Schiff Panics – Moves Goalposts After Trump-Zelensky Transcript Shows Zero Quid Pro Quo


"Even among the president’s closest allies, Giuliani is now the subject of scorn. When I reached him by phone this morning, following House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s release of the full whistle-blower complaint at the center of the Ukraine scandal, he was, put simply, very angry.

"'It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons—when this is over, I will be the hero,' Giuliani told me."

Rudy Giuliani: ‘You Should Be Happy for Your Country That I Uncovered This’
Pure hearsay!
Pure hearsay!
Still having trouble with facts?

"VIRAL RUMORS THAT Joe Biden abused his power as vice president to protect his son’s business interests in Ukraine in 2016, which spread last week from the pro-Trump media ecosystem to the New York Times, are “absolute nonsense,” according to Ukraine’s leading anti-corruption activist.

"That evaluation is backed by foreign correspondents in Kiev and a former official with knowledge of Biden’s outreach to Ukraine after President Viktor Yanukovych was deposed in a popular uprising in 2014."

A Republican Conspiracy Theory About a Biden-in-Ukraine Scandal Has Gone Mainstream. But It Is Not True.
The Intercept.....ROTFLMFAO

The Intercept - Media Bias/Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left
he Intercept.....ROTFLMFAO

The Intercept - Media Bias/Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left
Now where is that "oh shit, he just mocked me: icon...moderator!

"Even among the president’s closest allies, Giuliani is now the subject of scorn. When I reached him by phone this morning, following House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s release of the full whistle-blower complaint at the center of the Ukraine scandal, he was, put simply, very angry.

"'It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons—when this is over, I will be the hero,' Giuliani told me."

Rudy Giuliani: ‘You Should Be Happy for Your Country That I Uncovered This’
Pure hearsay!
Pure hearsay!
Still having trouble with facts?

"VIRAL RUMORS THAT Joe Biden abused his power as vice president to protect his son’s business interests in Ukraine in 2016, which spread last week from the pro-Trump media ecosystem to the New York Times, are “absolute nonsense,” according to Ukraine’s leading anti-corruption activist.

"That evaluation is backed by foreign correspondents in Kiev and a former official with knowledge of Biden’s outreach to Ukraine after President Viktor Yanukovych was deposed in a popular uprising in 2014."

A Republican Conspiracy Theory About a Biden-in-Ukraine Scandal Has Gone Mainstream. But It Is Not True.
The Intercept.....ROTFLMFAO

The Intercept - Media Bias/Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left
he Intercept.....ROTFLMFAO

The Intercept - Media Bias/Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left
Now where is that "oh shit, he just mocked me: icon...moderator!
Now where is that "oh shit, he just mocked me: icon...moderator!
Rudy Giuliani has a long, shady history with Ukraine

"In March 2018, Rudy Giuliani met in Manhattan with a delegation of lawmakers from Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million in eastern Ukraine.

"Giuliani, who joined President Donald Trump’s legal team a few weeks later, was at this gathering because, Giuliani says, his security firm agreed in 2017 to help the city improve its emergency services and seek foreign investment.

"But the deal had a murkier element.

"Giuliani later conceded that he wasn’t just working for Kharkiv and that for at least some of the work he was paid by Pavel Fuks, a Kharkiv-born business executive who became a prominent real estate developer in Moscow in the 2000s and who has said that he negotiated directly with Trump between 2004 and 2010 about building a Trump-branded tower in Moscow."

Now, cue the ad hominem WITHOUT responding to the content.
Pure hearsay!
Pure hearsay!
Still having trouble with facts?

"VIRAL RUMORS THAT Joe Biden abused his power as vice president to protect his son’s business interests in Ukraine in 2016, which spread last week from the pro-Trump media ecosystem to the New York Times, are “absolute nonsense,” according to Ukraine’s leading anti-corruption activist.

"That evaluation is backed by foreign correspondents in Kiev and a former official with knowledge of Biden’s outreach to Ukraine after President Viktor Yanukovych was deposed in a popular uprising in 2014."

A Republican Conspiracy Theory About a Biden-in-Ukraine Scandal Has Gone Mainstream. But It Is Not True.
The Intercept.....ROTFLMFAO

The Intercept - Media Bias/Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left
he Intercept.....ROTFLMFAO

The Intercept - Media Bias/Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left
Now where is that "oh shit, he just mocked me: icon...moderator!
Now where is that "oh shit, he just mocked me: icon...moderator!
Rudy Giuliani has a long, shady history with Ukraine

"In March 2018, Rudy Giuliani met in Manhattan with a delegation of lawmakers from Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million in eastern Ukraine.

"Giuliani, who joined President Donald Trump’s legal team a few weeks later, was at this gathering because, Giuliani says, his security firm agreed in 2017 to help the city improve its emergency services and seek foreign investment.

"But the deal had a murkier element.

"Giuliani later conceded that he wasn’t just working for Kharkiv and that for at least some of the work he was paid by Pavel Fuks, a Kharkiv-born business executive who became a prominent real estate developer in Moscow in the 2000s and who has said that he negotiated directly with Trump between 2004 and 2010 about building a Trump-branded tower in Moscow."

Now, cue the ad hominem WITHOUT responding to the content.
You got Rudy on video stating that like we have Jojo THREATENING the PM of Ukraine....need to see the video again where he also brings the Surrender monkey into his THREAT!!....IF YOU NEED TO SEE IT AGAIN, JUST ASK!!!
Still having trouble with facts?

"VIRAL RUMORS THAT Joe Biden abused his power as vice president to protect his son’s business interests in Ukraine in 2016, which spread last week from the pro-Trump media ecosystem to the New York Times, are “absolute nonsense,” according to Ukraine’s leading anti-corruption activist.

"That evaluation is backed by foreign correspondents in Kiev and a former official with knowledge of Biden’s outreach to Ukraine after President Viktor Yanukovych was deposed in a popular uprising in 2014."

A Republican Conspiracy Theory About a Biden-in-Ukraine Scandal Has Gone Mainstream. But It Is Not True.
The Intercept.....ROTFLMFAO

The Intercept - Media Bias/Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left
he Intercept.....ROTFLMFAO

The Intercept - Media Bias/Fact Check
Overall, we rate The Intercept progressive Left Biased based on story selection that favors the left
Now where is that "oh shit, he just mocked me: icon...moderator!
Now where is that "oh shit, he just mocked me: icon...moderator!
Rudy Giuliani has a long, shady history with Ukraine

"In March 2018, Rudy Giuliani met in Manhattan with a delegation of lawmakers from Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million in eastern Ukraine.

"Giuliani, who joined President Donald Trump’s legal team a few weeks later, was at this gathering because, Giuliani says, his security firm agreed in 2017 to help the city improve its emergency services and seek foreign investment.

"But the deal had a murkier element.

"Giuliani later conceded that he wasn’t just working for Kharkiv and that for at least some of the work he was paid by Pavel Fuks, a Kharkiv-born business executive who became a prominent real estate developer in Moscow in the 2000s and who has said that he negotiated directly with Trump between 2004 and 2010 about building a Trump-branded tower in Moscow."

Now, cue the ad hominem WITHOUT responding to the content.
You got Rudy on video stating that like we have Jojo THREATENING the PM of Ukraine....need to see the video again where he also brings the Surrender monkey into his THREAT!!....IF YOU NEED TO SEE IT AGAIN, JUST ASK!!!
You got Rudy on video stating that like we have Jojo THREATENING the PM of Ukraine....need to see the video again where he also brings the Surrender monkey into his THREAT!!....IF YOU NEED TO SEE IT AGAIN, JUST ASK!!!
Rudy Giuliani has a long, shady history with Ukraine

"In May 2018, Ukrainian officials stopped investigating payments to Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort and dropped an offer to assist with Mueller’s prosecution of him.

"Ukrainian officials told the New York Times they feared helping Mueller would anger Trump, potentially complicating their purchase from the United States of antitank weapons aimed at deterring Russian aggression.

"This week Giuliani insisted in a text message to me that he did 'not know anything about' that move.

"At some point in 2018—the exact date is unclear—Giuliani began working on Ukraine-related matters with two Soviet-born American business executives, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.

"Giuliani has said they’re his clients, though his work for them appears indistinguishable from his efforts on Trump’s behalf.

"In a text message on Monday, Giuliani declined to comment on this work, citing attorney-client privilege. Parnas and Fruman did not respond to inquiries."

"According to a joint investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and BuzzFeed News, it was Parnas and Fruman who first encouraged Giuliani’s effort to dig up dirt on Biden.

"Both Parnas and Fruman, who live in South Florida, became big GOP donors in 2018, giving at least $576,500 in combined donations over several months."
You say a lot and show pretty pictures, but never prove your point. If you accuse ANYBODY of a crime, you better have solid proof.
You say a lot and show pretty pictures, but never prove your point. If you accuse ANYBODY of a crime, you better have solid proof.
Trump believes "the Constitution lets him do 'whatever I want as president.'"
Trump—Will He Implode with Lies Before He is Impeached? | Ralph Nader
Do you agree?

Bruce Fein on formal US impeachment inquiry announcement
The article is opinion, proof is something like Biden on tape saying "I told them to fire the guy or lose aid".
The article is opinion, proof is something like Biden on tape saying "I told them to fire the guy or lose aid".
Biden, along with many other individuals and institutions, told Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was PROTECTING Hunter Biden and Busima from criminal prosecution; do you understand that?
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Trump demanded help to smear a possible political opponent in an upcoming election. Joe Biden, along with most of the western world, demanded the firing of a corrupt prosecutor who was IMPEDING an investigation into the activities of a company Hunter Biden worked for.

"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes,
among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President?s main
domestic political rivals."
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
The article is opinion, proof is something like Biden on tape saying "I told them to fire the guy or lose aid".
The article is opinion, proof is something like Biden on tape saying "I told them to fire the guy or lose aid".
Biden, along with many other individuals and institutions, told Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was PROTECTING Hunter Biden and Busima from criminal prosecution; do you understand that?
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Trump demanded help to smear a possible political opponent in an upcoming election. Joe Biden, along with most of the western world, demanded the firing of a corrupt prosecutor who was IMPEDING an investigation into the activities of a company Hunter Biden worked for.

"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes,
among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President?s main
domestic political rivals."
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
No he lies and spins just like the commie he is!
Can you say Pence is my president without wincing?
Can you say Pence is my president without wincing?
You can't say Pence without wincing.

"Vice President Mike Pence urged President Trump not to release the rough transcript of his call with the president of Ukraine, raising concerns about the precedent such a release would set, according to a report."
Does this mean Pence is less honest than Trump?
Does this mean Pence is less honest than Trump?

Too honest???
No such thing as an honest politician-Carter tried it and got run over.
The article is opinion, proof is something like Biden on tape saying "I told them to fire the guy or lose aid".
The article is opinion, proof is something like Biden on tape saying "I told them to fire the guy or lose aid".
Biden, along with many other individuals and institutions, told Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was PROTECTING Hunter Biden and Busima from criminal prosecution; do you understand that?
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Trump demanded help to smear a possible political opponent in an upcoming election. Joe Biden, along with most of the western world, demanded the firing of a corrupt prosecutor who was IMPEDING an investigation into the activities of a company Hunter Biden worked for.

"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes,
among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President?s main
domestic political rivals."
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
What complaint did you read?

"Multiple White House of?cials with direct knowledge of the call informed me that, after an
initial exchange of pleasantries, the President used the remainder of the call to advance his
personal interests. Namely, he sought to pressure the Ukrainian leader to take actions to help the
President?s 2020 reelection bid. According to the White House of?cials who had direct
knowledge of the call, the President pressured Mr. to, inter alia:

"- initiate or continue an investigation2 into the activities of former Vice President Joseph
Biden and his son, Hunter Biden..."
The article is opinion, proof is something like Biden on tape saying "I told them to fire the guy or lose aid".
The article is opinion, proof is something like Biden on tape saying "I told them to fire the guy or lose aid".
Biden, along with many other individuals and institutions, told Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was PROTECTING Hunter Biden and Busima from criminal prosecution; do you understand that?
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Trump demanded help to smear a possible political opponent in an upcoming election. Joe Biden, along with most of the western world, demanded the firing of a corrupt prosecutor who was IMPEDING an investigation into the activities of a company Hunter Biden worked for.

"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes,
among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President?s main
domestic political rivals."
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
What complaint did you read?

"Multiple White House of?cials with direct knowledge of the call informed me that, after an
initial exchange of pleasantries, the President used the remainder of the call to advance his
personal interests. Namely, he sought to pressure the Ukrainian leader to take actions to help the
President?s 2020 reelection bid. According to the White House of?cials who had direct
knowledge of the call, the President pressured Mr. to, inter alia:

"- initiate or continue an investigation2 into the activities of former Vice President Joseph
Biden and his son, Hunter Biden..."
The complaint the whistleblower "supposedly" wrote. He sought to? Did he or not? This is serious, so no guessing allowed. Without specific words describing personal interests the accusation is baseless. And What actions were expected by Trump? this is not only laughable but downright unbelievable. And that's what I believe-its unbelievable-AND CRAZY!
You're thinking work release?
Can you say Pence is my president without wincing?
Can you say Pence is my president without wincing?
You can't say Pence without wincing.

"Vice President Mike Pence urged President Trump not to release the rough transcript of his call with the president of Ukraine, raising concerns about the precedent such a release would set, according to a report."
Does this mean Pence is less honest than Trump?
Does this mean Pence is less honest than Trump?

Too honest???
No such thing as an honest politician-Carter tried it and got run over.
No such thing as an honest politician-Carter tried it and got run over.
How would you compare Trump's honesty to Carter's?
On a ten scale: If Carter's a 5, what is Trump?
Can you say Pence is my president without wincing?
Can you say Pence is my president without wincing?
You can't say Pence without wincing.

"Vice President Mike Pence urged President Trump not to release the rough transcript of his call with the president of Ukraine, raising concerns about the precedent such a release would set, according to a report."
Does this mean Pence is less honest than Trump?
Does this mean Pence is less honest than Trump?

Too honest???
No such thing as an honest politician-Carter tried it and got run over.
No such thing as an honest politician-Carter tried it and got run over.
How would you compare Trump's honesty to Carter's?
On a ten scale: If Carter's a 5, what is Trump?
Carter was a ten-his famous "I will never lie to you" actually got the press to hound a Democrat for once. Trump would be a five-he has released documents Mueller Report, transcript, and complaint, that he could have sat on. He has a folksy whimsical street language that is real. He does though lie about anything with numbers in it.
Biden, along with many other individuals and institutions, told Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was PROTECTING Hunter Biden and Busima from criminal prosecution; do you understand that?
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Trump demanded help to smear a possible political opponent in an upcoming election. Joe Biden, along with most of the western world, demanded the firing of a corrupt prosecutor who was IMPEDING an investigation into the activities of a company Hunter Biden worked for.

"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes,
among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President?s main
domestic political rivals."
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
What complaint did you read?

"Multiple White House of?cials with direct knowledge of the call informed me that, after an
initial exchange of pleasantries, the President used the remainder of the call to advance his
personal interests. Namely, he sought to pressure the Ukrainian leader to take actions to help the
President?s 2020 reelection bid. According to the White House of?cials who had direct
knowledge of the call, the President pressured Mr. to, inter alia:

"- initiate or continue an investigation2 into the activities of former Vice President Joseph
Biden and his son, Hunter Biden..."
The complaint the whistleblower "supposedly" wrote. He sought to? Did he or not? This is serious, so no guessing allowed. Without specific words describing personal interests the accusation is baseless. And What actions were expected by Trump? this is not only laughable but downright unbelievable. And that's what I believe-its unbelievable-AND CRAZY!
The complaint the whistleblower "supposedly" wrote. He sought to? Did he or not? This is serious, so no guessing allowed. Without specific words describing personal interests the accusation is baseless. And What actions were expected by Trump? this is not only laughable but downright unbelievable. And that's what I believe-its unbelievable-AND CRAZY!
Maybe the phone call's Fake News?

"The White House of?cials who told me this information were deeply disturbed by what had
transpired in the phone call. They told me that there was already a ?discussion ongoing? with
White House lawyers about how to treat the call because of the likelihood, in the of?cials?
retelling, that they had witnessed the President abuse his of?ce for personal gain.

"The Ukrainian side was the ?rst to publicly acknowledge the phone call. On the evening of
25 July, a readout was posted on the website of the Ukrainian President that contained the
following line..."

Or maybe Trump's just a moronic nightmare this country is about to wake up from?
Dunno. And we'll never find out.

You Commies sure do like to put your political enemies in prison for disagreeing with you.
Dunno. And we'll never find out.

You Commies sure do like to put your political enemies in prison for disagreeing with you.
So you think a life-long crony capitalist/con man who launders money for the Russian mob should not be investigated?

Trump and Russian Money GO WAY Back ... Lest we forget

"It’s entirely possible that Trump was never more than a convenient patsy for Russian oligarchs and mobsters, with his casinos and condos providing easy pass-throughs for their illicit riches. At the very least, with his constant need for new infusions of cash and his well-documented troubles with creditors, Trump made an easy 'mark' for anyone looking to launder money. But whatever his knowledge about the source of his wealth, the public record makes clear that Trump built his business empire in no small part with a lot of dirty money from a lot of dirty Russians — including the dirtiest and most feared of them all."
Oh my Gaea...the Daily Kos?

You're utterly shameless. But then, Commies have absolutely no capacity for shame.
Oh my Gaea...the Daily Kos?

You're utterly shameless. But then, Commies have absolutely no capacity for shame.
As if Trump and shame should ever be used in the same sentence?

Trump and Russian Money GO WAY Back ... Lest we forget

"A Guardian investigation has established a series of overlapping ties and relationships involving alleged Russian money laundering, New York real estate deals and members of Trump’s inner circle. They include a 2015 sale of part of the old New York Times building in Manhattan involving Kushner and a billionaire real estate tycoon and diamond mogul, Lev Leviev.


"[Lev] Leviev, a global tycoon known as the “king of diamonds”, was a business partner of the Russian-owned company Prevezon Holdings that was at the center of a multimillion-dollar lawsuit launched in New York. Under the leadership of US attorney Preet Bharara, who was fired by Trump in March, prosecutors pursued Prevezon for allegedly attempting to use Manhattan real estate deals to launder money stolen from the Russian treasury."
DailyKos again. Utter trash. Dismissed.
DailyKos again. Utter trash. Dismissed.

Lying Turd.
No source for this poll? Utter trash. Dismissed.
The NYT? Garbage. They were utterly silent during Obama's reign when he did all those same things.

So were you, for that matter.
The NYT? Garbage. They were utterly silent during Obama's reign when he did all those same things.

So were you, for that matter.
Trump IS the POTUS the Founders warned against:
Not that you care.:19:

Opinion | The People vs. Donald J. Trump

"Yet the founders also did not intend for the removal of a president to be impossible. They insisted on including an impeachment clause in the Constitution because they understood that an incompetent or corrupt person was nonetheless likely to attain high office every so often. And they understood how much harm such a person could do.

"The country needed a way to address what Alexander Hamilton called 'the abuse or violation of some public trust' and James Madison called the 'incapacity, negligence or perfidy' of a president.

"The negligence and perfidy of President Trump — his high crimes and misdemeanors — can be separated into four categories. This list is conservative.

"It does not include the possibility that his campaign coordinated strategy with Russia, which remains uncertain. It also does not include his lazy approach to the job, like his refusal to read briefing books or the many empty hours on his schedule.

"It instead focuses on demonstrable ways that he has broken the law or violated his constitutional oath.

"Trump has used the presidency for personal..."
It's always funny when the left claims the Founding Fathers would have been on their side.

Dood...the Founding Fathers started a war against the bullshit you support.

And they won.
It's always funny when the left claims the Founding Fathers would have been on their side.

Dood...the Founding Fathers started a war against the bullshit you support.
The Founders went to war against an arrogant, narcissistic monarch

Sound like anyone you voted for, Traitor?
Nope. I didn't vote for Hillary.

Meanwhile, if you, personally, were alive back during the Revolution, you would have informed on the Founding Fathers to the Crown.

This is inarguable.
Nope. I didn't vote for Hillary.

Meanwhile, if you, personally, were alive back during the Revolution, you would have informed on the Founding Fathers to the Crown.

This is inarguable.
How many slaves would you have owned if you were alive in Revolutionary times?
None. But holy fuck, dood, you stink of desperation.
Protip: When you let cartoonists do your thinking for you, no actual thinking gets done.

But I've noticed you seem to be very comfortable with that.
Protip: When you let cartoonists do your thinking for you, no actual thinking gets done.
As if you have the slightest grasp of critical thinking, Loon.
When you have a narcissistic cartoon in the Oval Office, what better forum is there to reveal his many impeachable offenses?
Awesome strategy. Hit bottom, dig.
Awesome strategy. Hit bottom, dig.
How low can you go?

Trump Begins Third Year With Low Job Approval and Doubts About His Honesty
Not nearly as low as a fuckin' piece of shit Communist.

Run along, Comrade.
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Trump demanded help to smear a possible political opponent in an upcoming election. Joe Biden, along with most of the western world, demanded the firing of a corrupt prosecutor who was IMPEDING an investigation into the activities of a company Hunter Biden worked for.

"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes,
among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President?s main
domestic political rivals."
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
What complaint did you read?

"Multiple White House of?cials with direct knowledge of the call informed me that, after an
initial exchange of pleasantries, the President used the remainder of the call to advance his
personal interests. Namely, he sought to pressure the Ukrainian leader to take actions to help the
President?s 2020 reelection bid. According to the White House of?cials who had direct
knowledge of the call, the President pressured Mr. to, inter alia:

"- initiate or continue an investigation2 into the activities of former Vice President Joseph
Biden and his son, Hunter Biden..."
The complaint the whistleblower "supposedly" wrote. He sought to? Did he or not? This is serious, so no guessing allowed. Without specific words describing personal interests the accusation is baseless. And What actions were expected by Trump? this is not only laughable but downright unbelievable. And that's what I believe-its unbelievable-AND CRAZY!
The complaint the whistleblower "supposedly" wrote. He sought to? Did he or not? This is serious, so no guessing allowed. Without specific words describing personal interests the accusation is baseless. And What actions were expected by Trump? this is not only laughable but downright unbelievable. And that's what I believe-its unbelievable-AND CRAZY!
Maybe the phone call's Fake News?

"The White House of?cials who told me this information were deeply disturbed by what had
transpired in the phone call. They told me that there was already a ?discussion ongoing? with
White House lawyers about how to treat the call because of the likelihood, in the of?cials?
retelling, that they had witnessed the President abuse his of?ce for personal gain.

"The Ukrainian side was the ?rst to publicly acknowledge the phone call. On the evening of
25 July, a readout was posted on the website of the Ukrainian President that contained the
following line..."

Or maybe Trump's just a moronic nightmare this country is about to wake up from?
Nice display of frustrated feelings, but if you want people to listen to you, you need to present a good case for you point of view-all I see is Trump hate and disjointed guessing and supposition.
Biden, along with many other individuals and institutions, told Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was PROTECTING Hunter Biden and Busima from criminal prosecution; do you understand that?
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Does not matter-the tape shows he said do it or else-that's what they are blaming Trump for without evidence or tape.
Trump demanded help to smear a possible political opponent in an upcoming election. Joe Biden, along with most of the western world, demanded the firing of a corrupt prosecutor who was IMPEDING an investigation into the activities of a company Hunter Biden worked for.

"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes,
among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President?s main
domestic political rivals."
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
No he did not. I read the transcript and the complaint- no demand no coercion. Don't say crazy things-we know you are smarter than that.
What complaint did you read?

"Multiple White House of?cials with direct knowledge of the call informed me that, after an
initial exchange of pleasantries, the President used the remainder of the call to advance his
personal interests. Namely, he sought to pressure the Ukrainian leader to take actions to help the
President?s 2020 reelection bid. According to the White House of?cials who had direct
knowledge of the call, the President pressured Mr. to, inter alia:

"- initiate or continue an investigation2 into the activities of former Vice President Joseph
Biden and his son, Hunter Biden..."
The complaint the whistleblower "supposedly" wrote. He sought to? Did he or not? This is serious, so no guessing allowed. Without specific words describing personal interests the accusation is baseless. And What actions were expected by Trump? this is not only laughable but downright unbelievable. And that's what I believe-its unbelievable-AND CRAZY!
The complaint the whistleblower "supposedly" wrote. He sought to? Did he or not? This is serious, so no guessing allowed. Without specific words describing personal interests the accusation is baseless. And What actions were expected by Trump? t
Trump's own words leave no doubt about what he wanted from Ukraine in exchange for military aid already approved by congress:

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

"The President (Trump): Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved...."

The prosecutor Trump refers to is Viktor Shokin who was widely perceived to be among the most corrupt officials in all of Ukraine:

Viktor Shokin - Wikipedia

"Shokin was appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine on 10 February 2015, replacing Vitaly Yarema.[4] He was a controversial appointee due to his perceived role in blocking prosecutions against those accused of shooting demonstrators in the 2014 Ukrainian revolution.[5] As Prosecutor General, he was accused of blocking major cases against allies and influential figures and hindering the fight against corruption in Ukraine

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

". The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

The biggest difference between Trump, Biden, and Shokin is an accident of birth; if you have the slightest regard for your country, you will stop apologizing for systemic corruption.
Protip: When you let cartoonists do your thinking for you, no actual thinking gets done.

But I've noticed you seem to be very comfortable with that.
Protip: When you let cartoonists do your thinking for you, no actual thinking gets done.
As if you have the slightest grasp of critical thinking, Loon.
When you have a narcissistic cartoon in the Oval Office, what better forum is there to reveal his many impeachable offenses?
Awesome strategy. Hit bottom, dig.
Awesome strategy. Hit bottom, dig.
How low can you go?

Trump Begins Third Year With Low Job Approval and Doubts About His Honesty
Not nearly as low as a fuckin' piece of shit Communist.

Run along, Comrade.
Not nearly as low as a fuckin' piece of shit Communist.

Run along, Comrade.
Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

"The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

Will you be joining your idiot president in Moscow, Moron?

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