Schiff's whistleblower named, and it's a doozy

We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason.
If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement.
The Trump GOP, circa 2019
Not Republican, but the above has to be an outlier. He has to blame somebody. I blame Schiff.

blame it on Trumps staff for telling him to shut his horseshit conspiracy or get bitch slapped.



We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason.
If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement.
The Trump GOP, circa 2019
Not Republican, but the above has to be an outlier. He has to blame somebody. I blame Schiff.

blame it on Trumps staff for telling him to shut his horseshit conspiracy or get bitch slapped.



dude, you're going to love being 12. how many more years til you get there?
so tell me, how come YOUR article is correct and this one is wrong?

The Unz Review is a questionable source listed as extreme right biased. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2014, the webzine is an "outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews." It has also been described as "an alternative conservative website," and "a mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery."

Business Insider is listed as left-center biased, meaning generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.
and as such i dont take it a fact. however, they name facts as they see them, dates, and names that can all be followed up on. to dismiss it all cause you don't like the site kinda misses the point and is an easy cop out.
so tell me, how come YOUR article is correct and this one is wrong?

The Unz Review is a questionable source listed as extreme right biased. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2014, the webzine is an "outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews." It has also been described as "an alternative conservative website," and "a mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery."

Business Insider is listed as left-center biased, meaning generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.
and as such i dont take it a fact. however, they name facts as they see them, dates, and names that can all be followed up on. to dismiss it all cause you don't like the site kinda misses the point and is an easy cop out.

We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason.
If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement.
The Trump GOP, circa 2019
Not Republican, but the above has to be an outlier. He has to blame somebody. I blame Schiff.

blame it on Trumps staff for telling him to shut his horseshit conspiracy or get bitch slapped.



And yet it seems they did not and Pelosi and Schiff don't get news of the raid until after Hillary-:21:
For a town that leaks like a sieve, Washington has done an astonishingly effective job keeping from the American public the name of the anonymous “whistleblower" who triggered impeachment proceedings against Trump — even though his identity is an open secret inside the Beltway.
The White House “whistleblower” is Eric Ciaramella. :p

- Registered Democrat
- Worked for Obama
- Worked with Joe Biden
- Worked for CIA Director John Brennan
- Worked for Susan Rice
- Associate of Comey and Clapper
- Helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation hoax
- Well known leaker and liar
- Close associate of pencil neck liar Schiff
so tell me, how come YOUR article is correct and this one is wrong?

The Unz Review is a questionable source listed as extreme right biased. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2014, the webzine is an "outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews." It has also been described as "an alternative conservative website," and "a mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery."

Business Insider is listed as left-center biased, meaning generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.
Anyone who cites the ADL for anything proves only, at the very best, they are too gullible to be taken seriously. (Oh, and btw, the proprietor of the Unz Review is a Jew.)
so tell me, how come YOUR article is correct and this one is wrong?

The Unz Review is a questionable source listed as extreme right biased. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2014, the webzine is an "outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews." It has also been described as "an alternative conservative website," and "a mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery."

Business Insider is listed as left-center biased, meaning generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.
Anyone who cites the ADL for anything proves only, at the very best, they are too gullible to be taken seriously. (Oh, and btw, the proprietor of the Unz Review is a Jew.)
i fully realize how people will stereotype/classify a site or a person and put everything bad about that "stereotype" to that person. it's just what we do anymore. if i don't hate trump with you, i love trump.

how did we miss all the emotions between love and hate anymore? why can't people simply comprehend that not agreeing with you doesn't mean i love everything you hate? we're really dumbed ourselves down with this mindset to a frightingly binary level.

now - the article doesn't dive into emotions. it's facts. people, placed, times, dates, money #'s - all you can go look to see if it happened. they don't name call and get emotional. all this activity *is* corrupt. but they don't go jr high YOU MOMMA WOULD HATE THIS crap.

people don't know how to take an unbiased story so they attack the site for bias. all these sites out there rating other sites, who validates their objectivity? or do people, as far too common, simply go find a site that validates their emotions and they call THAT site right and the rest wrong?

it's funny how so many people on both sides are simply NEVER wrong and have some "news" stories in their back pocket to prove it.

people don't care about right and wrong anymore; just emotional validation. that has put us on very dangerous ground.

this article lines up with what i see the left doing - trying to prevent this from becoming more well known and taking down trump who is coming after them.

did trump do something wrong? justice dept says no so we must clear him like the left demanded of hillary when they cleared her. justice dept trumps "stooges"? well, we know for a fact they were certainly in hillarys corner at the time and lynch said many times she never was going after hillary anyway.
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason.
If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement.
The Trump GOP, circa 2019

The GOP wants nothing to do with people who notice a certain undeniable pattern in recent history.
not true. we certainly notice the left coming after trump with whatever they can throw on the wall at any given time.

russia - busted a lie and now coming back at them
spying on trump? oh no - this is surveillance
taxes? they can't find a problem so they need new hunting grounds. they have zero idea if he did anything wrong just demand another place to look and fling poo

you simply can't keep going after someone and coming up empty and maintain credibility. unless you're an emotional basket case who demands your butthurt get some level of healing regardless of truth or justice.
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason.
If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement.
The Trump GOP, circa 2019

The GOP wants nothing to do with people who notice a certain undeniable pattern in recent history.
not true. we certainly notice the left coming after trump with whatever they can throw on the wall at any given time.

russia - busted a lie and now coming back at them
spying on trump? oh no - this is surveillance
taxes? they can't find a problem so they need new hunting grounds. they have zero idea if he did anything wrong just demand another place to look and fling poo

you simply can't keep going after someone and coming up empty and maintain credibility. unless you're an emotional basket case who demands your butthurt get some level of healing regardless of truth or justice.

Meh- I have very little faith in the GOP. I figure most of them would like to get rid of Trump without dirtying their own hands so they'll let democrats do it for them.
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason.
If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement.
The Trump GOP, circa 2019

The GOP wants nothing to do with people who notice a certain undeniable pattern in recent history.
not true. we certainly notice the left coming after trump with whatever they can throw on the wall at any given time.

russia - busted a lie and now coming back at them
spying on trump? oh no - this is surveillance
taxes? they can't find a problem so they need new hunting grounds. they have zero idea if he did anything wrong just demand another place to look and fling poo

you simply can't keep going after someone and coming up empty and maintain credibility. unless you're an emotional basket case who demands your butthurt get some level of healing regardless of truth or justice.

Meh- I have very little faith in the GOP. I figure most of them would like to get rid of Trump without dirtying their own hands so they'll let democrats do it for them.
i have very little faith in our gov as a whole. not a huge trump fan overall but i am far less of a fan of a gov that continues to raise taxes, create very little opportunity for our next generation, and puts the "american dream" we all grew up chasing so far out of reach you can only get there in on a bus or mass transportation because you can't afford the things we now tend to take for granted as adults.

i also have zero faith the left is after trump for "valid" reasons. moreso he's not them and he's showing people what is really behind the curtain, although he's a clown himself.

we need to give our gov an enema, dust off the constitution, create term limits, and regroup behind what has lasted for over 250 years.

otherwise we lose it.
so tell me, how come YOUR article is correct and this one is wrong?

The Unz Review is a questionable source listed as extreme right biased. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2014, the webzine is an "outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews." It has also been described as "an alternative conservative website," and "a mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery."

Business Insider is listed as left-center biased, meaning generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.
heh - check it;

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Since 2015, under the leadership of liberal former Obama administration staffer Jonathan Greenblatt, the organization has been sharply criticized for acting more as a left-leaning pressure group than a non-partisan anti-Semitism watchdog.[2] Bethany Mandel, a right-leaning Jewish columnist, noted that the ADL under Greenblatt removed the words “anti-Semitism” from its mission statement.[3]

In this vein, the ADL has faced criticisms that it applies a double standard in its analysis of anti-Semitism, by focusing its efforts against political conservatives.[4] It has also been criticized for aligning with left-leaning groups such as the Black Lives Matter movement, whose membership has espoused anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric.
so i found a site that backs up what i say. now what? we keep playing tag or we talk about the issue and not find sites to discredit it for us?
so tell me, how come YOUR article is correct and this one is wrong?

The Unz Review is a questionable source listed as extreme right biased. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2014, the webzine is an "outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews." It has also been described as "an alternative conservative website," and "a mix of far-right and far-left anti-Semitic crackpottery."

Business Insider is listed as left-center biased, meaning generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.
heh - check it;

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Since 2015, under the leadership of liberal former Obama administration staffer Jonathan Greenblatt, the organization has been sharply criticized for acting more as a left-leaning pressure group than a non-partisan anti-Semitism watchdog.[2] Bethany Mandel, a right-leaning Jewish columnist, noted that the ADL under Greenblatt removed the words “anti-Semitism” from its mission statement.[3]

In this vein, the ADL has faced criticisms that it applies a double standard in its analysis of anti-Semitism, by focusing its efforts against political conservatives.[4] It has also been criticized for aligning with left-leaning groups such as the Black Lives Matter movement, whose membership has espoused anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric.
so i found a site that backs up what i say. now what? we keep playing tag or we talk about the issue and not find sites to discredit it for us?
I wondered why Bebe was left out.
The Jooooooooooooooooooooossssssssss are to blame! :lol:
Great argument, Shlomo. And, yeah, in this case, they are. Schiff is a Jew. Schumer is a Jew. Soros is a Jew. Bezos is a Jew. Schulzberger is a Jew. Read the article.
You forgot Jesus. He's a Jew. Paul was a Jew. Your list is incomplete.

The Jews that tend to cause trouble are the ones who lived in Europe for so long that anything remotely middle eastern was bred out of them.
You forgot Jesus. He's a Jew. Paul was a Jew. Your list is incomplete.

Let's examine the list as Chris Jerico would say! :p "Paul was the man most responsible for spreading the Jesus mythology from the pagan world where...God, Jesus and Mary became simply new names for Zeus, Dionysos and Semele. Paul, although a Jew and a Pharisee, tranformed Jesusism from a Jewish heresy into a gentile mythology unrelated to to Judaism..." Mythology's Last Gods, Yahweh and Jesus by William Harwood.

So in theory Eric Ciaramella performed the function of a Judas against President Trump! For a few shekels that douchebag attacked our democracy.
Last edited:
You forgot Jesus. He's a Jew. Paul was a Jew. Your list is incomplete.

Let's examine the list as Chris Jerico would say! :p "Paul was the man most responsible for spreading the Jesus mythology from the pagan world where...God, Jesus and Mary became simply new names for Zeus, Dionysos and Semele. Paul, although a Jew and a Pharisee, tranformed Jesusism from a Jewish heresy into a gentile mythology unrelated to to Judaism..." Mythology's Last Gods, Yahweh and Jesus by William Harwood.

So in theory Eric Ciaramella performed the function of a Judas against President Trump! For a few shekels that douchebag attacked our democracy.
Wow! That's a huge load of crap there, snouter. Not to mention your confusion on the ID of the douchebag, who is actually the guy ripping off the taxpayers for their shekels pouring into his pocket thru his resorts.

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