Scenes from Obama's America


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Scenes from Obama's America

Lee DeCovnick
November 8, 2012

Tuesday, our country split apart along the dangerous fault lines of class, race, gender, age and faith, and we can already glimpse the consequences.


At the local caffeine dealer, a well-dressed black woman had ordered 8 different coffees to go. The baristas were doing their best, but it was tedious process to make, label and stack that much coffee. The woman was obviously in a hurry and loudly snapped at the white staff, "Just because we won last night, is no excuse for lousy service." The entire cafe was pin- drop quiet for a couple of seconds. She finally gathered up all her drinks and with both arms full of coffee plus a big purse, she headed out. No one moved to open the front door for her, staff or customers.

Thanks to overt and nasty racism of the Obama campaign, which carefully sowed the seeds of a Marxist-style social warfare, America's natural inclination to work together has been deliberately and effectively poisoned. More than the sick economy, the dissolving of our social bonds fatally weakens our national will to defend and protect what is uniquely American. The Roman Empire and countless Chinese dynasties know how well that worked out.

Read more: Blog: Scenes from Obama's America
I think it was '07... waiting in line to pay for gas at Quick-B-Gone. The guy in front of me picks up a newspaper and starts muttering some bullshit about "Bush... Iraq... blah blah..."

So I said "excuse me- don't expect to spout your crap in public and not be challenged".

The guy behind the register was ready to call the cops.

Speak your mind folks. In public- in front of the world. Do not relenquish your platform to those who preemptively usurp it.
More than the sick economy, the dissolving of our social bonds fatally weakens our national will to defend and protect what is uniquely American. The Roman Empire and countless Chinese dynasties know how well that worked out.

I'd say we never really had social bonds across races to speak of. It was more tension than bonding. What kept/keeps it together is the force of law and the taboo of talking about difference, the desire of everyone to keep the peace. But that is starting to fray.

The Romans did well as an ethnically homogenous republic. The bigger the empire grew -- and the more they tried to rule over other races/groups -- the weaker the whole thing got. Lost its centrifugal force.

Same for America.

20 years from now, lots of old whites will be depending on lots of young blacks/Hispanics to support them. How's that going to work?
Scenes from Obama's America

Lee DeCovnick
November 8, 2012

Tuesday, our country split apart along the dangerous fault lines of class, race, gender, age and faith, and we can already glimpse the consequences.


At the local caffeine dealer, a well-dressed black woman had ordered 8 different coffees to go. The baristas were doing their best, but it was tedious process to make, label and stack that much coffee. The woman was obviously in a hurry and loudly snapped at the white staff, "Just because we won last night, is no excuse for lousy service." The entire cafe was pin- drop quiet for a couple of seconds. She finally gathered up all her drinks and with both arms full of coffee plus a big purse, she headed out. No one moved to open the front door for her, staff or customers.

Thanks to overt and nasty racism of the Obama campaign, which carefully sowed the seeds of a Marxist-style social warfare, America's natural inclination to work together has been deliberately and effectively poisoned. More than the sick economy, the dissolving of our social bonds fatally weakens our national will to defend and protect what is uniquely American. The Roman Empire and countless Chinese dynasties know how well that worked out.

Read more: Blog: Scenes from Obama's America
How'd she get out,who opened the door for her?
More than the sick economy, the dissolving of our social bonds fatally weakens our national will to defend and protect what is uniquely American. The Roman Empire and countless Chinese dynasties know how well that worked out.

I'd say we never really had social bonds across races to speak of. It was more tension than bonding. What kept/keeps it together is the force of law and the taboo of talking about difference, the desire of everyone to keep the peace. But that is starting to fray.

The Romans did well as an ethnically homogenous republic. The bigger the empire grew -- and the more they tried to rule over other races/groups -- the weaker the whole thing got. Lost its centrifugal force.

Same for America.

20 years from now, lots of old whites will be depending on lots of young blacks/Hispanics to support them. How's that going to work?

That would be the same whites that paid for their food stamps, unemployment, medicaid and welfare today...:D
The Republican party does not want illegal immigration which is fine, but somehow everyone interprets their message as racist against hispanics. Instead of changing their angle or altering their message they say the same thing and wonder why they are not getting different results.

They make sure to call Obama "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" and wonder why people think they are racist for saying that.

A huge majority of black people think Republicans are racist, and in response Republicans think "oh whatever they're just voting for the black guy," and don't understand what makes that racist.
The Republican party does not want illegal immigration.

Are you saying the democrats do?

Don't twist my words. Both parties need to work together to figure out how to stop illegal immigration. If that means putting up a fence or whatever I'm sure an agreement can be made. But it's the Republican party putting out the message that these are bad people who deserve to have the book thrown at them. In the end they are people, like you and I are people, and they want something better for themselves. When Republicans say they aren't, the legal Hispanic community takes note, and that is why they overwhelmingly voted blue this year. Even Cuban-Americans, who detest the Democratic party, are beginning to turn. And if Republicans don't see an issue in this then they're fools.
The Republican party does not want illegal immigration which is fine, but somehow everyone interprets their message as racist against hispanics. Instead of changing their angle or altering their message they say the same thing and wonder why they are not getting different results.

They make sure to call Obama "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" and wonder why people think they are racist for saying that.

A huge majority of black people think Republicans are racist, and in response Republicans think "oh whatever they're just voting for the black guy," and don't understand what makes that racist.




Everything is racist now ...:D
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In the end they are people, like you and I are people, and they want something better for themselves. When Republicans say they aren't...

What prominent Republicans say they aren't?

Fine I should have said that Republicans 'imply' that they aren't. For example Jan Brewer, a 'prominent Republican' as you would say, supported a law that gives police the authority to establish whether people pulled aside by them are legal citizens. The spirit of this law is that the Hispanic community is targeted. Whether you believe that or not, it is what the majority of the Hispanic community, with an emphasis on the 'legal' community, believes. This is in line with the fascist idea that if you have nothing to hide, then you should have no problem with any new law.
Fine I should have said that Republicans 'imply' that they aren't. For example Jan Brewer, a 'prominent Republican' as you would say, supported a law that gives police the authority to establish whether people pulled aside by them are legal citizens.

That law does not "imply" that illegal aliens are not human beings at all. You are being illogical.

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