one hand, there are plenty of children out there that need a good home and there are homosexuals which could provide that. On the other hand, it really is unfair to the children. They are growing up in a very abnormal situation (yes - I know - just like children in divorced homes grow up in an abnormal situation). However, two same sex parents is even more awkward for children. And they are not getting the proper balance. No man can ever really provide the same experience of a mother no matter how feminine they are, and no woman can ever really provide the same experience of a father no matter how masculine they are.

But here is the one thing we should all agree on: whether heterosexual or homosexual - protecting children from abusive situations (whether it be sexual, or physical, or mental, etc.) should be the #1 priority.

Gender does not make any difference in parenting.

Journal of Marriage and Family:
Do Children Need Both a Mother and a Father?

In their analysis, the researchers found no evidence of gender-based parenting abilities, with the “partial exception of lactation,” noting that very little about the gender of the parent has significance for children’s psychological adjustment and social success.

As the researchers write: “The social science research that is routinely cited does not actually speak to the questions of whether or not children need both a mother and a father at home. Instead proponents generally cite research that compares [heterosexual two-parent] families with single parents, thus conflating the number with the gender of parents.”

Indeed, there are far more similarities than differences among children of lesbian and heterosexual parents, according to the study. On average, two mothers tended to play with their children more, were less likely to use physical discipline, and were less likely to raise children with chauvinistic attitudes. Studies of gay male families are still limited.

However, like two heterosexual parents, new parenthood among lesbians increased stress and conflict, exacerbated by general lack of legal recognition of commitment. Also, lesbian biological mothers typically assumed greater caregiving responsibility than their partners, reflecting inequities among heterosexual couples.

The bottom line is that the science shows that children raised by two same-gender parents do as well on average as children raised by two different-gender parents. This is obviously inconsistent with the widespread claim that children must be raised by a mother and a father to do well,” Biblarz said.

Stacey concluded: “The family type that is best for children is one that has responsible, committed, stable parenting. Two parents are, on average, better than one, but one really good parent is better than two not-so-good ones. The gender of parents only matters in ways that don’t matter.
Dear Sir, Please allow me to point something out to you. While you are on a relentless and senseless rant about how we have failed to provide any evidence that kids do well with same sex parents...YOU have not even made the slightest attempt at providing any evidence that they DO NOT do well, and are disturbed by having gay parents. Nothing that is except the bizarre images of men with beards in miniskirts that you pull out of the dark recesses of your diseased mind. You realize that, right? Holy shit!! NO??
This is such a tough issue. On one hand, there are plenty of children out there that need a good home and there are homosexuals which could provide that. On the other hand, it really is unfair to the children. They are growing up in a very abnormal situation (yes - I know - just like children in divorced homes grow up in an abnormal situation). However, two same sex parents is even more awkward for children. And they are not getting the proper balance. No man can ever really provide the same experience of a mother no matter how feminine they are, and no woman can ever really provide the same experience of a father no matter how masculine they are.

But here is the one thing we should all agree on: whether heterosexual or homosexual - protecting children from abusive situations (whether it be sexual, or physical, or mental, etc.) should be the #1 priority.
It is no
Dear Sir, Please allow me to point something out to you. While you are on a relentless and senseless rant about how we have failed to provide any evidence that kids do well with same sex parents...YOU have not even made the slightest attempt at providing any evidence that they DO NOT do well, and are disturbed by having gay parents. Nothing that is except the bizarre images of men with beards in miniskirts that you pull out of the dark recesses of your diseased mind. You realize that, right? Holy shit!! NO??
This is such a tough issue. On one hand, there are plenty of children out there that need a good home and there are homosexuals which could provide that. On the other hand, it really is unfair to the children. They are growing up in a very abnormal situation (yes - I know - just like children in divorced homes grow up in an abnormal situation). However, two same sex parents is even more awkward for children. And they are not getting the proper balance. No man can ever really provide the same experience of a mother no matter how feminine they are, and no woman can ever really provide the same experience of a father no matter how masculine they are.

But here is the one thing we should all agree on: whether heterosexual or homosexual - protecting children from abusive situations (whether it be sexual, or physical, or mental, etc.) should be the #1 priority.
It is not a tough issue at all. Keeping children safe is of course the #1 priority but that should not even be part of a discussion about parenting by gays or same sex couples. I worked in child protective services for 26 long years. I investigated child abuse of all kinds, child neglect and exploitation. I know who the abusers are and I know who puts children at risk and it is not the gay people.

I also worked in foster care and adoption. I placed children into homes where the parents were gay. My home state was allowing adoption by gay people and same sex couples long before same sex marriage was even on any body's radar. It works. Having gay parents may have been awkward and "abnormal" 20 years ago, but not now. Few people, and especially kids think that it is weird. What is unfair and disturbing to kids is being from a broken home and even more so, to be a ward of the state and in foster care.

There is a considerable body of data, some of which I ( and others- see just above) have posted here, that shows that children raised by same sex couple do as well as children raised in "traditional" homes and that having a "mom and a dad" is not important to their development. There are many factors that far out weigh that by far.
Dear Sir, Please allow me to point something out to you. While you are on a relentless and senseless rant about how we have failed to provide any evidence that kids do well with same sex parents...YOU have not even made the slightest attempt at providing any evidence that they DO NOT do well, and are disturbed by having gay parents. Nothing that is except the bizarre images of men with beards in miniskirts that you pull out of the dark recesses of your diseased mind. You realize that, right? Holy shit!! NO??
This is such a tough issue. On one hand, there are plenty of children out there that need a good home and there are homosexuals which could provide that. On the other hand, it really is unfair to the children. They are growing up in a very abnormal situation (yes - I know - just like children in divorced homes grow up in an abnormal situation). However, two same sex parents is even more awkward for children. And they are not getting the proper balance. No man can ever really provide the same experience of a mother no matter how feminine they are, and no woman can ever really provide the same experience of a father no matter how masculine they are.

But here is the one thing we should all agree on: whether heterosexual or homosexual - protecting children from abusive situations (whether it be sexual, or physical, or mental, etc.) should be the #1 priority.

Gender does not make any difference in parenting.
Children of same-sex couples disagree my dear... this child lived it. You didn't. They win.

My Father Was Gay. Why I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage.
Gays brought this on themselves.

They could have chosen to be grateful for what they were offered....... Civil Contract with ALL the benefits and responsibilities of marriage BUT without it being called a 'marriage'

They fucked up.

Had they opted for the Civil Union, nobody would be bothering with them right now. Nobody would be all that upset. I shouldn't say 'nobody' -- I mean very few or nobody of consequence.

But Gays didn't do that. They got up in our faces.

This whole thing wasn't about 'Equal Rights', it was about getting up in our faces and saying "FUCK YOU!" to the entire heterosexual population of the World.

Uh.... Guys?

Not a smart move. And you're gonna pay for it.


And you deserve it for your arrogance
I like your alternative facts.......gays tried to get civil unions and it was the christer right who shot that idea down........Ok, so we went for legal marriage. We would have accepted civil unions....but it was your facist christers who said no. Too late now.
Both of you are dead wrong. States have had legal homosexual marriage for decades now. Vermont was doing it in the early/mid 90's. And that's the way it should have remained. It was a decision for the people of each state.

The federal government simply has zero authority over the issue of marriage. What's even worse is that the representative of the people - Congress - the only body empowered to make legislation at the federal level wasn't even involved. Instead, 9 unelected officials illegally created law from the bench.
It had to be done and it was the right thing to do. Children and families could not wait any longer. While same sex marriage was already legal in most states when Obergefell was decided, in most of those cases it was imposed by a lower federal court. States and "the people" do not get to decide on civil rights issues that violate the constitution which is the supreme law of the land. If you think that federal courts should not have decided the issue of same sex marriage , you would also have to be opposed to the decision in 1967 that overturned laws prohibiting interracial marriage. Do you?
It had to be done and it was the right thing to do. Children and families could not wait any longer. While same sex marriage was already legal in most states when Obergefell was decided, in most of those cases it was imposed by a lower federal court. States and "the people" do not get to decide on civil rights issues that violate the constitution which is the supreme law of the land. If you think that federal courts should not have decided the issue of same sex marriage , you would also have to be opposed to the decision in 1967 that overturned laws prohibiting interracial marriage. Do you?
Yep. I vehemently oppose anything which is unconstitutional. The federal government simply has zero authority over this issue. And it is illegal for the Supreme Court to create law from the bench. This was an egregious violation of lawful government.
It had to be done and it was the right thing to do. Children and families could not wait any longer. While same sex marriage was already legal in most states when Obergefell was decided, in most of those cases it was imposed by a lower federal court. States and "the people" do not get to decide on civil rights issues that violate the constitution which is the supreme law of the land. If you think that federal courts should not have decided the issue of same sex marriage , you would also have to be opposed to the decision in 1967 that overturned laws prohibiting interracial marriage. Do you?
Yep. I vehemently oppose anything which is unconstitutional. The federal government simply has zero authority over this issue. And it is illegal for the Supreme Court to create law from the bench. This was an egregious violation of lawful government.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is a considerable body of data, some of which I ( and others- see just above) have posted here, that shows that children raised by same sex couple do as well as children raised in "traditional" homes and that having a "mom and a dad" is not important to their development. There are many factors that far out weigh that by far.
There is considerable data - and all of it proves that a same-sex couple environment does not produce results as good as traditional families.

This leaves only four studies that are methodologically sound. And as the American College of Pediatricians brief shows, all four—the four most recent—find that children do not fare as well when raised by same-sex couples as when raised by married, biological parents.

How Children Raised By Same-Sex Married Couples Fare
It had to be done and it was the right thing to do.
It was the wrong thing to do. And your arrogant (who are you to decide for all of society what is the "right" thing to do?!?) and lawless views are repulsive.

Allow me to make the proper analogy for you. Currently, birth rates are down both around the world and here in the U.S. That's a fact. Now imagine if a rapist goes around raping dozens of women and then tells law enforcement "it was the right thing to do - birth rates are down and I'm trying to get them back up to protect mankind". Imagine he told you that after raping your wife, mother, daughters, sisters.

If you were any type of decent person (and...I'm really beginning to wonder), you'd be furious. A person doesn't get to arbitrarily decide for all of society what is "right" and they sure as shit do not get to violate the law for their arrogant view.

If you think it is "right" - then you state your case to the American people and you get the laws change legally.
Dear Sir, Please allow me to point something out to you. While you are on a relentless and senseless rant about how we have failed to provide any evidence that kids do well with same sex parents...YOU have not even made the slightest attempt at providing any evidence that they DO NOT do well, and are disturbed by having gay parents. Nothing that is except the bizarre images of men with beards in miniskirts that you pull out of the dark recesses of your diseased mind. You realize that, right? Holy shit!! NO??
This is such a tough issue. On one hand, there are plenty of children out there that need a good home and there are homosexuals which could provide that. On the other hand, it really is unfair to the children. They are growing up in a very abnormal situation (yes - I know - just like children in divorced homes grow up in an abnormal situation). However, two same sex parents is even more awkward for children. And they are not getting the proper balance. No man can ever really provide the same experience of a mother no matter how feminine they are, and no woman can ever really provide the same experience of a father no matter how masculine they are.

But here is the one thing we should all agree on: whether heterosexual or homosexual - protecting children from abusive situations (whether it be sexual, or physical, or mental, etc.) should be the #1 priority.

Gender does not make any difference in parenting.
Children of same-sex couples disagree my dear... this child lived it. You didn't. They win.

My Father Was Gay. Why I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage.
"Children"? Or "child"? So one child and thus it's all bad? Can we apply the same reasoning across the board? Particularly when talking about the 1 in 4 girls sexually abused before 18.....many times by their fathers and other male family members and close friends?
Dear Sir, Please allow me to point something out to you. While you are on a relentless and senseless rant about how we have failed to provide any evidence that kids do well with same sex parents...YOU have not even made the slightest attempt at providing any evidence that they DO NOT do well, and are disturbed by having gay parents. Nothing that is except the bizarre images of men with beards in miniskirts that you pull out of the dark recesses of your diseased mind. You realize that, right? Holy shit!! NO??
This is such a tough issue. On one hand, there are plenty of children out there that need a good home and there are homosexuals which could provide that. On the other hand, it really is unfair to the children. They are growing up in a very abnormal situation (yes - I know - just like children in divorced homes grow up in an abnormal situation). However, two same sex parents is even more awkward for children. And they are not getting the proper balance. No man can ever really provide the same experience of a mother no matter how feminine they are, and no woman can ever really provide the same experience of a father no matter how masculine they are.

But here is the one thing we should all agree on: whether heterosexual or homosexual - protecting children from abusive situations (whether it be sexual, or physical, or mental, etc.) should be the #1 priority.

Gender does not make any difference in parenting.
Children of same-sex couples disagree my dear... this child lived it. You didn't. They win.

My Father Was Gay. Why I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage.
Oh please. This is tripe. One, anecdotal story of a gay who is now 30 who had a negative experience as a child, during a time when being gay was regarded much differently than now? And maybe, just maybe, if his father's sexuality was better accepted, and if he could have been married to a man, there would not have been a succession of lovers and the whole experience would have been much different. And consider this.....not allowing same sex marriage would not result in gay people not having children. It certainly did not in this case. Not being able to marry only results in the children being deprived of the stability and security of having two legal parents.

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