Schiff's whistleblower named, and it's a doozy

Not to mention the role the Jewish-owned New York Times and Washington Post played in the coup against Nixon.

And don't get me started about JFK. He was the last president to vow to drain the swamp. He opposed the arming of Israel at taxpayer expense. He was assassinated, and his replacement, the deeply compromised Lyndon Johnson, whom JFK never trusted, signed the Jewish-promoted 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act in New York Harbor, which was celebrated in New York City the night of the signing as a great Jewish victory over the Gentiles. Truly, it was the decisive battle and, nine years later, Jewish power made its triumphal march into the capital city.

The findings of the investigation into the assassination of Kennedy were sealed, if you can believe it, for 50 years. When the 50 years were up, well, they were sealed for another 50 years. And we take it, just like we take the Epstein murder with no investigation. Why? Because the media is controlled by Jews, that's why.

That's why Trump is such an amazing phenomenon--a once-in-a-century man. The Jews threw everything they had at him and he still won. They've been throwing everything--legal and illegal--at him every single day since the day after the election up to today. He is still standing. A remarkable man. Every American who cares about truth and human decency--Gentile or Jew--owes Donald Trump their complete loyalty.

And for those dumb goyim who dance to the Jewish tune and spew the vitriol they produce for you like good little monkeys, if you only knew how ignorant and stupid and gullible and dull-witted you are.

Another live one here



It's interesting how no one actually counters my arguments. It's only this kind of tired attempt to ridicule. Lame.
it's not the argument they refuse to counter.

it's the unbridled stupidity.

stupidity of bigots and anti-Semites, I hope you mean.
stupid is stupid. i don't feel the need to subdivide it up so someone can say something along the lines of "my turd is better than your turd".
As soon as someone says "THE JEWS" everyone in this place should put them on IGNORE.

Then put yourself and all of the pro Israel mental midgets here on IGNORE since you and they are the ones using that phrase here over and over...
What's wrong with being Pro Israel? God is Pro Israel. People who defend Israel will be blessed by God and protected by God, just like God protects President Trump from people like you.
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.
Hitler was not all wrong, he just went a little too far. I mean … maybe camps, and who can complain of an ill considered tattoo, but the gas chambers were just overkill, assuming they really existed. (sarcasm)
Wow, never in my lifetime
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.

So your title is a lie.

The whistleblower wasn't named.

Just someone stating their opinion.

Get back to me when you have the truth. Which will be never since you far right radical extremists never have anything even close to truth.

I know you far right radical extremists hate the law but do you know that anyone who outs the name of the whistleblower risks being sent to prison for breaking the law?

It's very illegal to reveal the identity of a whistleblower.

Why do you want the whistleblower killed?

And what is with your paranoia of jewish people? Why don't you believe in freedom of religion and the constitution?

You show your racist and white supremacist views with your post. Shame on you.
We let the Jews take down Nixon for no reason. If we allow them to do the same to Trump, we really deserve enslavement. This article makes a good case who the so-called whistleblower is (and exposes Adam Schiff as the really contemptible traitor that he is).

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats

btw, Biden, appropriately, is finished and should end his days in the cell next to Hunter's.
Hitler was not all wrong, he just went a little too far. I mean … maybe camps, and who can complain of an ill considered tattoo, but the gas chambers were just overkill, assuming they really existed. (sarcasm)
Wow, never in my lifetime

I have no problem with you criticizing Israel.

I do have a problem with you anti-semitism

Another HEBREW to ENGLISH software FUCK UP....



Criticizing Israel IS ANTI-SEMITIC, RIGHT???

Noticing truth about ISRAEL is blah blah blah...



Is your screaming supposed to mean anything?

Its not anti-semitic to criticize Israel
It is anti-semitic to blame the Jews for anything and everything you object to, including all of your own personal failures in life.
God is Pro Israel.

How do you know?

Did you interview God?

Or are you just another subhuman BIRDBRAIN who cannot answer the following questions:

1. when Jesus said "give up everything and follow me," who got everything?
2. why did the Disciples bolt when the "authorities" showed up to arrest Jesus?
3. why do Jews reject Jesus and consider him a fraud?
4. how could anyone be dumb enough to join a religion where one is immediately dubbed as a subordinate to another religion?
5. given that Jews were the only demographic that observed Jesus, and you did not, why do you think you know more than they do given that all your subhuman birdbrain "knows" is PARROTED from a "book" written by Jews?
It is anti-semitic to blame the Jews for anything and everything

Then, per your own definition, I am not anti-semitic.

I notice things like Sanders and DWS both being Jewish. I understand that Bernie is patriotic to America while DWS is a Zionist 911 Traitor who feared Bernie would tell the American people the truth about 911.

You hate the US.

You love it when Jewish Traitors sabotage the US, murder its citizens, steal its wealth, and send its kids off to wars over lies to help Israel's fascist objectives.
Two years ago, (that is already under President Trump) the United States began to investigate the allocation of 3 billion dollars; it was allocated in 2014, in 2015, in 2016; one billion dollars per year. The investigation showed that the documents were falsified, the money was transferred to Ukraine, and stolen. The investigators tracked each payment, discovered where the money went, where it was spent and how it was stolen.

As a result, in October 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice opened a criminal case for “Abuse of power and embezzlement of American taxpayers’ money”. Among the accused there are two consecutive Finance Ministers of the Ukraine, Mrs Natalie Ann Jaresko who served 2014-2016 and Mr Alexander Daniluk who served 2016-2018, and three US banks. The investigation caused the USAID to cease issuing grants since August 2019. As Trump said, now the US does not give away money and does not impose democracy.
no wonder the left wants trump gone at all costs.

According to the article, the investigation of Burisma was still open at the time when Biden demanded firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin.

Also, the money that disappeared was deposited to the bank own by the same guy who owns Burisma.
this thread was in politics for a week - Trumpdrones continue to have their ass handed to them -


thread moves to conspiracy.


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