Say It Ain't So! Lindsey "Grahamnesty" Says it's time

The T

George S. Patton Party
May 24, 2009

... yes, really — wants to end birthright citizenship for children of illegals
-Say What?



posted at 4:57 pm on July 29, 2010 by Allahpundit
I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamed that a guy known nationally for being the second-most dedicated amnesty shill in the Republican Party, who once stood up before the National Council of La Raza to pander about “bigots,” had now actually embraced an enforcement provision so controversial that it qualified as news when Rand Paul dared to mention it a few months ago. And in my dream, not only did this guy turn up on Fox News to push the idea, he actually clipped the segment and posted it to his own YouTube account to make sure that it would spread far and wide. Ever have a dream like that, that’s so crazy you wake up wondering what you possibly could have experienced during the day to generate something so preposterous? I’ve had a lot of them lately.

Seriously, I’m not sure how to read this. Either he’s now so terrified of a serious primary challenge — and rightly so — that he’s going to push mighty uncharacteristic base-pleasing policies over the next few years or, more intriguingly, he thinks that the country has shifted far enough to the right on immigration that something like this will now have to be included for any comprehensive bill to pass. In other words, The Great Compromiser may have surmised that any compromise now requires enforcement measures above and beyond merely sealing the border or building the hugely popular fence. That’s an amazing turn of events if so, and likely to be influential among Republicans in the next congressional term given Graham’s status as a benchmark of how far towards the center a GOPer can reasonably be. No one but no one wants to hear it said of him/her by grassroots conservatives, “They’re worse than Graham is!” Susan Collins and Scott Brown, take note.


[ame=""]YouTube - Lindsey Graham on Birthright Citizenship[/ame]

I am not so sure what to think either, frankly....

PANDER DANCE? From the fervor over this?
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Is there an election coming up?

It's a good idea, actually. But he's got a long, long way to go before I'd shake his hand.
Bump back to the TOP. Fuck you Fakey Starkey.
Since you three are all in the very small minority, who cares what you think? You have no real impact on anything other than your own minds. But that's OK. You are all cool guys.
Since you three are all in the very small minority, who cares what you think? You have no real impact on anything other than your own minds. But that's OK. You are all cool guys.

Keep on POSEUR.
In the mean time? FUCK OFF
We may be the only country in the western hemisphere that does it. It would certainly limit the growth for sure. Sign me up.
Can the asteroid be far behind? This is truly the end of days. LOL

And Jake is still a Marxist
The centrist Republicans are going to take over the party after this election's debacle that will put the McConnels and Boehners and etc in the toilet. Stupid corporatists and neo-cons have ruined the party.

Seriously, I’m not sure how to read this. Either he’s now so terrified of a serious primary challenge — and rightly so — that he’s going to push mighty uncharacteristic base-pleasing policies over the next few years or, more intriguingly, he thinks that the country has shifted far enough to the right on immigration that something like this will now have to be included for any comprehensive bill to pass.

PANDER DANCE? From the fervor over this?

I think he's pandering because this man has been an unapologetic RINO on several important issues for some time now. I hope Graham is really worried about his primary. He is one of many incumbents I'd like to see get kicked to the curb. I'd like to see term limits for all members of Congress frankly because this was never intended to be a lifelong career by the founders and those who have made it one for themselves are more concerned about how to entrench their power than carrying out the will of the people. Their attitude, particularly among Democrats but certainly more than a few Republicans as well - is far too often repulsively arrogant and condescending towards WE THE PEOPLE. As far as I'm concerned Graham has definitely overstayed his welcome. I think we should throw out all incumbents and do so in 2012 as well -and then just MAYBE those who wish to hold an elected office will remember who they work for instead of pretending we all work for them.
The centrist Republicans are going to take over the party after this election's debacle that will put the McConnels and Boehners and etc in the toilet. Stupid corporatists and neo-cons have ruined the party.

Dream on, Comrade!

You had your chance and we're booting all you fuckers back to the Dem Party where you belong
The centrist Republicans are going to take over the party after this election's debacle that will put the McConnels and Boehners and etc in the toilet. Stupid corporatists and neo-cons have ruined the party.
Stupid corporatists and neocons have defined the "centrism" of the GOP.
The centrist Republicans are going to take over the party after this election's debacle that will put the McConnels and Boehners and etc in the toilet. Stupid corporatists and neo-cons have ruined the party.

The neocons took over both parties... Keep voting and defending them, as long as they have D next to thier name!

Oh I forgot, you're not a dem... you just walk, talk and attack like one.

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