School Punishes Boy for Opposing Homosexuality

I agree. By putting up pictures in the classroom of two men kissing and telling the students 'this is happening all over the world and you need to accept the fact that homosexuality is just part of our culture now' the teacher was bulling those students who disagree. The teacher should be yanked from the class.

No. Post where the student who expressed his disapproval of homosexuality said homosexuals should have laws imposed against them or stfu.

He said it was wrong to be gay.

Its not and that is not for him to deside for others.

What is WRONG with being gay?

What he should have done is said that being gay was an aberration. No one can really argue with that. I mean just look at the sexual organs of men and women and it is plain to see what is NORMAL.

That said, keep in mind that an aberration is not necessarily a negative thing. I believe that being gay is an aberration, just as pedophilia is, but unlike pedophilia, if gay "love" remains between consenting adults, who cares. Gay people shouldn't be persecuted in any way. Nor should I give up my right to say that their desires are an aberration.

Simple as that.

Why should he have said that, when that isn't what he thinks or believes?
An honors student in Fort Worth, Texas, was sent to the principal’s office and punished for telling a classmate that he believes homosexuality is wrong.

Texas School Punishes Boy For Opposing Homosexuality | Fox News

He's probably one of these annoying little Christian clones who's always trying to convert everyone. Stfu already.

Right after that "teacher", with his "9th grade German is the right place to discuss homosexuality" shuts the fuck up. I love how this boy, who was merely expressing his personal opinion in reaction to a topic brought up by his "teacher" - if you can call such a person that - is "an annoying clone trying to convert everyone", but you're totally silent on the proselytizing "teacher".

It's really amazing how often stupidity and hypocrisy go hand-in-hand.
Morals are the responsibility of parents. Teacher of any persuation need to keep their opinions and pictures to them selves and kids should be able to have a conversation without being sent to the principal. I do not put my sexuality in anyone's face and I don't want yours in mine. Your sexual preference is no ones business except yours. I would guess that the kids who did not go to the principal brought it up.
if there's one thing i know for sure it's that 14 year old kids that get in trouble at school never lie to their parents or others about it.
I'm having a difficult time believing this incident actually occurred.

I told the school that he should never have been suspended for exercising his Constitutional rights,” Krause told Fox News Radio. “The principal is sincere in trying to do the right thing and hopefully they will tell the teacher, ‘Do not do that anymore.’ He won’t be pushing his agenda.”

Krause called the incident “mind blowing” and said the teacher had frequently brought homosexuality into ninth grade classroom discussions.

“There has been a history with this teacher in the class regarding homosexual topics,” Krause said. “The teacher had posted a picture of two men kissing on a wall that offended some of the students.”

He put a picture of two men kissing up and no one complained? :doubt:
I'm having a difficult time believing this incident actually occurred.

I told the school that he should never have been suspended for exercising his Constitutional rights,” Krause told Fox News Radio. “The principal is sincere in trying to do the right thing and hopefully they will tell the teacher, ‘Do not do that anymore.’ He won’t be pushing his agenda.”

Krause called the incident “mind blowing” and said the teacher had frequently brought homosexuality into ninth grade classroom discussions.

“There has been a history with this teacher in the class regarding homosexual topics,” Krause said. “The teacher had posted a picture of two men kissing on a wall that offended some of the students

He put a picture of two men kissing up and no one complained? :doubt:

It says that some students were offended. Obviously they would've had to complain in order for anyone to know they were offended.
I'm having a difficult time believing this incident actually occurred.

I told the school that he should never have been suspended for exercising his Constitutional rights,” Krause told Fox News Radio. “The principal is sincere in trying to do the right thing and hopefully they will tell the teacher, ‘Do not do that anymore.’ He won’t be pushing his agenda.”

Krause called the incident “mind blowing” and said the teacher had frequently brought homosexuality into ninth grade classroom discussions.

“There has been a history with this teacher in the class regarding homosexual topics,” Krause said. “The teacher had posted a picture of two men kissing on a wall that offended some of the students

He put a picture of two men kissing up and no one complained? :doubt:

It says that some students were offended. Obviously they would've had to complain in order for anyone to know they were offended.
Please. Without further evidence it sounds like a grudge against the teacher, who hasn't told his side of the story.

Ain't no way a picture of two men kissing wouldn't get back to parents.
I'm having a difficult time believing this incident actually occurred.

He put a picture of two men kissing up and no one complained? :doubt:

It says that some students were offended. Obviously they would've had to complain in order for anyone to know they were offended.
Please. Without further evidence it sounds like a grudge against the teacher, who hasn't told his side of the story.

Ain't no way a picture of two men kissing wouldn't get back to parents.

Without further evidence you're going to make up your own to support your desired conclusion. :lmao:
frankly i am uspet with the school for not sticking to their policies and suspending the kid.

jujst because he plays football and lawyers up doesn't mean the rules don't apply to him.
[ame=]Teen Dakota Ary Threatens Lawsuit Over Right To Say Homosexuality Is Wrong - YouTube[/ame]
People, this is Fox News. We don't even know if the story even happened.
People, this is Fox News. We don't even know if the story even happened.

the reporting is a little... uneven.

why don't they have any of the other students in the room either corroborate or refute the claims of the kid?

surely one of them heard something
People, this is Fox News. We don't even know if the story even happened.

the reporting is a little... uneven.

why don't they have any of the other students in the room either corroborate or refute the claims of the kid?

surely one of them heard something

Something is rotten in Denmark.. and the story smells a little too.
why did the kid feel the need to broadcast his Christianity and his condemnation of homosexuality?
A little too much dogma from his church, that most likley has homosexuals in it.

[ame=]Monty Python The Meaning of Life - "Every Sperm Is Sacred" - YouTube[/ame]

Why did the teacher feel the need to broadcast his preference for homosexuality in a 9th grade German class?

Kudos to the Python clip.
why did the kid feel the need to broadcast his Christianity and his condemnation of homosexuality?
A little too much dogma from his church, that most likley has homosexuals in it.

[ame=]Monty Python The Meaning of Life - "Every Sperm Is Sacred" - YouTube[/ame]

Why did the teacher feel the need to broadcast his preference for homosexuality in a 9th grade German class?

Kudos to the Python clip.
where did the teacher do that ?not in the clip..
why did the kid feel the need to broadcast his Christianity and his condemnation of homosexuality?
A little too much dogma from his church, that most likley has homosexuals in it.

Monty Python The Meaning of Life - "Every Sperm Is Sacred" - YouTube

Why did the teacher feel the need to broadcast his preference for homosexuality in a 9th grade German class?

Kudos to the Python clip.
where did the teacher do that ?not in the clip..

Uh, didn't you read the article?

The clip had nothing to do with my response about the teacher . . . I just love Python. lol
Why did the teacher feel the need to broadcast his preference for homosexuality in a 9th grade German class?

Kudos to the Python clip.

where do you get that the teacher has a preference, or gives preferential treatment to homosexuality?

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