'Schiff Show' Roundup: Hill Falsely Smears Republicans


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
If you want to present yourself as a credible, objectively minded, nonpartisan witness, you shouldn’t start by falsely disparaging an entire side of the political aisle. But that’s exactly what former National Security Council official Fiona Hill did in her opening statement on the last day of the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment hearings. She accused Republicans of not believing that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election and instead propagating a “fictional narrative” that it was Ukraine. So much for her claim of nonpartisanship.

Republicans were quick to take apart Hill’s false accusation, pointedly noting that every single Republican had signed off on the Justice Department’s conclusion that Russia had acted to interfere in the 2016 election. (Not to mention actual Ukrainian interference doesn’t preclude Russian interference.) Upon further questioning, Hill admitted that the accounts of Ukrainian officials working against then-candidate Donald Trump were accurate. “They bet on Hillary Clinton winning the election,” she said. “So, you know, they were trying to curry favor with the Clinton campaign.”

'Schiff Show' Roundup: Hill Falsely Smears Republicans

BJ - Repeat: “They bet on Hillary Clinton winning the election,” she said. “So, you know, they were trying to curry favor with the Clinton campaign.”
And then they apologized when Trump won - and had investigations that resulted in convictions.

I get that the reality of that is lost on Leftists - but it is real.
If you want to present yourself as a credible, objectively minded, nonpartisan witness, you shouldn’t start by falsely disparaging an entire side of the political aisle. But that’s exactly what former National Security Council official Fiona Hill did in her opening statement on the last day of the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment hearings. She accused Republicans of not believing that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election and instead propagating a “fictional narrative” that it was Ukraine. So much for her claim of nonpartisanship.

Republicans were quick to take apart Hill’s false accusation, pointedly noting that every single Republican had signed off on the Justice Department’s conclusion that Russia had acted to interfere in the 2016 election. (Not to mention actual Ukrainian interference doesn’t preclude Russian interference.) Upon further questioning, Hill admitted that the accounts of Ukrainian officials working against then-candidate Donald Trump were accurate. “They bet on Hillary Clinton winning the election,” she said. “So, you know, they were trying to curry favor with the Clinton campaign.”

'Schiff Show' Roundup: Hill Falsely Smears Republicans

BJ - Repeat: “They bet on Hillary Clinton winning the election,” she said. “So, you know, they were trying to curry favor with the Clinton campaign.”
And then they apologized when Trump won - and had investigations that resulted in convictions.

I get that the reality of that is lost on Leftists - but it is real.

Let's face it: The Schiff Hearings have been nothing but a sham. In every case, they either led the witnesses to say what they wanted, or preambled with colorful interpretations of what WE should conclude about facts not yet presented! That amounts to going to court and the judge expressing strong bias against you before either attorney even presents their case!

There is no question that the Russians are interested in our elections. Many countries have been for a long time. And Russia tries to participate. But I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE EVIDENCE THAT RUSSIA INTERFERED in 2016. To do that, that means they AFFECTED or CHANGED its outcome. I'm all ears.

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