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Saving Children From Homosexual Predators: Emperor Trump to Reverse LGBT Adoption Rights Reforms

So rather than your both ignorant and arrogant questions about society - why don't you ask me about my positions? Too afraid of the answers buttercup? Yeah....I thought so. However, just in case it's because you're too stupid to ask the right questions instead of being too afraid - I'll give you a few quality examples:

1. How would you feel if your state voted to legalize gay marriage?

2. If you owned your own business - would you enter into business transactions with homosexuals or would you turn them away?

3. How would you feel if your church married homosexuals couples

See how these questions are about ME and MY VIEWS unlike the disingenuous fascist NAZI questions you asked?
With regards to # 1 and 2 , I did ask you that, just not in the same words. You're just playing childish games with that. So your answers are what?

With regards to #3.....its a flat out stupid question. Gays and gay advocates have no wish to force churches who oppose gay marriage to marry gays. No one wants to be married in a place that is hostile to them. However, many churches to so. By the way, I don't have a church. So how would you feel??

Your questions weren't even remotely related. Every question you asked was about if I was willing to be a fascist like you and force all of society into my views - instead of just asking me what my views were.

1. How would you feel if your state voted to legalize gay marriage?
Wouldn't bother me a bit. In fact - if my state held a vote on the issue, I literally would not even vote. That's how much I don't care. I wouldn't show up to help homoxesuals get their relationships recognized nor would I show up to prevent them from getting their relationships recognized.

2. If you owned your own business - would you enter into business transactions with homosexuals or would you turn them away?
Absolutely. I think it's absurd to pass up the opportunity to make money even if one disapproves of homosexual marriage (now refer back to my views stated in question #1).

3. How would you feel if your church married homosexuals couples
Wouldn't bother me a bit. In fact - if my church held a vote on the issue, I literally would not even vote. That's how much I don't care. I don't care what people do as long as they keep it in their own bedroom. I don't want to see flamboyant heterosexuality in public any more than I want to see flamboyant homosexuality in public.

Sounds awfully tolerant to me. It's just not fascist like you want. I'm not going to force others to enter into business transactions with homosexuals just because I would.
It means allowing them- NO! insuring that- they can live without fear of public humiliation
Sorry chief....no such right exists. People of all walks of life are "publicly humiliated" every day around the entire world. This is another prime example of your fascism.

Paris Hilton was "publicly humiliated" when her sex tape came out. Anthony Weiner was "publicly humiliated" when his tweets came out. Richard Nixon was "publicly humiliated" when the Watergate scandal broke. The list goes on infinitely.

You people on the left need to stop being such fuck'n fragile little snowflakes and get a whole lot mentally tougher.
You're tolerant?? Than tell me, do you support:

6. Do you support putting an end to the bigoted and false rhetoric that claims that they are bad as parents and even dangerous to children, when there is not a shred of credible evidence to support any of that.
If evidence existed that actually proved that - I would absolutely support putting an end to false claims such as that. However, all evidence indicates that a broken home or a home with two same sex parents is not as healthy as a traditional home with the biological mother and father.
Another pathetic fail. I have posted extensive documentation showing that kids of same sex couples do as well, and in some cases better than those of heterosexual couples, At the same time, neither you or anyone else has been able to present credible evidence to the contrary. You are in deep denial blinded by your stupidity and bigotry and it that you are beyond redemption.
No....you posted one unreliable link. I've posted more content than you and more reliable content than you that says children do better with their biological parents in the home with them.
Horseshit! You are either delusional or flat out lying!
So rather than your both ignorant and arrogant questions about society - why don't you ask me about my positions? Too afraid of the answers buttercup? Yeah....I thought so. However, just in case it's because you're too stupid to ask the right questions instead of being too afraid - I'll give you a few quality examples:

1. How would you feel if your state voted to legalize gay marriage?

2. If you owned your own business - would you enter into business transactions with homosexuals or would you turn them away?

3. How would you feel if your church married homosexuals couples

See how these questions are about ME and MY VIEWS unlike the disingenuous fascist NAZI questions you asked?
With regards to # 1 and 2 , I did ask you that, just not in the same words. You're just playing childish games with that. So your answers are what?

With regards to #3.....its a flat out stupid question. Gays and gay advocates have no wish to force churches who oppose gay marriage to marry gays. No one wants to be married in a place that is hostile to them. However, many churches to so. By the way, I don't have a church. So how would you feel??

Your questions weren't even remotely related. Every question you asked was about if I was willing to be a fascist like you and force all of society into my views - instead of just asking me what my views were.

1. How would you feel if your state voted to legalize gay marriage?
Wouldn't bother me a bit. In fact - if my state held a vote on the issue, I literally would not even vote. That's how much I don't care. I wouldn't show up to help homoxesuals get their relationships recognized nor would I show up to prevent them from getting their relationships recognized.

2. If you owned your own business - would you enter into business transactions with homosexuals or would you turn them away?
Absolutely. I think it's absurd to pass up the opportunity to make money even if one disapproves of homosexual marriage (now refer back to my views stated in question #1).

3. How would you feel if your church married homosexuals couples
Wouldn't bother me a bit. In fact - if my church held a vote on the issue, I literally would not even vote. That's how much I don't care. I don't care what people do as long as they keep it in their own bedroom. I don't want to see flamboyant heterosexuality in public any more than I want to see flamboyant homosexuality in public.

Sounds awfully tolerant to me. It's just not fascist like you want. I'm not going to force others to enter into business transactions with homosexuals just because I would.
Not really tolerant. More like apathetic with regards to #1 which is actually a stupid question when phrased as you have done. Gone are the days when states and the people get to vote on a civil right. My question was with regards to you support for same sex marriage and opposition to attempts to roll make marriage equality and again you have failed miserably.
With regards to # 2: A reasonable answer to the way YOU phrased the question. There you are showing so sense. But the question was do you support laws that prohibit all businesses from discriminating and you dodged it. Fail

With regards to #3 That was not even a question. I never suggested that the policy of churches with respect to marriage should even be a public issue. That is just a red herring . Fail
It means allowing them- NO! insuring that- they can live without fear of public humiliation
Sorry chief....no such right exists. People of all walks of life are "publicly humiliated" every day around the entire world. This is another prime example of your fascism.

Paris Hilton was "publicly humiliated" when her sex tape came out. Anthony Weiner was "publicly humiliated" when his tweets came out. Richard Nixon was "publicly humiliated" when the Watergate scandal broke. The list goes on infinitely.

You people on the left need to stop being such fuck'n fragile little snowflakes and get a whole lot mentally tougher.
Oh Christ seriously?? Paris Hilton?? What else are you going to pull out of your ass.??

No such right exists? Quite a few states have laws against discrimination that include sexual orientation and gender identity, so you are just proving ( again) your ignorance.

And my failing to affirm that you support laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people, you are proving (again) your bigotry
You're tolerant?? Than tell me, do you support:

5. Do you support hate crimes legislation that includes sexual orientation and gender identity?
Absolutely not. That is one of the dumbest creations of legislation of all time. It is already illegal to kill people. It is already illegal to assault people. It is already illegal to threaten people. Why would we need additional punishment?

If the existing legislation isn't a deterrent enough - then the "hate crime" legislation is even more repulsive. Because it says that it doesn't care about "normal" people and creating a deterrent for homosexuals takes precedence over legislation for heterosexual citizens.

Finally - it operates on the idiotic premise that the prosecution actually knows what a person was thinking when they committed a crime. You have no way of knowing if it was because they hated homosexuals or if it was because of some other reason.
Fail # 2 Do you also not support hate crimes against racial, religious and ethnic minorities? When a minority is targeted because of who and what they are, it much worst than just and attack on an individual. It is an attack on and an attempt to intimidate an entire community. How the fuck does it say that anyone does not care about what you refer to as "normal people"?? The "normal people" that you refer to are not targeted for being "normal" !! Such stupidity. I'm surprised that you did not invoke the usual meme about how it extends " special rights" to gays. It does not treat gays or any other minority as special. It threats the perpetrator as special because that are a special kind of reprobate, as you are.
Again....you're doing your irrational and incoherent whining. It is already illegal to assault someone. It is already illegal to kill someone. Why would a group deemed "special interest" by you have additional laws of protection? Is a homosexuals life more important than mine?

And...who gets to decide what groups qualify? You? Some other bat-shit crazy progressive? Would you feel the same way about your precious "hate crime laws" if I get to be the one who decides who they apply to?
You don't seem to even be able to understand the concept of hate crimes legislation. The laws do not specify a particular "group" They prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation etc. Is it possible that you can't grasp that?? Apparently so.
I previously posted information that clearly documents that the constitution is much more than the enumerated rights but you are apparently to intellectually lazy or deficient to have been able to deal with that.
My emotionally unstable, butt-hurt little progressive snowflake - I read your idiotic article written by a fellow emotionally unstable, butt-hurt, progressive snowflake with an agenda. It was idiotic and 100% wrong. I've forgotten more about the U.S. Constitution than you and your fellow progressives combined will ever know. The U.S. Constitution says exactly what it says. The 10th Amendment says exactly what it says. And for any illiterate who finds it confusing - all one need to is read original writings from the founders, which clarifies it even further.
What the fuck are you blathering about now. You don't know shit and you are to out of touch with reality to know it. You have a bizarre, anti federalist interpretation of the Constitution that is shared only by a few fringe lunatics of which you are apparently one.
The U.S. Constitution says exactly what it says. And it explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers. The founders were "anti-federalists" and designed our entire structure of government to reflect as much.

If you don't like it - convince the people why your bat-shit crazy fascism is right and get the U.S. Constitution amended. If you can't - tough shit. Accept the fact that the American people have spoken and reject your insane views.
You can keep bleating about what you think you know about the constitution and you can keep calling me a Fascist. It does not change reality or what you are.
With regards to # 2: A reasonable answer to the way YOU phrased the question. There you are showing so sense. But the question was do you support laws that prohibit all businesses from discriminating and you dodged it. Fail
You truly are an illiterate nitwit. I didn't "dodge" anything. I took each and every idiotic question you posed and I answered them individually for this very reason. Anyone who goes through this thread will see what an idiot you are - I answered all of your question clearly and throughly. I will do it again because you're a typical hippie with a brain fried from years of drugs....

I vehemently oppose any law that tells a private citizen on private property that they must enter into a business transaction with someone. It's 100% unconstitutional, it's idiotic, and it operates off of the premise that private business is somehow an extension of government designed to serve the nation (like communism).

Now - ask a child to read this to you and then explain it to you.
It means allowing them- NO! insuring that- they can live without fear of public humiliation
Sorry chief....no such right exists. People of all walks of life are "publicly humiliated" every day around the entire world. This is another prime example of your fascism.

Paris Hilton was "publicly humiliated" when her sex tape came out. Anthony Weiner was "publicly humiliated" when his tweets came out. Richard Nixon was "publicly humiliated" when the Watergate scandal broke. The list goes on infinitely.

You people on the left need to stop being such fuck'n fragile little snowflakes and get a whole lot mentally tougher.
Oh Christ seriously?? Paris Hilton?? What else are you going to pull out of your ass.??

No such right exists? Quite a few states have laws against discrimination that include sexual orientation and gender identity, so you are just proving ( again) your ignorance.

And my failing to affirm that you support laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people, you are proving (again) your bigotry
I didn't say "discrimination" you mental midget. Nice desperate strawman after having your ass handed to you. As everyone can see above - you said "public humiliation". I addressed that - and even repeated that exact term and bolded it in red so it stood out and you couldn't pull your desperate little strawman.

Your brain is shot after years of drugs, hippie. You really shouldn't be on forums discussing issues because you simply lack the mental capacity to understand what was said and to respond in a coherent fashion.
You don't seem to even be able to understand the concept of hate crimes legislation. The laws do not specify a particular "group" They prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation etc. Is it possible that you can't grasp that?? Apparently so.
Bwahahahahaha! They "prohibit discrimination"?!? What - they want people to assault and murder others equally?

Nitwit....that's not what hate crime legislation does. At all. They make the punishment for existing crimes harsher if they were committed against groups deemed "special" by brain-fried progressives such as yourself. Groups such as homosexuals. If a heterosexual white male is assaulted - it's community service for the offender. If a homosexual male is assaulted - it magically becomes 10 years in a federal penitentiary for the offender. Same exact crime. But "hate crime" legislation deems one group more important than the other and offers an exponentially larger deterrent.
You can keep bleating about what you think you know about the constitution and you can keep calling me a Fascist. It does not change reality or what you are.
Your inability to address the facts says it all. Game. Set. Match. You lose snowflake.
You know what. I have had about enough of you lies, distortions and personal attacks. It's clear that you support bigotry. The only thing that I don't know is if your believe your own bovine excrement but you have been proven wrong on everything.
You can keep bleating about what you think you know about the constitution and you can keep calling me a Fascist. It does not change reality or what you are.
Your inability to address the facts says it all. Game. Set. Match. You lose snowflake.
You know what. I have had about enough of you lies, distortions and personal attacks. It's clear that you support bigotry. The only thing that I don't know is if your believe your own bovine excrement but you have been proven wrong on everything.
I disagree. You seem to be having a tantrum and have proven nothing of the sort.
I have no business - nor do you - telling others what they must accept and not accept. What they must "tolerate" and what they must not "tolerate". If a private business on private land wants to not enter into business transactions with any group (be it homosexuals, women, blacks, muslims, catholics, jews, or American's with the screen name "P@triot") - then that is their God given right and it is protected by the liberty afforded to them in this country..

When exactly did God give that right?
You can keep bleating about what you think you know about the constitution and you can keep calling me a Fascist. It does not change reality or what you are.
Your inability to address the facts says it all. Game. Set. Match. You lose snowflake.
You know what. I have had about enough of you lies, distortions and personal attacks. It's clear that you support bigotry. The only thing that I don't know is if your believe your own bovine excrement but you have been proven wrong on everything.
I disagree. You seem to be having a tantrum and have proven nothing of the sort.

Of course you do- you provide nothing but bullshit and call it proof.
While marriage is not an enumerated right in the original document, the Supreme Court has ruled on numerous occasions that it is a right- that is called case law incase you don't know and I don't think that you do. Case law carries the force of law and becomes part of the body of constitutional law.
Ah yes....the old "Case Law". The battle cry of the fascist progressive furious that the U.S. Constitution prevents them from enforcing their bat-shit crazy views on their fellow American citizens.

Sorry snowflake - but "Case Law" is a made up left-wing term. Please show me in the U.S. Constitution where it states that Supreme Court rulings instantly become constitutional law? Where exactly is this mysterious "Case Law Clause"? If you can't show it (and....I assure you.....you can't) - then it doesn't exist. And you're just another frustrated progressive snowflake spreading propaganda to push your bat-shit crazy agenda.

Meanwhile- in the real world- the Supreme Court has protected Americans right to marriage for decades- starting with Loving v. Virginia.

And in the real world- the Supreme Court has protected Americans right to privacy- since overturning unconstitutional state laws that outlawed birth control.

And in the real world- the Supreme Court has protected Americans right to privacy- since overturning unconstitutional state laws that prohibited private consensual sex between adults.
Meanwhile the OP is of course about a Trump voter who is hoping that Trump will impose draconian laws to discriminate against Gay Americans.
You can keep bleating about what you think you know about the constitution and you can keep calling me a Fascist. It does not change reality or what you are.
Your inability to address the facts says it all. Game. Set. Match. You lose snowflake.
You know what. I have had about enough of you lies, distortions and personal attacks. It's clear that you support bigotry. The only thing that I don't know is if your believe your own bovine excrement but you have been proven wrong on everything.
I disagree. You seem to be having a tantrum and have proven nothing of the sort.
You and the so called Patriot are mentally, emotionally and morally defective. Thread is supposed to be about the serious issue of raising children, not withstanding the bad start and ill intent of the OP. You have both made it abundantly clear that you hate gays more than you care about those kids and will stop at nothing- including the use of those kids as pawns and expendable collateral damage in your war on equality. You should both be ashamed of your lies and distortion of facts. You will now forever be ignored.
You and the so called Patriot are mentally, emotionally and morally defective. Thread is supposed to be about the serious issue of raising children, not withstanding the bad start and ill intent of the OP. You have both made it abundantly clear that you hate gays more than you care about those kids and will stop at nothing- including the use of those kids as pawns and expendable collateral damage in your war on equality. You should both be ashamed of your lies and distortion of facts. You will now forever be ignored.
Again - I rest my case. If one does not support the fascist Gaystapo views of the progressive here - then they "hate" gays. I don't hate gays. At all. I just don't support forcing all of society to engage in their homosexuality (just as I would never support forcing homosexuals to engage in heterosexuality).

If someone wants to hate gays - that's their right. That's part of the price of liberty. To tolerate hate. To tolerate intolerance. It's a small price to pay for liberty. Progressive idiot here wants to destroy liberty and force everyone into his Gaystapo fascist views. He can't accept that other people have different views about homosexuality than he has.

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