School stops enforcing King Obama's trans edict after parents pull kids from school

You have to punch these filth liberals right in the face, they always back down and run home to their mommas when confronted.
You're splitting hairs. The bottom line is when asked if he would let "Caitlyn" Jenner use the women's room at Trump Towers, he answered on one word, and with finality, no strings attached: "absolutely".

You can vote for whoever you want. Just know what they stand for before you do. That's all I'm saying. Knock yourself out. But don't be surprised when President Trump issues an executive order for any man identifying as a woman to use their showers etc. You're aware of course that Mr. Jenner still has all his male equipment, right?
You do realize he is contemplating on becoming Bruce again? So I also guess you think boys that think they are girls competing in women's sports is a good thing? Stripping girls all their hard work?
:lmao: Have you not read any of my threads???? Gawd. You can take your foot out of your mouth when you're
We're a bit off topic. As usual, Trump seems to make his way into every conversation.

Our twins attend a gym for gymnastics and the subject was brought up, then quickly dropped when the gym discovered the dropout rate would bankrupt them.

Not to mention the lawsuits for girls being traumatized having boys in the shower next to them...

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