School Punishes Boy for Opposing Homosexuality

From the article:

“There has been a history with this teacher in the class regarding homosexual topics,” Krause said. “The teacher had posted a picture of two men kissing on a wall that offended some of the students.”

“He told the students this is happening all over the world and you need to accept the fact that homosexuality is just part of our culture now,” Krause said.

well now that is just wrong
The only reason this boy sees it as wrong is someone is telling them gay people should not have rights.

What is morally wrong about love?

the NAMBLA guys love little that morally ok?....

NAMBLA isn't about homosexuality... it's about pedophilia...

and most pedophiles are heterosexual.

actually its more about pederasty, as they seem to dig adolescent boys, not pre-pubescent.

But they are also homosexuals, as they are attracted to young MEN.

Pedophiles are something else entirely.
NAMBLA isn't about homosexuality... it's about pedophilia...

and most pedophiles are heterosexual.

So Jilly says pedophilia isn't about homosexuality, but it is about heterosexuality.

That's some awesome spin right there. :lmao:
According to spin-meisters like Jillian, a priest that diddles little boys is not a homosexual, he is a pedophile. But if the same priest preferred to diddle little girls, he would be a heterosexual and a pedophile.
Most pedofiles are men who molest girl children.

that is a fact

Should I even bother to ask you to provide a link to support your alleged 'fact'?

Hetrosexuals are like 90% of the population. If homosexuals were 90% of the population pedophilia would be legal.

The first sentence is true but irrelevant, the second is, of course, bullshit.

The point is that equating homosexuality with pedophilia is a lie.
I bet this homosexual teacher turns out to be a pedofile too

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