Schumer’s SCOTUS threat was truly unprecedented, then he made it worse

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
If, then, the courts of justice are to be considered as the bulwarks of a limited Constitution against legislative encroachments, this consideration will afford a strong argument for the permanent tenure of judicial offices,” argued Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78.

If we needed a pristine example of why justices are bestowed lifetime appointments and shielded from the intimidation tactics of unethical politicians, Sen. Chuck Schumer has now provided us with one.

Speaking to pro-abortion protesters in front of the Supreme Court this week, the Senate minority leader threatened — there’s no other way to put it — two sitting justices with repercussions if they uphold a Louisiana law aimed at protecting babies who survive abortions.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Seems to me that Shumer has given Mr. Trump even more ammo to use in putting more constitutional originalists on the Supreme Court.

This sounds like an “abuse of power” to me. Sounds like a more severe version of what they tried to pin on Trump. Why is there no accountability?

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If, then, the courts of justice are to be considered as the bulwarks of a limited Constitution against legislative encroachments, this consideration will afford a strong argument for the permanent tenure of judicial offices,” argued Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78.

If we needed a pristine example of why justices are bestowed lifetime appointments and shielded from the intimidation tactics of unethical politicians, Sen. Chuck Schumer has now provided us with one.

Speaking to pro-abortion protesters in front of the Supreme Court this week, the Senate minority leader threatened — there’s no other way to put it — two sitting justices with repercussions if they uphold a Louisiana law aimed at protecting babies who survive abortions.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Seems to me that Shumer has given Mr. Trump even more ammo to use in putting more constitutional originalists on the Supreme Court.

One reason why I have no respect for Democrats and only limited respect for the GOP. If the Republicans weren't balless cowards, they would be screaming for Schumer's resignation / impeachment.

Problem is, unlike the Left, the GOP doesn't have legions of GOP puppet loyalists to go marching, demanding and protesting in the streets, talk shows and media.
Context of what Schumer already did to Kavanaugh and his family that even affected all woman in general, for the same Roe v. Wade motivation, makes this a more serious and verified proven consistant illegal conduct threat.
The supreme court has allowed itself to be infected by the worst kind of partisanship. This is what they have earned.
Chuckie, like all grandstanding lefty's, got caught up in the adulation from the frothing at the mouth baby killers.
The supreme court has allowed itself to be infected by the worst kind of partisanship. This is what they have earned.
1. The Supreme Court is not infected by partisanship. It is the Supreme Court and is made up of conservative and liberal justices, it is what it is, like it or not.
2. Any threats to any Federal judges is against the Law
. Threatening government officials of the United States - Wikipedia
Political threats are not threats as they are defined by the law. If the conservative judges overturn what is considered settled law they will face POLITICAL consequences, that's a fact.
The supreme court has allowed itself to be infected by the worst kind of partisanship. This is what they have earned.
1. The Supreme Court is not infected by partisanship. It is the Supreme Court and is made up of conservative and liberal justices, it is what it is, like it or not.
2. Any threats to any Federal judges is against the Law
. Threatening government officials of the United States - Wikipedia
Political threats are not threats as they are defined by the law. If the conservative judges overturn what is considered settled law they will face POLITICAL consequences, that's a fact.

Do not try to <<<<spin>>>> Schumer's threats as "political".
They were physical threats as anyone could see in the video.
Schumer needs to either be indicted, or censured, or should do us all a favor and resign.
If the conservative justices overturn anything it becomes settled law.
Political consequences will happen in 2021-2024
Trump will replace RBG with Amy Coney Barrett, ND.

Amy Coney Barrett - Wikipedia (age 47)

Then Trump will replace Breyer (81) with another young conservative justice.

Then in the ultimate FU to democrats, Thomas (74) will retire and Trump will name one last young conservative justice.
The supreme court has allowed itself to be infected by the worst kind of partisanship. This is what they have earned.

Oh, so Kagan, Ginsberg and Sotomayer aren't "partisan"? Give me a break, Occupied! The truth of the matter is that Republican nominees are much more "moderate" than Democratic nominees and have been for DECADES! Whenever your side seats someone...they're a flaming liberal.
The supreme court has allowed itself to be infected by the worst kind of partisanship. This is what they have earned.
1. The Supreme Court is not infected by partisanship. It is the Supreme Court and is made up of conservative and liberal justices, it is what it is, like it or not.
2. Any threats to any Federal judges is against the Law
. Threatening government officials of the United States - Wikipedia
Political threats are not threats as they are defined by the law. If the conservative judges overturn what is considered settled law they will face POLITICAL consequences, that's a fact.

What "POLITICAL consequences" would a sitting Supreme Court judge face exactly?
The supreme court has allowed itself to be infected by the worst kind of partisanship. This is what they have earned.
Your not getting your way and you want to take your ball home and cry. Elections have consequences, Barack Hussein Obama. Get over it.
The left think they can say whatever they want. Remember when that bitch Ginsburg ran her mouth about Trump?

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics

"He is a faker," she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. "He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. ... How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that."

The press is going easy on Trump???? Why are you saying anything, YOUR HONOR? STFU, you need to keep your clam shut.
The supreme court has allowed itself to be infected by the worst kind of partisanship. This is what they have earned.
1. The Supreme Court is not infected by partisanship. It is the Supreme Court and is made up of conservative and liberal justices, it is what it is, like it or not.
2. Any threats to any Federal judges is against the Law
. Threatening government officials of the United States - Wikipedia
Political threats are not threats as they are defined by the law. If the conservative judges overturn what is considered settled law they will face POLITICAL consequences, that's a fact.

What "POLITICAL consequences" would a sitting Supreme Court judge face exactly?

The politics of a street mob showing up at their home at some obscene hour. Think Robert stone or Tucker Carlson. Or perhaps getting denied service at a restaurant... or just being mobbed and attacked there. Today, civilized society faces imminent danger from uncivilized culture because protection has been hobbled by politics.

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The supreme court has allowed itself to be infected by the worst kind of partisanship. This is what they have earned.
1. The Supreme Court is not infected by partisanship. It is the Supreme Court and is made up of conservative and liberal justices, it is what it is, like it or not.
2. Any threats to any Federal judges is against the Law
. Threatening government officials of the United States - Wikipedia
Political threats are not threats as they are defined by the law. If the conservative judges overturn what is considered settled law they will face POLITICAL consequences, that's a fact.

What “political” consequences can someone with a lifetime appointment get?

It was a threat of violence.

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