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Saving Children From Homosexual Predators: Emperor Trump to Reverse LGBT Adoption Rights Reforms

Interesting too how you ignore most of what I post indicating that you can't actually deal with it. Have you reviewed #116 as I suggested?
I haven't ignored anything my fragile little snowflake. Most of what you posted (such as your raging hard on for post #116) is nonsense and I've obliterated with facts.

On the few items in which you had a valid point - I have acknowledged as much.
Lets get back on track here. This bigoted thread was started on the premise that children should be protected from " homosexual predators" Now it has become about every thin else but that. Answer these questions:

Do you believe that children need to be protected from gay people because they are sexual predators .?

Do you think that, for any reason, gay people should be barred from having or adopting children ? If so why?

Do you believe that those children that gay people have are inferior and less worthy of the legal protections and security of having married parents, both of which are their legal guardian, than children of heterosexual parents?

Is there a difference between children conceived by " other than natural means" by gay couples different from children conceived by " other than natural means" by straight couples and do those conceived by the couples have less value and less rights than others?

If you believe that children of gay people are at risk in any way, what, do you think should be done about that? Should they be snatched away and placed with heterosexuals??

Please answer honestly,

The intent and implications in your post are articulate and noble in nature and I'm not sure how to follow that tone entirely...however, I will give it a go. Consider this as the root of opposition as it relates to the acceptance of gays and the like. The most fundamental of all unsaid commitments made by fellow humans to one another is that we all stay committed to the procreation and continuation of mankind. Gays defy that commitment. Going even further; perhaps there is deep rooted concern embedded in most humans that should homosexuality catch fire and grow among humans that could essentially lead to the end of mankind?

Deep shit here...I know.
Not deep at all. Rather shallow I should say. Gay folks are not sterile and do have children by various means. And if they are supported by society and the legal system, they are more likely to have kids and maintain a stable family.

Also, there is no reason to think that their numbers would grow substantially since that has not happened in all of human history. There are more people who are "out" so they have more visibility, but the percentage of those with that sexual orientation has not changed.

By the way, I'm straight and never had a kid. Does that make me bad person?? A drag on or danger to society ? I don't know what percentage of people , gay or otherwise do not have kids but I'm willing to bet that in raw numbers there are many more childless straight people. So you need to rethink who exactly may pose a real or imagined threat to the future of human kind.

"I'm straight and never had a kid."
No offense bud but I'm just gonna say what everyone is thinking and call BULLSHIT! Based on your agenda, your post content and the image depicted in your avatar there is just no way you're straight.
With that said, you really need to stop trying to sell normal folks whom have their head on straight that homosexuality is okay and cool....it will never happen. Sure, you'll convince a few here and there on pity alone but for the most part stand-up, well put together people just see homosexuality as a weird form of sexual perversion that the law allows
people whom are a little off their rocker to act on. At the end of the day it still categorizes as somewhat of a circus side show of sorts and is still kin to other forms of sexual perversions that are outlawed in this country and you know what I'm referring to. There is just nothing normal about it and no one normal would prefer their child grow up to be homo. Sorry I'm not sugar coating.

It takes a special kind of stupid to make assumptions about someone's sexuality based on their politics t

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It takes a special kind of stupid to make assumptions about someone's sexuality based on their politics
It takes a special kind of disingenuous argument to proclaim that's what he did. Any honest person would admit two things:

A. His post was damn funny

B. He made a comprehensive case based on multiple data points - not just your politics
It takes a special kind of stupid to make assumptions about someone's sexuality based on their politics
It takes a special kind of disingenuous argument to proclaim that's what he did. Any honest person would admit two things:

A. His post was damn funny

B. He made a comprehensive case based on multiple data points - not just your politics
A. He was not even close to funny. He was stupid. And he has been pathetically unable to respond to the points that I made regarding his idiotic fears about the end of the human species

B. He made a stupid assumption as you have, based on nothing but the moronic thinking that someone who is outspoken about LGBT rights must be gay. Data points my ass.

C. I am at a point in life where I have no need or desire to pretend to be anything or any one who I am not. No one can touch me or do me any harm. I have it all, and I'm sure of and comfortable with my beliefs and values and do not give half of a shit what you people think of me.
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C. I am at a point in life where I have no need or desire to pretend to be anything or any one who I am not. No one can touch me or do me any harm. I have it all, and I'm sure of and comfortable with my beliefs and values and do not give half of a shit what you people think of me.
That's because you are a progressive. Wouldn't it be nice if all Americans shared that same luxury? Unfortunately though - if you are a conservative, progressives will assault you, attempt to kill you, and do you incredible harm. Did you see the video of the progressive pig at the women's march setting a girl's hair on fire because she disagreed?!?
You might see homosexuality as weird and a sideshow but only because you're an anachronism living in a world that no longer exists.
Ok....homosexuality is "weird" and "a sideshow". One can be tolerant and accepting of it while still recognizing that reality. Anyone who denies that is being completely disingenuous. There is a reason that homosexuality does not exist anywhere else in nature. You'll never see two male horses going at it. You'll never see two female lions getting it on. It simply does not happen.
Another case where humans can learn something from animals in the wild.
It takes a special kind of stupid to make assumptions about someone's sexuality based on their politics
It takes a special kind of disingenuous argument to proclaim that's what he did. Any honest person would admit two things:

A. His post was damn funny

B. He made a comprehensive case based on multiple data points - not just your politics
A. He was not even close to funny. He was stupid. And he has been pathetically unable to respond to the points that I made regarding his idiotic fears about the end of the human species

B. He made a stupid assumption as you have, based on nothing but the moronic thinking that someone who is outspoken about LGBT rights must be gay. Data points my ass.

C. I am at a point in life where I have no need or desire to pretend to be anything or any one who I am not. No one can touch me or do me any harm. I have it all, and I'm sure of and comfortable with my beliefs and values and do not give half of a shit what you people think of me.

Look bud, save it. You don't know me and you're not required to convince me of anything...I've made my opinion of you and I'm sticking to it.
Like I said, homosexuality is unnatural, it's gross, it's weird and it will never be something that stand-up people of society will hope grows or becomes 'normal'.
Regressives tend to fuck themselves and their reputation by pushing their strange agendas and oddities on people who aren't twisted minded. Stop seeking acceptance and normalcy from the good side of society...it's just not gonna happen. They should stay in the closet and in the shadows as the underground weirdos they've always been.
A quick story:
After years of suspecting his son was a little 'different' a good friend of mine had his son come to him at 15 years old and ask him if it would be okay if he was gay. My friend said he told him; "Son, I obviously prefer you not to be gay...you're probably just a little confused right now. You will go through life and many times you'll fight or circum to various sexual desires and urges you have to decide what's right and what's wrong to deny or act on these desires and urges. Be patient, give it some time and make your decision on what's right and what's wrong."

That was pretty much the whole conversation. It's been seven years, his son is now 22, he loves women and has a serious girlfriend.
The point to the story is that weirdos would say that my friend taught his son oppression by not encouraging him to act on his desires at that time and that his son is probably miserable since he wasn't able to act on these urges but I'd say he taught him to fight weird sexual desires and to do the right thing.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do people whom have a desire to commit pedophilia yet never act on it live a life of misery because they're oppressed and haven't been able to have sex with children?
Do people who have a desire to have sex with animals live a life of misery if they haven't actually fulfilled the desire?
Do married people who have an urge to have sex with someone new live in misery if they don't act on the urge?

It all comes down to self discipline and refraining from acting on desires that are either inappropriate, weird or illegal.
I don't give a shit what anyone says, homos, transsexuals and the like are simply weak minded loons who have no self discipline to fight sexual desires. They hide behind fabricated bullshit like chemical imbalances, predetermined birth defects and oppression...all bullshit. You're just a weak minded pussy who can't tell yourself NO!

B. He made a stupid assumption as you have, based on nothing but the moronic thinking that someone who is outspoken about LGBT rights must be gay. Data points my ass.
Maybe the issue is that you're illiterate? :dunno:

Here is what he said:

"Based on your agenda, your post content and the image depicted in your avatar there is just no way you're straight."

So he cited your words in your words, your agenda, and your picture. That's 3 separate data points my friend. Let's get back to the basics. We'll do it together my friend. Ready? Go...

Sadly, all hope of having a meaningful and honest discussion of the issue of parenting by gay people is lost. The trolls, bigots and morons who live in their own strange, dark, and bizarre world have taken over. It matters little. Nothing will change. Trump will not get away with rolling back rights. He has already been stopped, by his own family!! Gays will continue to marry, have kids, adopt kids, and make further advances in other areas. There is not a fucking thing any of you can do about it!!:ahole-1::ahole-1::ahole-1:
Parenting serves children the best when a mother and father are united for the child's upbringing. Children come in both boys and girls so both boy and girl parents are vital for their role model.

Of course all types of inferior situations exist where children are involved, from singles parents to gay to polygamy. But that doesn't mean we sully the spectrum of marriage with it's inferior cousins....forcing all 50 states to abide...or else! And if a Court order exists approving one inferior lifestyle at the cost of children having the best one, then they all must immediately be ratified. What makes one inferior lifestyle superior to another? Subjective approval of 5 Justices?

13 year olds are allowed to marry in New Hampshire. By the pure, unadulterated (subjective) logic of Obergefell, we should mandate all 50 states allow 13 year olds to marry. If they have children together, are we not denying the children of 13 year olds "the benefits of marriage"?

And so on...
Parenting serves children the best when a mother and father are united for the child's upbringing. Children come in both boys and girls so both boy and girl parents are vital for their role model.

Your mental and intellectual disability continues to be on full display with this latest rant.
You continue to offer this baseless opinion presented as fact without once ever citing actual evidence of it. More over, I have presented ample evidence to the contrary which you ignore,

Of course all types of inferior situations exist where children are involved, from singles parents to gay to polygamy. But that doesn't mean we sully the spectrum of marriage with it's inferior cousins....forcing all 50 states to abide...or else! And if a Court order exists approving one inferior lifestyle at the cost of children having the best one, then they all must immediately be ratified. What makes one inferior lifestyle superior to another? Subjective approval of 5 Justices? .

Exactly my point!! Your moronic opinion about same sex couples being an "inferior lifestyle" aside, what indeed makes one inferior lifestyle superior to another? Where do we draw the line in regulating who can, and should have children? In deciding via public policy and law, who will be encouraged to have children and be provided with incentives and supports to do so? You really tied yourself into a knot on this one. Now see below for more on why this is so idiotic.

13 year olds are allowed to marry in New Hampshire. By the pure, unadulterated (subjective) logic of Obergefell, we should mandate all 50 states allow 13 year olds to marry. If they have children together, are we not denying the children of 13 year olds "the benefits of marriage"?

This may well be the ultimate stupidity to come out of your twisted a diseaed brain so far and clearly demonstrates you pathetic lack of knowledge and understanding of constitutional law. The states that sought to ban same sex marriage got smacked down by numerous lower courts, and ultimatly by the SCOTUS because they failed to show that there was any compelling government interest or even a rational basis for maintaining those bans. Yes, those are actual legal terms which I'm sure you're not familiar with:
Levels of Scrutiny Under the Equal Protection Clause
Strict scrutiny - Wikipedia

So now you are invoking the issue of 13 year old that supposedly can marry in one state and suggesting that because of that , all states can be compelled to allow 13 year olds to marry under the same legal theory that compels them to allow same sex adults to marry?? How fucking stupid is that?? !!! Is it remotely possible that your pea brain can't imagine that there is in fact a rational basis and indeed a compelling government ( and societal interest) in not allowing children who are still in the early stages of mental and emotional development ( as you apparently are too- ) to make the momentous decision to marry?
Strange, your link goes to a travel ban article.
Homosexuals never deserved special rights in the first place. God has stepped in and made it possible for this glorious man of Christian values to become our holy Emperor so he can restore the moral values and Christian family traditions that have been under attack in our Fatherland. It's time to reverse these immoral rights such as homosexuals adopting children for their own sexual predatory pedophilia fetish's. With that said, bow your heads with me my children and join me, American patriot Steve McGarrett (heterosupremacist alpha male), in prayer:

Heavenly Father, We praise Your Holy Name. We continue to plea for Your unmerited mercy and favor. We pray that all those who are purposely blocking President Trump’s progress in putting our country on a path pleasing to You will be outed for their evil ways and brought to swift justice. We ask for the removal of those from positions of leadership or authority that are causing dissent and social unrest. We pray for the safety of those who stand in harm’s way protecting us. Let the citizens of this great country realize that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Help us, Lord Jesus. In Your Name we pray, Amen

Strange, your link goes to a travel ban article.
Homosexuals never deserved special rights in the first place. God has stepped in and made it possible for this glorious man of Christian values to become our holy Emperor so he can restore the moral values and Christian family traditions that have been under attack in our Fatherland. It's time to reverse these immoral rights such as homosexuals adopting children for their own sexual predatory pedophilia fetish's. With that said, bow your heads with me my children and join me, American patriot Steve McGarrett (heterosupremacist alpha male), in prayer:

Heavenly Father, We praise Your Holy Name. We continue to plea for Your unmerited mercy and favor. We pray that all those who are purposely blocking President Trump’s progress in putting our country on a path pleasing to You will be outed for their evil ways and brought to swift justice. We ask for the removal of those from positions of leadership or authority that are causing dissent and social unrest. We pray for the safety of those who stand in harm’s way protecting us. Let the citizens of this great country realize that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Help us, Lord Jesus. In Your Name we pray, Amen

13 year olds are allowed to marry in New Hampshire. By the pure, unadulterated (subjective) logic of Obergefell, we should mandate all 50 states allow 13 year olds to marry. If they have children together, are we not denying the children of 13 year olds "the benefits of marriage"?

And so on...

By your "logic" 13 year old's should be allowed to marry- as long as they are male and female.

But thanks for pointing out once again you have no clue about the difference between under age individuals and adults.
You might see homosexuality as weird and a sideshow but only because you're an anachronism living in a world that no longer exists.
Ok....homosexuality is "weird" and "a sideshow". One can be tolerant and accepting of it while still recognizing that reality. Anyone who denies that is being completely disingenuous. There is a reason that homosexuality does not exist anywhere else in nature. You'll never see two male horses going at it. You'll never see two female lions getting it on. It simply does not happen.

Lots of things are 'weird' but we have other the centuries stopped burning people for being 'weird'.

Being left handed is 'weird'- but no longer 'sinister'.

And dolphins are notorious for their gay sex.
Dolphins Engage In Bisexuality And Even Homosexuality: Study | The Huffington Post
13 year olds are allowed to marry in New Hampshire. By the pure, unadulterated (subjective) logic of Obergefell, we should mandate all 50 states allow 13 year olds to marry. If they have children together, are we not denying the children of 13 year olds "the benefits of marriage"?

And so on...

By your "logic" 13 year old's should be allowed to marry- as long as they are male and female.

But thanks for pointing out once again you have no clue about the difference between under age individuals and adults.
No clue about pretty much everything. I tell you I am convinced that there are few zombie troll bots in our midst who don't even know they are dead. Don't let them eat your brains!! Run! :scared1::scared1::scared1:
You might see homosexuality as weird and a sideshow but only because you're an anachronism living in a world that no longer exists.
Ok....homosexuality is "weird" and "a sideshow". One can be tolerant and accepting of it while still recognizing that reality. Anyone who denies that is being completely disingenuous. There is a reason that homosexuality does not exist anywhere else in nature. You'll never see two male horses going at it. You'll never see two female lions getting it on. It simply does not happen.

Lots of things are 'weird' but we have other the centuries stopped burning people for being 'weird'.

Again - I said we can acknowledge that it is in fact "weird" while still being tolerant of it. Nobody has advocated "burning" or otherwise killing homosexuals except for those really bat-shit crazy fringe people like those that attend Westboro Baptist Church.
You might see homosexuality as weird and a sideshow but only because you're an anachronism living in a world that no longer exists.
Ok....homosexuality is "weird" and "a sideshow". One can be tolerant and accepting of it while still recognizing that reality. Anyone who denies that is being completely disingenuous. There is a reason that homosexuality does not exist anywhere else in nature. You'll never see two male horses going at it. You'll never see two female lions getting it on. It simply does not happen.

Lots of things are 'weird' but we have other the centuries stopped burning people for being 'weird'.

Again - I said we can acknowledge that it is in fact "weird" while still being tolerant of it. Nobody has advocated "burning" or otherwise killing homosexuals except for those really bat-shit crazy fringe people like those that attend Westboro Baptist Church.
You're tolerant?? Than tell me, do you support:

1.Laws that protect people from work place discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity??

2. Laws that protect people from housing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity?

3. Ending discrimination in places of public accommodation based on sexual orientation or gender identity?

4. Putting a stop to the attempted roll back of marriage equality such as what is taking place in at least two states- Arkansas and Texas right now.

5. Do you support hate crimes legislation that includes sexual orientation and gender identity?

6. Do you support putting an end to the bigoted and false rhetoric that claims that they are bad as parents and even dangerous to children, when there is not a shred of credible evidence to support any of that.

Tolerance does not mean just letting them live among as long as they are silent and take whatever some people want to subject them to.

It means allowing them- NO! insuring that- they can live without fear of bodily harm, with fear of public humiliation when turned away from a business or an adoption agency, without fear of being fired from a job or denied housing, and most of all, without fear that their marriage will be invalidated.

How tolerant would you be if you were subjected to any of those things.??

So how tolerant are you , really?
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You might see homosexuality as weird and a sideshow but only because you're an anachronism living in a world that no longer exists.
Ok....homosexuality is "weird" and "a sideshow". One can be tolerant and accepting of it while still recognizing that reality. Anyone who denies that is being completely disingenuous. There is a reason that homosexuality does not exist anywhere else in nature. You'll never see two male horses going at it. You'll never see two female lions getting it on. It simply does not happen.

Lots of things are 'weird' but we have other the centuries stopped burning people for being 'weird'.

Again - I said we can acknowledge that it is in fact "weird" while still being tolerant of it. Nobody has advocated "burning" or otherwise killing homosexuals except for those really bat-shit crazy fringe people like those that attend Westboro Baptist Church.

The only reason why it is not still illegal to be a homosexual in much of the United States is because the Supreme Court overturned such laws as unconstitutional. Even after that Lousiana police were still trying to arrest men for agreeing to have consensual sex with each other.

This thread was started by a USMB conservative wingnut- who has said very clearly he supports the murder of homosexuals in America. There are sadly enough who feel just that way- your attempts to emphasize that 'homosexuals' are as 'weird' as those who are left handed just encourages their vile beliefs.
You're tolerant?? Than tell me, do you support:

1.Laws that protect people from work place discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity??

2. Laws that protect people from housing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity?

3. Ending discrimination in places of public accommodation based on sexual orientation or gender identity?

4. Putting a stop to the attempted roll back of marriage equality such as what is taking place in at least two states- Arkansas and Texas right now.

5. Do you support hate crimes legislation that includes sexual orientation and gender identity?

6. Do you support putting an end to the bigoted and false rhetoric that claims that they are bad as parents and even dangerous to children, when there is not a shred of credible evidence to support any of that.

Tolerance does not mean just letting them live among as long as they are silent and take whatever some people want to subject them to.

It means allowing them- NO! insuring that- they can live without fear of bodily harm, with fear of public humiliation when turned away from a business or an adoption agency, without fear of being fired from a job or denied housing, and most of all, without fear that their marriage will be invalidated.

How tolerant would you be if you were subjected to any of those things.??

So how tolerant are you , really?

I love it! The ProgressivePatriot's has the same mental capacity as a fictional character specifically designed to be stupid... :lol:

Ricky Bobby: "If you're not first, your last"

ProgressivePatriot: "If you're not a totalitarian fascist, you're an intolerant homophobe"

Your posts is so insanely stupid - I'm going to answer each question individually so you can't hide behind volume.

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